Curse Marked: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Marked Series Book 1)

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Curse Marked: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Marked Series Book 1) Page 10

by Rinna Ford

  Xander kissed his way up my torso while I slowed my racing heart. He found my mouth and kissed me passionately and I returned it all back to him. This man was my everything, why was I trying to push him away?

  One of his hands moved from my hair in between our bodies until he found the fly of his jeans. He unbuttoned and pulled them down, revealing his stiff cock. Xan ran the tip over my ultra sensitive slit, and I hoarsely moaned against his mouth.

  "Are you sure about this, Emi?" he asked me. "Because once we do this, there's no turning back. You're mine forever."

  "I've never been surer of anything in my life," I reassured him. He didn't hesitate this time and plunged himself in, all the way to the hilt. We both groaned and my eyes rolled back in my head.

  "So good," I moaned and ran my hands down his muscular back.

  "Just wait. It gets even better."

  And it did. Xander stared down at me as he worked my body intently. The pressure slowly building until I felt a sensation I wasn't familiar with. My entire body tingled, especially at the points, our bodies touched. My hands on his back, my thighs on his hips, anywhere we were connected felt almost too intense. But, no matter how much I wanted to pull away, I couldn't. My soul craved every sensation, every throb, and I could tell that Xan felt it too because his eyes got wider with every thrust, his movements wilder.

  "This is it," he grunted out, not pausing. "You're mine forever."

  We both came at the same time and the tingles that connected us exploded into a million bright lights. Xander slowly stilled his movements and moved down onto his forearms. He kissed me long and slow, and a smile formed on his handsome face.

  As my heart rate once again began to slow back down to normal, I felt something inside me that wasn't there before. It was solid, almost tangible, but not unwanted. In fact, I felt at peace for once in my life.

  Xander slowly pulled out of me and got up onto his knees, tucking himself back into his jeans, looking down at me almost giddy.

  "What are you looking at?" I questioned with a smile.

  "Nothing," he replied, still smiling, and reached behind him to grab my clothing and shoes. "I'm just the happiest person on the planet right now, and I'm basking in that." He handed me my panties and jeans, and I slipped them up my wobbly legs before sitting up to put on my boots.

  I laughed as his goofy smile became contagious. "What?" I asked again.

  Xander held out his hand to help me up. "I'm just happy you agreed to bond with me," he said.

  I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion but still smiled because I couldn't help it. The happy feeling was just too overwhelming. "What do you mean? I thought we were already mates?"

  His face fell slowly as he considered how to answer my question. He approached me slowly, stopping my hands from buttoning up the last few buttons so I would look at him. "Emi, you know what we did was more than just great sex right?"

  "Of course, silly," I laughed.

  "But do you really know what that meant?" I silently thought about it and shook my head, realizing it meant way more than I anticipated.

  His face became ashen and he dropped my hands, turning away. Xander scrubbed his hands over his head and roared, making me wince.

  My dragon, who had been purring up until that moment became nervous and wanted out. She didn't feel threatened by Xander's outburst but needed to take control. She seemed disappointed in me, in my lack of understanding and thought she could smooth things over.

  I was having an internal battle with my dragon when Xander turned back around to face me, his look changed to one of determination. "Emi, you agreed that you're mine. I gave you every chance to back out and you didn't, so now we're bonded together, forever. Do you understand now?"

  "What do you mean, bonded? What does that mean?" My eyebrows knitted in confusion. I just wasn't getting it. It didn't matter that I was slowly getting my memories back, I still thought like a human. I got this impression that this bonding was a supernatural thing.

  "Emi, our souls are bonded now," he explained. His eyes were full of worry as he continued. "That feeling right here," he placed his palm flat against my sternum, "that's our bond solidified. When mates have sex for the first time, their souls bond together. It makes the mates stronger physically, emotionally, mentally, but also become dependent on each other. What we did was the most sacred thing we paranormals have, and you had no idea what you were doing other than having a good fuck."

  He quickly removed his hand and huffed out a laugh, non-humorously. Xander turned his back to me and put his hands on his hips while I absorbed everything he told me. Why didn't anyone tell me about this? Ainsley and Devlin had plenty of opportunities to tell me about this sacred ritual, and Xander! He just assumed I understood the significance of what we did with his cryptic questioning. I wanted him more than I ever wanted anyone, but I told him about my difficulty with forming attachments, and yet, he went there with me. He initiated it, working me into a frenzy until I would have agreed to absolutely anything.

  But, even though my head was screaming for me to run away, to yell at him and my uncles for not telling me about this, my heart and soul told me to think about it some more. That even though I was scared for what it all meant, that it was a good thing. I had always loved Xander, and I knew he would never hurt me. He wasn't his father. He wasn't all of my many foster parents, and he wasn't the Council for taking everything away from me fifteen years ago. He was the boy that looked at me as if I hung the moon, just for him, and he was mine.

  "That's not what I thought, Xander," I quietly replied. "I knew what we were doing was meaningful. I knew it was more than a one-time thing, and I knew it meant something incredible for both of us. Yes, I was unaware of the exact meaning and how it would affect us, but I wasn't completely ignorant about how important it was."

  He turned around, as I was about to continue when a deafening explosion shook the ground and made both of us stumble. I looked toward the direction of the sound and realized it was coming from the area of the cabin.

  "Devlin. Ainsley!" I cried out in horror and took off running toward the cabin.

  I didn't get too far when I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up and lower me to the ground. "Shhh. Quiet, Emelia," Xander whispered.

  I heard shouting coming from multiple voices, none of them familiar, and I knew that I had been running into something very dangerous. In the last month, I had been living at the cabin with my uncles, no one ever visited other than Xander, and that was only because he was looking for his mate after her first real shift. No amount of magic could have kept him away. Devlin kept our location extremely well protected, so that meant somehow, whoever was after me found out another way to find me.

  Chapter Sixteen

  "What do we do?" I whispered to Xan, not taking my eyes off the cabin. My instinct was to run and run far away, but Devlin and Ainsley were in that cabin. I couldn't leave behind two of the only people in my life to ever love me enough to put up with my crazy bullshit. They were my family.

  Xander remained silent, ignoring my question and just watched, as about a dozen or more men surrounded the building. They were launching exploding orbs at the cabin, but each one seemed to fizzle out before hitting it. Devlin's protection spell seemed to be holding up well.

  "Casters," Xan muttered, almost disgustedly. "They're all casters."

  I looked at each and every one of the men and noticed that almost all of them were doing magic. However, there were two men among the fray that were talking, strategizing. As I looked closer at one of the men, I began to feel a bit of nervousness that I couldn't describe. I shifted my crouched position but couldn't get comfortable. It was as if I needed to move, to walk in his direction.

  He was part of the attacking group, and yet I needed to go to him, to be near him. It made me feel even more anxious than I already was. I gasped as understanding hit me. I felt that urge a few days before when I met Xander in the forest. It was the same exact feeling, and I knew it
could only mean one thing. But that was impossible! I already had my mate! I couldn't have another, right? But, I was half shifter and half caster. Could it be that I had a mate for each part of me?

  The man was in a gray suit; no tie and the first few buttons of his white shirt were unbuttoned. His dark brown hair was styled almost perfectly, and his nearly red lips contrasted against his fair skin. He was completely opposite in looks and dress from Xander, but still just as gorgeous.

  I studied him further, and he seemed a bit nervous as well. He was shifting from foot to foot, and looking toward the cabin and all around as if he were trying to find something. Or someone. I gasped again, and his eyes whipped toward where Xan and I were hiding.

  I pulled on Xander's arm, making him duck down further so that we were completely behind the boulder. “Shit. Shit. Shit,” I muttered and closed my eyes tightly. Xander gave me a funny look, then peered over the large rock.

  “Emi, do you know that guy?” he asked.

  How did I explain this to him? I mean, we just sealed our mating bond, and now it may be possible that he’d have to share me with someone else, someone who could possibly be my enemy! It would be a big, gigantic disaster on so many levels.

  “No, I don’t know him,” I said in a tired, sing-song voice. “Is he still looking over here?”

  Xander’s eyebrows furrowed, but then he kneeled back behind the rock. “No, he’s not there anymore.”

  I sprang to my knees and looked back to where he was standing, to see that he was gone. The rest of the casters were still there, including the man he was talking to, but my possible caster mate was missing.

  “Where did he go?” I quietly asked, almost to myself.

  “I’m right here, lass,” someone with a rich, Scottish voice said from several feet away. My eyes went wide when I saw the man standing there with a look of desperation on his face. Xander quickly jumped up and pushed me behind him, letting out a low growl.

  “Hey there beast, why are you between me and my mate?” the stranger asked Xan. “Don’t you know that’s rude?”

  “Not yours,” Xander continued to growl, “mine.”

  I closed my eyes and gripped Xander’s sweatshirt in my fists. This was all wrong. I needed to get out of there. Xan and I both did before anything else happened, to my uncle or us.

  “I know for a fact she’s mine. Why don’t you just ask her?”

  “Emi? What is he talking about?” Xan asked me, without moving from his defensive position.

  I sighed. “I don’t know what’s going on, Xan. I really don’t.” It was true. I didn’t understand any of it and yet, I felt the pull.

  “You heard her. She doesn’t know you,” Xander gritted through his what I was sure, then sharp teeth.

  “You better move before I make you move. She’s my mate,” the stranger told Xan, obviously getting frustrated.

  “I’d like to see you try, witch.”

  “Okay! Stop!” I jumped out from behind Xander and in between the two men. I held my hands out as if pushing them both back. I looked from one man to the other, and I could feel a pull coming from both of them. Xander’s was stronger, my guess was because we completed our bond, but the stranger’s was there nonetheless.

  “Lass, I know you can feel it,” the caster said, almost pleading. “Please, come with me, and I’ll make you the happiest lady in the world.”

  “Why would I do that?” I snapped at him. “You’re here with the group attacking my family. My home.”

  Xander stepped forward all the way so that my back was touching his rumbling chest.

  “That’s your family?” the stranger asked. His expression became panicked. “You’re the half-breed then?”

  “Watch your mouth, witch,” Xander growled.

  “Yes, I am,” I replied, tilting my chin up. “My name is Emelia Von Brandt, but my guess is you already knew that. Now, please leave and take your lackeys with you.”

  His shoulders slumped and he sighed and looked up to the sky. “Fuck. What am I supposed to do?” he said, talking to himself, obviously. Then he lowered his gaze back on me and licked his lips. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. You see, you’re a wanted lady, and the Council always gets their man, or woman, in this case. I’m afraid you’ll have to come with me.” He took a step closer and held out his hand. “I promise, I’ll help you. I’m an important man on the Council. They wouldn’t let my mate come to harm. I swear.” He took another slow step, but still several feet away. “Please, Millie.”

  “Not going to happen,” I told him. “And, don’t call me Millie.” My dragon was beating against my barriers, wanting to come out and fight, but I had a better idea. I reached behind me, grabbing one of Xander’s hands. Devlin had told me how he teleported us to the cabin my first day there. He gave me the mechanics, but I hadn’t been able to try it. This seemed like as good a time as any. I closed my eyes and imagined Xander and myself in the living room of the cabin.

  “No! Stop!” the stranger yelled, and he lunged for us. But I imagined it so clearly, that within a single second, I felt tingles spread over my body. When the tingles stopped I opened my eyes to see that I had teleported us inside the cabin.

  "Well done, you," Devlin smiled. He was standing by the front window, holding back the curtain so he could see out into the yard. He didn't seem the least bit panicked.

  "Is it true?" Xander grabbed onto my bicep and turned me around. His eyes showing how hurt and angry he was about the possibility.

  "Is what true?" Ainsley asked, walking into the living room from the downstairs hallway. He was carrying a couple of spellbooks in his arms. He handed them over to Devlin then turned his attention to Xan and me.

  "Now's not the time!" I exclaimed and wrenched my arm out of his grasp. "We're being attacked and no one seems to care!" I threw my arms up and groaned as the house rocked on its foundation from another orb blast.

  "We're fine," Devlin rolled his eyes. "They won't be able to get through my defenses, no matter how hard they try." He set the books down on the kitchen table and began leafing through one of them.

  I turned to Ainsley and raised my eyebrows in exasperation. "Is he serious?" I asked. "Because there are at least a dozen casters out there, one of which says he's my mate!"

  "Wait. You talked to one of them?" Ainsley asked as he took a couple of steps toward me, definitely interested in this conversation.

  "Yes, a preppy-looking mother fucker with a Scottish brogue," Xander replied and plopped down on the sofa.

  I threw my arms up again as Xander was making himself comfortable in the middle of a freaking attack. Why was I the only one panicking over this?

  Ainsley seemed to be ignoring Xan's attitude. "Wait. You have another mate? Two men, you lucky duck! Was he hot?"

  "Ugh! Ainsley! So not the time!" I groaned and stormed over to where Devlin was, still looking for a spell to use.

  "I want to help," I said. "What are you looking for?"

  He slid one of the books over to me and replied, "I'm looking for a teleportation spell. I know there's one in here, but I can't remember the fucking page number."

  My brows furrowed and I began looking through the spell book. "Is there a table of contents, or glossary, or something like that?"

  Devlin stopped what he was doing and raised one eyebrow. "No." Then went back to searching.

  I sighed. "What's the name of the spell?"

  "Teleporting Large Objects. I used it once when I moved the cabin to this location fifteen years ago, and now I can't find it."

  "Wait, we're teleporting the cabin? Do you have a place in mind to take it to?"

  "Yup, I have it all planned out. Now I just have to find the spell!" He was getting more and more frustrated with every page he turned.

  I also began flipping pages until I found one labeled, 'Teleporting Large Objects,’ just as Dev had described. I stared at it for a few seconds, then slid the book back to my uncle. He immediately picked it up and walked down the ha
ll toward his study. I looked at Ainsley and Xan, who were both sitting on the couch looking put out, and decided to leave them be and follow my uncle.

  When I got into the study, Devlin was already working over his desk, and when I got closer I noticed that he was looking at a map, and had a few other interesting objects situated off to the side of it. There was a black crystal, a compass, and a watch.

  "What can I do?" I asked and pulled up a chair to the desk.

  "Just wait. I may need your energy to get this thing moving," he told me. There was a small break of silence between us as Devlin looked over the map, and then he asked, "Did the caster really say he was your mate?"

  I sighed. "Yeah, he did." I leaned back in my chair, exhausted. "The thing is, Dev, I felt the same pull toward him that I felt toward Xander when I saw him a few days ago. How is that possible? How can I have two mates?"

  The house rocked again as another orb hit the barrier around the house, making me jump.

  "Honestly, Firecracker, I was afraid of that happening," he told me. I gripped the armrests on the chair and waited to hear more about his theory. "No one knows exactly what would come from a child of mixed supernatural breeding, so it's all just guessing with you. I knew you had your shapeshifting abilities, so Xander wasn't a big surprise," he chuckled. "I assumed that shapeshifting was dominant, and that would be the breed your mate would come from. But then, today you began to use your casting abilities, and I wondered if your abilities would be evenly split. It would stand to reason, that you're a full shifter and a full caster, all in a petite, redheaded body. That means you have a mate for each part of you."

  "When I felt the pull of that guy, I thought that was the case too." I sighed. "What am I going to do, Dev? He's with the enemy! He probably led them here." I sat up straight, my body going rigid. "Oh shit. He probably led them here. But, he seemed surprised to find out that I was the half-breed he was sent to find."

  Devlin shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows, kid? Just promise me, that whatever you do, you do what makes you happy. If it means accepting this traitor caster as your mate, then do that. But then you need to think about Xander. I don't think he'll take the idea of sharing you all that well."


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