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Curse Marked: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Marked Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Rinna Ford

  It made sense, but I still hated the idea of being on the run. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Even though I was over the moon with the idea of having someone in my life to love me for me, and choose me above everyone and everything, the bad stuff almost seemed to overshadow the fact that I was a bonded mate. I wanted to be happy, I really did, but I just couldn't.

  "Where are we going?" I asked. He seemed to have the destination in mind because he wasn't using GPS or a map to get there. It had to be someplace he was familiar with.

  "I have a cabin up on the side of that mountain right there." He leaned forward and pointed slightly to the left, to a single mountain in the distance. "The only people that know about it are my parents, my buddy, Kraig because he helped me build it, and me. It's not even in my name, so no one will even suspect that we'll be there.

  "Won't that caster know how to find me?" I nervously looked down at my hands in my lap. "Dev told me that because he is my... my caster mate, that he was probably able to lead that group of casters to us."

  I peeked at Xan from behind my hair and saw that he was clenching his jaw so tightly that I thought he was going to break his teeth. "I won't share you, Emi," he growled and gripped the steering wheel even tighter. "You are my mate. Mine!"

  "Xander," I said to him as calmly as possible, "please calm down before you get us in a wreck. I'm not saying that I'd accept him, I was just asking if he'd be able to find us again. I have no intention of ever sealing the bond with him."

  His grip on the steering wheel loosened, and his body became a little more relaxed after I reassured him. I sighed in relief knowing we’d have a greater chance of making it to Xan's cabin unharmed.

  "His name is Ronan Young," he said, quietly. "He works directly under Michael Ironshot, your mother’s mate."

  I gulped. "How well do you know him?"

  He shrugged his shoulders. "I know him better than I'd like to admit. I'm sure you've guessed that I don't work with the Council, and that's because I choose not to." He chuckled. "I've never wanted to be a part of it. Politics aren't really my thing. But Ronan sees it as a lack of ambition and likes to push my buttons whenever he can. You see, he wants your stepdad's job, and he wants it bad, so he has 'ambition' to spare. I’m pretty sure that Scottish witch will do anything to get the head Councilman position, including selling out his mate." He gritted out that last word almost painfully.

  So, that was that. I was right to refuse him. It hurt more than I wanted to admit; because even though the idea of two mates scared the shit out of me, I couldn't deny the feelings I had when I was near him, or the intense need to be with him. It was almost as natural as breathing.

  "Will he be able to find me?" I asked again. I was proud of how strong and assertive my voice sounded, despite the sadness that consumed me.

  "If he's within a certain radius of you he will, just like you'll be able to find him," he sighed, still angry. "But, the initial hunt that male paranormals have for their mates is over. The ability to locate our females only lasts until the first meeting, and the desire to search for them fades, especially if the female doesn’t reciprocate. He won’t be able to track you as he did before. And like I said, no one should be able to find us out here.”

  I sighed and my gaze went back down to my hands that were lying in my lap. I was relieved, but not surprisingly, still a little sad. I wouldn’t let Xander know that I was disappointed with the idea that he wouldn’t be able to find me again, so I gave my mate a small smile. “Good,” I told him.

  Before we could say anything else, Xan turned onto a narrow dirt road. The road wasn’t labeled and unless you knew it was there, you would drive right past it. I wondered if Xan had a caster spell it to be so inconspicuous to others.

  The road weaved around the rocks, trees, and shrubs that made up the natural landscape. Maybe it was because I spent most of my life in a busy city, but I just couldn’t get over how calm and peaceful the forest was, how much it felt like home, even this place that I’d never been to before.

  We drove along slowly for several minutes until we came upon a beautiful cabin nestled in the side of the mountain, just as Xan said. I leaned forward in my seat as we approached it to take it all in. The facade was made from stones, and they matched perfectly with the landscape around it. There was a stream that ran around the back of the house, and once Xan turned off the car, I heard what sounded like a waterfall off in the distance.

  I opened the car door and put one foot on the ground, lifting myself out of my seat so I could take more of it in. Xander also got out of the car and rounded the trunk to the back seat on the passenger side, and took out my backpack, hooking it over one shoulder.

  He closed the door and jerked to a stop as his eyes locked on the front porch. “Oh shit,” he said. I looked to him first and saw complete surprise and horror written on his face, then to where he was staring.

  On the front porch, stood a woman straight out of my newly acquired memories. I had nothing but fond memories of Della Liu, Xander’s mom, but I could tell by Xan’s colorful language that her being here wasn’t in the plans.


  Chapter Nineteen

  "Xander," Della called out from the top step on the front porch. "Where have you been? Your father and I have been looking for you everywhere!" I almost forgot that she was French until I heard her talk. It didn't matter that she was scolding her son, she still sounded elegant and smooth.

  Xander moved over to stand right beside me, as his mom walked down the remaining steps in a gorgeous pair of Louis Vuitton's that easily cost more than my yearly salary at the homeless shelter. She was pure style and class, and everything I wasn't. I forgot how much she intimidated me.

  "Ma, I found my mate," he told her, a genuine smile stretched across his face, and he put his arm across my back and along my hip, pulling me close. Della stopped in her tracks, anger replaced by excitement and wonder and she looked us over.

  "You did?!" she exclaimed. She clapped her hands together in glee, and crossed the last few steps, enveloping me in a tight hug. "Oh, my sweet girl! I'm so happy!" She pulled back so she could look at me full on, and then turned to Xander. "You did well, ma chéri," and hugged him too.

  When she finally let go of him, she turned back to me. "Tell me, what is your name? Who is your family? I want to know everything!" Then she wedged herself between Xan and me, putting her arm through the crook of my elbow, and led me toward the front door. "Don't be shy, mon ange, we're family now! Tell me everything!"

  I looked back to my mate, pleading for help, and he just smiled and shook his head. I was on my own. He was loving this, even though the situation wasn't ideal. We were supposed to be in hiding, not meeting the parents for a weekend away.

  "Chei Yun!" she yelled as we walked through the front door. "Come see who your son has brought to meet us!" I stopped walking, my heart sinking down into my stomach. Xander came up on my other side, and put his hand in mine, lending me his strength.

  Xander’s father rounded the corner coming from the hallway with a warm smile for his wife. "Who is this, my love?"

  His eyes cut to mine, and he studied me for a few seconds, his eyes brimming with intelligence.

  "This is my mate, Anne," Xander interjected and gave his father a hug. Quick thinking on Xan's part, he must have remembered when I’d told him that was the name I was given when I thought I was human. It was a bad idea to call me by my real name. They'd know who my parents were and that I was a half-breed, as Ronan called me. Then they'd turn me in as Chei Yun did before.

  "Welcome, Anne," Chei Yun told me and held his out hand in greeting. I hesitantly took it. He didn’t shake my hand, but held it firm and studied my features, making me even more nervous. “You are a dragon,” he surmised.

  “I am.”

  “Mon coeur, they will have beautiful dragon babies, I know it!” Della clasped her hands together once again with excitement.

  Chei Yun let go of my ha
nd gently and put both of his behind his back, allowing me to drop mine to my sides. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans in nervousness.

  “Refreshments!” Della said and scurried toward what I assumed was the kitchen. “I am sure that you two are famished!”

  “We are,” Xander replied, “but I think Anne wants to get freshened up first. We’ve been in the car for a whole day.”

  Della stopped in her tracks and spun on her heels, giving Xan an exasperated look. “You mean, you didn’t stop at a hotel for the night? Xander! I know that I taught you better than that! Making your mate sleep in a car!” She tisked her tongue, then reached forward and grabbed me by the hand, leading me down a hall. “I promise you mon ange, he is not as rough around the edges as he appears.” Della got to the end of the hall and let go of my hand, reaching for the twin doorknobs on a pair of french doors, swinging them inward. She strolled inside the most gorgeous bedroom I had ever seen, and walked directly toward another door on the right, turning the light on. “This is Xander’s bedroom, and now yours as well,” she told me. “This is the bathroom. You will find towels, a bathrobe, and everything else you’ll need. Tell me mon ange, do you have a change of clothes?”

  I nodded my head and gulped. “Yeah, yes. Xan has my backpack, and there should be a change of clean clothes in it.” She gave me a strange look, but then wiped it away.

  “A backpack?” She tisked again, “I will have words with my son about how he treats his mate! A backpack is not suitable luggage!”

  She turned and began walking back out into the hall, but I reached out and snagged her arm. “It’s not his fault,” I told her. “We kind of left in a hurry, and that was all I had time to take.”

  Her eyes softened when she saw how panicked I was, and I could feel the sympathy coming off of her in waves. She held both of my hands in hers and studied me.

  "You've been through something life-changing, and not necessarily good." She wasn't asking a question, merely stating what she saw in my eyes. I quickly averted them, looking anywhere but at Della, and pulled out of her grasp. "I'm sorry, mon ange, I didn't mean to pry. Anne, you may not know me very well yet, but we're family now." I turned back around and looked into her sincere eyes. "Some families are good, and some are bad. I know from experience, and I think you do too. But, one day I hope to earn your trust, and when I do, I will celebrate. Yes?"

  My eyes filled with tears, and I let out a little laugh. "Thank you."

  "You are very welcome, mon ange.” She turned and walked toward the bedroom door. "I will send my son in with your sack, but I cannot promise that I won't send in more clothing for you as well. Every woman needs to have options." She raised her eyebrow, to punctuate her statement, then strode out the door, closing it behind her before I had a chance to respond.

  I fondly remembered Della Liu from when I was a child. She was great friends with my mom, and even though I knew she didn't quite approve of my relationship with her son, she cared for me as if I were her own daughter. I was always in awe of her beauty and grace and told my mom several times that I wanted to be like her.

  Della was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met, and her son was just as stunning. It was easy to see the resemblance. She had the most amazing sable brown eyes, and they contrasted perfectly against her dark brown skin, making her look ethereal. Xander’s complexion was a few shades lighter than his mother’s because of his mixed heritage, but he managed to get his mother's gorgeous eyes along with some of her other classic features. I wondered if our children would have those eyes as well.

  Children, what? Shaking my head to clear out of those thoughts, because it was way too soon to be thinking about children, I marched into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. There was a large walk-in shower on the left with a jacuzzi tub just behind it. I looked at the tub with longing but decided that the shower was my best option since I didn’t want to keep Della and Chei Yun waiting. I turned the knobs and held my hand under the spay until it was hot enough to make steam.

  What was I going to do? How could I pretend not to loathe Xan's father for what he had done to me and my family? All because of a stupid fucking rule. What would Dev tell me to do?

  My heart began hurting at the thought of my uncle, and I broke out into gut-wrenching sobs. I leaned forward, putting one hand on the cool tile and wept for my uncles, and how they’d sacrificed themselves for me. Why couldn't I have saved them? Why didn't they come with us? If Xan and I were able to escape, why weren't they able to also? So many questions went through my head as my tears mixed with the spray from the showerhead. Large warm hands wrapped around my waist, startling me. I turned around quickly to find Xander standing there, his expression worried.

  "Come here," he said softly and held his arms out to me. "You can be mad at me later." I didn't hesitate. I threw myself into my mate's arms and cried into his naked chest.

  "Why did they have to do that?" I asked, not expecting an answer. "They could have come with us! Why did they have to leave me? Why, Xan? I just don't get it!"

  "I know, honey," he replied, squeezing me a little tighter. "I know it hurts, but they had a reason for doing what they did. We may not completely understand it, and we may not like it, but they were at peace with what they did for us. For you. It's going to take time, but one day you'll be at peace with it too."

  I pulled my face away from his muscled chest and scowled at him. "I won't ever be okay with that, Xander."

  He sighed. "That's not what I meant, you're just too upset and angry to realize it, and you should be. It's tragic what happened to them, to you. What I mean is, you will always be sad when you think of that night, but eventually you'll understand that what they did, they did out of love. And that, mate, is the noblest thing a person can do."

  I let that sink in for a few minutes and the water streamed down our bodies. The tears continued to fall, although slower this time. My anguish morphed into anger the more I thought about it. "I need to make them pay first," I growled, "the Council and those who do their dirty work. They will all pay first for what they've done to me and my family. Then, I will be at peace, as you call it." The last few words came out as a sneer, and I forcibly pulled myself apart from Xan.

  "That's my girl," he smiled. "I wondered where your fire went." I gave him my best 'go to hell' look, then turned to grab the shampoo bottle. He took it from my hand, and popped the top, filling his palm with the soapy substance. "You can be mad at me later," he repeated. "Right now, let me finish taking care of my mate, okay?"

  Without responding verbally, I put my face on his chest and wrapped my arms around his back while he worked the shampoo through my long locks. I couldn't remember the last time someone pampered me. I certainly didn't get that kind of treatment in my foster homes, and I never let any of my previous bed partners get close enough.

  I relaxed as he washed and conditioned my hair, and then reached for the body wash to clean the rest of me. It took me a second, but as his hands roamed over every dip and curve of my body I realized that he wasn't using the loofa that had been hanging on the silver shower knob. I raised my eyebrows at him in question, and he shrugged unapologetically.

  "Now that I've found you, nothing will ever come between us, including a loofa. I love your body, your mind, your fire, your dragon, and your soul. Nothing will ever change that, Emi, so you better get used to me touching you, because I'm never going to stop. Even when you're mad at me."

  Now, how could I stay mad at that? I reached up and locked my hands behind his neck, pulling him down to press his lips to mine. He kissed me roughly, as he put his hands under my ass and backed me into the shower wall. Xan lifted me up with ease and before I could wrap my legs around his waist, he drove me down onto his length. My back arched and I moaned as the incredible feeling rolled through me.

  "This isn't going to be like before," he told me. "It's going to be..."

  "Shut up and fuck me, Xan," I told him impatiently.

  He smirked
and then thrusted up, hard and deep, making my eyes roll back in my head. "That's my girl. I'm going to angry fuck you, and then I'm going to finish cleaning you nice and gentle. You get that, Emi?" He thrusted again, and I moaned out loud.

  "Xander," I gritted through my teeth. "Less talking, more fucking!"

  He didn't need any further demanding, because he began moving in and out of me like he was a machine. He squeezed me tight between his body and the wall, as he moved his hips up and down, hitting me in all the right places.

  "Like this, Emi?" he growled.

  "Yessss," I told him, with closed eyes. My body began to hum with that exquisite feeling I craved, as he continued to pound into me until finally, I moaned my release. Xan's mouth came down onto mine, smothering the sound and only a few deep thrusts later, he came long and hard.

  I put my hand against his chest and felt the rapid beat of his heart. It matched my own almost perfectly, and I grinned because of it. "You're mine, Emi girl," he told me and put his forehead against mine. "Always."

  I nodded my understanding, just before he backed up a step and put me down. When my feet were flat on the tile floor, he reached for the body wash once again, squirting some of it into his palm. I took the loofa off the handle and held it out to him. Xan stopped mid-motion and raised one eyebrow.

  "I thought I told you about that." Then began cleaning my body with his hands once again, just like he said he always would.

  Chapter Twenty

  Xan handed me one of the fluffy white bathrobes that were hanging on the hooks behind the bathroom door. The other one was identical to the one he gave me, only larger. I raised my eyebrow in question.

  “I’ve been waiting for you for a while, Emi.” That was his only explanation as he slipped his on and padded out into the bedroom.


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