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Page 5

by M J Marstens

  “Good girls get rewarded; bad girls get punished,” the incubus adds.

  I chortle around the satyr’s dick.


  No one here wants me to be a ‘good girl’, least of all me.

  I reach my middle finger down and drag it over my clit piercing; effectively flipping off Alû and bringing a sharp burst of pleasure to my core.

  I hear the gun turn off and try to look down, but Marsyas now has both hands on either side of my head and I’m powerless to move. I feel a warm puff of air on my bared pussy and know Alû is about to unleash hell on me.

  Satan save me.

  Alû draws his tongue from the crack of my ass up to my bejeweled nub, and back down again. He does this three times and then restarts the gun. I almost whimper, but his tongue returns and now I’m worried.

  Shouldn’t he be watching what he’s doing?!

  My hands fly up to Marsyas and squeeze his balls in urgency.

  The satyr takes a hint and comes down my throat and I quickly swallow it all before wrenching my mouth from his cock. I look down at Alû, who is now eating my pussy out in earnest, and see the damn gun moving of its own accord.

  Alû is tongue-deep in my snatch and searching for the promised land.

  When he curls his pink appendage, my pussy spasms and starts throbbing.

  I feel his teeth work the flesh of my outer lips and his tongue is probing me in ways I never knew possible. Clearly, I underestimated the power of the mouth muscle. But that’s neither here nor there because I’m riding the edge, and I’m about to fall over.

  Just as my orgasm crests, like the sun peeking over the horizon at dawn, the tattoo gun gives one last savage jab and I lose it. I explode into a million pieces and hover in non-existence for a second.

  Through the slits of my eyes, it looks like my clam stamp is glowing, but when I finally crash down from my high, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  That is, if you don’t count a crown fit for a queen perched over elegant scrawl reading ‘Your Vagesty’ right above your labia out of the ordinary.

  A Case of the Fire Crotch


  I’m walking around New Orleans with a swagger. I don’t wanna brag, but I got a freaking tat on my hoo-haw.

  I’m sure there are plenty of tatted twats in this town, but did they come while riding the face of incubus during the process?

  I doubt it.

  So now I’m acting like I’m hot shit.

  Alû has graciously taken us to a few restaurants.

  It’s slightly concerning how much food I can consume, but Alû assures me that all liminals need large amounts of energy because of our power outtake. And apparently, this energy consumption can be done in many ways, eating is just one pleasurable choice.

  Sex is another.

  I should combine them and have a fucking feast fit for a succubus.

  “What are you thinking?” Alû asks with interest next to.

  We’re at an ice cream parlor, now, finishing our sundaes. I don’t recall my twin ever having ice cream. I’m irritated on her behalf. How do you live here for as long as she did and never try ice cream?

  It’s a shame, for sure.

  She really missed out.

  Suddenly, my clam stamp starts tingling. The tingling becomes an itching that quickly becomes a burning.

  “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!” I yell in pain.

  I jump up and start patting the front of my jean shorts, expecting to see smoke and flames. There’s nothing there, but the burning sensation doesn’t dissipate.

  Something’s wrong.

  When we left the tattoo parlor, I hadn’t even needed to bandage my pussy. Magical tattooing and all that shit means insta-healing.

  No three-week recovery time for me.

  So what the fuck is happening right now, I have no clue.

  All I know is the pain, and not the sexy kind, the excruciating kind.

  I fumble with the button of my shorts and finally yank it apart. I pull down the fly and spread the fabric to reveal my tattoo. Once golden, it is now an angry red that’s almost glowing.



  I grab my sundae and shove that fucker down the front of my shorts.

  The cold treat melts against my fiery skin, instantly cooling it.

  I let out an audible sigh and look around at the ice cream shop. Everyone is gaping at me in varying levels of shock and horror. I, too, am stunned.

  What an absolute waste of sugary goodness.

  But my pussy would disagree.

  Her greedy lips appreciate the cold delight soothing the unholy burn.

  I look on, feeling slightly embarrassed. This might be my first time in the human world, but even I know exposing your lady bits and shoving food down your pants is frowned upon. I look to Alû and Marsyas for help, but even they seem at a loss for words.

  Well, this is my mess and I’ll clean it up.

  “Ugh, I hope the ice cream doesn’t melt into my ass crack,” I mutter, but everyone still hears me in the deafening silence.

  That probably didn’t help. . .

  I let out a nervous laugh and just blurt out what comes to my head next:

  “I scream; you scream. We all scream for ice cream, ahhhhhhh!” I pantomime screaming.

  It’s hard to take me seriously when bits of banana and whip cream are dripping from your cooch.

  “I had fire crotch, ok? Don’t judge me!”

  This seems to break the spell of silence and instantly, the humans begin talking, moving, running away. . .

  Judging me.

  Chiron can go fuck himself because these human bitches are all sorts of judgey little cunts. Not at all the innocent, mind-your-own-business kind like he led me to believe.

  Of course, Marsyas and Alû are laughing at my plight. I glare at the unhelpful fuckers and Alû finally gets up and tugs me to the exit.

  “Let’s go, Fire Crotch, before you get arrested.”

  Ugh, jail. That place sounds shitty.

  So does school and church, but humans are very touchy about their traditions, so I know to keep this all to myself.

  We head to a deserted alley and I shift into liminality and back to clean myself.

  “What happened back there?” Marsyas asks.

  “I don’t know; my clam stamp just started burning out of nowhere. Like I legit thought it was on fire. Didn’t you see how red it was? It was practically glowing!”

  “No, sorry, I didn’t see it. Your ice cream was in the way,” he chortles and I smack his arm.

  “This isn’t funny!”

  “What were you thinking about?” Alû queries.


  “I asked what you were thinking about, when it started burning,”

  I look at the incubus like he’s insane.

  “I don’t know. What’s that got to do with anything?!”

  He shrugs nonchalantly.

  “I didn’t know if you were thinking of my tongue, jabbing into your thatched cottage, and you got all hot and bothered. . .”

  Marsyas and I lose it at ‘thatched cottage’.

  Fucking humanisms.

  “Well, I think we should leave New Orleans. I’m sure the police are searching for you and your fire crotch.” Alû says.

  “I wonder what the wanted poster looks like,” Marsyas comments. “A brunette with red pubic hair?”

  I stick my tongue out at him.

  “Where do you need to go?” I ask Alû.

  “Where do you want to go?” he parries.

  “New York. Times Square.”

  I say this matter-of-factly and his gaze sharpens at my assertive answer.

  “Perfect,” he purrs.

  Marsyas and I take Alû’s hand and we dissolve into ether and then reappear into a similarly deserted alleyway. This one also smells like piss and human trash. I wonder which liminal is tasked with cleaning this planet up.

  Good freaking luck to th
at person.

  “This way,” Alû announces excitedly, tugging the satyr and me out of the small road and into the bustling streets of New York.


  Everywhere I look, there are lights.



  “New York should be Hollywood,” I mumble to myself.

  Alû weaves his way around tourists like a pro, hellbent on our destination. I’m holding his hand and Marsyas is holing mine. We make a small train of people and choo-choo along the sidewalk. With Alû as the conductor, it leaves me free to gape at all the sights and sounds around me.

  And smells.

  My stomach rumbles and Marsyas laughs, hearing it above the din all around us.

  “How can you possibly still be hungry? You ate more than three grown men back in New Orleans and you had dessert!” he teases.

  “Uh, I only ate more than two grown men and most of my dessert went to my south lips, remember?”

  “Yeah, that was a shame. I was hoping you would let me lick you clean.”

  Fucking sexy satyr is going to be the death of me.

  We take a few more turns and then suddenly, we’re there.

  Or here.

  Or everywhere, if I’m looking at the big screens looming over the square.

  Time to spread some love and sex.

  The Orgy That Rocked the World


  “Be right back!” I crow in delight.

  I dash off into the crowd, hearing Alû shout at me to wait.

  Wait. . . for what?

  There’s no time like the present for an orgy.

  I let my power flow down to my fingers, infusing them with tingly energy.

  I throw out my arms and let the power flow down and out the tips of my fingers. I can feel it spread outward in a steady stream, affecting everyone immediately within a five-mile radius.

  That’s right, a five-mile radius.

  That’s impressive as fuck, especially considering it’s making everyone within said five-mile radius hornier that a teen boy about to get laid for the first time.

  The once-bustling square now becomes a hive of different activity. People are struggling to get their clothes off in their haste to fuck. Adults are going at one another like this is their last chance for nooky. Kids are standing there in confusion.

  I pause in my gleeful contemplation. . . kids?!

  Even I know that’s not a good thing.

  Oh shit.

  Alû and Marsyas have finally caught up with me and their faces mirror the same panicked look as mine.

  “Help me fix this!” I screech at the incubus.

  Together, we fling our arms out and suck back in the heavy, erotic energy swirling all around. It takes a few minutes, but eventually, we get it all contained.

  Now the square is full of crying and screaming.

  Grown men and women alike are darting about, trying to find their clothes, their loved ones, their dignity. . .

  And above us, the jumbo screen displays it all, like a live soap opera.

  This. . . can’t be good.

  “This isn’t good,” Alû stammers.

  Well fuck.

  Time to call the big dogs.

  “VENUS!” I roar mentally.

  Instantly, she pops into existence, but in human form.

  “Hey, what’s going? Is everything o-”

  She cuts off mid-sentence, looking at the carnage around her.

  “This isn’t good,” she cringes.

  Suddenly, the air crackles, and Vesta, Ceres, Water, and the other Liminal Academy instructors manifest into the square.

  Vesta’s eyes are wide behind her spectacles and she looks like the perfectly shocked schoolmarm who caught her students fucking in the janitor’s closet. Her eyes track around Time Square and stop when they land on me.

  And Marsyas.

  And Alû.

  Just as quickly, her eyes narrow to slits.

  “Who’s responsible for this?” she thunders in a voice that makes me about piss myself.

  I have the childish urge to point at the nearest human, but the closest is a lone man, bent over at the waist, with his pants around his ankles and his fingers deep in his own ass. Apparently, in his needy haste, he did some self-loving.

  On second thought, this guy looks culpable as fuck.

  I hook a thumb in his direction and bless Alû and Marsyas, they do the same.

  Vesta looks nonplussed at the human man, before realizing he can’t possibly be the culprit.

  “There is a reason first and second-semester students are not allowed into the human realm,” Vesta says bitingly.

  “I can’t fix this,” Venus says softly, next to us. “This is bigger than meets the eyes. This is world-wide and you know what the Universe says about events that are bigger than a small group of people.”

  “Not to tamper with it,” Vesta supplies in a clipped voice. “Let us pray the fall-out is not too severe. Venus, do what you can to mitigate the damage. I am taking these liminals back to the academy and calling Chiron. It’s long overdue that he’s returned.”

  My heart leaps at the mention of Chiron’s name.

  I knew a little naughtiness would have him coming around.

  And then my dancing heart trips and crashes at my feet thinking of how pissed he’s going to be this time. I meant to cause trouble, but not like this.

  Vesta takes my hand; Ceres takes Marsyas’ hand and Water takes Alû’s.

  We dissolve into nothing and reappear in Chiron’s office, still adorned with horse’s dicks.

  Why in the hell hasn’t someone taken them down?

  “They won’t come off,” Vesta tells me tightly, accurately reading my face and thoughts.

  “They’re barely even noticeable,” I try diplomatically.

  “Do you peg yourself on them when you get bored?” Marsyas asks undiplomatically.

  “Mr. Marsyas and Mr. Alû, you are dismissed for the time being. You are not to leave the academy grounds until Headmaster Chiron has spoken with you. Is this clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” they mumble and shuffle out of the room; the other professors follow them out, leaving me alone with Vesta.

  And her wrath.

  “Just to be clear, I have not, but they can be a distracting temptation,” Vesta announces without preamble.

  “Wha?” is all I can garble out.

  This is not how I was expecting my ass-chewing to go. . .

  “The horse dicks,” she clarifies, gesturing to the meaty schlongs dangling about the room.

  Ah, she’s answering Marsyas’ question. I’ll have to remember to tell him if I’m not smited back into the shadows. At least I got laid. That’s a plus. And I got a tattoo. But I had so many other big plans for my human body. . .

  We sit in silence then; just two Minor goddesses in a room full of dick.

  The silence is getting to the point where I’m wondering if this is one of those times Vesta is warding off the temptation to ride one of the all cocks, when I feel a tingle go down my spine. Without turning, I know someone is standing behind me.

  Someone tall.


  And forbidding.

  Shit Wizard Chiron has finally returned to Hogwarts.

  Her Ass Is Grass and I’m the Lawn Mower


  “Thank you, Vesta,” I tell the woman curtly.

  She nods regally and exits my office.

  I swear she winks at one particular horse’s dick and whispers “I’ll be back”.

  I haven’t even returned for five minutes and I’m already in the thick of it.

  One might imagine dissolving into nothing and reuniting with the Universe would be relaxing.

  One would be wrong.

  Because the Universe is a bitch.

  Not only did the See You Next Tuesday not tell me why she reincarnated Lilith, she said nothing fucking at all.

  I sincerely hope I don’t see her next Tuesday.

  I hope I don’t ever fucking see her again.

  I’m going to blame my melodramatic inner musings on the Universe, as well.

  See, when you’re nothing but your mind, you have a lot of time to think.

  And fuck me if that’s the last thing I wanted to do- fucking ruminate on all the shit that has never gone my way. Starting with one woman and ending with another.

  The other being the woman now sitting in my office.

  I’m unsure how much time has passed as I had no way of tracking it.

  Was it ten hours, ten days, ten weeks?

  It certainly couldn’t have been more or else Lilith still wouldn’t be at the academy.

  Unless she failed.

  I can see that.

  You only get two shots at Liminal Academy.

  The third time you fail, you lose your human form.

  It will be a blessing if Lilith fails because already she has started more shit-fires than anyone in power can put out.

  Except for the Universe; she can put them out, but she won’t.

  Apparently, that’s my job. At least, that’s the impression I got when all of a sudden, images of Lilith standing in Time Square amid a motherfucking orgy flooded my brain.

  The petty bitch didn’t even explain what the fuck was going on, just shoved me back into existence, left to clean up the mess.

  At least I’m not coming back to clean up my mess.

  Fucking cumbubble.

  Hopefully, enough time has passed everyone has forgotten about that.

  “Shit Wizard Chiron! How delightful to see you again. How was your vacation? Make any cumbubbles while away?”

  Nope, not forgotten and soon to be a liminal topic of conversation if the gleam in her eyes means anything.

  I clasp my hands behind my back to keep from strangling her.

  “I was on sabbatical,” I correct snootily. “And we’re here to talk about you, not me. Do you know the trouble you’ve caused? I’ve spoken directly with the Universe and she does not abide by liminals causing wars on Earth.”

  My mention of the Universe actually causes the gorgeous woman to wince.

  And now I have a weapon.

  “Wars? I think that’s a little extreme. I didn’t start any fucking wars, just an orgy.”


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