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The Downfall of Man

Page 8

by J J Marshall

  “Calm down and don’t get your satin boxers in a bunch. You may be my prince, but I still outrank you when it comes to our missions. You are in my area now, boy, and you will address me with respect or so help me, I will tell your father about the night we spent together,” Henry retorted as he fumbled to unlock the door removing the brass chain he used as a lock. Henry stood facing the prince, half-naked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Part of him wanted to bum-rush the general and fuck him into submission right then and there, but Karsten was not one for rape. Always thinking of the throne. Always thinking of formalities. But then again, he crossed a line with his romantic preferences. Karsten stepped forward, pushing the door, and Henry out of his way as he strode into the general’s room. It was small and plain, with whitewashed wall, a single candlestick that cast its small flickering light around the room, a desk, singular bed, pristinely made, and a door that housed the bathroom. Turning to face Henry’s wide eyes and clenched jaw, Karsten tensed. He watched as the general shut the door behind him. Henry was calm, cool, collected, which only fueled his anger some more. He bit at his lip as he, too, forced out a calm response.

  “You lied,” he said, his voice flat but laced with fury. Henry’s lips perked as he shrugged nonchalantly.

  “I don’t remember you asking my rank as you peeled my clothes off,” Henry hissed back. Karsten stepped forward as his anger coursed through him.

  He felt strong and unpredictable.


  “I don’t have to ask any questions. I am your fucking prince, and you will respect me. Do I make myself clear?” Karsten stepped forward, squaring up with the general. He cracked his neck from side to side as he started into his opponent’s face. Had this been the battlefield, he would have slain him already. But it was not.

  “Stand down, Commander,” Henry warned, flexing his jaw. Karsten snickered. The commander was trying to intimidate him! He wanted to laugh a belly laugh, double over and wipe tears from his eyes. What a joke. But first he had to win and drive his point home. Continuing to bite at the inside of his cheek, Karsten remained calm as the copper taste of blood filled his mouth. Nonetheless, he remained stoic, still.

  “I will do as I damn well please,” Karsten growled. He was winning. No one would make a fool out of him. No one.

  Raising his hand, Henry’s hand lurched forward curling around the young prince’s neck. Karsten grabbed at the general’s hand in an attempt to free it, but it was no use. Henry’s hand curled, closing in on his windpipe as he struggled for air. He stared at the general, shocked, pleading before him. With a swift crack, Karsten’s back hit the wall, and Henry was nose to nose with his own. He could feel the general’s breath on his skin.

  “You will do as you are told. I am your general and you are in my army. When I give you a fucking order, you fucking follow it. I don’t give a damn if you are the prince or not. I don’t give a damn if you are next in line for the throne, and I sure as hell don’t give a damn what you think. You will follow my orders or you will die. Do I make myself clear?” Spit riddled Karsten’s face, dripping from his cheeks down to his chin. He struggled to breathe, wishing the general would let up on his grip.

  “You dare threaten me?” Karsten croaked. “M-me?”

  Releasing Karsten, Henry stepped back, smoothing out his uniform as he reached for the door, its cool brass knob nipping at his hand. “LEAVE,” he said forcefully, holding the door open.

  Righting himself, Karsten obliged, fearing that he may do something he would regret as he stormed off towards his own chambers. This was not over, that was for damn sure.


  Karsten paced anxiously in his lavish chamber. A large window out looking the sandy desert of the Midland sat before him. Fury assaulted his thoughts as his naked feet crashed against the cold hard floors. He was humiliated and angry and, soon, he would be leaving to go to earth with Henry. Bringing his hands to his face, Karsten screamed.

  He needed to calm down. He needed a distraction. He needed to fuck someone.

  No, he thought. I just need some space. I need to figure things out. How to bring down the humans. Yes, that's it. I'll devote my time to the enemy and later I'll deal with that shithead.

  Turning on his heels, Karsten strolled over to his study, lighting the cobbled stone fireplace, he took a seat in a red chair. Sighing, he raised his hand to his chin and began to think.




  Orian’s heart hammered against his ribs as he struggled to breathe. He felt like a huge weight sat atop of his chest, holding him down and as much as he willed his legs to move, he stayed rooted in the same place, with wide eyes. Before him stood the Consortium in all its glory. He was speechless. Hell, he was breathless. This whole thing was becoming more real by the second. He was officially working for the evil side and Hanna would unknowingly perish because of it. A cold draft racked his body as Orian let out involuntary shivers. He had stood there for hours just staring and thinking. Karsten and his father were inside, something about a meeting, Orian had heard Karsten mutter several hours beforehand. Orian sighed, the air was growing brisk as the sun set before the Midland, as he approached the massive staircase leading up to the building. This was it. After this moment, a part of him would die.

  The Consortium was lined with halls each a maze into the next, and yet soldiers walked effortlessly through them. Orian smiled weakly as he took it all in. Like busy little worker bees working away in a hive for the Queen bee. He had heard so much about this place, growing up to be pruned into a puppet, like Karsten, all for his father’s army. And yet, he couldn’t believe he was here. But he would never be like Karsten. Never. Sure, his time to fight would come, but until then he would spend his time reading in the Archives. As a young boy, he had heard stories about the Archives, how they held every book in Midland history. He had so much learning to do, but first he needed to find this library….and then Hanna.

  Air whistled between Orian’s teeth as he sucked in a breath, overcome with pain and awe. He was one step closer to finding Hanna, one step closer to reversing his stupid decision and saving her life, even if his dumb ass was the reason, she needed to be saved in the first place. Shutting his eyes, Orian worked on blocking out his thoughts and the pain that ebbed from his disappearing Mark. He needed to figure this out. Now.


  Orian gnawed at the inside of his cheek, flexing his jaw as his eyes widened in dismay. The pain in his arm continued to ebb, and no matter how hard he desperately tried to ignore it, he was failing miserably. His eyes darted back and forth as he scanned the crowds. No one was looking at his arm, no one knew his secret yet. Turning, he scanned the crowds behind him. A large hand clasped him on the shoulder, giving him a start. Looking up, Orian glimpsed his brother, Karsten, holding his shoulder giving him an affirming squeeze.

  “You’ll be okay,” he said. “Glad you could finally muster up the courage to come in. This is your home now. This is your life. Here you will meet your best friend, the love of your life, and your team. Today your life changes for the better. Come, let’s celebrate with a drink in my room.” Another weak smile escaped his lips, betraying his thoughts. Damn you. The scent of alcohol wafted from his brother’s breath and, for a brief moment, Orian wondered what that was about. Was Karsten always drunk?

  Orian sighed. His brother’s words were heavy but comforting. He grasped at Karsten’s hand, folding his brother’s fingers in his own and smiled. He felt like a little boy again. No one could touch him without getting through Karsten. His brother’s stoic face threatened a smile as he glanced up at him only briefly before returning to its usual stony composure.

  “I better check in. I need to get settled and then find out what team I am assigned to. Then maybe we can have that drink and you can regale me with stories of your past.” Orian gnawed at the inside of his lip, internally cursing when it split and metallic blood splashed his tongue. He averted his eyes, casting th
em about the room as he hopped from foot to foot, anxious to move, anxious to take care of his burning arm and find some goddamn answers.

  “Well, that’s easy,” Henry’s voice chimed in. The boys turned to face him. Orian noted his brother’s tense features. Something had happened between these two. The air between them was filled with electricity as small sparks of white light formed in his brother’s fingertips. He watched as it danced from finger to finger, begging to be released.

  “General,” Karsten grunted through gritted teeth. Henry nodded in Karsten’s general direction, but his eyes never left the youngest prince. Orian shifted on his feet, feeling the weight of the general’s gaze upon him.

  “You’ve been pre-selected to be on my team. You, Orian, your brother, and Nina Zamoria,” Henry said, beaming. Orian’s eyes widened. No. Not a fucking Zamoria. Absolutely not! This was the last thing he wanted to deal with and he already had enough on his plate.

  “But- You- Zamoria?” Orian sputtered. His own white light beckoned to be released as he felt it prick his own fingertips. Great. Just fucking great! Now not only do I have to worry about my fucking mark disappearing, I have to worry about my family rival’s child finding out. Great.

  “Aye. We will be heading out the day after tomorrow. So, with that being said…Orian, you will bunk with your brother, and once you’re settled, Jake will meet with you in the training center to give you the basics on hand to hand combat while on the earth plane. Karsten and I will begin preparing the necessary equipment for the mission. Tomorrow, gather your things together and train. This is no joke. The last thing I need to be doing is explaining to your father that you were killed by a Renegade or worse…captured. Orian, you are dismissed. Karsten, a word, if you will.” Silently, Orian nodded and bent down to pick up his small bags. He worried about leaving his brother behind, or rather what his brother would do to the general once they were alone. Orian nodded and left his elder brother with the general.


  Orian wandered the halls after settling into Karsten’s chambers, piling blankets and clothes on the floor for himself to sleep on. Although a commander, Karsten’s room had the bare necessities with the exception of a fully stocked bar. I bet they could get me a bed if I asked, but who knows…. He ached to find the Archives, to find some answers. Henry had given him orders to find Jake and begin training, but that could wait. He didn’t anticipate being with his group for long. Hanna and his disappearing Mark were more important. He stopped walking and asked one of the passersby for directions.

  “Down the hall and to the left,” the short boy answered gruffly, smoothing his shirt out before walking away. Everyone was so angry here. So serious, and why? Making a mental note, Orian made a beeline for his destination, weaving and ducking around people as he went. He paid no mind to his surroundings, pushing himself faster until his legs begged for mercy. Finally, he slowed as he approached a red wood door at the end of a very small hallway. Extending his arm, he grasped the cool metal handle and turned the knob. The door creaked and moaned as it opened exposing a large, packed, dusty room. Orian breathed in, taking in the hardy scent of wood and books as he took a step forward, not bothering to shut the door behind him.

  The walls were packed with leather-bound books, their pages yellowing from age as dust floated through the eerie air. Single lit candles sat on the hard-wooden tables, casting a gentle glow on the otherwise dark library. The place appeared to be deserted. Orian wondered when the last time someone had been in here, or if a living soul ever kept up with the place.

  “Um…excuse me,” he said aloud, listening as his voice echoed throughout the air. “Is there anyone here who could help me? I need answers!” He waited patiently for what seemed like several minutes before calling out again.

  “Hello? Anyone here that could help a guy out? Please!” his voice echoed again. Nothing but eerie silence greeted him. Orian let out a small moan as he sat at the large table, rubbing his face in his hands. He was fucked. His grandfather had been right. No one could help him. He sat alone, lost in his thoughts when a rustling behind him caused Orian to jump. He whipped around. He most definitely was not alone.

  “I can,” a small voice answered. “I can help you, but for a price. No one comes here and little is done to help me in this extraordinary place of knowledge. I can help you find your answers.”

  “Um, okay,” Orian answered. Turning in a circle, Orian looked up towards the ceiling. “I’m not sure who you are or rather, where you are, but I’ll pay your price. Please come out!” A small girl with curly dark hair emerged from the shelves behind him, clutching a large leather-bound book to her chest. Her bright green eyes widened from behind her large glasses as she took in Orian sight and bowed.

  “Oh, dear…oh my,” she muttered to herself, fidgeting in place as she hopped from foot to foot, picking at her manicured nails. “My prince, I am so sorry, please forgive me. No charge here. I will be of service to you. The name’s Mikasa T. Earlbon. Kasa for short. You need answers. I can find them. What sort of answers are you looking for?” she asked, raising her gaze to meet Orian’s.

  Heat rushed to his cheeks as he averted his gaze. She was cute, and nervous, and why was she having such an effect on him? She was cute, sure, but odd and her quiet, submissive, demeanor was something he was not used to. He pursed his lips, trying hard to hide his smirk. He pulled his arm from his side and slowly, removed his sleeve, revealing his blistering mark as it continued to sizzle and burn and slowly disappear. Kasa sucked in a breath raising her hand to her mouth as Orian stepped forward. She looked from Orian’s mark to his face and back in disbelief.

  “Your mark!” she exclaimed. “It’s disappearing!”

  “Yes. I am aware,” he responded in a level tone. “That’s why I’m here. I need to know why it’s disappearing and not growing. Can you help me?”

  Shaking her head, Kasa took a step back and began to tremble. She outstretched one trembling finger and pointed at Orian. “I can’t help you,” she whispered as silent tears stained her milky cheeks.

  “But you said you could help me find answers! I need help! Please!” Orian plead, his voice rising an octave as he took another step towards Kasa.

  “I can’t help you,” Kasa repeated. “I can’t help you because there is no record of this ever happening. I can’t help…no one can.”




  Karsten stood in the entryway of the Consortium, sulking and irritated. He crossed his arms over top his chiseled chest, flexing his muscles and veins involuntarily. He sighed, shifting his attention towards the floor. He did not want to give his emotions away. He was far better than that and the general. For Christ’s sake, shut the fuck up! he thought. If you must move your mouth at least make it enjoyable for the both of us! His lips curled slightly at the thought. Yes, that’s more like it.

  Watching Henry speak animatedly in front of him, Karsten’s irritation grew into a full-on rage. Gnawing at the inside of his cheek, he moved his head from side to side, relishing in the snaps and pops of his neck as it cracked. His jaw clenched in that moment. He’d had enough. Henry needed to be silenced, and Karsten had half a mind to do it with his fists. In fact, the thought of Henry sprawled out bloody on the floor pleased him.

  “Would you shut your bloody pie hole? I get it. You’re clearly very excited about something I couldn’t give two shits about. Your presence irritates me. Your words bore me and, quite frankly, I have other things to do than to stand around listening to the shit-filled words of a liar,” he stated flatly. Henry’s brows furrowed as he took a step back, confusion washing over him.

  That’s more like it. Sweet silence.

  “I’m not the enemy here, Karsten. I was just going over the mission plans, so you should care what I have to say.” Henry’s body tensed as he crossed his arms over his chest and straightened.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck about anything you have to say because you’re a goddamn
liar. How can I believe a word that escapes your mouth? For fuck’s sakes, Henry, you keep secrets until you deem them necessary to share!”

  “Oh? Like what?” Henry asked protectively.

  “Like your name for starters. It isn’t even Henry, it’s Hendrix. And what about having newbs go to Earth with us? Or that you put a fucking Zamoria on our squad? Hmmm? Are you stupid? Are you fucking insane? Do you want to die or kill us?! Because that’s what will happen. You’re supposed to be smarter than this! You’re supposed to be our saving grace. I swear that by all things holy if my brother dies, I’ll kill you with my own two hands. And don’t think I won’t you fucker.” Henry’s eyes widened in shock and quickly darkened as he digested Karsten’s threat. His lips curled slightly, showing the faintest glimpse of a smirk. Quietly, Henry shrugged.

  “Listen here, you wanker, I never lied to you. You don’t get answers to questions never asked. I suggest you leave my presence before I lay you out as an example. You will show me respect. I don’t care that you’re the prince. I hold rank over you. I will make your life miserable if you continue to spew your filth. So, close your jaw, get your panties out of a bunch, and get out of my sight.” Karsten stood motionless for several moments, shell-shocked by Henry’s words as the rage that flowed through his veins threatened to burst him at the seams. Henry yawned, and turned on his heel before leaving Karsten alone.




  Hanna stood outside the library as she stared at her phone with Ms. Tropi’s number scrolled across her keyboard, wondering if she should press the call button or not. Her stomach knotted in on itself again as she forced herself to breathe.

  Stay calm Hanna, she told herself but her head was pounding and she had a feeling another vision was going to hit her and hard. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Her lungs burned and her head was pounding.


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