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Page 13

by S. J. Sanders

  It was unlike anything Heidi had ever seen in all her years. Unlike anything she could have ever imagined.

  Unlike the Citadel, there was no squalid misery. The city was simple and beautiful, each nest contributing to the whole. The few females could be seen going about the city attending to their daily tasks. Others could be spotted sitting at the front of their nests, weaving cloth or a tapestry, for those seemed to hang all over the city.

  Although they possessed the same brilliant crests and feathered tails, the females had a distinct appearance. The bony ridge over their forehead and nose was less pronounced, their features finer, and their wingless bodies were ample. Their bare breasts were adorned with strings of precious beads made of gems, shells, and delicately carved wood.

  “This is… amazing,” Heidi whispered. Tah merely grunted at her side—the killjoy.

  “It is beautiful,” Orth murmured from where he lay on a pile of brightly woven blankets.

  A female Atlavan was kneeling at his side, cooing as she tended to his wounds. Did she really need to be that close and that attentive? It wasn’t like Orth belonged to Heidi, but she felt a territorial pulse of irritation sweep through her all the same.

  As if feeling Heidi’s eyes boring into her, the female glanced up. She finished cleaning the last of his freshly stitched wounds and smeared on an astringent paste before rising gracefully from her knees. She bowed respectfully to Heidi with a shy smile before disappearing through the beaded curtain that swayed with the breeze, tiny bell-like sounds issuing with its movement.

  Heidi sighed. She was being silly. No doubt that female had a pair of males who doted on her. Besides, when did Heidi start feeling possessive of this rough, burly triad? The illustrations she’d seen of Ragoru depicted a male more filled out, not quite so lean, with a beautiful pelt of silver fur. Though her males were packed with muscle, it was obvious that they made do with eating little, and scars crisscrossed their faces and pelts in various places. She knew it had to be related to lacking their own territory. She was starting to understand that for Ragoru everything depended on having a territory and den. Her guys were definitely rough around the edges, and now poor Orth had a shredded ear to add to the list.

  Her males? She shook her head in bemusement.

  Still, they weren’t hard to look at. Her budding attraction to the Ragoru was surprising. It went against everything she was taught at the knee of her teachers, and then later by the Master himself. She shouldn’t trust or desire them, and yet… She glanced at them covertly but was dismayed when an Atlavan landed in front of her. The male was handsome and his smile winning as he bowed before her.

  “I had heard that a beautiful human was brought to our nests. It is pleasing to find that rumors for once did not exaggerate,” he purred.

  He actually purred, with a subtle coo layered beneath it.

  She blinked at him and struggled to hold back her laughter behind a polite facade. Her body was lean and muscled. She doubted that she was considered anything close to a beauty by the standards of the Atlavan, but she didn’t want to offend the charming male.

  “That is kind,” she said softly.

  Tah thrust forward, his fur bristling. “Heidi, Orth is asking for your company,” he cut in brusquely.

  The Atlavan frowned, heat radiating off him as sparks gathered on his crest and wings. If possible Tah puffed up more, and she had the sinking feeling that the males were seconds away from conflict. Heidi pressed against Tah’s side and smiled regretfully up at the other male. “My apologies. I am needed elsewhere. It was good to meet you.”

  The sparks quickly snuffed out as the male smiled a bit sadly in return and inclined his head. “May the gods brighten your day,” he murmured. With one last puzzled glance at Tah, the male opened his wings and flew away.

  Crisis averted, Heidi sighed and walked over to Orth, Tah close on her heels. Orth looked up at her and smiled at her approach, his eyes slightly glazed over. She looked at him and smirked.

  “They drugged you, didn’t they? You look like you are practically flying there without any need for wings.”

  Tah chuckled as Orth jerked his head sharply in the affirmative. “I am feeling really… good,” he mumbled with a loopy grin.

  Gund grunted from where he sat in a corner just behind Orth, his yellow eyes sparkling with humor. “You protested enough when they tried to give it to you, demanding that you be allowed to suffer proudly through your battle wounds like your brothers.”

  Heidi leaned forward and stroked a hand over an old scar that ran down his muzzle, taking care not to hit the new wound on his ear as she ruffled his fur affectionately. “More scars will make you look even tougher. There is no need to suffer through it too.”

  His smile widening, Orth surprisingly leaned into her touch as her hand swept down to cup his cheek. A content sigh rattled out of him as he nuzzled her wrist. “I am glad to have a female with us. I love my brothers, but it is good to have someone around who smells good and is soft.”

  “I am not that soft,” she objected with a laugh. “If you need soft, do you want me to call the Atlavan female back?” she teased even as she loathed the very idea.

  Orth chuckled and shook his head. “She is not you. My huntress is dangerous and gentle. It is a wonderful combination. You are perfect.”

  Her heart melted a little. How could it not?

  “She is,” Tah rumbled as he stepped up closer behind her.

  Heat radiated off him and her body clenched in awareness as her mind recalled the way his tongue swept over her mouth. It had been far from innocent. It had left her longing for more even then, and now she felt awareness zip through her, lust uncoiling in her belly as a dampness gathered at the apex of her thighs. Gund’s head snapped up, his nostrils flaring, but it was Tah who rumbled and pressed closer to her, his hip gently nudging her.

  Her mouth went dry. Could this possibly be leading where she thought it was? She never gave much consideration to what would happen after they destroyed the Master. What if this triad was offering her something more?

  A tiny, insidious voice inside of her that remembered all the broken promises and broken oaths, and every betrayal, protested. It reminded her that she was only supposed to be with them to get to the Master. That nothing mattered beyond that. Certainly not disloyal males who would betray her within a heartbeat…

  Tah’s nose nuzzled the crook of her neck and that thin thread of protest crumbled and burned into ash. A low moan escaped her lips as she leaned back, her eyes closing as she felt his arms come up around her. Orth leaned forward more so that his head pressed against her belly. He was still too weak to move, and her fingers twitched at the side of his head. She willed herself to push him back so he could rest, but instead, she found herself stroking his fur.

  She was melting, and she was too far gone to even care.

  A rustle of movement was just enough to distract her, and her eyes popped open. Gund stood before her, staring down at her with unfathomable eyes. His mouth opened as if to speak, but then his entire body stiffened and whipped past them, his fur bristling as he blocked any view of her intimate embrace with Tah and Orth.

  “My apologies for disrupting. I stopped by to see how you were fairing.” Heidi recognized the voice of the male as the one who’d brought her personally to the Atlavan city.

  Tah sighed and drew back as he shifted enough to help his brother lie down among the soft bedding. Heidi’s eyes dropped and widened as she noticed that the bulge covered in soft fuzz that normally rested tight against his pelvis seemed swollen and prominent. He sank down to a low crouch behind Orth as Gund glanced back and moved aside to admit the Atlavan.

  The male entered with a smile on his face, carrying folds of cloth in his arms. He set them in one corner of the room on a cedar table. “We are having a community feast tonight. We never have company, and our females decided that they want to celebrate our first visit from a Ragoru triad and their mate.”

di stilled, conflict brewing within her. She wasn’t their mate, but it sounded so good falling from his lips… and if that was what it took to keep the admirers away…

  “Our thanks,” Gund said graciously. He smiled and inclined his head in turn. “Our family would be happy to celebrate with yours.” He hesitated and stared at the pile of cloth. “But what is all this material for?”

  “Oh, that. The females cannot seem to stop giggling because of how undressed you are. We all realize it is because with your anatomy and fur you don’t require clothing like our species, but they still find it humorous. Because of this, I thought to ask if you wouldn’t mind wearing these during your presence, just to keep distraction to a minimum,” he finished with a sheepish smile. “I am afraid the fascination is making some of the males a bit frustrated with their mates.”

  Gund chuckled. “We understand your reasoning and shall proudly wear whatever is appropriate during our time here among your people. Your homes are like nothing I’ve seen,” he admitted.

  The male preened. “From what stories I have been told, our homeworld was a planet with great canyons and tall spires that formed naturally over our mountains and cliffs. We have had to adjust some things since coming to this world, including creating our own spires, but our culture has continued even when our planet died with the decline of our star. But we recall our ways and have made the mountains of this region our home.” He gestured to the cloth as if recalling their presence. “I will give you and your female some privacy. I did speak to one of our females about your requirements and she has supplied a soft scarf that you can wear around your breasts if you would like to enjoy some reprieve from your armor.”

  “Thank the Blessed Mother,” Heidi sighed and made for the pile of cloth. As she rummaged through it, she set aside a beautiful blue waist wrap that was smaller than the others and found a blue square of fabric. Folded up, it would easily cover her breasts and the upper part of her body.

  “I will give you time to dress and will return for you shortly. The wounded male requires more rest, and the medicine will soon lull him to sleep while you eat and enjoy our hospitality. I am Levanth. Feel free to ask anything you require of me or my brother Randik.”

  Heidi raised an amused eyebrow but kept her comments to herself. She already had one awkward moment when it came to alien names that she didn’t feel like repeating it any time soon. “Thank you for your kindness, Levanth,” she said.

  The male’s smile grew wider and he nodded. “I hope that perhaps one day we will see more humans mixed among our company. It has been our hope since our species arrived, and we still wish to freely mingle with a race who is not unlike our own. Those who do not wish to kill us, that is,” he added.

  “I believe that is something many of us would like to see come to pass,” Gund agreed, his expression turning thoughtful.

  Levanth’s smile brightened. “I am glad to see that there are those who would agree with us. The Mintar are not as optimistic, but you will see.”

  “What do you mean that we will see?” Tah grumbled.

  The Atlavan shrugged his wings and laughed. “Their herds are close to our northern territory. You will no doubt come across them as you continue your journey.” His smile dropped. “If you are wise, try to avoid them, especially as you have a human in your company. They are not civilized like we Atlavan, nor will they give consideration to her bonds and desires. A male Mintar will not hesitate to steal her away.” He glanced at Orth. “It seems the healing medicine is working for your male. I will not delay you any further.”

  As Levanth strode out, Heidi turned to look down at Orth. Sure enough, he was sprawled over the thick pillow and blankets with a peaceful half-smile on his face. Chuckling, she bent to grab the blanket and tuck it more comfortably around him, her hand lingering to pet the thick fur on his neck and shoulders.

  Tah’s hand stroked her back. “Thank you for showing such caring,” he murmured in a low voice.

  Dropping her hand, Heidi stood, gathering the delicate garments closer to her chest. They were so beautiful that part of her mourned the fact that she would only be able to wear them for a brief time. Such colorful clothing and their daring style would not be accepted among the humans of the Citadels or villages that she knew of. This would be her one opportunity to enjoy them. She gave a last lingering look at Orth. “He is a good male. He deserves far more. You all do, instead of hunting after this madman.”

  She felt Tah move in closer behind her, sighing as he dropped his jaw against the top of her head, holding her close to his chest. “The Mother and the indestructible Fathers of fate spin all things as they must. Perhaps it was not their will for us to have a territory yet until we earned it in their eyes. Or perhaps it was their way of making us patiently wait… Something none of us are good at,” he admitted.

  “There is no changing what has happened, or our obligations now… but we can still look forward to what the future holds,” Gund rasped, his eyes fixed on her.

  Warmth bloomed in Heidi’s chest, and she fought the ridiculous smile that was trying to work its way out. Did they mean her? Did she dare hope for that? Was it even something she was capable of—changing her life completely? She didn’t even know if a bond between her and the males would be possible or if it wouldn’t end up destroying the triad in the end.

  Heidi cleared her throat and backed toward a screened-off area at the rear of the home. “We best hurry and get dressed. I am not sure just how long Levanth will give us before he returns.”

  Both males watched her solemnly as she dipped out of sight.

  She tried not to linger on it as she stripped off her armor and pants. She even removed her underwear, grimacing at how badly they needed to be washed. Utterly naked, she stopped and looked over the taut, marred flesh of her body. She was fast approaching the age when many women who took positions in the guard or the Order considered retiring from active duty to training and education services. There wouldn’t be many more years for her to be able to bring forth children if she were so blessed, and eventually she would begin to slow and lose her edge. Never before had she felt like she was on such a pinnacle.

  Letting out a sound of disgust, she got to work, tying the long sarong at one hip. It fell gracefully around her, leaving one leg bare. She felt considerably undressed, even after she tied the doubled-up scarf around her breasts. It was strange wearing so little, but oddly comfortable and exhilarating. She felt feminine and beautiful when she’d always been looked at as a killer, not as a woman who was desirable. Her Ragoru made her feel desirable—and she wanted to bask in that, even if it was just for one night.

  Fingering the delicate material, she smiled as she stepped out from behind the screen.


  Gund’s breath punched out of him in shock when Heidi stepped out from behind the enclosure, and he still found it easy to forget to breathe even hours later whenever he glanced upon her as they sat among the Atlavans. He’d been fighting his protective instincts when it concerned her and the tug of desire he felt in her presence. Her strong personality that had been so irritating had gradually charmed him.

  He couldn’t even pinpoint when it happened, only the moment of clarity when he realized it. When he discovered that Tah had been with her, the feeling that had come over him had been one of burning anger. But not for reasons that the other male suspected.

  He couldn’t care less about being first to mate. It was he, as lead, who was the only one breeding among their triad, and among their culture it granted certain rights… but he had never cared about such things. Not when all their revolutions together had been a matter of survival and fighting side-by-side without territory or den.

  No. He hadn’t been angry about not being first.

  He’d been angry at being left out. That Tah had disobeyed his direct orders to bond with a female without him and in complete secrecy. It had felt like… a betrayal. He doubted that Tah saw it that way. The male had been so casual speaking of pur
suing what he desired and flaunting tradition that he didn’t realize just how much that Gund had wanted to punish his brother for being so careless with a female. In that moment, he had wanted to bind Heidi to him so much that Tah’s actions ate at him. His anger hadn’t truly been assuaged, even after his brother yielded, until the other male admitted that he had been unable to go through with it.

  After that, he had been unable to get it out of his mind, and his protective instincts rose to the fore even more aggressively. Now, looking at Heidi, her skin bared and her demeanor relaxed as she smiled and talked to the females who eagerly came to sit with her, Gund was aware of the territorial nature beating within his breast. It was only thanks to an iron will that he kept himself from bristling and snapping at the males who stopped to greet them. Instead, he sat stiffly, managing to nod at the bright males while Tah seemed to struggle with his self-control too. It got to the point that Heidi had taken to practically sitting on the male, stroking her hands through his fur to soothe him when a male approached. She was currently scratching the male’s cheek while Tah wore an expression of utter bliss.

  Gund wished he’d thought of garnering her attention in such a way. A soft giggle drew his gaze to an almost yellow Atlavan female. She grinned at him and shifted forward with a bowl filled with meat. He took it gratefully. Perhaps food would get him over his foul mood. He watched the female from his secondary eye but he kept his attention on Heidi. The newcomer’s face fell in disappointment, but it didn’t take long before she was laughing and following after another male. It seemed that mating was an easy business for everyone but him. Both Tah and Orth had practically declared their intentions; they were just waiting on him to draw her into their fold. So why was he hesitating?

  Perhaps because he never seemed to know what to do with himself when it came to social situations, much less around females. Especially not after being raked so hard across his face as a juvenile that he almost lost an eye. Gund sighed and dropped his head. He flinched, his breath catching, when a soft hand brushed the fur of his cheek.


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