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The Arrangement Duet Box Set

Page 63

by Madison Quinn

  Of course, I know—I personally have one myself for that very purpose. It was how I paid for my membership at The Blue Moon and to Bridget when I had a contract with her. By using the off shore account, no one could trace the money, which meant no one would learn that I was paying a service for Kenzie. Now it seems that fucker is using an off-shore bank account to do the same thing I did–to hide his moves.

  “Anything from Asher? He must be able to hack into the email account?”

  “He did and so far has only been able to find the emails sent to the reporter, which match the ones she provided to us. There’s nothing from another email address, so whoever his source is, they must be using an alternative email address to communicate.”

  “Tell Asher, nothing is off limits. He needs to do whatever is needed to find out who the fuck this bastard is working with. I don’t care the cost.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  “Has he found anything that can tie Westbrook to the email account?”

  “Not yet, sir.”

  “Normally I would insist that we keep looking, just to make sure we’re not overlooking someone by concentrating on him, but everything points to Westbrook being responsible.”

  “Agreed, sir. The only missing link is his partner.”

  “I assume he inherited money from his father’s estate when he passed?”

  “Not as much as you would think. It appears the senator left most of his money to several local charities and a very large portion to his longtime assistant—”


  “Richard only inherited a small portion of his father’s estate, but it would have been enough to pay a partner.”

  “No other threats have been received? Nothing against PFS? No other red flags?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Kenzie hasn’t mentioned any other texts—”

  “She isn’t receiving them, sir, because Asher has changed the settings on her phone so that she no longer receives calls or messages from blocked or private numbers.”

  “So we don’t know if the texts are still being sent?”

  “We don’t, sir.”

  “Have you looked into Bree, like I asked?”

  Although Bree wasn’t the only woman I fucked at The Blue Moon, she was the one I refused to fuck the last time I was there. I don’t know her well–hell, I can’t even tell you where she lives or what her last name is–so I can’t say if I think she would have sent those text messages.

  “It took some work to find out her identity before we could run a background check, but everything we have found has come up clean, so far. However, Asher believes the texts sent to Mrs. Parker were coming from a disposable cell phone, therefore it is unlikely we are going to find the phone registered to Bree that the text messages came from.”

  “Anything else come up about her that I should know?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary, sir. Based on the text messages that Mrs. Parker received, I think it’s obvious whoever sent them was a member of The Blue Moon and likely knew you from there. But as you know, we cannot access their client list so we don’t have a full list of suspects.”

  “Keep an eye on Bree; I am fairly confident she would be the one behind texts out of everyone I was… with there.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  “I will be returning to work tomorrow, Carter. Make whatever arrangements are necessary, but I’m done putting my life on hold for this fucker. I have several events on my schedule that I can’t ignore any longer.”

  “Understood, sir. I have been in contact with Melody regarding your schedule and have already started looking into some of the events.”

  “Any that concern you, especially at this time?”

  “Honestly, sir, they all concern me to some degree, however, I think with extra security on site prior to and during the events, we should be fine.”

  “Hire whoever is necessary, but I’m done hiding. The press is getting suspicious that I haven’t been seen in public in several weeks.”

  “Yes, sir. We will be prepared for you to return to PFS starting tomorrow. What are Mrs. Parker’s plans?”

  “She will not yet be returning to the bakery, at least not during normal business hours. The risk is still too great—”

  “Agreed, sir.”

  “If she leaves Accord Towers, I want two people on her at all times—one needs to be Hunter. She is most comfortable with him, and he knows her well enough to know if something were to bother her suddenly.”

  “Yes, sir, I agree that Hunter should primary for Mrs. Parker as well.”

  “There’s a campaign fundraiser on my schedule for this weekend—”

  “Yes, sir, in Boston.”

  “I’d like to attend the fundraiser; the senator is proposing a bill that could have significant tax implications for clients doing business there. A client I’ve been trying to bring on board is scheduled to attend, so with the tax reform being suggested, the timing is ideal. Plus, there will be a few other key players there that would be worth talking to. While I’d prefer to be there myself, if you tell me the risk is too great I will send Alex in my place. I know the location isn’t ideal since it’s outside of New York—”

  “I have already looked into it, sir, and actually this is probably one of the safest places for you to be—”


  “In addition to the senator, there are several high profile officials expected at the meeting, therefore security will be at the highest level. Attendance is by invitation only, so we do not need to worry about anyone sneaking in who does not belong there. The security firm that is contracted to provide services for the event, is ran by an old army buddy of mine, who I trust completely. I can arrange for a few of his staff to assist us while we are on the ground there.”

  “Any transportation concerns?”

  “PFS’s jet has been under video surveillance since we identified Westbrook as a probable threat, and we have moved it to a different facility for storage. Alex flew on it late last week with no problems.”

  “Make the arrangements necessary. I would like to fly in on Friday and fly back on Monday, possibly Tuesday. I’d like to spend some time with Kenzie in Boston…”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “Nicholas?” Kenzie knocks softly on my office door a couple of hours later.

  “Come in, baby,” I meet her half way across the office and immediately kiss her, loving the way her lips feel against mine. As much as I want to get back to PFS tomorrow, this is the thing I will miss the most about working from home. Over the past few weeks we’ve had lunch together every day—it started on one of the first days I was working from home. Julie asked me what time I wanted lunch but instead of her bringing it in, Kenzie brought it in along with a lunch for herself. We would sit at the table in here and eat together; sometimes I would be on a call, but Kenzie would still stay and have her lunch with me. Ever since that first week I have had Melody leave at least a thirty minute opening in my schedule each day so we could have lunch together.

  “What’s wrong?” I see the worry in her eyes the moment the kiss ends.

  “The press—”

  “What did they do now?”

  She hands me her phone with the browser already brought up:

  Is there trouble in paradise already?

  It has been nearly a month since Mr. and Mrs. Parker have been seen in public—is there marriage already over? Sources close to PFS report that neither Mr. Parker nor his wife have been to PFS in several weeks. According to PFS staff, Mr. Parker has been traveling for work, visiting some of their companies outside of New York. However, we have to wonder, where is Mrs. Parker and what is she doing while her husband is traveling? Or should we be asking what is Mr. Parker doing while he is traveling?

  Nicholas Parker is single again ladies!

  According to our source, Nicholas Parker is about to be single again! A close friend of the billionaire, playboy, reports
that Mrs. Parker moved out of their residence several weeks ago and that a divorce is eminent.

  I can’t believe these fuckers! One implies that Kenzie is having an affair, but then changes and says I’m the one having the affair while the other has her moving out. I knew we were taking a chance that the press would print something when we went into hiding however, announcing that my marriage is over is a new low, even for them.

  “I’m sorry…” Kenzie says, clearly seeing my anger.

  “I expected them to write something since it has been awhile since we’ve been in the public eye.”

  “Why don’t we go out tonight?”

  “We don’t need to—”

  “I think we should. If nothing else, it will show them that there is nothing wrong with our marriage and hopefully they will back off.”

  “I doubt that, but you’re right, it probably couldn’t hurt.”

  “You have a call in a few minutes, right?” I nod. “I’ll talk to Carter and see where he suggests we go.”

  “You sure you want to go?” Hunter confided in Carter that Kenzie seems to be more cautious than normal when they leave the apartment, constantly checking over her shoulder to make sure they’re not being followed. I hate that she’s constantly worrying about her ex getting close to her again.

  “I wouldn’t mind getting out of the apartment,” she laughs, a sound I have come to absolutely love.

  “Me either,” I chuckle. “Oh, by the way, how would you feel about going to Boston this weekend?”


  “Yeah, Boston. Have you ever been there?”

  “No, by I’ve heard it’s a beautiful city. Do you do to business in Boston?”

  “Not yet. There is a campaign fundraising dinner next weekend for a senator who is proposing a bill that could have an impact on a big client that I’ve been trying to sign for the last couple of years. I thought we could go to the dinner and spend the weekend taking in some of the sites.”

  “Have you been there… to Boston I mean?”

  “Only for business. I’ve never really seen the city.”

  “It’s safe for us to go?”

  “I’ve spoken with Carter—this event will be well covered by security because of the people who are attending. It is by invitation only so we have an idea of the guests; plus, he knows the guy who is in charge of security for the entire event.”

  “We would be taking the jet?”




  “Okay. I’ve heard Boston is an amazing city to visit—”

  “Now go do whatever it is you do all day—I’m going to go talk to Carter about where we can go tonight.”

  She laughs before heading out of my office, and I head back to my desk to dial into the conference call that is going to start in less than five minutes. I spend the rest of the afternoon on conference call after conference call and before I know it, Kenzie is at my door.

  “We need to leave in an hour,” she announces.

  “Where are we going?”

  “There’s a small benefit dinner starting at seven that Carter was able to get us a last minute invitation to.”

  “What’s the dinner benefiting?” I don’t know that it really matters at this point since we really do need to be seen in public.

  “Some new piece of equipment for the pediatric unit of the hospital; I forget what Carter said it was called, but it sounds like there will be a presentation during the dinner.”

  “How did you manage to find something for us to attend, in only a few short hours, that will actually make a difference?” I ask in awe. If I had organized it, we probably just would have gone to dinner somewhere and hoped that someone would have informed the press of our whereabouts. Instead of doing that, Kenzie manages to find a something that will most definitely have press coverage at while keeping the event small.

  “That’s what the internet is for,” she smirks. “There’s only supposed to be around one hundred people at the dinner but of course, when Carter made a call, the hospital had no problems adding us to the guest list—”

  “They shouldn’t, considering the amount of money I donate to them every year.”

  “I thought something small would be best for tonight and this seemed perfect. Carter handled the payment arrangements for the dinner…”

  “Thank you for organizing everything.”

  “It gave me something to do,” she shrugs.

  “Kenzie, I’m sorry you’ve been cooped up in the apartment for the last few weeks—”

  “Don’t apologize; it’s not your fault we are in here. I may not love being stuck in the apartment, but I understand why it’s needed. I’m looking forward to getting out tonight and even more so to heading to Boston with you this weekend.”

  “Let’s go take a shower so I can show you just how thankful I am for you organizing everything tonight.”

  “Nicholas!” she blushes an adorable shade of pink before turning around and heading to our bedroom.

  I quickly follow her into our bathroom, closing the door behind us just as she turns the water on. The sight of her leaning into the shower has an immediate effect on me, as she always does. Before she even turns around I’m hard as granite at the thought of Kenzie naked in my shower. No matter how many times we have showered in here together, I don’t think I will ever get used to the idea of having her in here.

  “We need to get in the shower if we’re going to get to the dinner on time,” she whispers as I pull her against me, her back to my front.

  Without another word, I strip Kenzie of her clothes and she does the same to me. As soon as we step into the shower, my lips find hers and I pull her beautiful body against mine. She groans against my mouth when I back her against the cool tile wall. My hands roam over her wet skin, feeling the small goosebumps on her arms as she arches her body against mine. With my lips still on hers, I grab her ass and bring her against me so her clit is against my dick. I don’t move, instead I let her take the lead—whether she realizes what she is doing or not, she slowly starts grinding her clit against me. Her hands are tight on my arms, holding me against her while I work her nipples until she is moaning in desperation.

  “Nicholas…” her voice is breathy as she pants.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I… I need you.”

  “Put me inside of you,” I whisper against her lips.

  Her eyes open with my words, her face turning an even darker shade of red at the bluntness of my words, but when I nudge my dick against her clit her own needs overrides any embarrassment or concern. She reaches between us, taking my dick in her hand she lifts herself up so I can reach her center. I bend just slightly, providing the perfect angle to slide into her, but rather than thrusting right into her like I want to, I wait for Kenzie. With her hand on the base of my dick, she pushes me into her ever so slowly. Looking down, it takes everything in me not to come as I watch my dick slowly disappear into her body. She squeals when I grip her ass, pulling her against me until I sink impossibly deeper into her.

  “You feel so fucking amazing.”

  “Nicholas… please…” she starts slowly moving her body against me.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” with her back against the wall and her hands gripping my shoulders tightly, I thrust hard and deep into her until she explodes around me. Her walls convulse around me, gripping me so tightly that moving isn’t an option. As much as I want this to last, I don’t stand a chance when she purposely tries to suck me deeper into her.


  Fuck! She comes again with my name on her lips, just as I find my release; her own orgasm pulling every drop out of me. I put my hand against the wall for support—without it I don’t think I would have the strength to hold both of us up after that mind blowing orgasm. Her legs are wrapped tightly around my waist and when she doesn’t move to break our connection I slowly carry her over to the tile seat. I don’t know how long we sit there—it co
uld have been minutes or hours… time seemed to completely stop as I held her.

  “We should get going, we’re going to be late,” Kenzie whispers, her breath against my ear immediately has me twitching inside of her.

  “I’d rather just stay here all night.”

  “Hmmm, so would I,” she moans when I start to harden again. “But we can’t.”

  “We could,” I argue.

  “Let’s go to dinner and afterwards we’ll come right back here.”

  “We might not make it to the shower,” I smirk and kiss her before she lifts herself off of me.

  Chapter 35


  The flight to Boston is quick, but full of extra security at both airports. I swear it looked like a scene from the movie Men in Black, with everyone in dark suits surrounding the jet when we landed. I overheard Carter informing Nicholas that the jet has been under video and personal surveillance since the flight plan was submitted a few days ago. Then, as of yesterday, security was increased round the clock; even the pilot and flight attendant were provided with security through the airport to insure everything went smoothly. Part of me feels like it’s all a little extreme since the only thing Richard has done is feed lies to the press, but at the same time we know he’s not working alone. We don’t know what their plan is or even why they’re working with him.

  Nicholas spent the entire flight working on his laptop and talking with Alex on the phone. He apologized several times and assured me that as soon as he wrapped everything up I would have his attention while we were in Boston. The plan is to spend the next three days here: tomorrow is the fundraiser dinner and then Sunday we will spend the day sightseeing in the city. I’m not sure the plans for Monday other than that we will be flying back to New York at some point.

  “You’ll get to see the city Sunday and Monday,” Nicholas says as I stare out the window watching all the large buildings pass us by.

  “Are you sure you’ll have the time?”

  “I guarantee it,” he kisses me as he pulls me closer to him. “I’m going to be working the rest of today and probably most of tomorrow before dinner, but after that I promise you, I won’t be working until we get back on the jet to head home.”


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