Sammie Jo

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Sammie Jo Page 3

by Julia Mills

  Looking concerned, his usually light violet eyes turning dark and turbulent, my vampire asked, “What is it? What’s happened? I was only gone for a few hours? Is it Vincenzo? Was he rude, again?”

  Shaking my head, I quickly corrected, “No, I haven’t even seen Vincenzo.” Then before he could restart his interrogation, I added, “Just sit down, Vaughn. We need to talk.”

  I guess he could see that for once in the very short time since saving me from the Baba Yaga’s wrath when he was impersonating a bat that I was being serious, because my tall, dark, and handsome vampire unbuttoned his jacket, sat down in the chair on the other side of the table, crossed his legs, and smiled. “Your wish is my command, my sweet little kitten.”

  Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm my chaotic emotions, I sat on the edge of the other chair, laid my arms on the table, and just looked into his eyes. It was kinda scary how much love and real honest-to-the-Goddess affection I saw shining in those gorgeous violet depths. My body and soul, along with my heart and girlie parts, were all screaming for me to jump over the table and forget all about talking, but I wasn't sure he would respond in kind and I just loved the big, dumb oaf so much already that I knew I might blow him to kingdom come if he said we should wait one more time.

  “While you were gone today, I did a lot of thinking. First and foremost, I want to say that if you ever pick me up, plop me out of the way of danger and tell me to stay put like a dog or cat as the case may be who can’t handle herself in a fight, I will not only kick you in the ass but I will also turn you into a something creepy and crawly. I can do that. Don’t ever forget it.” I wiggled my fingers, and tried not laugh when his eyes got big as bright pink bubbles floated into the air. “I have the power...and sometimes it’s scary.”

  I applauded Vaughn’s attempt to hold his laughter not even bothered when his shoulders bounced a little.

  “Also, there will be no secrets. If you have any psycho exes in your closet, your basement or hanging upside down in the trees, fess up now ‘cause I need to be prepared.” I held up my hand as he started to speak. “I don’t share or play well with others and as for being fair...yeah, that doesn’t happen here.” I pointed my finger at him. “You got it?” I waited until he nodded, knowing full well I was avoiding what I really needed to know but justifying the entire conversation as a way of ramping up to the Big Show, so to speak.

  “And, let’s see, I don’t want to be a vamp. I’m a witch, a pretty darned good one if I do say so myself, and that’s what I want to stay. I didn’t like being a cat and I just don’t want to try anything else. I would also like to have babies. I always thought it would be cool to be a mom, but I just got my body, and I don’t want to add stretch marks.”

  I tapped my chin and tried to think, another avoidance technique to be sure but one I needed becaseu it was now or never. “How do you feel about children? Do you want them?” Then silently, in my own mind, I whispered, “Do you want me?”

  Apparently, Vaughn could still read my mind, because his brilliant smile turned into an absolutely frightening frown as he grabbed my hand and bellowed, “Of course I want you. I love you. Why would you doubt that?”

  Tears streamed down my face as I tried to answer the million questions he threw at me while my heart was singing, “He loves us! He loves us!”

  Pulling on my hand until I was out of my chair and in his lap, Vaughn wiped the tears from my cheeks and calmly asked, “Why would you ever think I didn’t want you? You are my mate. I would cross Heaven and Hell, battle Demons and even that nasty Baba Yaga to have you as my mate.”

  He took my chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifted my face until we were eye to eye. “I seriously hope those are tears of happiness because my heart would break if I thought I caused any other kind.”

  Kissing the tip of my nose, he asked, “Now tell me where all of this craziness if coming from.”

  Not sure what to say, my original plan having been blown to Hell when Vaughn professed his love for me, I shrugged, “You don’t seem interested. Every time I try to take our kisses any farther than just making out, you get all weird, make an excuse and disappear. Heck, we’re not even staying in the same room.”

  I tried to look away, but my vampire wouldn’t have any part of it as he held tight to my chin, leaving me to stare into his lovely swirling eyes as I watched him work through everything that I’d said. Finally, he spoke and the honesty and sincerity that filled his lovely baritone voice had a whole new round of big, happy tears streaming down my face. “I was trying to be respectful, trying to let you get your bearings after finally being returned to your body.” He leaned forward and with a half-smile added, “Trying to be a gentleman for the first time in my two-hundred-and-one years.”

  He let go of my chin and let his forehead gently fall to mine as he chuckled, “It was the hardest damn thing I‘ve ever done.” Leaning back ever so slightly, he asked, “Sammie Jo Whitfield will you agree to be my mate?”

  He lifted my hand and kissed the tip of my finger, teasing the end with just the tip of his tongue. “Will you let me love you like you are the sun in my sky, the air that I breathe and the beat of my heart?” To make speech even more impossible, Vaughn sucked my finger into his mouth, closed his eyes, and sighed as he ran his tongue up and down my trembling digit.

  Pulling my finger from his mouth, I spun in his lap, let my legs fall on either side of his muscular thighs and slammed my lips to his. Using our special telepathy, I screamed, “Yes! Yes! YES!!”

  Faster than I could track or even tried to, Vaughn was out of the chair, across the room, had me naked and on the bed with him down to just his boxers. Unwilling to miss the show and knowing how fast my mate could move, I watched with rapt attention as Vaughn made a show out of letting his boxers slide down his legs.

  Climbing up my body, I could only gawk at his muscular body. I mean I knew my man was built, but baby, Vaughn had it going on and then some. As his erection touched the top of my thigh, all thoughts of anything but having my man between my thighs fled my brain. Heck, I would’ve given up peanut M&M’s, Twizzlers and Lay’s potato chips if only he would stop teasing me.

  My hands couldn’t; no wouldn’t stay still. I touched his chest, ran the back of my hand across his nipples, grinning as he shivered and growled my name low in his throat. My hand slid between our bodies, wrapping around his erection at the same time he dipped his head and sucked as much of my breast into his mouth as would fit. Sucking my hardened nipple between his fangs, Vaughn licked and teased as my fist worked his cock up and down until he pulled away gasping, leaving me staring up at him and panting like I’d run a mile, or what I imagined running a mile would feel like because let’s be honest, I’m not running anywhere, ever.

  “I need to be inside you. I need you,” he growled, kissing my jaw, nipping at my neck, and lavishing my shoulder with his lips and tongues.

  “Yes...oh my Goddess, yes,” I gasped, letting go of his erection and digging my nails into his shoulders as he balanced on the hand that was by my head and slid the other slowly up the inside of my thigh.

  Teasing my already wet curls, Vaughn’s forehead touched mine as he slipped first one and then another finger inside me and sighed, “Oh, gods, you are so wet, so ready, so needy for me. I want to have your taste on my tongue, but that will have to wait. I have to make love to you or die trying.”

  Working his digits in and out of my slick pussy, Vaughn looked deep into my eyes and as his thumb began to taunt my swollen, throbbing clit, he purred, “Come for me, Sammie Jo. Scream my name. Wet my hand. Come, my love, let me feel how much you want me.”

  As the last word crossed his lips, my vampire lover squeezed my clit between his thumb and forefinger and I experienced the best, biggest, Sammie Jo’s got a mate, orgasm, complete with screaming and sparks of magic bursting all around us in big, pink bubbles. Kissing my lips with all the passion and fire I could feel boiling between us, Vaughn slowly pulled his fingers
from my still quaking body and with a sensual roll of his hips, slid just the tip of his erection inside me.

  Rolling his hips in an amazingly erotic rhythm, Vaughn raised his head and capturing me with his gaze, slowly, inch by glorious inch, pushed into my body, filling me so that I had no idea where he ended, and I began...and I have to admit, I loved every single earth-shattering bit of it. Wrapping my legs around his waist, taking just a little bit more of my mate into my body, I gasped as the violet of his eyes began to swirl and in the most sincere, heartfelt tone, my wonderful vampire murmured, “I love you, Sammie Jo Valentine. I love you more than I ever knew it was possible to love another person. I love you more than all the stars in the Heavens and more than I will ever find a way to say properly. But I promise to try every day, in every way to make sure that you never doubt how much I adore you.”

  Pulling out of me until I thought we would be separated, Vaughn held still for a split second before driving back into my body, creating a rhythm that immediately became frantic and more wonderful with each powerful thrust. All rational thought became impossible. My nails dug into his shoulders. I yelled in languages that I’m not sure exist and let go of everything as I loved my man like there was no tomorrow. Tiny orgasms made me writhe as his fangs scraped my pounding pulse at the base of my neck.

  My hips thrust against his. My fingers dove into his hair, fisting the gorgeously dark locks and pulling him tighter to my heated flesh. Opening my mouth, I tried to beg, I tried to plead, hell, I would’ve been happy to form real words, but my brain was in its happy place and refusing to help my poor lust-soaked brain illiterate anything but Vaughn’s name.

  Leaning back, my hunky vampire looked at me with his beautifully hooded eyes and asked, “What is it, my beautiful little kiten? What do you want?”

  I could see the glint in his eye and knew he knew what I wanted but wanted to hear me say it, needed, for some reason, to hear the words. Slowing his thrusts, he purred, “Say it, my love, tell me what you want.”

  “B-bite me, please Vaughn, bite me.” My hips refused to be still as my body begged for what only Vaughn could give me. “Bite me, V-vaughn. I l-love you, oh my Godes, I love you so much.”

  Smiling with untold male pride, my hunky vampire resumed the amazing rhythm that made my body hum at the same time that he kissed down my neck, licked my pounding pulse, and said, “I love you, Sammie Valentine, and now, you shall be mine for all time,” as his fangs slid into my vein, causing a fiery thrill of love and passion to tear through my body. Screaming my release as Vaughn drank from my neck and emptied his seed into my body was as close to Heaven as I had ever been and as I floated back to earth, I made plans to visit our Happy Place as often as possible.

  Hours later and after a few more trips to Sammie and Vaughn’s Schmexy Town, I was cuddled up with my hunky vamp, loving the feel of having someone I belonged to and who belonged to me, when Vaughn said, “I have a present for you.”

  Raising my head, I shoved my long, red hair out of the way and asked, “More than what we just did?”

  Barking with laughter, my mate snorted, “That was not a present. That was a necessity. One that must be repeated at least three times daily.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, I asked, “Three times a day? Is that all?”

  I burst out laughing as he attacked my neck with a plethora of pretend snarls and growls while tickling me until I squealed, Okay, okay, I give. Three times a day.”

  Stopping his assault, Vaughn waggled his eyebrows, gave me a quick kiss and said, “If you hadn’t agreed to be my mate and let me love you, I might have exploded. Just think, you saved my life.”

  Patting his chest and rolling my eyes even though I was secretly thrilled beyond measure, I said, “I’m sure you would’ve been just fine.”

  Moving so fast the room spun and I ended up on my back with my vampire looming over me, Vlad kissed me until I was again breathless, starry-eyed and wondering if we could have more sexy time. Pulling back, he rolled to the side taking me with him, until we were face to face with my left hand in his right one.

  Lost in his eyes, I almost missed the feel of something cold sliding down my ring finger, and when I looked, all I could do was gasp, “What the...? For me? How did you...? Son of a whore, I’m gonna cry.”

  Shaking his head, Vaughn looked a little scared as he asked, “Happy tears, right?”

  Looking away from the biggest Emerald cut sapphire I had ever seen in the prettiest setting of platinum and diamonds, I closed the distance between us, pressed my lips to his, and whispered directly into his mind, “Yeah, they’re happy tears, ya’ big goofball.”

  “Good, because I now know firsthand that your sad tears would gut me. I really couldn’t stand to ever be the cause of your pain.” He groaned low in his throat as our kiss grew more passionate and our legs tangled as our bodies heated again with love and passion.

  One more time, just as I was sure it would always be, my body needed what only Vaughn could give me as I crawled on top of my mate, pulled back from our kiss, and looked down at the man I knew without a doubt I would love with all my heart and soul forever. Smiling as he put his hands around my waist, my vampire sat up and began kissing down my neck as his erection grew hard between us.

  Grabbing his shoulders, I pushed him back, looked him right in the eye, and said, “Oh no, big guy. This time, I’ll be the one doing the biting.”

  Rolling his hips against mine, teasing my already wet center, Vaughn’s fingers wound in my hair as he whooped, “Now, that’s what I like to hear. Show me the way to Heaven, my sweet little kitten.”

  Sure, my spell went wonky and I had to spend some time as a cat, but in the end I got my man and oh what a mighty, mighty man he is.


  Now, I know you must have a few questions, like did I ever make up with Carol? Well, that is a work in progress. She hasn’t turned me into a toad or blasted me full of holes or turned me inside-out, so it’s all good. (Yeah, ewwwwww gross, I know, but apparently it’s her thing. She’s old school. Thank the Goddess that I am new school (Read that as young.) because I think if I had to do that to someone, I’d barf right then and there.) Zelda says to give the Baba Yaga time, she takes her grudges seriously but that since my wonky spell wasn’t my fault but Bermangoggleshitz’s the Almighty Shifter Wanker is sure Carol will be giving me a high-five in no time.

  I’m still working on Vanessa and her lack of well...everything girlie. Vaughn says that she was really young when their parents were killed fighting some deep, dark evil and she pretty much hid in the mansion was schooled by tutors and never bothered with makeup, clothes or hair. Well, I have one thing to tell my clueless mate, and it starts with, “You don’t have vintage Dior and not be into the girlier pursuits of life.” And ends with, “Only the hired help who stole them have Chanel heels and a perfect strand of pearls and not want to wear them every chance she gets.” I am sure our little Vanessa is hiding a budding glamor girl under that horrible hair and hideous nineteen-eighty-nine red, matte lipstick. Just give me a little time, and I’ll have our Miss V sporting a skirt, going out to get blow-outs and wearing soft lipsticks that make the men swoon. Her brothers won’t be happy, but between Lola and I, we got two-thirds of the Valentine vampire under control.

  Speaking of Lola, it took a while to get used to seeing Katie but hearing Lola’s voice and attitude come out of her mouth. Then one day, I almost busted my ass as I walked down the hall and instead of helping like most civilized people would do, the sassy witch yelled, “Have a nice trip? See ya next fall,” before bursting out laughing.

  Catching myself on the banister, I couldn't help but chuckle along. Later that afternoon, I went down to watch television, and Lola was there waiting for Vlad. We started to talk, and after just a few minutes, I had to admit that she was a hell of a lot nicer than my sister had ever been.

  It was interesting to hear about all the years she’d spent as Heidi’s alter ego and the shit she’d seen t
hrough her human’s eyes. Lola had me in stitches, gasping for breath until my cheeks hurt and my stomach muscles were on fire. I especially loved the story of how Heidi died, found herself in Hell and then learned that the reason she’d gone to the deep, deep South instead of the Pearly Gates. Of course, she couldn’t be too pissed off when she met her hunky Hellhound, Hunter and they already had a bunch of kids, pups, cubs, oh what the heck ever.

  I still hadn’t cracked Vincenzo and his nasty attitude. There was a story there, because every time I brought it up to Vaughn, my hunky mate made an excuse, kissed me silly or just gave up and made love to me to keep from talking about it. I know it sounds like a good alternative, but I can tell that that brooding vampire is in pain and I need to help’s part of my DNA. I just have to help those in need, and dammit, I’m gonna help, whether this crazy family of vamps wants me to or not.

  Now for the less than fun topic, my sisters. I get postcards every once in a while, usually when they go from one island to another or jump continents. I miss them, but I have to admit that mating Vaughn and being friends with Lola, Zelda and Mac had been infinitely easier without them spewing their bullshit venom in my ear at every turn.

  Vaughn keeps telling me that we can go see them, take the honeymoon we still haven’t taken and try to make amends, but to be honest, I’m not spending my first vacation with my new mate under the prying and bitchy eyes of my sisters. When my hunky vampire and I finally decide where to take our honeymoon, it’s gonna be private, PRIVATE, P-R-I-V-A-T-E. You get my meaning?”

  (Yeah, I got plans, big plans baby and so far everything’s coming up roses.)

  For now, we are living at the Valentine Estate, and Vaughn takes me out to the farm every night so I can tend to my plants and make sure my wards are holding to keep anyone unwanted from getting in my crops or my house. He’s offered to hire a magical caretaker so I don’t have to keep going out there, but until I talk to Barbie and Candy, I’m not gonna make any big decisions. We all own it equally and the Goddess knows I don’t want to deal with any extra bitching from my ‘lovely’ siblings. And, it gives Vaughn and I time under the stars, alone, to do what comes naturally.


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