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Mr Darcy- My Hero

Page 10

by Zoë Burton

  As the evening ended, Darcy pulled Elizabeth aside to speak to her privately while his sister fare-welled the Gardiners.

  “Are you certain you wish to put yourself in danger?” Darcy took both of Elizabeth’s hands in his. “Your maid is a far better choice. So much could go wrong; I fear the outcome.” He looked into Elizabeth’s eyes and allowed his unease to show in his lowered brows and the deep crease between them.

  “She is a far better choice for you, I am certain,” Elizabeth smirked.

  Darcy sighed, looking down at their hands, clasped together still. “Will nothing I say make a difference?” He peeked up at her with his head still lowered, sensing her annoyance dissipating.

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes at his ploy. Then, tilting her head and struggling to keep a grin off her face, she quietly replied, “No, it will not. I am decided, and nothing shall sway me from my course.”

  “Truly, I am concerned for your safety. I have only now found you. I-, I … do not wish to lose you before I even win your heart.”

  Elizabeth squeezed his hands and softened her tone. “I will be well, Mr. Darcy. I trust my uncle to keep me safe, and I trust you, also. Should we not think positively in this matter?”

  Darcy’s eyes lowered once more, and with a second, deep sigh, he squeezed her hands and looked her in the eye once more. “Very well. You may have your way in this. You are a stubborn woman, I grant you that. You will fit in well with the ladies of my family, I think.”

  “I hope so,” Elizabeth replied in a quiet voice.

  Darcy rubbed his thumbs over the backs of her hands, hands he refused to surrender just yet. “They will love you.” Just as I do. Over her shoulder, he could see his sister and the Gardiners moving in their direction. “If you change your mind about participating, tell your uncle immediately. No one will think less of you for it.” Letting go of her hands, he bowed to her. “Good night, Miss Bennet. Sleep well.”

  More goodbyes were spoken all around, and then Darcy and Georgiana were out the door.


  The next evening, the Gardiners’ carriage pulled up outside a sedate townhouse on Grosvenor Square. Distinguished from the homes on either side of it by columns that rose from just over the tops of the arches over the doors and windows on the ground floor to just under the edge of the roof, the home had a stately feel to it. Any coldness was banished by the warm glow of candles in the windows.

  “It is a beautiful home.” Maddie always enjoyed driving up and down the streets of Mayfair, looking at the houses and imagining the lives of those inside. To have the opportunity to see inside one, and it being the home of an earl, no less, was exciting to her; and though anyone looking at her calm and serene demeanour would not know it, she was jumping up and down inside.

  “We have Lizzy to thank for the opportunity. You know a peer would not have invited a tradesman to his home under normal circumstances.”

  “I am aware of that, Edward, but we do have the opportunity. This is our chance to show the earl and countess that not all tradesmen are loud and coarse. You are the grandson of a gentleman, and I am the daughter of one. We do know how to behave and converse in their circles.”

  “We do, my love. No need to be so defensive.” Gardiner touched Maddie’s hand, winking at her when she huffed at him.

  The carriage stopped. Brutus sat up from where he had been lying across Elizabeth’s legs, and the humans of the group tugged on their gloves and adjusted their hats. Within moments, the three were standing on the walk in front of the house. As had become normal for them, they were waiting for Elizabeth to regain some of her composure after the ride. The door opened, and Darcy strode down the steps to greet them.

  “Welcome to Matlock House.” Darcy greeted the three with a bow and then stepped to Elizabeth’s side. “Come, my-,” Darcy paused before he could say too much. “Come in and warm yourself. I asked my aunt’s butler to have a seat and a glass of warm cider for you beside the fire in the entry hall.”

  Nodding, Elizabeth took his arm, and the four of them walked up the four shallow steps to the door. Upon entering, Darcy tenderly assisted Lizzy with her pelisse, bonnet, and gloves, and led her to the fire, seating her before it and handing her the libation.

  “My aunt and uncle await us in the drawing room, but are aware that it will take Miss Bennet a few minutes before she is ready to meet them.”

  Gardiner smiled. “Again I thank you for your consideration. I gave her some port before we left in the hopes that she would be calmer. She did very well on the ride over, but Brutus was with us.”

  “Good, good. I am happy to see her improving! Brutus does not need a place in the kitchen while we eat?”

  “No, I set one of the footmen to sitting with him, and I suspect the coachman will shelter in there, as well. The air has taken a cold turn today.”

  “That it has.” Darcy shivered as he remembered the wind whipping his greatcoat open when he handed Georgiana down from the carriage a few minutes previously.

  Gardiner’s prediction was correct, and within a short while, Elizabeth was warm and calm and ready to face Darcy’s relatives. Taking her hand and tucking it under his elbow, he escorted Elizabeth toward the drawing room, her aunt and uncle following.

  “Are you nervous?” Darcy had noticed Elizabeth taking a deep breath and smoothing her skirt with her free hand.

  Glancing up at him, Elizabeth replied, “A little, yes. It is not every day one meets a peer of the realm.”

  “I have every faith in you. They will be charmed, I am positive. They are already inclined to think well of you because I do.”

  Elizabeth’s lips quirked up in a small smile. “That is good to know.”

  They had arrived at the drawing room, and Darcy waited for the footman to open the door. Taking a deep breath, for he was almost as nervous about this meeting as Elizabeth was, he stepped forward, leading her and her relatives into the room.

  Springing the Trap

  Lord Matlock asked for an introduction, and Darcy presented first the Gardiners and then Elizabeth. She curtseyed when her name was given. When she rose from it to see the warm eyes of the elder couple looking at her, she blushed and cast her eyes down. Once the introductions were complete, Darcy escorted Elizabeth to a chair near his aunt.

  “I am pleased to meet you, Miss Bennet. Darcy and Georgiana have told us so much about you.”

  Darcy smiled at Lady Matlock’s cultured and proper statement. There was a note to it that indicated the truth behind her words. She was indeed happy to meet the young lady who had turned her nephew’s head.

  “I am happy to meet you, as well. I hope Mr. Darcy’s words about me were kind.”

  Elizabeth’s lips twitched as she glanced to her left at the man himself. At Georgiana’s giggle from the other side of her brother, Elizabeth ’s lips twitched again. It appeared her nerves had instantly calmed.

  Lady Matlock lifted her hand to cover her mouth, holding in her own laugh. Removing her hand once she had control of herself again, she assured Elizabeth of Darcy’s good opinion. “It was all good things, I assure you.” She paused, noting Elizabeth’s blush with approval. “Tell me about yourself. I have heard what my nephew has to say, but I should like to hear a first-hand account from you.”

  “Oh,” Elizabeth cleared her throat. “I am the second of five daughters. My father’s estate was Longbourn in Hertfordshire. My parents and sisters died in a carriage accident, and I came to London to live with my aunt and uncle.”

  “I am so sorry. I cannot imagine the pain that must cause you.”

  “Thank you, my lady.”

  Glancing at Maddie, who was on the other side of Georgiana, listening wholeheartedly to a story that young lady was telling, Lady Matlock asked her next question. “How do you like living in town? Darcy tells me you enjoy the out-of-doors, but there is not much of it here, I fear.”

  “I do,” Elizabeth smiled. “There is nothing quite as invigorating as a brisk walk on a
chilly morning, with trees and flowers and grasses all around. I agree there is not much of that here in London but the parks are beautiful, and I enjoy visiting them.”


  Darcy knew that Lady Matlock did not enjoy physical activity, so was unable to understand Elizabeth’s enthusiasm for it, but she did not appear to wish to put a damper on Elizabeth’s evening, and so remained silent on the subject.

  “What are your accomplishments?”

  Darcy had told Elizabeth she would face an interview of sorts this evening. Introducing her to his family was a clear indication that he was serious in his intentions toward her. He had thought the inquisition might be more subtle, but it seemed Lady Matlock intended to address it immediately and boldly. He listened in silence as Elizabeth needed no assistance to meet the countess on her level.

  “I sew, both clothing and embroidery; I net purses, and have a passable ability to paint a screen. I am skilled in conversation, and am well-read, I speak French and Italian, and my mother taught me to set a fine table and to entertain.”

  “Do you play or sing?”

  “I do both, but very ill. I sing better than I play,” Elizabeth chuckled, “I confess that I enjoy both activities greatly. It might be better for my listeners if I did not.”

  Darcy observed his aunt fight an emerging grin that threatened to overspread her face.

  “How interesting,” was all she said. “Have you been to school?”

  “No, I have not. Tutors were made available to those of us who desired to learn, and I took full advantage. I have always enjoyed learning.”

  Lady Matlock tilted her head as she listened. “What did you study?”

  For the next quarter hour, Elizabeth talked, describing the subjects she had learned and debating the relative merits of science and mathematics instruction for girls. Darcy grinned, seeing that Elizabeth impressed his aunt. Even so, he could sense Elizabeth’s relief when the butler interrupted to announce the meal.

  Darcy escorted Elizabeth to the dining room. Leaning down to speak softly to her, he expressed his happiness. “She likes you; if she did not, she would have insisted on strict propriety, and we would have walked into the dining room according to precedence.”

  Elizabeth looked at him with wide eyes. “Really?”

  Darcy nodded emphatically. “When she is uncomfortable, my aunt falls back on her training. I have seen her more relaxed than she is now, but it has been a long time. I knew she would take to you.” Darcy’s words were delivered in a gleeful manner, with a wide, smug smile and a sense of merriment.

  Looking ahead once more, Elizabeth replied, “I am glad to have impressed her so. I found her to be very kind and easy to talk to.”

  As the soup was served, Darcy heard Lord Matlock speak to Elizabeth.

  “Miss Bennet, I understand your father owned an estate?”

  Darcy smiled to himself. Lady Matlock had asked after her personal attributes; the lady’s husband was now going to delve into her background. Thankfully, he knew Elizabeth was too good-natured to take offense at their well-meant prying.

  “He did. It was a small estate in Hertfordshire called Longbourn.”

  “Excellent. Darcy tells me you had no brothers, and that a distant relative inherited.”

  Elizabeth smiled again, this time at Darcy, before replying. “That is correct. My father’s cousin, a second cousin two or three times removed, was the only heir that could be found when my grandfather and my father wrote—or rewrote—the entail when Papa came of age.”

  “That is a sad situation, and one that is seen far too often. My sister, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, insisted that her husband follow his family’s tradition of passing estates on to the eldest child, whatever the sex. She is a strong proponent of the rights of women.”

  Darcy bit back his surprise at his uncle admitting in public that a family member was so inclined.

  “Has she read Mary Wollstonecraft, then?”

  “She has. Several times, I believe.” Lord Matlock shook his head and then seeing his guest’s look of wonder, added, “Do not think we approve, Miss Bennet. My sister is a termagant, quite frankly, and the opinions of her family and friends do not matter to her. Her husband, when he was alive, was able to check her, but since his passing, she has grown increasingly worse, imposing her will on her tenants and neighbors alike. I have no issue with her opinions. My wife is one of the best managers I have ever met, and should I die, she would make Matlock thrive in the absence of an heir. I know, too, that there are other ladies just like her.”

  Elizabeth tilted her head as she listened. When Lord Matlock paused, she asked, with a gleam in her eye, “Then you do not oppose legislation that allows women to own property and manage their own funds?”

  Matlock shook his head, fighting to hide a grin. “I do not, to be honest, but most of my colleagues do.” He paused for a moment. “I tell you this for a reason,” Matlock waved his fork. “My sister will not be happy that Darcy has chosen you over her daughter. She has declared for years that they have been engaged from infancy. They were not, however. Darcy’s mother told me long before she died that Catherine had begun making noises about a betrothal, but Anne did not wish her son to be tied to someone as a child. She wanted Darcy to marry for love, as she did.”

  A crease formed between Elizabeth’s brows as she listened to his words. The presence of servants to remove the first course and bring out the second meant she could not respond. When the servants had completed their task and retreated once more, Elizabeth immediately remarked, “Are you saying I should be wary of Lady Catherine?” Her chin lifted. “Do you agree with her about this betrothal between Mr. Darcy and her daughter?”

  “Oh, no, dear,” Lord Matlock rushed to reassure her. “After speaking with you for even this short time, I am convinced that you will do well for my nephew. I only wished to prepare you for her complaints.”

  “I see.”

  Elizabeth took a bite of food and chewed it thoughtfully, while Matlock did the same, carefully observing her.

  “I believe, then, sir, that I should thank you. I will most certainly be alert for disapproval from that direction. Have you any advice on how to handle your sister?”

  “Just send her to Darcy, or to me. One of us will straighten her out.”

  “Indeed, I will,” Darcy said, inserting himself for the first time into their conversation.

  Elizabeth nodded once. “Very well. I will do that.”

  The meal continued from that point, with conversation opening up between various parties at a steady and comfortable pace. The gentlemen decided they were enjoying themselves so much that they did not wish to separate, and so the social period after the meal was a convivial one, and the group parted happily at the end of the night.


  The next day was Sunday. Though Darcy and Gardiner had planned to set the trap they had devised for Mr. Foxglove on that day, they decided at the last minute to wait one more day. Therefore, it was Monday at mid-day that Elizabeth made her first foray alone. Brutus whined and carried on, wanting to go with her, but everyone agreed that his presence would keep the man away, and so Brutus was forced to stay home. Elizabeth walked to her uncle’s warehouse and then to the park, but saw no one.

  “Was he not out there?” she asked her uncle, her frustration displaying itself in bitter words and a large amount of stomping to and fro in the drawing room. “Was the investigator’s report incorrect? Did this Foxglove person see the men surrounding me? I knew they were too large to blend in!”

  “Calm yourself, Lizzy.” Maddie understood her niece’s feelings, but anger was not going to catch the man. “We knew we might have to send you out more than once. All will be well.”

  Taking a deep breath and letting it out again, Elizabeth stopped pacing, resting a hand on each hip. “Very well. I concede that it was unlikely he would show himself the first time out, but I had so hoped we would. I had thought him more opportunistic than he
is, apparently.”

  Darcy, who had insisted on being present and an active participant in the operation, spoke up. “My investigator noted Mr. Foxglove’s penchant for alcohol. Perhaps the call of the bottle was stronger today than that of his employment.”

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes but admitted that it was possible. “I feel exposed, walking about alone. I know it is unlike me, but this is not Meryton, and I am not the same person I was. And yes, Uncle, before you say it,” Elizabeth raised her hand to stop him from speaking when she saw him take a breath and open his mouth. “I know that I insisted on taking part and that this is likely the reason you did not want me involved in the first place. However, you cannot deny that having the real me out there is far better than having someone who looks like me. The weather is not cold enough yet to require bundling up, and my maid does not look enough like me to pass a close inspection. This is still the best option, and I intend to see it through.”

  Gardiner subsided. “Very well. We shall stick to our plan and make another attempt tomorrow. I can think of no way to entice the man to action faster, can you, Darcy?”

  Darcy had been admiring Elizabeth and lost the train of the conversation. He started upon being addressed, forcing his gaze from his betrothed’s rosy cheeks, snapping eyes, and enticing form. “I am sorry. You were saying?”

  Gardiner chuckled. “I said there is nothing we can do to force Foxglove’s hand.”

  “That is sadly correct.” Darcy blushed furiously to see Gardiner’s amusement. He cleared his throat and twisted his neck to relieve the sudden pressure of his cravat. “We are forced to wait upon his whim, I fear.”

  Elizabeth sighed. “Well, that is more frustrating than I can adequately describe. However, it must be done. I will not allow a small amount of discomfort to sway me from my purpose. I will go out again tomorrow and the next day, and the next, if needed.”


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