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Little Bird: A College Bully Romance (J.E.R.K Book 1)

Page 16

by Kait Rose

  “Holy shit Jude that’s amazing! I always knew one day your drawings would be out for everyone to see. Well on walls not skin, but I guess on a person it’s like walls because skin is like...” He stopped my buzzed rambling with a kiss. He pulled back from me and took another swig.

  “What was that for?”

  “It’s called a kiss and I thought your rambling about skin walls or whatever that head of yours thinks up was cute.” He shrugged and continued to take another swig.

  I felt my phone buzz again and when I went to check it, it was already five. “Shit we’re late!” I told my mama goodbye and we started walking towards the gate, but I had one last thing to do.

  “Where is Mrs. Quinn’s grave?” I asked Jude.

  He pointed to the second row back from the gate and said, “The black marble heart in that row.” I squeezed his hand and told him I’d be right back.

  When I got over to her grave, sadness washed over me. I put my hand on her tombstone and kissed the top of it saying, “Thank you for saving him and bringing him back to me today. Goodbye Mrs. Quinn, I’ll forever miss you.” Call me crazy, but that gust of wind that brought me Jude’s beanie, I know in my heart was Mrs.Quinn bringing us back together. She always would give me a smile when she would see me and Jude together. I like to think she knew it too that we found our person.

  I ran back over to Jude, but I must have drank more than I realized. I ended up tripping on a rock and falling to the ground scraping my knees and hands. Instead of yelling ow, I ended up rolling around laughing.

  Jude seemed amused until he saw that I was bleeding. “Madison stop, you’re bleeding everywhere.” He picked me up and started carrying me out of the cemetery.

  “I can walk you know.”

  “Yeah I know, but how you walk you’ll end up hurting yourself even more. Where am I going?”

  “Delilah’s house is a few houses over.”He nodded his head and it was pure silence for a few minutes.

  He carried me the whole way, but a few houses down from Delilah’s my body grew rigid. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a car slowly following us. It was the same car from the when I was at the costume shop.

  “What’s wrong? You’re all tense.” Jude asked and I motioned with my eyes the black car behind me. He turned his head slightly and I said, “I keep seeing that car. Last time it was when I was on my way to the costume shop and now they’re driving slow and following us.”

  Jude stopped walking and turned all the way around to see who it was. They must have know we were catching on because they hit the gas turning on one of the side streets.

  “Maybe I’m being paranoid.” I didn’t want to worry Jude, but he had the same look as when we were kids that he wasn’t buying it.

  “Have you seen anyone following you besides the car or anything out of place at your house?” His light goofy mood shifted to serious and I knew he wasn’t taking this lightly.

  “No everything seemed the same. Maybe I’m just over reacting.”

  “Always trust your gut. If something feels off, call me and I’ll be there right away.” Him saying that reminded me of when we were kids and he always tried to keep me safe.

  “Ok.” You can tell he was lost in thought and so was I because we passed Delilah’s off by two houses. “Right over there, the blue house, is Delilah’s.”

  “Do you not remember where you live little bird?” He said amused.

  “Oh shush now and onward!” He was still carrying me, but I was able to slap him on his ass.

  “You are so lucky you’re cute!” He warned.

  We finally walked into Delilah’s, but I wasn’t the only one who was clutsy. He ended up tripping over the rug and we both went crashing down. Maybe it was because he was the next one to fall or from all the wine we drank, but we were laughing like it was the funniest thing. We laughed so hard we didn’t realize the dining room full of people looking at us.

  “Oh dear, are you two alright?” Delilah came over to help me up. My cheeks were burning red from all the questioning stares . The only two who didn’t seem surprised was Stella and Rem.

  “Yeah sorry Delilah. Delilah this is Jude and Jude this is Delilah.” Delilah’s eyes widen and she mouthed to me, the Jude, in plain sight for him to see. Talk about embarrassing.

  “Hello Delilah. I hope it’s ok I join you for Thanksgiving?”

  “Of course dear any friend of Madison’s is a friend of mine. This Is Scott and everyone else I’m sure you know.” Delilah motioned to Doc and all our friends sitting at the table still staring at us. Knox looked the least happy out of everyone.

  “Oh goodness Madison you’re bleeding. Go clean it up and I’ll have the food out and ready for when you come down.”

  “Yes ma’am.” I headed upstairs to clean my cut out. I was only in the bathroom for a minute before someone came knocking on the door. I opened it and I wasn’t surprised to see Knox there. “Happy thanksgiving Knox.” I leaned in the door way so he couldn’t come inside.

  “Happy thanksgiving Maddie. I have to say I’m surprised to see you come inside with Jude. I thought you two didn’t like each other?”

  “We ran into each other and settled our differences.”

  “Interesting.” And here we go. I had to do everything in my power not to roll my eyes and slam the door in his face.

  “Spit it out. I’m hungry and I want to get downstairs before your sister eats all the honey biscuits.” His eyes widen at that, so hopefully he said what he needed to say and quick.

  “Just seems like you two are getting cozy is all.”

  “Ok?” Where is he going with this?

  “So you do agree...”

  “Knox I don’t agree to anything, so if you can excuse me I need to use the bathroom.” I shut the door not wanting hear anything else. I splashed some water on my face and right then another knock came from the door.

  “Knox I swear...” I opened the door and thank god it was Stella and not Knox. I was running out of patience with him.

  “Spill!” She said excitingly.

  “We ran into each other at the cemetery. He apologized for being an asshole and we agreed to a fresh start.”

  “Eeeeek!” She high pitched squealed.

  “Ssshh, why are you eeking?”

  “Because you two are going to finally be together. It was hard seeing you mope around these last few weeks. You seem happy now.” It has been a rough few weeks, but I did feel better that Jude and I could finally start over.

  “I am.”

  “If he hurts you again, he’ll have to deal with me.” Stella tried saying intimidatingly.

  “He better watch out, you throw a mean right hook.”

  “You got that right!” She was all hyped up and honestly it was adorable.

  “Let’s go grab some of those biscuits before Ezra and Knox devour all of them.” Without another word Stella ran out of the bathroom and I can hear her yelling down the stairs that Ezra better drop that biscuit. My friends are crazy, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  I’m usually never a nervous person unless it comes to Madison. When I ran after my beanie and saw her there talking to her mom, my heart raced faster than ever before. I had no idea if she would think I followed her or send me on my way not wanting to speak to me. For such a long time I thought if she hated me I would be able to get over her, but in all reality it showed me I needed her like air. The thing about love is it doesn’t just fade because you want it too. No it suffocates you until your ready to admit it. I love Madison and I can’t deny it any longer.

  I never even realize the little things I miss that were hidden behind my anger. The way she bit her lip nervously, when she laughs so hard she tries to cover her snort by putting her hand over her face, or the way she’s always making sure everyone is alright before herself. She was selfless, kind, and way to good for me.

  She may have not notice, but when she was at Quinn’s
grave I ran back over to her mom’s grave. I put my hand on the tombstone and told her, “I’m sorry I haven’t been the best to or for her, but know I’ll do anything to make her happy. I promise you I’ll keep her safe.”

  I got back to my spot before Madison noticed and we headed to Delilah’s. I was worried if Delilah knew about how I treated Madison before. I didn’t want to ruin their Thanksgiving, but I didn’t think Madison would invite me if she did tell her. While my mind was running through different scenarios of how this could play out, I felt Madison’s body tense. She told me how she keeps seeing the same car following her and my gut was telling me she was right. I didn’t want to scare her, but she needed to stay aware.

  After almost missing her house, we finally got inside with a crash. I don’t know why, but we were both laughing hysterically to the point we didn’t notice the room full of our friends staring at us. Knox seemed the least happy out of them all.

  I was introduced to Delilah who seemed as sweet as Madison described her when we were kids. Delilah introduced me to her boyfriend, Scott Fully, and the name sounded so familiar like I heard it before.

  We all sat down and of course Knox had to run right upstairs to most likely question Madison on why she was with me. Don’t get me wrong, Knox is my best friend, but lately he’s been on my nerves on he was acting with Madison. He just couldn’t accept she friend zoned him.

  “Funny seeing you here.” Rem said with a smile that said it all.

  “Wasn’t planned, but I’m happy to be here.”

  “Good it’s nice to see you with a smile for once.” We both nodded agreeing.

  Everyone was talking among themselves when we heard Stella come yelling down the stairs. “Ezra Francis Banks put down that honey biscuit right now!” He had about five on his plate that he started putting on mine. “Take these I owe you.”

  “Sugar I only have one.” The traitor then side eyed my plate making Stella look at it.

  “Really five!” She said shocked and mad all at the same time.

  “Madison told me these are your favorite, so I saved you both some.”

  “Oh my god aren’t you so sweet.” Delilah said to me while Stella then said, “At least not all men are selfish pigs.” She gave me a hug and I passed her the biscuits. Ezra was wide eyes and Knox didn’t seem amused at all.

  “What’s all the commotion?” Madison came walking in. There was an empty chair by me, but also by Knox. She chose to sit by me which just made Knox look even more angrier. I was definitely going to have to talk to him when we got back.

  “Men they just eat and eat, but at least your’s saved us some biscuits.” The whole room went quiet besides Knox’s fork dropping on the plate.

  Me or Madison didn’t know what to say, but luckily Scott moved the conversation. “Madison, how was your visit?”

  “It was good Doc.” Doc?

  “That’s good to hear.” I was confused until Madison whispered to me, “He’s my therapist if you were wondering.” It all came back to me that day she ran out of English on the first day. I accused her of calling her many men when in fact she was on the phone with her therapist. I felt like even a bigger ass than before. She must have known what I was thinking because she squeezed my leg and gave me one of her smiles that said it was ok.

  While we all ate the delicious food Delilah prepared, I realized this was my first Thanksgiving that I honestly enjoyed. I always wished I had a mom, dad, and maybe even some siblings where we would all sit around the table enjoying our Thanksgiving. Maybe my dad would even want to throw a football around after dinner, but it was always just a dream not reality. I realized now that family isn’t defined by blood, but the ones you care about the most.

  Chapter Twenty Nine


  We all left Delilah’s with full stomachs and ready to party the rest of the night away. I was looking forward to tonight to have everyone together without Chanel coming and ruining it. We were all planning to go to a field party near by. It was thrown by Knox’s friend, Gus, whose family owned a huge farm.

  When we got there it was like a high school reunion with everyone we graduated with from Uniondale. I kept to myself back then, so most here just gave me the standard, “Hi, how are you?” then moved on to Stella. She had her own little fan club of guys we went to school with pining all over her again to Knox’s and Ezra’s dismay.

  Knox and Jude were both standing on each side of me and it was starting to feel awkward. Since dinner, it seems Knox was starting to catch on to Jude and me. “Beautiful, want me to go and get you another beer?” Knox asked.

  “Thank you, but I’m good.” I held my beer up and said, “Jude just got me one.”

  Knox looked irritated and mumbled, “Of course he did.”

  “Knox baby! Is that you?” A brunette came stumbling over.

  “Ally Wilson! Holy shit, I haven’t seen you since graduation.” Knox held on to her so she didn’t go face first into the dirt.

  “Long time, no see. Want to go make out?” She started giggling and I finally recognized her. She used to be a shy girl who dressed in clothes two sizes to big that tutored Knox. Now she was in daisy dukes with a cropped plaid shirt tied underneath her boobs. Her makeup was on point and so was her curly hair.

  “How much did you have to drink?” Knox took her beer off her and set it aside. She tried counting on her fingers, but kept messing up. While Knox was dealing with her, Jude motioned over to the woods. I eagerly grabbed his hand and we snuck away without Knox seeing.

  Right when we got to the woods, a voice called out Jude’s name. Of course the one night I am free from Chanel trying to ruin my night, it would to be the other psycho bitch from my past to do so.

  “Jude? Jude Tyler is that you?” Bethany from our academy days came running over.

  Jude turned to see who was calling his name and when he realized exactly who was, his body tensed up. “What the fuck do you want?” I jabbed him in the ribs. He has no idea how much worst she got when he left and I really didn’t want to deal with her tonight.

  “I was going to ask if you wanted to come hang out with me and catch up.” She grabbed on to his arm and batted her eyelashes at him. I think I just threw up a little.

  He shook her off and said, “I’m busy.” He went to leave, but she called my name out next. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to her with eyes that said she better watch what comes out of her mouth next.

  “How’s your foster daddy doing?” Out of everything Bethany could say, I never thought those were words would come out of her mouth. Bethany’s father is best friends with Mr. Montgomery, which means she knows everything. I think she even knew it back in high school, but she never once brought it up.

  “Don’t know and got to go.” I waved her off and went to pull Jude, but what she said next had both of frozen.

  “That’s funny since he’s sitting jail from you fucking him.” My body started to shake and Jude’s eyes went wide and it looked like he even forgot to breathe. “By the look on your face I’m guessing you didn’t know little innocent Madison was fucking your foster daddy than accused him of raping her. Well it was great catching up with you two, later!” I was never a violent person until this year. This was also a long time coming and without a second thought my fist connected with her face.

  “You daddy fucking slut, stay the hell away from me!” She stormed back over to her friends while I just ran further into the woods. I prayed that I would just get lost and never have to show my face again.

  Jude was screaming my name over and over again. I didn’t slow until he caught me and held on to me. I kept telling myself do not cry in front of him, but my eyes betrayed me. “What Jude! You probably assumed like the everyone else that I was willing to sleep with my foster dad.”

  “Madison, how can you ever think for a second that I would believe you would willingly touch him. I was sick to my stomach because all this time I knew something was happening. Let me guess all those ma
rks that I would see and ask you about were from him.” I nodded that he was right. “Please tell me when did he…when did he rape you.”

  I shook my head no, but he gave me a look that he wasn’t taking no for an answer. I decided it was now or never to tell him the truth, so I whispered, “The day you left.”

  Jude turned away and started to punch the tree behind him. This was an anger that I never knew Jude could have. When he finally finished his hands were left bloody and raw, but he didn’t even notice. He was looking at me with so much sadness and said, “What a sick fucking bastard. God you were only a kid. I knew, I fucking knew something was happening, but I didn’t want to do or say anything that could have us getting separated. Please tell me the truth the night before when we got caught outside, what happened after?”

  I replayed that night and the next day over and over again in my head. I didn’t hesitate to tell him, “He took our phones and then I went up to my room terrified he was going to hurt me for disobeying him, but surprisingly he never showed. The next morning Mrs. Montgomery woke me up and made me go shopping all day with her. When I returned I went to your room to tell you I made a mistake telling you no, but you and your stuff were gone. I stormed in Mr. Montgomery’s office, demanding to know what happened. He told me you ran away and then…then he raped me.” I barely could get the last three words out of my mouth, but it felt like the heaviness was starting to life a little more now that Jude knew the truth.

  “Fuck! How can I be so fucking stupid! All this time I blamed you for me ending up at the Dolan’s, when you were living in a worst hell. I swear if I knew I would have gotten us out.” He held my face with both of his hands and asked, “What can I do now to make things right?”

  “Make me forget.” I needed more than ever a distraction to get my mind off off the past.

  “Are you sure?” He leaned in and whispered in my ear. My heart was racing and I felt like I could barely breathe, but I was able to nod yes.

  Jude started to slowly kiss behind my ear to down my neck. I felt my skin covered in goosebumps and my nipples starting to harden. I haven’t touched him since Halloween night and I wanted more. He must of felt the same way because before we were going slow to now he was tearing off my shirt. I unzipped his fly and he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. In one second he was inside me and I never felt so full. He drove in and out of me while I ran my fingers through his hair, grabbing it tight when he started to suck on my nipple. Before I knew it, I felt my body explode and he wasn’t too far behind me.


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