Deliberate Receiving

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Deliberate Receiving Page 4

by Melody Fletcher

  Eventually, if the avatar just keeps running back and forth, the pain of sitting idle, of having such a low experience score, will become too much and she’ll pick up one of the coins and move on.

  Believe it or not, you have that exact same feedback system. But instead of experience points (how cool would that be??), you have something else. You have your emotions.

  Emotion alert!

  Your emotions, how you feel, are your indicator of whether you’re going with your newly created desires or not. The longer you go without picking up those desire coins, the longer you keep replaying the same experience over and over again, the worse you’ll feel. The more you go with your newly created desires, the better you’ll feel.

  That’s right, your feelings aren’t actually useless annoyances that mess up your life. They’re an integral part of the reality-creation mechanism.

  Now, at this point, you’re probably wondering if all of this doesn’t seem like we’re being ‘rewarded’ for picking up coins and ‘punished’ for sitting idle. Well, that might be true, if you were playing someone else’s game. But you’re not. This is YOUR game. You get to choose your experiences, which create your desires, and you get to choose your reaction – whether or not to pick up the coins. So, when you pick up those desire coins, you are going exactly where you want to go. A desire is something YOU want, not something someone else wants. You’re not being rewarded or punished for your reactions, so much as being told whether what you’re currently doing is what you really want to be doing.

  So, when you are doing what you want to do, when you are going where you want to go, you feel good. When you’re not doing what you want to do, for whatever reason, you don’t feel so good. When you eat the food you want to eat, it tastes good. When you eat the food you don’t want to eat, it tastes bad. That process doesn’t include punishment or reward. It’s just a feedback mechanism. Do you complain that eating Styrofoam tastes bad, or do you use the information that it tastes bad to make a better tasting choice? Do you feel that it’s unfair that drain cleaner doesn’t smell yummy, or do you consider it kind of logical and even helpful?

  Your emotional feedback system is exactly the same. When you are subjecting yourself to an experience that doesn’t serve you – something you have lived before and therefore no longer represents a wanted desire – isn’t it actually helpful to know that you’re doing that? Isn’t it logical that doing the same thing over and over again is boring, and the problem isn’t that you’re feeling bored but rather that you’re stuck in idle? The only reason you might consider that feedback mechanism to be a bad thing is if you think, for some reason, that it will be impossible for you to pick up that next desire coin. But in that case, the problem isn’t with the game design, or the feedback mechanism, it’s with the idea that you can’t pick up the coin. Because you always can…

  You can always realize that next desire. You can always get what you want. In fact, the game depends on it. Without you picking up that desire coin and experiencing that new desire, no new coins can be created and no new experiences can be had. I don’t know about you, but a game consisting of a character just running back and forth in a pit doesn’t sound like fun to me. The question then becomes, how do we pick up those desire coins and why the hell would we ever choose not to?

  Chapter 3

  How the Game Works

  Why don’t we always just pick up those desire coins? In order to answer that, we have to take a look at how the mechanics of the game actually work. You’ve probably realized by now that by ‘the game’, I mean reality. When you play the game, you create your reality. When you play the game consciously, meaning that you know you’re playing the game, you create your reality deliberately.

  I’m totally aware that a lot has been written about reality creation in the last few years, much of it confusing, inaccurate, downright misleading and, let’s face it, just total bullshit. It’s left a lot of people with a bad taste in their mouths regarding the concept of taking full responsibility for and control of their lives. This is a shame because, when you actually understand this mechanical process, all the changes you’ve wanted to make, with the various techniques you’ve read about, actually start to happen.

  Here’s what creating your reality is NOT:

  Thinking positively and then expecting your life to change magically.

  Looking at all the bad crap that’s happened to you and then blaming yourself for it, as in ‘you did this to yourself!’

  Sending mind waves to that hottie in your office so they come over and hit on you (if only, eh?).

  Hating yourself and trying to change it by chanting, ‘I love myself. I love myself. I love myself’ (that’s just annoying).

  Anti-religious (reality creation actually blends well with the core truths of most faiths).

  Visualization or vision boards (visualization IS a good tool to use and we’ll talk about it later, but simply visualizing on its own doesn’t make things happen).

  Watching and censoring everything you and those around you say (DO NOT become THAT person; you know, the one who tells everyone they can’t say ‘want’ or anything that sounds even remotely negative. And yes, cursing is totally fucking allowed. In my book, it’s even encouraged... See what I did there?).

  Watching and censoring everything you think and then beating yourself up for your bad, bad thoughts (no self-flagellation required. Extra points if you giggled like a 13-year-old at the word ‘flagellation’).

  A way to control others (you may be worried about or hoping for this power – either way, no deal).

  Magic (although it will, at times, totally seem like it).

  Just about getting a good parking spot (yep, that IS pretty cool and useful but, honestly, this is about changing your whole life AND getting good parking spots. One does not need to cancel out the other).

  A freaking secret (no one is keeping this from you deliberately. You’ve had the power all along, Dorothy. It’s just that, by design, you weren’t quite able to remember it while deeply steeped in the fog).

  If you’ve tried some, or all of that stuff, in the past only to have it not work for you, you’ll hopefully be relieved right about now. Deliberately creating your reality is not about chanting affirmations, feeling guilty or picturing a car and then having it magically appear. In order to understand what it actually is, however, we have to go down the rabbit hole just a little further.

  Everything is energy

  Let’s start with the basics: everything is energy. Everything. At this point in our technological development, that shouldn’t be too hard for people to accept, especially when you consider the advancements we’ve made in quantum physics. We’re all just a bunch of quantum particles and/or waves bumping around. Our brain is, among other things, a translator, allowing us to perceive the world around us in a physical or semi-physical way. So we can touch the chair, smell the coffee, taste the chocolate, see the ocean and hear the birds singing.

  It is not our eyes that ‘see’. Our eyes simply receive light waves in a certain frequency range. It’s actually our brain that translates those light waves into something we can perceive as an image. The same thing happens when we touch something with our fingertips. We simply perceive energy, which our brain then interprets for us, so we can experience it. Keep in mind that when you dream, you can feel as though you are actually experiencing something physically, while you’re really just lying in bed doing nothing. That’s your brain in action.

  Everything is energy and it’s all vibrating at different frequencies. Our brain can translate some of these frequencies into something we can experience physically.

  Consider this: when you download an mp3 file onto your computer, it’s nothing but a data file. Really, it’s just a bunch of zeroes and ones strung together in a certain sequence. Your computer can interpret those zeroes and ones and then play them back as music, which you can perceive with your ears. Your brain is like that computer. (Remember this metaphor; we’l
l be coming back to it in just a moment.)

  The zeroes and ones that make up the mp3 aren’t ‘physical’. They can be transmitted via a physical medium, like a CD, but they can also be streamed through the air via a wireless signal. If you tried to show and explain this concept to someone from a couple of hundred years ago, they’d think it was magic (or probably the devil. People back then really, really had a hard-on for the devil). But for us, it’s something we’ve come to accept fully as part of our reality. Physical stuff can exist in a non-physical state. Just because we can’t perceive something with our five physical senses doesn’t mean it’s not there. Information is being streamed at us constantly. All you have to do is switch on your smart phone and you’ll have all the proof you need.

  So, if you wirelessly download a song, it’s in a non-physical state. You chose the song by using your phone or computer to communicate with a non-physical website, and translating it into something you could interpret and interact with. The song comes to you in an energetic from and is then brought into the physical via a device such as an mp3 player. It’s only perceivable as physical once you hear it with your ears. You could also print out the album cover, making a physical representation of something that only existed as data up to that point, or even create a 3D model of the band using your 3D printer. (I’m printing out a full-sized version of Hugh Jackman in his Wolverine costume as we speak.) Thanks to advancements in technology, it’s easier than ever to understand how we can interact with non-physical energy, and how something non-physical can become solid and touchable. We do it every day.

  Downloading reality

  This concept of non-physical energy extends far beyond radio and TV signals, microwaves and what I’m sure are totally legal downloads of songs, movies and games. Because the book you’re now holding (or the device you’re reading it on), the chair you’re comfortably sitting in, the clothes you’re wearing, the car in your driveway, the hottie sitting next to you on the train while you try to think of something clever to say, even YOU, are all made of energy.

  You see, playing the mp3 and listening to it doesn’t suddenly change the nature of the data; it doesn’t change the mp3. It’s still just zeroes and ones. All that’s changed is our perception of the file. Instead of interacting with the file (like downloading it, renaming it, filing it in the right folder), we are now experiencing it (listening to it, dancing to it, looking around to make sure no one’s watching and then trying out our new, sexy, butt-jiggling moves…).

  The act of hitting the play button allows us to experience the song in a physical way. We are, essentially, doing the same with our reality. That chair, the clothes and the hottie are all physical AND non-physical at the same time. We are interacting with non-physical energy, choosing what to download, and then hitting the play button, thereby allowing ourselves to experience it with our physical senses. And Badabing! Badaboom! You’ve got yourself a heap of physical reality, all made of cosmic zeroes and ones.

  This selection of something to download and hitting the play button is what many people want to call the ‘process of creating your reality’. And up until this point of the book, I have been too. But that’s actually not technically accurate.

  You see, when you download and play the mp3, you’re not creating it. It’s already created. It’s the same for all of your manifestations – by the time you experience them, they already exist. The desire coin is created as soon as you are having an experience. When the desire is created, it exists in non-physical form. The process of perceiving that desire (experiencing it), is what ‘brings it into’ the physical.

  So, when we are talking about manifesting the reality that we want, we’re not talking about creating it. The creation of what we want happened as soon as we had the experience that made us want it. What we really want to focus on is the receiving part. That’s why I didn’t call this book ‘Deliberate Creating’.

  Now, the process of receiving also happens automatically. You know how to receive your reality. In fact, you’re a master at it. If you doubt that, look around you. Are there any gaps in your reality? Is there a lack of continuity? Are there dinosaurs running around, or do you sometimes turn around to find a blank space, because you forgot to order and receive that part of the room? Unless you’re reading this from a padded cell, I’m going to take a strong guess that the answer is no. You are way better at this shit than you’ve been giving yourself credit for.

  The problem is not with the process of creation or receiving. The problem is with WHAT you are receiving. Your world isn’t filled with random stuff. Everything that’s in it is there for a reason. And no, it’s not to teach you a lesson, or to taunt you or to punish you. It’s there because you chose to download it. Or rather, you were told to download it, shown how to download it, and even manipulated and coerced into downloading it. In fact, you were given entire playlists at birth and told they were the best playlists in the world (‘No need to go looking for something different, ya hear?’)

  What you download is, however, a choice. Can it still be considered a choice if you don’t know it’s a choice, if you’re still in the fog? Yes. The fog was a choice, too. However, I’m not here to teach you to choose unconsciously. You’re already doing that. I’m here to make you conscious and aware of the choosing and downloading process, so you can experience the reality you want. I’m here to help you change your old playlists. I’m here to teach you about Deliberate Receiving.

  Downloading deliberately

  Your smart phone is a pretty nifty piece of technology. You can interact with all the data on the Internet, search for what you want and find it easily, pay for if need be, download it and use it to experience that media. You can read text, watch movies, listen to music and play games. You can make voice and video calls, get text messages, and sext messages (sexy text messages, or so I hear, ahem). You can make notes of things you want to remember, take pictures and even make videos. In short, it’s an interface that you can use to interact with non-physical reality, bring it into the physical and experience it.

  Your brain is like your smart phone, only way, way cooler. It also has access to the Universal Internet (no modem or provider required!) with all its infinite information. It can search for specific data, download it and then play it back for you in holographic detail. It also automates much of this process, and sets filters based on past searches, but we’ll get into that in much more depth in Chapter 5. Your brain is the computer that allows you to interact with non-physical reality, download what you want and experience it in the physical.

  The holographic room

  Here’s how receiving your reality actually works. Imagine yourself in a big, white room. It’s filled with nothing but white screens. It’s a holographic projection room, like the holodeck on Star Trek. Only, instead of a computer or laser projecting a series of images into the room, YOU are the projector. You are a transmitter of energy, emanating frequencies outwards that bounce off the cosmic mirror and are reflected back as your reality. Pretty cool, right?

  This is where most people already go astray, because it sounds a bit like ‘think of money, get money’. It’s also why a lot of people who get into this work think it’s all about blame, i.e. ‘If you hadn’t focused on poverty then you wouldn’t be poor.’ I’m happy to tell you that this is, once again, a bunch of bullshit. Unlike our holographic technology, which is still in its infancy, the Universal hologram doesn’t just reflect back an image. It reflects back a representation of the frequency you emitted. Don’t worry; I’ll explain this further, because it’s a really important point.

  Your manifestations (what you experience) are not a match to your thoughts, but to the vibrations you emitted. This is why simply thinking of money doesn’t get you money, and why thinking of poverty doesn’t keep you poor. That’s a gross oversimplification of the process and one that probably never sat quite right with you. Good. In the next chapter we’ll get into how to tell what your vibration is, but for now just understa
nd that everything in your reality is a reflection of your vibration. Everything.

  This applies even to other people. That doesn’t mean that other people don’t exist. They do. But you are not ever going to experience ALL of them, every single aspect of them. You can only see those parts of them that match your vibration. Have you ever had the experience of seeing someone in a different environment than the one in which you usually interact with them? Maybe you’ve gone to pick your spouse up at work and realized they’re a lot funnier with their co-workers than they are around you. Or, perhaps you’ve seen a completely different side of your child while watching him playing with his friends. You may have even noticed that you act quite differently depending on whom you’re with.

  People are a lot more multifaceted than we give them credit for. You can’t see all of someone else’s facets. You’ll only ever see those facets that match the vibration you’re projecting. This is why yelling at someone to change or pleading with them or even threatening them doesn’t work. They can only ever show you what matches your vibration. They can only ever mirror back your own energy. Trying to change the other person using action or words is like going up to a bathroom mirror and yelling, ‘Smile goddammit! I will stand here until you smile, and I will only smile back once you do.’ You’re not only going to be standing there for a long time, you’ll also look totally insane while doing so.

  If you want to change your reality, anything in your reality, you have to change what’s being reflected; you have to change your vibration. The rest of this book will show you exactly how to do just that.

  Where’s the proof?

  Before we go any further, I’d like to address one of the most frequent questions I get asked: Can I prove to you that this is real and that it actually works this way? Well, if I’m going to be honest, and I always am (honestly!)… No. I can’t prove anything to you. I can’t even prove to you that the sky is blue. Even if I show you scientific data that tells you the sky is there and the light bouncing off our atmosphere causes you to see it as blue, what forces you to believe that the blue I’m talking about is the same as the blue you’re seeing? Nothing, that’s what. You can’t force someone to believe anything. You can manipulate them into pretending they agree with you but, in the end, everyone gets to choose what they actually believe. I may be able to throw enough ‘evidence’ at you to convince you, but how much evidence is needed to accomplish that is still up to you. You have to accept it as being ‘enough’. You have to decide to be convinced.


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