Deliberate Receiving

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Deliberate Receiving Page 5

by Melody Fletcher

  What you believe is a choice. And because it’s a choice, I cannot ever prove anything to you beyond a shadow of a doubt, as long as you choose to have doubts. All I can do is make my case, give you the explanations and metaphors that allow your brain to understand these processes easily, show you examples of people who have successfully applied them and leave it up to you.

  I do, however, want to give you some advice. I’m sharing some concepts with you in this book that may be drastically different from what you were taught about how reality works. Choose to accept these concepts and metaphors as real, just for a little while. Choose just to go with it, give it a try, suspend the old way of doing things (that never worked anyway!), and give yourself over to this process. Don’t half-ass this, really go for it. See it as a game. Choose to act as if your reality really was a holographic mirror of your vibration (you don’t have to believe that it literally is, but if you apply this premise even as a metaphor, you’ll get real results). There is no real risk involved, except that your life will drastically change for the better.

  Which brings me to my second piece of advice: be willing to accept change. So many people start this work, only to freak out when stuff actually begins to happen (yes, this crap actually works!). We’ll cover how to avoid these freak-outs in Chapter 12, but for now, be open to the idea of your life actually morphing into something different. If you download a different playlist, don’t be surprised when the music you hear changes.

  There’s no judgement

  I’d also like to point out another, rather huge, concept: it is a mechanical process. There is no middleman involved, deciding if you deserve the holographic reflection you’ve chosen. You are not being punished with ‘bad’ holograms (as in, you projected one thing but got something else). And you’re not being taught any lessons.

  How would you feel if you went to Amazon and ordered a book, only to be sent something completely different? Perhaps you ordered a funny romance novel, but received a calculus textbook, with a note from Amazon telling you that you don’t get to have fun because you haven’t yet paid your dues, because Amazon hates you, or because people like you (insert family name, gender, cultural background, certain physical attributes, personality traits, geography, etc.) can’t have nice things. Chances are you’d feel like Amazon had lost their goddamned mind. Very few of you would just sit there and go, ‘Oh well, I guess I’d better learn to love calculus’ or, even worse, come up with all kinds of justifications for why Amazon was probably right to do what they did.

  But that’s what people do in their realities every day. They get something they don’t want and then make up reasons for why that’s OK. We’ll be taking a look at a lot of these specific reasons throughout the book, but they all have one thing in common: they all assume that there’s judgement involved. Someone or something decided to intervene and give you something you don’t want. Someone or something has more power over your reality than you do. It doesn’t matter what you order, Amazon and iTunes and eBay decide what you get.

  Only, that’s just not how it works, and thinking that it is will keep you stuck in a reality filled with unwanted crap seemingly foisted upon you by some outside force. Because as long as you assign the responsibility for what you’re receiving to someone outside yourself, even if that’s not true, you can never deliberately choose to receive what you actually want. You’ll be asking someone else for permission to pick up your desire coins. And because no one else can actually give you that permission (it’s YOUR game!), you’ll never get it, causing all your coins to rot and your desires to go un-experienced.

  This is why the downloading metaphor is so perfect. You choose to order something and you get it. No big whoop. No judgement involved. The idea of needing to deserve it, being a good enough person, or needing to get other people’s agreement doesn’t even enter into the equation. If you don’t get what you wanted, you don’t automatically assume that it’s your fault, that you simply weren’t good enough. You never assume that you can’t get what you ordered. You figure something in the process went wrong. And if you knew that Amazon didn’t make mistakes, that you ALWAYS received what you ordered, you’d go back and check your receipt. You’d call Amazon to see if you could figure out where it all went wrong. You wouldn’t just sit there and freaking accept that you must now foster a love of calculus.

  This metaphor also allows us to introduce another concept: size doesn’t matter. No, I’m not talking about that (admit it; you totally went there). I’m talking about the size of your manifestation. It’s all just data, all just zeroes and ones. It’s no more difficult for you to download a movie than a single song. And because it’s all just data, it’s also no more difficult to manifest a mansion than a parking space.

  Chapter 4

  Focus, Frequency and Feelings

  So, if this truly is a simple mechanical process (and it is), and all you have to do is download what you want, then why isn’t your life filled with mansions and movie stars? Why aren’t you king or queen of the world? Why is Brad Pitt refusing to answer your fan mail? Where is it all going wrong? Let’s take a look at how the manifesting process actually works, how you place your order and how you receive your reality.

  When you order something off the Internet, you first have to go to the right website. You can’t go to a website that sells curtains to buy a dress (unless you’re Scarlett O’Hara, in which case, knock yourself out). You then have to search for what you want, choose it and receive it. If it’s an electronic item, you can download it immediately. If it’s a physical item that has to be shipped, you’ll have to wait a little while.

  But the process is always the same:

  Go to the correct place to find what you’re looking for.

  Search for it.

  Select it.

  And then receive it.

  Easy-peasy, right?

  Well, if it really is that easy, then why don’t we constantly receive only what we want, instead of being surrounded by the equivalent of piles and piles of stinky foot mush? It turns out we tend to introduce a few bugs into the system inadvertently.

  There are two different points in this process during which you can sabotage a successful outcome – while selecting and ordering the item and while receiving it.

  Ordering and receiving

  The ‘ordering’ process refers to what you are choosing to download; it’s the placing of the order. In the holographic room, this is the emitting of the energy (the frequency you send out, which bounces off the cosmic mirror and gets reflected back to you). If you don’t pay attention to what you are choosing, your lovely brain will default to choices you’ve made in the past – your order history. It’s impossible to stop choosing altogether, by the way, as that would cause your entire reality to fall apart and disintegrate, which would be sort of disorienting to say the least and, really, kind of a bummer. Who wants to sit in an empty room? Remember that if you don’t choose to realize a newly spawned desire, you’re automatically choosing to have the same experience again. In either case, you’re still always choosing. But you can choose deliberately or by default. You can experience deliberately or by default. I suggest you do both deliberately, but that’s just me.

  We’ll be looking at precisely how you can interfere with the ordering process in just a moment.

  You can also interfere with the delivery of your order during the receiving process – the experiencing of it (hitting play and listening to the song). How you choose to experience something determines what desires are created from it, which determines your next experience. If you choose to see something as positive, your desire may be for that same experience to intensify. If you choose to see something as horrible, your desire will be for something completely different.

  So, how you choose to perceive the hologram actually changes the hologram. Don’t you worry, I’ll be breaking this down into much more detail later in this chapter. But first, we have to talk about how you’re actually doing the choosing.

  Choosing your vibration (what you’re sending out)

  How, exactly, do we choose what to order? How do we even know what we’re emitting (what we have ordered)? Well, the easiest way to figure out the second one is to look at your hologram – at your reality. What’s being mirrored back to you? If your reality is filled with a bunch of stuff you adore, you’ve got a great vibration. If it’s full of a bunch of unwanted crap, you may have some tweaking do to. I’m guessing that you’ve got at least some unwanted stuff floating around in your world, or you wouldn’t be reading this book; you’d just be blissfully happy, probably swimming in a pool filled with chocolate sauce and strawberries and having your every need being tended to by hunky vampires. Or maybe that’s just me.

  Remember how everything is energy? That means everything is vibrating at a certain frequency. When you focus your attention on something, you activate its frequency. In the video game analogy, if you had your avatar look at an object, say, a tree, it would start to vibrate and glow.

  As you activate the frequency of something (a thing, a concept, anything), the Law of Attraction kicks in. Now, I know, you’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction, or LOA for short, but, unfortunately, a lot of what you’ve heard may have been full of – how do I put this delicately? – the main export from the Crap Factory in Craptown, by way of Bullshit County, in the Land of Misinformation. I can’t help that. What I can do is explain to you what the Law of Attraction actually is, what an important part it plays in the process of receiving your reality, and why you should stop rolling your eyes at it (you know who you are).

  The Law of Attraction, in a nutshell, states that any frequency that is activated will cause other representations of that frequency to join it.

  Oh dear Gawd, what the hell does that mean? Don’t worry, I’ll explain. When people study the Law of Attraction, this is actually the point that they most frequently get wrong.

  Notice that the above definition contains the phrase ‘representation of frequency’. When we talk about the frequency of something in this context, we are not actually talking about its physical frequency, something one could measure with a physical device. We are talking about the frequency it evokes in the observer. This is a huge and all-important distinction.

  When you focus on something, and therefore activate it, you are entering into a type of interaction with that thing. You and it are ‘communicating’. No, the luxury car you’re looking at isn’t going to tell you its life story. But you will notice that focusing on the car will cause you to experience a feeling about it. Anything you choose to focus on will evoke a reaction from you. You can’t help it. Once you have an experience of something, once it enters your reality, you’ll have a reaction to it. You’ll have an opinion about it, if you will. This opinion will be based on the emotion you felt as you had the experience.

  Remember that your emotions are your vibrational feedback system, letting you know if you’re going for what you want (realizing your desires) or not (choosing to sit idle and have the same experiences over and over).

  By focusing on an object or idea, the observer’s vibration will become a match to what that object or idea represents to the observer, NOT the frequency of the object itself. You see, when you look at a chocolate ice-cream cone, it will not affect you in the same way as another person looking at that same chocolate ice-cream cone. You may love chocolate, for example, while they prefer vanilla. That ice-cream cone will not represent the same experience to each of you, it will not feel exactly the same to each of you, and will therefore not attune you to the same frequency.

  To you, in your reality, that ice-cream cone will have a different frequency (will represent a different frequency) than it will for someone else in their reality. What frequency something has is relative – to you the observer and what you want. It is your perspective, how you feel about it, what it represents to you and what you want that determines its frequency in your reality. As you focus on the ice cream and think about eating it, you actually begin to vibrate at the frequency it represents to you, and you begin to emit or send that frequency out into your holographic reality, where it is reflected back to you.

  If what you are focusing on feels good to you (positive emotional feedback), then you are emitting a frequency close to what you want (the better you feel, the closer your vibration is to what you want). If what you are focusing on feels bad to you, then you are emitting a frequency far away from what you want (the worse you feel, the farther away your vibration is from what you want).

  So, you choose your vibration (what you send out into your holographic room and therefore what shows up in your reality) by choosing what to focus on and paying attention to how it feels. The better something feels to you, the ‘higher’ your vibration. The worse something feels, the ‘lower’ your vibration. Using ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ to refer to vibration in this way isn’t technically accurate as it’s all relative, but for the sake of convenience many teachers, including me, refer to a vibration that is more closely aligned with what you want as ‘higher’, and a vibration that is less aligned with what you want as ‘lower’. Therefore, a higher vibration is one that feels better to you, and a lower vibration is one that feels worse to you.

  I cannot stress this enough: it’s not just what you’re focusing on that determines your vibration or what you’re choosing to download. It’s how you feel about what you focus on as you focus on it. The thing you’re focusing on is merely a representation of a vibration. Everything is just a representation of vibration. You choose to match the vibration of what that thing represents to you by focusing on it.

  This is why the idea that you literally get what you think about is fundamentally flawed and leads to so much confusion. You get what matches the vibration you’re emitting as you think about something. You can’t just focus on money to get money. You have to take a look at what money represents to you and how it feels, and then check on whether or not you’re aligned with that. Don’t worry, I’ll be taking you through the process of aligning you with what you want in much greater detail later in this book.

  How what you focus on manifests

  How, exactly, does the Law of Attraction actually fit into all of this? To answer that, let me introduce you to one of the most important concepts of this book. We’re going to look at the mechanics of how non-physical energy becomes physical or, in other words, how stuff actually manifests into your physical reality.

  When you focus on something, the frequency that this something represents is activated within you. As you continue to focus on it, it becomes more and more ‘active’. The Law of Attraction causes whatever you are activating to ‘grow’. It actually draws more and more particles to you that match the exact frequency you’re activating. This is why we say, what you focus on grows. It literally does! And I know that many grammar angels out there are going to say, ‘No, it doesn’t literally grow. If I stare at an apple, it will not get bigger.’ And they’d be right, as long as you’re talking about the apple’s physical frequency, not its representational frequency, that is.

  The Law of Attraction is the mechanism by which what you focus on grows, but you have to remember that you’re talking about the frequency of what the thing you’re focusing on represents. No, the apple will not get bigger as you stare at it, and no, you probably won’t get a bunch more apples (although you might). But let’s say that you hated apples. They disgust you. Apples represent a frequency to you that feels like disgust. As you look at an apple and feel that disgust, it won’t take long for other stuff that matches that frequency, stuff that also feels disgusting (and probably even more disgusting than the apple) to enter your reality.

  Let’s take a closer look at how this process works – exactly how manifestations come into being.

  Progression of a Manifestation

  I’m going to use a simplified, theoretical example in order to help make this point clearly. We’ll get to the real-world examples, once we’ve covered all the
basics. We’re going to choose a target that feels good, but the mechanics of this apply whether what you’re focusing on is wanted or unwanted. In other words, all manifestations, both positive and negative, follow this Progression.

  Stage 1: You focus on something of your choice

  Consider that you’re focusing on a big red rose. You have to imagine it because there isn’t any rose physically present in your reality but, in your imagination, it looks exquisite and smells divine. It’s not hard at all for you to focus on it. As you do, you activate the frequency that the rose represents to you.

  Stage 2: You feel an emotion

  As you activate the frequency that the rose represents to you, you feel a corresponding emotion. This emotion is your first manifestation. It could not have occurred if you hadn’t activated the frequency that triggered it. The emotion is a result of, or a response to, an active frequency. This is your vibrational feedback. Without this feedback, you have no way of knowing what you’re actually focusing on. Think of it this way: if you point a laser pointer at the wall, you have no way of knowing exactly where you’re pointing until you see the little red dot. You need some kind of feedback to let you know where you’re focusing that laser, and you need some kind of feedback to know exactly what it is you’re focusing on in terms of receiving your reality.


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