In the example of the rose, let’s say you’re feeling love. So, by focusing on the rose, you’re actually activating a frequency that feels like love. Since love feels good, you know that you’re successfully aligning with something you want. So, you keep going; you keep on focusing on the mental picture of that rose. If something feels off to you, if the emotion you’re noticing feels negative, this emotional stage is your first opportunity to adjust your focus until it feels better.
Stage 3: Thoughts, memories and ideas
In the next stage of manifesting, you’ll notice more thoughts and memories that feel like love flooding in. You may suddenly recall how your grandmother used to give the best hugs and how she made you feel loved. You may begin to imagine other flowers or images of seemingly unrelated objects or ideas that feel like love to you. As the frequency of what you’re focusing on becomes more and more active, as the Law of Attraction causes more and more energy to join in, more representations of that energy will show up. Thoughts, memories and ideas are all manifestations. Notice that thoughts come AFTER emotions in the Progression. It may seem like you think a thought and then have an emotional reaction, but the thoughts you have access to are actually determined by your emotional state (and if you go deeper, your vibration).
If you’re not a vibrational match to a thought, such as ‘I love myself’, for example, you can chant it all day long, but you won’t be able to attune to that thought and feel it. You won’t be able to activate the vibration of feeling loved. Saying the words and actually activating the frequency you think they represent are two different things. We’ll cover why that is in greater detail in Chapter 6, but for now, remember that your thoughts don’t determine your vibration; your vibration determines your thoughts. As you activate a frequency, you’ll first manifest a corresponding emotion, after which thoughts and memories that match that representational frequency (or the same emotion) will show up.
Stage 4: Synchronicities appear
Synchronicities are smaller physical manifestations that represent a frequency to you but don’t necessarily mean anything to anyone else. For example, you might hear a song on the radio that feels like love to you, but the person you’re with doesn’t see the connection between the song and what you’ve been focusing on. A lot of people love the synchronicities of numbers, such as seeing 11:11 on their clocks. Someone at the grocery store may make a comment to you, reminding you of something that feels like love. You might see a billboard with a meaningful (to you) message. These small events are easy to miss or dismiss, but they’re the first signs of your manifestation becoming physical. Be careful not to dismiss these events as meaningless, as coincidences (no such thing, it’s ALL a mirror!), or as nonsense because others in your reality don’t agree with you. Representational frequency is a uniquely personal thing.
Stage 5 to infinity: The physical manifestations grow
At this point, something that feels like love will come into your reality, something you almost can’t miss. (I say ‘almost’, because people do still miss manifestations at this stage…) Starting in stage 5, you’ll begin to see what most people would call ‘real’ physical manifestations. You might meet a hot, new romantic partner, for example. These manifestations are obvious enough that others will be able to validate them, although they may not necessarily do so.
It’s at this point that most people make a huge mistake and totally mess up their vibration. You see, manifesting is an ongoing Progression, and stage 5 is not the last stage. Manifestations continue to grow and evolve. Basically, they get bigger and more obvious.
People often mistake the first larger physical manifestation for ‘the one’, be it the one job, the one partner, the one and only chance they’ll ever get to have what they want. Often, you’ll get a manifestation that feels quite a bit like what you want, but doesn’t completely match it once you dig a little deeper. This is called a ‘precursor’, a concept we’ll be covering in detail in Chapter 12, but the main point to remember here is that manifestations happen in a Progression. You don’t have to settle for the picture of what you want instead of the real thing, you don’t have to settle for a house that’s pretty on the outside but a horrible mess on the inside, and you don’t have to settle for a good-looking guy who’s actually a douchebag.
Stage 5 is also where action comes into play. That’s right, action is a manifestation. What you say and do HAS TO BE a match to your vibration. I’m going to say this again: You can’t actually take action that’s not a match to the vibration that you’re offering.
When you try to manipulate or change your reality with action that doesn’t match the vibration of what you want, you fail to bring about what you want. You’re working on a stage-5 manifestation (the result), rather than the cause (the vibration itself). You may have heard the term ‘inspired action’. All action is inspired action, because all action is inspired by a vibration, just not necessarily the vibration of what you want.
If you’d like a quick reminder of the Progression of a Manifestation as you’re reading through the book, you can find a summary in Appendix III. You’re so totally welcome.
The Progression of a Manifestation in action
For example, let’s say you want to lose weight. You think that if you exercise, you’ll drop pounds, and so you force yourself to do so. You also force yourself to go on a diet. You’re not a vibrational match to what you want – being thin, but you’re going to try and change your body through action. If you don’t become a vibrational match to being thin, you will never lose the weight and/or keep it off. Even if you do manage to force your body to drop some weight, you’ll only end up gaining it all back. The torturous action you took was not a match to thinness, but a match to the frustration you feel at not being able to lose weight. If you’re frustrated with being fat, this diet and exercise programme may have been a way for you to punish yourself. Losing some weight and gaining it back will be a perfect way to mirror back that frustration to you in an even more obvious way. If you want to do something, but can’t seem to force yourself to do it, it’s only ever because the frequency of what that action represents to you doesn’t actually match the vibration you’re emanating.
When we talk about ‘inspired action’, however, we’re usually referring to action inspired from a place of being a match to what we want – meaning, action that will take us closer to that wanted manifestation. This kind of inspired action requires us to become a match to what we want before taking action. It’s incredibly important to understand that action does not bring about change. You cannot force your physical reality to change by taking action. You can’t change the hologram by swiping at it with your hands any more than you can change what your bathroom mirror is reflecting by wiping at it, punching it or pleading with it. You can only ever effect change by altering what’s being reflected. So, when you focus on trying to make something happen through action, you’re in for a frustrating ride. The key is to change the vibration to one that matches what you want and let the Progression inspire the action that matches that frequency. This type of inspired action is easy, feels good and is incredibly effective (it actually works).
This is also why our willpower fails so often: it wasn’t designed to be used in conjunction with action. Most people think their willpower is there to help them change some kind of habit or action to another one, like forcing themselves to start jogging, or quit smoking. Our tool of willpower is actually there to help us make a change in how we focus. Thanks to the Law of Attraction supporting that focus by immediately bringing more manifestations that match what we’re focusing on, our willpower doesn’t actually have to last very long. Which, incidentally, is why it doesn’t.
As long as you continue to match and emanate a frequency, the Progression of a Manifestation that matches it will never end. Not only do the manifestations get bigger and more obvious, they get more intense – meaning, they will evoke a stronger and stronger emotional reaction from you.
You ca
n tell by how you feel if you’re continuing with the Progression or not. Notice that I didn’t say that you had to feel good to continue manifesting. All of these stages will apply equally to the manifestation of unwanted things. So, if you continue to focus on something that feels bad, you’ll get more and more evidence of that, too.
Choosing your experience (what you’re receiving)
Now that you understand how you choose what to download into your reality, and the basics of how it manifests into the physical, let’s take a closer look at how you might be filling your reality with crap you don’t want by messing up your vibration while receiving your manifestation.
As I explained in stage 5 of the Progression of a Manifestation (physical manifestations), it’s easy to misinterpret the manifestations we get. When we decide, for example, that a specific manifestation is the ‘final’ or perfect representation of what we want, even though focusing on it feels increasingly off, we can actually cause a misalignment in our energy (we stop focusing purely on what we want) and stop the Progression of wanted manifestations. We can also try to make unwanted manifestations (the crap) go away by yelling at it and pushing it away and kicking at it and banishing it. This, however, doesn’t work at all. When you focus on what you don’t want, you bring more representations of that energy into your reality, just the same as when you focus on what you do want. The process is mechanical. It doesn’t care if you want it or not. If you focus on it, you’re getting it. When you press the button on a vending machine, you’re going to get whatever that button said, whether you meant to push it or not.
Your reaction to your manifestations at any stage (stage 2 to infinity) is actually what kicks off the next stage 1 (you focus on something new). Focusing on anything in a way that doesn’t match the vibration you’ve deliberately chosen to hold will kick off a whole new Progression.
Let me give you a few examples to illustrate this concept:
You’re focusing on the rose and it feels good, but you then let the annoying guy in your office get your attention and you focus on that instead. You’re now heading down a whole new Progression. You’ll be manifesting stuff that feels annoying.
You were focusing on a rose and you manifested the picture of a rose, but you assumed that this was your one and only manifestation of that frequency and so were disappointed by the fact that it was only a picture. Your disappointment shows you that you are now no longer a match to what the rose represents, and will no longer continue down that Progression. You’ve started down a new Progression. One of disappointment.
You were focusing on a rose and you manifested a song that feels like love (the frequency the rose represents to you). But instead of perceiving the song as part of your love Progression, you choose to see it as a reminder of how hopelessly single you are, causing you to sink into sadness and frustration. You have now started a new Progression, one that leads to more desperate singleness (as opposed to awesome singleness) instead of love.
This is why the RECEIVING part of the equation is actually just as important in deliberately getting what you want as the ORDERING part. It’s only through the evidence (the emotion, the thoughts and memories, the synchronicities, the stuff, etc.) that you know what you’re actually focusing on, allowing you to make adjustments. By looking in the mirror, you’re able to see what’s being reflected, allowing you to make changes that will then allow the reflection to change. It’s your reaction to that reflection that determines what frequency you’re going to be emanating next. In this way, your reaction to a manifestation actually sets off your next Progression of a Manifestation, and therefore determines what’s going to manifest next in your reality.
What went wrong?
We’ve now covered the basic mechanics of how reality creation works – how manifestations come into the physical, and how you can control what you manifest into your reality. But, if this is actually how it works (and it is), why, in the Gawd-forsaken hell, aren’t we all just focusing on what we want? Why aren’t we using this mechanical process to create only realities that feel good? What, exactly, are we doing wrong and WHY?
It turns out that we don’t just focus on what feels good. In fact, most of us humans (interestingly, we are the only species on Earth that does this) spend more time focusing on crap that doesn’t feel good. But why would we do this? I mean, haven’t we proven that humans are actually wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure? Isn’t the avoidance of pain actually one of our biggest motivating factors?
Yes, we did and, yes, it is. So why, then, are we still in so much pain? Where is the bug in this equation?
Chapter 5
The Anatomy of Resistance
We all want to feel good. This is true for everyone, even the most miserable among us. We, like all beings, are wired to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. So why is it that so many of us are still in so much pain? Unless the game is broken, which it isn’t, why would we even include the ability to create so much crap? Why are we so good at filling our holographic realities with so much unwanted stinky foot mush and so bad at filling them with chocolate-filled swimming pools? In order to answer that, we’ll delve deeply into how we humans tick, how other humans have taught us to sabotage focusing on and receiving what we actually want and, more importantly, how to change all of that.
We humans will actually willingly and often deliberately focus on something that doesn’t feel good, thereby bringing more evidence of that feeling into our realities. We will actually interfere with the frequency of what we want, by attuning ourselves to something that doesn’t match, something that resists that good -feeling frequency.
Why would we do this? Well, it’s not because we’re stupid or crazy. It’s because we have resistance. But what, exactly, is resistance?
Resistance is any perspective that causes us to focus willingly on something that does not feel good by making it seem that the painful option is the best-feeling option we have access to.
Let’s get one thing straight. No one wants to suffer. No one wants to be in pain. No living thing will ever willingly and consciously move away from pleasure and towards pain, not even humans. It may often seem like we’re running towards the suffering, but what we’re really doing is running away from something even worse. No exceptions.
If you see two options, you will always choose the better-feeling one (according to your perspective). Someone from the outside could easily see a third option that holds a lot less suffering and wonder why you didn’t choose that one. They might even try to persuade you to take that third option and then call you an idiot for not choosing it. But what they don’t see is that you hold a perspective that filters out that third option, making it completely unavailable to you.
Let’s go back to the Amazon analogy of Chapter 3. When you search for something on Amazon, you have the ability to filter those search results, meaning you block out many of the potential options in order to narrow down what’s left, making it easier to find what you’re looking for. This is generally a good thing; it’s a mechanism that allows you to find that perfect book or pair of shoes in a lot less time and with much less effort. You don’t have to look at everything that’s available. You don’t have to sift manually through the entire inventory of what Amazon sells. You can narrow down the search to clothing, then to shoes, then to black high heels in a certain size. The more filters you set, the fewer results you’ll get. If your search criteria are good, you’ll be filtering out all the items that you don’t want right now, and leaving only what matches what you’re looking for.
But what if your search criteria were bad? What about if you forget to clear your search filters from one search to the next? Perhaps your parents searched for something last and their search parameters are still in place. What if you’re applying filters to a search for blue shoes, when you’re actually looking for black shoes? Well, instead of helping you to find the shoes you want faster and more easily, those filters would actually be getting in your way, blocking out the results you t
ruly want.
If you were unaware that Amazon had this search filter function, you might assume that they didn’t have any black shoes for sale, seeing as there weren’t any in your search results. You’d settle for some dark blue shoes perhaps, assuming that this was the best you could do. You might even choose a truly ugly pair of shoes, simply because it was the best of the ones that were available, and well, you need shoes.
But the truth is that Amazon does have a search filter function, and you do know about it. When you don’t find what you’re looking for, you don’t assume that what you want isn’t available (you know they have black shoes! They freaking have everything). You erase the search filters and start again. You understand that if the results you’re seeing don’t match what you want, you must simply not be seeing them. So, you change your perspective (you change the filters), until you’re successful.
When it comes to manifesting, the Universe also has a search filter function and, just like Amazon, when you don’t get the search results you want it is never because what you want isn’t available, or isn’t available to you. It’s always due to a filter in place that is blocking out those results. These filters, or limiting perspectives, are also called ‘Limiting Beliefs’. Limiting beliefs are a type of resistance.
Deliberate Receiving Page 6