Chapter 12
Manifesting the Reality You Want
This is the chapter you’ve been waiting for. It’s now time to take all of the information I’ve presented, put it together and use it to actually manifest the reality you’ve always wanted. It’s time to deliberately receive. First, let’s review the basics of what we’ve covered so far:
Everything is energy.
You are in a holographic room, projecting your vibration to the cosmic mirror, which reflects it back to you as a physical reality.
You can control your vibration by choosing what to focus on.
You may be focusing on something unwanted, due to your ‘search filters’ or limiting beliefs making it seem like the stuff you want to focus on doesn’t exist.
Your emotions are your feedback system that let you know if you’re focusing on something wanted or unwanted.
All manifestations, good and bad, follow a Progression that is powered by the Law of Attraction.
You can use the Progression of a Manifestation to find your limiting beliefs and release them.
Releasing a belief is basically a matter of figuring out what erroneous conclusion you’re still holding on to and changing your perspective on that subject, and you can do that by using the Five Basic Steps to Changing Any Belief and Releasing Resistance.
Your emotions are messengers who will only go away once you receive the message.
You receive the message by engaging with or feeling your emotions without judgement.
You can use this release of emotions to work your way up the Spectrum.
We’ve explored how the mechanism of reality works, that you are a manipulator of energy, that you have way more control over your experience than you ever thought and, even more importantly, exactly how to exercise that control. But what good is all this wonderful knowledge, if you can’t apply it to actually get what you want? That’s what this chapter is all about. You know how the car works; now it’s time to put your keys in the ignition and actually drive it.
Manifesting something you want into your physical reality is simply a matter of becoming aware of it, of attuning yourself to the frequency that this thing you want represents to you. As you may recall from Chapter 4, you have two opportunities in the manifesting process either to attune your vibration to what you want or mess it up – the selecting and ordering of what you want from the Universe’s online store (the sending out of your vibration, or what you’re focusing on), and the receiving of it (how you choose to react to your manifestations). You already know how to focus on what you truly want; you find the essence or frequency of it, the emotion that it represents to you, and focus on that to the best of your ability, fine-tuning as you go. This fine-tuning is made possible by your understanding of and attention to your feedback mechanism – your emotions, then thoughts, memories, synchronicities and finally physical manifestations and action. We’ve spent the majority of this book dissecting your emotions and what they mean, as well as learning how to use the Progression of a Manifestation to engage with the ‘thoughts, memories and ideas’ stage, and find and release your limiting beliefs. You learnt that while you can’t really force other people or situations to change with action, you can manipulate your reality in the energetic state, causing real changes in your physical reality. When you make changes to your vibration by controlling your focus, your reality quickly begins to follow suit.
If you remember the stages of the Progression of a Manifestation, you’ll recall that how you react to the feedback you receive actually sets up the next Progression. This means that your reaction is incredibly important to whether or not you’re attuning yourself to what you want. The good news is that you’ve already laid the groundwork to changing your reactions simply by reading this book. Chapter 6, which dissected the Four Crappy Core Beliefs We All Share, basically dealt with the mind-set you need to adopt in order to manifest the reality you want. This mind-set is part of what determines your reaction. If, for example, you believe that your perspective is the only ‘right’ one, you will never be open to changing that perspective. If you believe that you have no control over your reality and that what you see in the physical is how it is, you’ll react to every manifestation as though it was fact, and not part of a malleable field of energy that can be shaped into anything you like. The groundwork has already been laid, but now it’s time to fine-tune your ability to react in a way that’s optimal to manifesting what you truly want as quickly as possible.
The concept of precursors
Always remember that what you truly want is always going to be a feeling of some kind. You may think that you want a better job, or a house, or a boyfriend, but what you really want is the feelings that you think those experiences will provide. I cannot stress this enough: what you’re after is the frequency, not the stuff that represents it. This is true no matter what you’ve decided that you want.
This isn’t to say that the stuff isn’t important or fun. It’s both of those. But when you focus on the representation of the frequency instead of the frequency itself, when you make the stuff more important than the feeling, you’re actually starting a new Progression – one that leads to disappointment. Remember that all manifestations are part of a Progression. So, any given manifestation may or may not be a perfect representation of the frequency that you want. In fact, since they manifested as a result of your mixed vibration, most of them won’t be a perfect match. You’re focusing on what you want and also activating what you don’t want. These manifestations are in your reality to help you fine-tune your vibration.
All manifestations serve a dual purpose: they give you something to focus on that feels more like what you want (or rather, what you’ve been focusing on, unwanted or wanted, but let’s say wanted in this example), making it easier to keep on focusing that way, AND they help you to identify any resistance you have. Physical manifestations will trigger a stronger emotional response (they are more obvious representations) than non-physical ones. Unless you’re already a match to something (which means you’re experiencing it), your vibration on that topic will always be mixed (with some of what you want and some of what you don’t want). So, most of the manifestations in your reality are going to contain both wanted and unwanted elements. If you’re going to notice and work with these elements to keep making improvements on your reality, you’ll have to acknowledge their significance.
If, for example, you’ve been working on your vibration regarding that job you want, you may wake up one Sunday morning with the urge to check the paper (inspired action), and see an ad for the perfect job. If you now decide that this job is obviously THE ONE, you may actually be focusing on something that doesn’t quite match what you want, but will match only some of what you want. Your vibration, at this point, may not be completely ‘clean’ yet. But, by focusing on this manifestation as though it was the Holy Grail of jobs, you begin a new Progression – one that may get you that job (or something that feels like it). Also, it may not. Either way, you won’t be happy.
You see, you don’t know everything there is to know about that job. That’s always the case, no matter what kind of manifestation you’re talking about (job, person, house, car, etc.). You only see what you’re able to, what is currently a match to your vibration. If you shift your vibration, you’ll begin to see and experience something else. When you saw the job description in the paper, it sounded perfect. It was a synchronicity that felt good and therefore showed you that you were on the right track. But, what you don’t see is that the job also contains a whole lot of ‘other’ elements, stuff that’s not on the list of what you want. The boss is actually very nice, but he’s about to leave for another department and his replacement is a real douchebag. The job description may sound great, but there are a lot of other duties that aren’t listed, which will drive you up the wall. You can’t know any of these things without taking the job. You can’t know that this job only seems to have the elements you want, enough to match your vibration a
s a synchronicity or minor manifestation, but also contains a whole lot of other stuff, which you really, really don’t want.
The good news is that you don’t need to know any of that stuff. As long as you recognize this job as a synchronicity and don’t hold it responsible for being the ultimate manifestation you’re looking for (the ONE), you’ll continue to manifest bigger and bigger versions of what you want until your dream job appears. If, however, you decide that this job is the ONE you’ve been looking for, and you apply for it, interview for it and do everything in your power to get it, one of two things will happen. Either, you’ll get the job, find out it actually sucks worse than a vacuum cleaner on steroids, and be disappointed. Or, you’ll not get the job (as a result of not being a match to a sucky job, thanks to all the positive focusing you did), see THAT as a failure, and be disappointed. No matter what, you’re disappointed. Neither way gave you what you wanted and, of course, neither was ever supposed to.
These manifestations that seem to match what you want, but don’t, are what I call precursors.
A guy that seems to be everything you want but is unavailable to you is a precursor.
A house that seems totally perfect but has a price you’re not comfortable with is a precursor.
A job that matches your whole list of what you want but is in a location you don’t want to move to is a precursor.
Precursors are synchronistic manifestations that are a match to what we want and what we don’t want, although we may initially only see them as positives. They can serve as signposts, letting us know that we’re on the right track.
Precursors are not meant to be your final manifestation. They are not what you want; they only seem like what you want. You are not meant to engage with them fully, only to use them as focusing tools.
How can you tell a precursor from the real thing? Well, for one, it doesn’t come fully into your reality, or at least not easily. In other words, there’s something about it that doesn’t feel good. That guy who won’t ask you out isn’t a sign from the Universe that you’re supposed to stalk him. Precursors also often have one glaring thing that’s ‘wrong’ with them. A price that’s too high. A perfect guy who’s married. A great job in a horrible location. Or they’re just a pain in the ass in some way. Essentially, any manifestation that doesn’t completely match what you want is a precursor.
Unfortunately, most people in our society are so conditioned to manifest what they don’t want, that when stuff that feels good actually starts to enter their reality, they freak out and begin to latch on to the first good thing to show up in years. They don’t yet trust that things can get even better, but instead are incredibly willing to settle for something less than what they truly want. It’s this willingness to settle, and the belief that we have to, that mess up more manifestations than you might comfortably want to imagine.
Manifestations that match what you want will come into your reality so easily, so smoothly, so effortlessly, they’ll feel like they were always there, you only just noticed them now (and that’s pretty much exactly what happens…). You NEVER have to settle for less than that. Of course, you can if you want to, but you don’t have to. You can ALWAYS get what you want. But you can’t have it both ways. As long as you’re willing to settle for less than you want, you won’t be a match to what you do want, and won’t be able to receive it.
Catalogue shopping
Instead of instantly latching on to anything and everything that feels remotely good, as soon as it enters your reality, and declaring it to be the ONE, I’d advise using a technique I call ‘catalogue shopping’ instead. Catalogue shopping is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
When you’re looking through a catalogue, and you see a shirt you like, you never assume that you have to order everything else the model on that page is wearing. You understand that you can order the shirt from page 256, the shoes on page 125, the scarf on page 77, and the trousers from page 249. In other words, you choose the items or components that you like, and you leave the rest.
When you’re looking at your reality and what’s manifesting in it, engage in catalogue shopping. For example, let’s say you interview for a job that seems perfect, but which would require you to move to Alaska. As beautiful as you find Alaska, you don’t want to live there. Now, instead of lamenting that you’re missing out on your perfect job, or forcing yourself to move to a place you don’t actually like, take the components that this job had which matched what you wanted (the job itself, the way the co-workers got along, the competent, cool boss, etc.), and leave the stuff you didn’t like (the location). Focus on the stuff that feels good to you and ignore the stuff that doesn’t. Recognize that this job was simply a precursor, and continue to become a match to the frequency of what you want. This is how you manifest the reality of what you want.
This seems like such an easy and simple point, but believe me, it’s one of the most difficult concepts to grasp when it comes to real life. I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve argued with, because they insisted that a certain love interest was the ONE, even when it was blatantly obvious that they were not. The reason we hang on to our precursors so vehemently, the reason we’re so willing to settle for something less than what we want, is in large part due to the underlying Crappy Core Belief #2 – that we can’t get what we want – and any smaller supporting beliefs that formed on top of it. When you KNOW that you can get what you want, you don’t generally settle. If you already have a kick-ass job offer on the table, you’re not going to settle for a crappy little job that only somewhat matches what you want. When you’re deeply in love with your soul mate, you’re not going to settle for someone who merely ‘treats you nice… most of the time’.
The only reason to settle is fear. When you’re afraid that you will not get what you want, you’ll grab on to anything that comes close. You’ll make do. And you might even be satisfied, for a while. Until you realize that this manifestation, this man, this woman, this job, this house, this car, isn’t actually what you want (basically, when you come out of denial). That’s when the whole process starts all over again. You realize that you’re not happy, you identify what you don’t want, focus on what you want instead, begin the Progression of a wanted manifestation and then… probably latch on to the first good thing to come into your reality. While this ‘good’ thing may be slightly better than the last thing you gave up, allowing you to grow and evolve in this way, I’d like to point out that this method of growth is slow and rather frustrating. And that’s providing you wait until something is enough of a match to you so that it can actually manifest fully into your reality. If you latch on to something too early, you won’t even manifest the precursor (you don’t even get an interview for the perfect-seeming but imperfect job), and you’ll feel like a total loser.
It really is so much easier, faster and more enjoyable to continuously focus in a way that feels good and allows your manifestations simply to unfold. See your entire life as a giant catalogue, because it is. Every detail you see is something you can choose or something you can dismiss. None of it is ‘fact’ or ‘how it is’; it’s all something that could be. It’s all just possibility. Sure, you may have manifested a job with a bunch of douchebag idiots, but that doesn’t mean that you have to choose to manifest that tomorrow, or the next day, or the next.
It’s up to you, though. You can do it the painful way, if you really want to. After all, it’s your reality.
Beyond the threshold
I’ve spent the majority of this book on the lower part of the Spectrum, below the threshold, and there’s a good reason for that. You can’t consistently hang out in the upper part of the Spectrum without having focused (knowingly or unknowingly) on what you want MORE of the time than what you don’t want. You’ll have to already have released a lot of your most limiting beliefs. And, you’ll have received a lot of clarity in various forms (remember that as you climb up the mountain, you get a better view). You know from looking at the emotions an
d beliefs in the Spectrum that continuing to move upwards simply requires that you commit yourself to focusing on what feels better, and fostering more and more trust in the idea that life is actually a wonderful adventure that’s always working out for you.
But what if you’re already a pretty Happy Shiny Puppy? Is there a way to speed up your progress, smooth out the ride and go further down the rabbit hole? Well yes, of course there is. Here are the most important points to remember:
All emotions are valuable. DO NOT demonize your negative emotions. DO NOT see them as a sign that something has gone wrong. Nothing ever has. Negative emotions and manifestations appear in order to help you release the underlying limiting belief. They are helpful messengers. So, if you really want to turbo-charge your manifesting ability, see every negative manifestation as a good thing. Celebrate it. Approach it with an attitude of ‘Oh yay! Something to release! And once I’ve released it, I’ll go even further!’
All manifestations are precursors to a degree. Because your ‘goals’ will always be evolving, because you’re always creating new desires, no representation of a frequency can ever permanently match every vibration you may want to attune yourself to. Detach from the idea of holding on to stuff, focus on the essence of what you want, and allow the manifestations to morph continuously to mirror that back to you. This is called practising detachment. You don’t need to detach from what you want, just from the representations of it (the stuff). This is much easier to do when you understand that they are, in fact, just representations.
When you become frustrated, back off. When you’re hanging out mostly in the upper half of the Spectrum, FRUSTRATION will often be the lowest you’ll dip. Remember that frustration is a sign that you’re pushing, that you’re trying to make something happen, that you’re taking action too soon. Back off and relax. Focus on the essence of what you want and get back on the Progression that feels good.
Deliberate Receiving Page 21