Remember that you cannot focus specifically on a problem and immediately become a match to the specific solution. You have to back off, take a broader view and then let the Law of Attraction narrow your focus. If you’re trying to figure out something with logic and you’re getting frustrated, see Point 3.
Remember that nothing is happening TO you. It’s all happening FOR you. This is your game. You are in control, just not in the way you thought you were. It’s your reality and you do get to have what you want.
This is truly the best time to be alive. The vibration of the entire Universe has never been as high as it is now. More and more people are waking up, crossing the threshold and becoming conscious of who they really are. More and more people are letting go of the Old World thinking, the limitation, the jealousy and hatred and anger, and allowing themselves to believe that there has to be a better way. More and more people are reaching their breaking points, are standing up and fighting back, are giving voice to their feelings, finally starting their journeys up the Spectrum. You chose to come here NOW for this reason. You are not here by mistake. Everything you are and everything you’ve experienced so far has been orchestrated perfectly. You came into the fog because you knew that you could find your way out, and you knew it would be the height of awesomeness to do so. You didn’t come to suffer. You didn’t come to prove yourself worthy. You started playing this game because you wanted a challenge worthy of a master, such as you are. You didn’t want to be bored. You didn’t want it easy. But you did want to win, and you knew that you could.
Bottom Line
You’ve just been given the code for the game. You’ve just been given the rules, hidden trap doors and all. You’ve peeked under the hood; you know how it works. The question remains, now that you hold the knowledge of how the Universe works, what will you choose to do with it? Will you manifest the reality you want? Or will you continue to follow the directions that someone else gave you, running into neighbourhoods you don’t want to be in, and getting hurt? Will you choose to become conscious?
Will you choose to be who you really are?
My suggestion is, of course, that you give it a try. Simply choose to believe that this is how it actually works and use the techniques in this book to change the way you feel. You don’t necessarily have to tell anyone that you’re doing this, if you don’t want to, but inside your own mind, be willing to give it your all. Don’t half-ass this, instead take the following five actions:
Really pay attention to how you feel, and then receive the messages from your emotions by feeling them without judgement.
Focus on what you want, rather than on what you don’t.
Use your tool of imagination to reach for what you want.
Then the tool of faith to believe that it can and will come about.
Use the tool of willpower to shift your focus from something that feels bad to something that feels better, and move up the Spectrum.
Do this for a short while (even a week will yield results) and see what happens. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your reality begins to change when your focus is on how you feel. You’ll gape in shock and awe at how easy it will be to change your life, even the stuff you’ve been struggling with for years. You’ll remember just how powerful you really are, that you’re a master at this, once you begin to play the game as it was always meant to be played. You’ll do what you came here to do. You’ll be who you always, deep down, knew you were.
I’m not asking you to take my word for it. Just try it, but try it wholeheartedly. Don’t trust me. Trust the process. Trust the game. Trust yourself.
And when your life begins to change, when you become a Happy Shiny Puppy, when you begin to feel better than you ever thought you could, when you free yourself from the shackles of your limiting beliefs and you begin to annoy those around you with your new-found giddiness, come on over to my blog and join the community (the Happy Shiny Puppy Army! Please see the Appendix for additional tools and resources). I cannot wait to hear your story!
Until then, allow me to send you smooshy Happy Shiny Puppy hugs.
With all my love, appreciation and light,
Appendix I
Bonus: How We Can Influence Other People
Ready for more?
I’m so happy that you’ve manifested this book! And I can’t even tell you how appreciative I am that you’ve decided to read it all the way through!
As a special thank you, I’d like to offer you a bonus chapter, on ‘How We Influence Other People’. Although this subject could easily qualify for a book on its own, I decided to try and squeeze it into a big old chapter. Unfortunately, the book was getting too long and we had to cut it, but through the use of modern technology, you can go and read that chapter online RIGHT NOW!
I’ve set up a special page on my website, just for the readers of this book:
While you’re there, you can also join the steadily growing Happy Shiny Puppy Army, an online community of like-minded individuals (other people just like you!) who support each other in the goal to make the world a happier, shinier place one puppy at a time.
Go on. You know you want to.
And, you’re welcome.
Appendix II
Universal Tools
You may be wondering why I left the tools until the appendix, almost like an afterthought. After all, isn’t this the good stuff? Isn’t this what most people want – to be told exactly what to do in order to manifest something they want, like a car or a lottery win? Well, yes, it’s what most people think they want, and it’s what most other books on the subject of manifesting and the Law of Attraction focus on. The problem is that if that information were enough, you wouldn’t have ever picked up this book! Understanding how the underlying mechanics work, and therefore what those various techniques actually do, allows you to apply any technique that resonates with you, know what to do when it doesn’t work, and make the necessary adjustments in order to ensure your success. In other words, it’s the difference between being shown how to use a hammer and being shown how to build a house. Once you know how to build the house, you could use a hammer or a rock or all kinds of other ‘tools’ to do the job. You could become like freaking MacGyver. If all you know how to do is use a hammer, you can drive a nail into a board. Yeah… that sounds exciting.
So, yes, I’ve left the tools for last. You’re totally welcome.
Coming up are some Universal tools, meaning, tools that can be used in multiple if not all of the stages of the Spectrum.
* Meditation *
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you’ve heard about meditation before. Everyone talks about meditation. But before you skip this bit, thinking that you’ve been there and done that, hear me out. After all, do you actually know what meditation does? Do you know why it works or, in many cases, doesn’t work?
Meditation, as most people understand it, is the process of clearing the mind of all thought. Now, if you’ve ever tried to do that, if you’ve ever just tried to shut your mind up and found it hard, you might have concluded that you just can’t do that, and you know what? You were right. You truly can’t just get your mind to stop thinking. And here’s the dirty little secret: no one can. Now that you understand that thoughts are manifestations of vibration, it will make sense that you can’t just stop a Progression of a Manifestation (at the thought stage or any other) by deciding to shut it down. In fact, the more you try to do that, the more you’ll focus on what it is you want to stop; and the more you focus on that, the further down the Progression you’ll go. That’s right. You’ll get even more thoughts. In fact, your mind will go crazy with thoughts.
What a successful meditation actually does is bring you to neutral (Zero Point on the Spectrum). You focus in a way that brings no response whatsoever, and starts no Progressions, either positive or negative. This is why focusing on a nonsensical or neutral object, sound or idea can bring us into the med
itative state. If you focus on something meaningless, you will have no reaction to it and will, in that moment, stop all (or most) Progressions. At least this is what traditional meditation is all about. The purpose of this point of neutrality is that it causes you to stop your negative Progressions, even if you’re not aware of them. When you then return to the ‘real’ world, when you reactivate all of your Progressions, you’re much more likely to feel the discomfort of all your active resistance. In other words, the stuff that you were in denial about will become more obvious. Meditation is a great tool for helping you to break out of denial.
You can use any number of techniques to achieve this meditative state, but here are a few of my favourites, especially designed for people with busy minds:
Breathe deeply and count your breaths. Each breath in and out counts as one. You may need to get to 100 before you reach a state of peace (you will feel the relief of the non-negative state).
Do a physical activity that requires almost no attention and which allows your mind to wander, like washing the dishes, running on a treadmill, knitting, sanding something, gardening, or just walking. It’s best to choose something repetitive and mind-numbing. Do you see where I’m going with this? Basically, you’re going to let it numb your mind, but consciously. If you allow yourself to be aware of the numbness, of the emptiness, of the thoughtlessness, you will be in the meditative state.
Listen to instrumental music. Again, make sure it’s not your favourite song from your honeymoon. The music should not be associated with any specific memories. And you may not want to choose music with singers, if you tend to pay attention to the lyrics. I find classical music works well for me. Just lie back and let the music work on you.
Go sit in nature. Seriously, just go sit under a tree or in a garden. Now, engage your senses – listen to the birds singing and the leaves rustling, smell the grass and the flowers, feel the sun on your skin, the breeze on your face, etc. This is, incidentally, one of the easiest ways to get into the meditative state since nature’s high vibration will support you. If you have access to nature at all, use it.
Play with a dog, cat, or other pet, or a baby. As you focus on your pet or the baby, you tend to let go of all the stuff that’s bothering you and become present in the NOW. When you’re present in the NOW in a totally allowing way (you’re just letting the moment be what it is, without trying to change it), you’re in the meditative state.
You’ll know that you’re doing it right when you feel a sense of profound relaxation wash over you. That will happen when you stop the negative Progressions of Resistance you’ve got going.
As you may have noticed, there’s no mention of sitting in the lotus position while chanting ‘Om’. You can certainly do that if you want to, and if you’re that bendy, but I’ve found that particularly Westerners don’t generally respond that well to this type of meditation. You see we depend on our mind all day. We’re not sitting on some mountaintop in the Himalayas, Om-ing away. We’ve grown up thinking that our mind has all the answers. We have jobs and kids and cars to drive and groceries to buy and our mind helps us with all of that. We can’t really just shut them off or tell them to get out of the way. But we can work with them. This is what all of my explanations are about. When your mind understands the process, what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, when it understands how it works, it will often get out of the way and let you go about your business. When we give our mind a job as we meditate, as these techniques do, we tend to have a lot more success.
You can take your meditations to the next level by making them ‘active’. An active meditation is one that uses the neutral, non-negative state as an opportunity to activate a positive frequency. You see, when you stop the resistance, you’ll be removing the blockages to what you want, allowing you to become more of a match to that. Use any technique you like to get into the relaxed, neutral meditative state. Then, from that place of neutrality, begin to focus very generally on what you want (the essence or feeling of it). You’ll notice that the positive Progression will not only build much faster than normal, but it will also go further than you’ve gone before. You’ll get visions that are much bigger than anything you may have achieved before. You may even see yourself changing the world! Keep in mind that whatever you’re seeing is not a premonition of the future, but a representation of the frequency you’re lining up with. Your actual manifestations may or may not come about in that way.
Meditation is a tool that can be used in any part of the Spectrum.
* Letter to the Universe *
This is probably the most popular technique I’ve ever taught. You can use the letter in any of the groups in the lower Spectrum and all the way up to HOPE. Any higher than that and it tends to focus us a little too much on the unwanted to be helpful. It’s also a great tool to use when you’re feeling stuck or desperate, or when you need something to happen quickly and you have no idea how that might come about. It’s simple, it takes about 20 minutes and it works, often incredibly quickly. I’ve used it with great success in my own life many times, including to shift the situation with those mean managers I mentioned in Chapter 10.
For example, a few years ago, I had made a commitment to a friend. I keep my commitments; it’s important to me. However, a new and much better opportunity came up and, well, I really wanted to take advantage of it. I didn’t want to let down my friend, but I also didn’t want to miss out on this wonderful chance. I was really conflicted about it and had no idea what to do, so I wrote a letter to the Universe. What I really wanted was to take advantage of the new opportunity, but for my friend not only NOT to be mad at me, but to understand completely. I wanted to have my cake and eat it. I wrote the letter at night. The next day, I sat down with my friend and explained the situation. Even though I’d been so stressed about telling her, I found the perfect words and she heard me completely. She wasn’t angry. She was happy for me. She completely understood and told me that in my position, she’d do the same.
This may seem like something small (it was actually a rather large commitment), but avoiding a major argument with someone I care deeply about is pretty important to me. After that, I started to use the Letter every time I found myself really stressed about anything imminent. I had no time to figure things out. A volatile business meeting the next day, an apartment search for which I had very little time, an interview for a major job promotion, etc. And each time, the Letter allowed me to release my resistance, line up with what I wanted and get the results that I was after. Ready to hear how to use it? Here we go:
Step 1: Dear Universe…
Sit down and begin writing a letter. You can just open a text file on your computer or you can make a little ritual out of it by using beautiful stationery and a special pen. It’s up to you. Do whatever feels right. Date the letter and begin with ‘Dear Universe’.
Step 2: Describe where you are right now
Tell the Universe about your current situation; essentially describe the problem. Be honest about how you feel.
For example: ‘Dear Universe, I have one month to find a new apartment and I feel totally stressed out about it. The landlord came by today and told me that I have to move. There’s nothing I can do.’
Step 3: State your fears
List all the reasons that you’re stressed out. What are you afraid of? What do you NOT want to have happen? By doing this you are acknowledging the negative emotion that’s already there, and allowing yourself to identify it by using the Progression of a Manifestation to release resistance.
For example: ‘I’m afraid that I won’t find a place in time. I don’t want to live in some crappy, horrible room, with nasty roommates. I’m afraid I won’t be able to afford anything nice or even decent. I’m afraid that I’ll be homeless or I’ll have to go and beg friends to stay on their couch. I’m afraid I won’t even have time to look for a new place, what with work and all…’
Allow yourself to feel these fears. As you give yourself permission to
acknowledge how you truly feel, you may well find that you’re already releasing (you may begin to cry, for example). You may also find that you’ll get angry. If this happens, go ahead and let the anger out. Keep going until you feel that you’ve stated all of your fears and everything you’re worried about. Just getting it all out will already help.
Step 4: Tell the Universe what you want
Now that you’ve gotten all the fears and doubts out of your system, go ahead and tell the Universe what you want instead. What do you need? What do you want? Remember to start off with the essence of what you want. Don’t get too specific too quickly. Keep writing until it feels really good. What you’re doing here is focusing on the frequency of what you want and focusing on it like gangbusters. When you begin to feel better, you’ll know that you’re doing it right.
For example: ‘I want to feel good. I want to feel secure. I want to feel like everything will work out. I want to be in my new apartment. I don’t want to have to worry about how it comes (you may put a statement about what you don’t want in there, but if you do, just make sure the next statement turns it around to what you want instead). I want that apartment to come to me easily. I want it to just find me. I want a place that I’ll afford easily. The apartment is close to my work and has easy access to public transport. It’s central and surrounded by all the shops I need. It’s bright, full of natural light and the other people in the building are all really nice. I don’t have to look for the apartment; it just kind of finds me. It’s easy. I can’t believe how easy it is. The landlord is amazing and wants me as his tenant. In fact, he only asks me for a small deposit so that it’s easier for me to afford the move. Even the move itself is easy. My friends help me and then we have a little party in my new place. I can’t believe how amazing my new apartment feels. It’s cosy and homely and the previous tenants even left me some amazing furniture. I love it. It showed up in plenty of time and I didn’t have to worry at all.’
Deliberate Receiving Page 22