Deliberate Receiving

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Deliberate Receiving Page 24

by Melody Fletcher

  Frustration: The feeling that you can and should receive what you want, but that it’s just out of reach. A feeling of ‘Why is this not working?’ Also a sign that you are trying to take action too soon and make something happen.

  Full empowerment: The knowledge that not only is everything always working out FOR you, but that everything happens in response to your vibration.

  Gratitude: A ‘lesser’ form of appreciation. Appreciating what you have, but still being beholden to some outside power to some degree. (‘I’m grateful that I received this from…’) Not to be confused with fake gratitude or appreciation, although many people use them interchangeably.

  Guilt: A feeling that you have done something wrong. This is often coupled with shame (‘I have done something wrong because there’s something wrong with me’), but doesn’t necessarily have to be.

  Happy Shiny Puppy: An infinitely joyful, playful, loving, open and authentic being who doesn’t take life too seriously and is so happy that others become happy just by being in the same vicinity.

  Hatred: Intensified blame, which happens when you’ve suppressed the anger and the urge to blame for too long.

  Hope: A ‘lesser’ form of optimism. You are willing to trust the positive more than the negative, but aren’t quite sure of it.

  Imagination: A tool that allows you to visualize and feel the emotions of a scenario that is not currently represented in your physical reality.

  Jealousy: The feeling you get when you want something that someone else has, and believe that because they have it, you can’t. Belief based on scarcity (there’s only so much to go around).

  Joy: The feeling of being totally in the NOW.

  Law of Attraction (LOA): The Universal law that states that any frequency that is activated will cause other representations of that frequency to join it.

  Limiting belief: A belief that once served you, but no longer does, like an outdated software program.

  Love: The feeling of focusing on something with only appreciation.

  New World thinking: The paradigm we are moving into (from Old World thinking), in which we’re primarily motivated by seeking pleasure, adventure, expansion and individuality. The main theme of the New World is pleasure maximization.

  Old World thinking: The paradigm we are moving out of, in which we’re primarily motivated by avoiding pain, staying safe, limitation and conformity. The main theme of the Old World is pain minimization.

  Optimism: You are willing to trust the positive more than the negative.

  Passion: The feeling of being totally in the NOW, engaged in inspired action.

  Pessimism/negative expectation: A negative perspective, more trust in the fact that things will not work out rather than that they will.

  Positive expectation: The feeling of trusting that good things will happen. Can be dampened if the expectation is too specific.

  Powerlessness: A sense that random bad stuff just happens to us while there’s nothing we can do about it.

  Progression of a Manifestation: All manifestations, positive (wanted) and negative (unwanted), follow this Progression.

  Quantum leap: Making an extreme vibrational change in your life: seemingly jumping from one part of the Spectrum of Empowerment to a much higher part of the Spectrum, although the change is, in truth incremental, if very rapid.

  Rage: Intensified anger; happens when you’ve suppressed anger for too long.

  Representational frequency: See Frequency

  Resentment: The feeling you get when you are giving more than you actually want to give, doing things not because you want to, but out of obligation.

  Resistance: Any perspective that causes you to focus willingly on something that doesn’t feel good, and therefore blocking or resisting what does feel good, by making it seem that the painful option is the best-feeling option you have access to.

  Revenge: Intensified blame (usually even more intense than hatred); happens when you’ve suppressed the anger and urge to blame and hatred for too long.

  Self-blame: The feeling that everything is your fault, especially when others feel bad for any reason.

  Severe insecurity: The world is a hostile place and you are not safe. This emotion spans the lowest two groups in the Spectrum (DEPRESSION and SHAME), depending on the severity of the insecurity. (Can you make yourself a little bit safe by appeasing others, or not at all?)

  Shame: A feeling that you are wrong (as opposed to having done something wrong). You are bad in some way. Not good enough.

  Spectrum of Empowerment: A positive and negative number Spectrum, where zero (Zero Point) represents the neutral point without pain or pleasure. The negative end of the Spectrum signifies the Old World thinking, where pain minimization is the main motivator. The positive end of the Spectrum signifies the New World thinking, where pleasure maximization is the main motivator. The Spectrum also maps out the emotions in groups as well as their underlying belief systems.

  State of allowing: Letting an experience be what it is without judgement, concluding or deciding, or processing. A good mantra to help get into the state of allowing is simply to ‘observe and experience’.

  Total despair: A feeling of deep, overpowering sadness. One step up from deep depression. A feeling of being trapped and having given up on the idea that anything can be done about it.

  Unconditional love: Focus on something with only appreciation, and without any need for the object of our focus to give anything back.

  Unworthiness: The feeling of not being good enough.

  Vibration: Often another term for frequency, either on one subject, or collectively (as in ‘all of your beliefs add up to your vibration). One is said to ‘raise’ their vibration when it shifts to a better-feeling place relative to where it was before. It is not really accurate to compare one person’s vibration as being higher than that of someone else.

  Visualization: A tool to translate non-physical energy into something we can ‘see’ or engage with.


  Melody Fletcher empowers her readers to change their lives by reminding them that they are WAY more powerful than they’ve been led to believe, and that they do, indeed, create (and receive!) their own reality. Melody believes that pretty much everything most people have been taught about the world is bullshit, and she’s not afraid to say so! She connects to her higher self to bring through wisdom that will help you shift old patterns and finally understand the missing pieces to the puzzle of why you keep getting in your own way. Originally from the USA, she has dual citizenship in America and Germany, which she likes to think makes her kind of like a super-organized cheerleader.




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