Deliberate Receiving

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Deliberate Receiving Page 23

by Melody Fletcher

  Notice how, over time, the writing style switched from something you want to something that already exists (‘the apartment IS this and that…’) to something you already possess (‘I can’t believe how easy it was…’). As you activate the frequency of what you want more and more, it will become more and more real to you. It will begin to manifest in a more obvious way. If your writing style starts to change, LET IT. This isn’t about grammar. It’s about lining up your energy. Get so into your vision and keep writing about it until you can see yourself there – in your new apartment, having found it and moved into it easily. Feel the relief of it. There’s nothing to worry about. You’ve already got it and you’re looking back on how you worried and you’re seeing how ridiculous it was to be so stressed out. It all came together so beautifully! Now, you’re really just telling the Universe about it, because you’re so excited.

  Step 5: Thank the Universe for a job well done

  And that brings us to the next step. Tell the Universe ‘thank you’ for fulfilling your wish. It’s done. What you want is on its way. You don’t have to worry about it. You can just sit back and expect it to happen. Tell the Universe how awesome it is, how creative, how amazing and how you’re in awe about how it led you and this apartment together.

  What you’re doing here is this: you’ve worked yourself into a higher vibration, you’ve aligned more with what you want, and you’re now stabilizing that new vibration by entering into a state of gratitude or appreciation, which are both emotions from the upper Spectrum. If you had tried to appreciate the apartment before you did this exercise, from a place in the lower part of the Spectrum, you wouldn’t have been able to get there. But once you’ve incrementally slid up the Spectrum, appreciation becomes available and can be used as a tool to further activate a frequency.

  Step 6: Let it go

  You can make a ritual of this by printing the letter out and signing it, even placing it in an envelope and addressing it ‘To the Universe’. You can put it in a special box or burn it or throw it in the ocean (use biodegradable paper). It doesn’t matter. People use all kinds of methods to help them let things go. And that’s what you’re going to do now: let it go. You’ve ‘sent’ this desire and all the associated fears and stress off to the Universe. Trust that you’ve placed your request with the Universe, and that the LOA is on the case. There’s nothing more you have to do. Expect your desire to show up, and do your best to go about your day while feeling good. Whenever you start to stress out about it, remember that you’ve handed your problem over to the Universe and it’s taken care of. It’s not your responsibility any more.

  Basically, when you let something go, you are cultivating trust. If you had a guarantee, perhaps signed by the president or God or your mother, that what you want is on the way FOR SURE, you’d have no problem letting it go. You’d focus on something else, and when the subject did come up it would only elicit positive expectation from you. Let this be the same. Letting something go doesn’t necessarily mean that you stop thinking about it (don’t obsess, though), but you do have to stop worrying about it. Choose to believe that it really is on its way.

  * Poke and run technique *

  One of my guides gave me this deceptively simple technique one night during one of my own meditations. When I meditate, I often translate the non-physical energy I connect with as my ‘guides’. You can also interpret this energy as angels, God, your Higher Self, Source or whatever else resonates with you. As long as you are connecting to love and the answers feel really, really good, it doesn’t really matter what you call it. This is a technique that works on a much more abstract level, which circumvents the mind’s need to be fully involved in the process. For that reason, it does require just a little bit of trust and a willingness to stop telling the story of how you got where you are today, why it sucks so much and why you can’t get out of it. In short, it requires that you be willing to back off.

  When I coach a client, I stubbornly stay in a nice, high, stable vibration while they climb their way up the Spectrum to meet me. I bombard them steadily with positivity until they surrender. (I prefer to think of it as slapping them into happiness.) In this way of working, there is someone at a higher vibration, shining a light and helping you upwards. No one can pull you up, no one can MAKE you feel better, but you can be influenced by someone else’s vibration. This is why sitting in nature is beneficial and why working with someone who has a higher (and stable) vibration can make a huge difference. When you’re working alone, you can be that someone for yourself. In the methods of releasing resistance that I presented in this book, you do this by focusing on what you want before really engaging with your resistance. You can ramp up this effect by using meditation or any other technique you like to get yourself into a higher, better-feeling vibration on any topic (not the one you’re trying to fix) before doing any kind of shifting work.

  The higher and more stable that vibration, the easier you’ll be able to positively affect any problem you want to solve. You’ll essentially be shining the light of your higher vibration onto an issue that has a lower vibration. This weakens the momentum of the lower vibration (it slows down the Progression), and speeds up the process of releasing it. The poke and run technique makes use of this concept.

  This technique is best used once you’ve had an anger release (see Chapter 11). Having a lot of stored-up anger can block this tool from working. Give it a try, though, you never know.

  Here’s the basic rundown:

  Step 1: Raise your vibration on another topic

  Choose any other topic that already feels really good to you. For a little while, totally let go of the issue you’re trying to shift. Just be willing to feel better for a bit. Aim for the vibration of love. Now, you may be thinking, How the hell am I supposed to find the vibration of love, if what I feel right now is depression? Easy. Change the freaking subject! (I slap. But I slap with love.)

  Is there anyone in your life that you love? A child, perhaps? A pet? A grandparent? If you have anyone in your life at all that you truly love (and yes, they can be dead), someone to whom you always give the benefit of the doubt, someone who could never screw up enough for you not to love them, someone who makes you feel better when you just think of them, then you can use this technique. Spend some time thinking about this someone. And when I say ‘some time’, I mean several minutes (I recommend three–five). Build a real foundation; this is imperative if you want this technique to work its magic.

  Step 2: Poke at the issue you’re trying to shift

  Once you feel really, really good, and you’re filled with warm, smooshy love, you can ‘poke’ at the issue you’re trying to shift. What do I mean by that? Think of the issue you’re trying to shift. There’s no need to try and change your thoughts, you’re not going to be here very long. Just activate the vibration of that subject. As you do this, you’ll feel your vibration take a nosedive. You’ll likely feel a physical sensation, like a sinking feeling in your stomach, a dizziness, nausea, etc. You’re coming from a really high vibration to a much lower one. Trust me, it’s going to be obvious.

  AS SOON AS you feel your vibration start to slip, and this will only take SECONDS…

  Step 3: Run

  Wrench your focus away from that subject and bring it back to whatever person, animal or vegetable that allowed you to reach the vibration of love. This will not be the easiest thing you’ve ever done. Your mind is going to want to get into your issue. It’s going to want to fix stuff and focus on the problem more. It will feel really unsatisfying just to dip in and then run away. But beware; if you get caught up in the momentum of the problem, you’ll just give more and more energy to what you don’t want. This is why I said that this technique requires some trust – you have to be willing to run, to go back to your higher vibration and not engage with the issue you’re trying to shift.

  Step 4: Rinse and repeat

  Once you’re firmly back in the vibration of love (which shouldn’t take too l
ong, IF you took the time to build a firm foundation in step 1), you can repeat the process of poking and running over and over again. Each time you do, you’ll notice that it will get easier to go back up to love. The issue you’re trying to shift will lose more and more of its momentum. Your vibration will take less and less of a dip each time you poke and your ‘recovery’ time will decrease.

  Essentially, you’ll be raising yourself up to a higher vibration and then, bit by bit, reaching down to pull up the issue you’re struggling with. If the subject you’re trying to shift sucks you in, if you let your vibration drop, you can’t heal the issue. If that happens, just regroup and go do something else for a while, until you feel better. Then try again.

  How long should you keep at this technique before you see results? I wish I could give you a specific answer, like ‘22.5 minutes! Guaranteed!’ But I can’t. It is a very individual thing and will change even from issue to issue within the same person. The first time I used this technique, I shifted a rather large and ugly issue within about 30 minutes (but I was kind of fighting it, because unlike what I’m doing for you in this book, my guides did not lay out the entire technique before asking me to try it. They asked me to trust them and just go with it, and I only saw the structure afterwards. So, I probably slowed myself down a bit). But 30 minutes of focusing is a long time, if it doesn’t include step 1. Go for as long as it feels good. If you start to get frustrated with how long it’s taking, you’re no longer in the vibration of love and need to take a break.

  Some issues take longer than others to shift. The deepest issues can have many layers. If you achieve ANY shift, let that be enough for you to celebrate it. Sometimes, you just won’t be ready to let go of something completely. Trust that any shift at all will be beneficial (because it totally will be) and relax. Focus on how you feel. If an issue that used to make your stomach clench up with fear now feels like nothing (neutral), that’s a huge achievement. You can take it to absolute elation another time. Remember, quantum leaps are uncomfortable, so don’t try to take something from misery to love in one go.

  Appendix III

  Quick-reference Guide

  Two processes you’ll want to refer to again and again are ‘Progression of a Manifestation’ and the ‘Five Basic Steps to Changing Any Belief and Releasing Resistance’ so here they are again. (You’re welcome!)

  Progression of a Manifestation

  Remember that all manifestations follow this Progression, whether they are ‘positive’ (wanted) or ‘negative’ (unwanted)

  Stage 1: Focus on something of your choice

  Identify what it is that you really want (always a feeling) and focus on whatever represents that feeling to the best of your ability.

  Stage 2: Feel an emotion

  As you activate the frequency of what you want, you’re going to get some emotional feedback. The thing you’re focusing on may or may not actually feel the way you want it to. If something feels off to you, if the emotion you’re noticing feels negative, this emotional stage is your first opportunity to adjust your focus until it feels better.

  Stage 3: Thoughts, memories and ideas

  As you activate a frequency, you’ll first manifest a corresponding emotion, after which thoughts, memories and ideas that match that representational frequency (or the same emotion) will show up. These thoughts and memories will give you more information on what the frequency you’re actually focusing on represents.

  Stage 4: Synchronicities appear

  Synchronicities are smaller physical manifestations that represent a frequency to you but don’t necessarily mean anything to anyone else. Validate these representations as meaningful.

  Stage 5 to infinity: The physical manifestations grow

  Larger, more obvious, physical manifestations will appear. This stage also includes action.

  Five Basic Steps to Changing Any Belief and Releasing Resistance

  You can, in fact, change any belief by:

  Recognizing that your current belief is based on an incomplete set of data.

  Opening up your mind to the idea that more data, much of which will NOT support your current perspective, exists.

  Deciding which perspective you’d like to adopt (or just how you want that perspective to feel).

  Looking for the evidence to support that new, wanted perspective.

  Gathering enough of that supporting data so that you can accept this new perspective as ‘truth’.


  Alignment: Resonance with a certain frequency (to come into alignment with…), but generally used to refer to the resonance with the frequency of what you really want and who you really are.

  Anger: The feeling you get when you finally feel sick of the world beating you up, and you’re ready to stand up and fight back. This emotion takes you out of powerlessness.

  Appreciation: Simply seeing the good in what is in your reality right now.

  Belief: An automated thought, opinion, decision or reaction.

  Blame (blaming others): The feeling you get when you naturally turn your self-blame outwards, allowing the energy to flow out, rather than inwards (self-blame). Healthy when practised deliberately, constructively and temporarily.

  Boredom: The feeling of being idle, of not allowing oneself to move forward. This feeling can actually occur at any point in the Spectrum of Emotional Empowerment.

  Breaking Point Method of Growth: When we wait until a situation becomes too painful to sustain before making a change.

  Celebration: Unconditional appreciation (appreciation on steroids).

  Contentment: Neutral, with a slightly positive focus. You are no longer feeling pain, but there’s not yet much pleasure. Not a state of appreciation but a more ‘neutral’ state.

  Contrast: ‘Negative’ experiences that allow us to figure out what we don’t want, so that we can use that information to figure out what we do want, instead.

  Core belief: A general, underlying belief that governs how we form and interact with smaller, more specific beliefs.

  Crappy Core Belief: A large, underlying belief that affects your ability to shift lesser, subsequent beliefs.

  Cycle of doom: The cycle we get stuck in when we are attempting to move up the Spectrum but won’t allow ourselves to realize an anger release fully. We simply let off a bit of steam and then revert to self-blame or self-loathing, pulling us down the Spectrum of Empowerment.

  Deep depression: A feeling of numbness due to severely suppressed anger; of being disconnected from the self and the world. Nothing matters. Total powerlessness. Like lying down and letting yourself get beaten, without having the strength or motivation to do anything about it.

  Denial: The act of unknowingly pretending to feel better than you actually do. People in denial are not aware of how they are actually feeling.

  Discouragement: A lighter form of pessimism. You still trust the negative more than the positive, but you’re not really sure of it.

  Emotional group 1 (DEPRESSION): Like lying in the foetal position while life is beating you up. See also Deep depression, Total despair, Total powerlessness

  Emotional group 2 (SHAME): You begin to bargain in order to get a little bit of what you want. Your worthiness comes from what you can do for others. See also Fake gratitude, Guilt, Resentment, Self-blame, Severe insecurity, Shame, Unworthiness

  Emotional group 3 (ANGER): The most powerful and healing of emotional groups. You are starting to stand up and fight back, or remove yourself from the harmful situation. See also Anger, Blame, Hatred, Jealousy, Rage, Revenge

  Emotional group 4 (FRUSTRATION): Just below the threshold. You can see what it is you want, but you can’t quite reach it. See also Discouragement, Frustration, Pessimism

  Emotional group 5 (HOPE): You know that you can have what you want, but you’re not entirely sure that you’ll get it. See also Contentment, Gratitude, Hope, Optimism

  Emotional group 6 (ENTHUSIASM): You believe that you will get what you want and are l
ooking forward to receiving it. See also Appreciation, Enthusiasm, Positive expectation

  Emotional group 7 (JOY): You acknowledge that you already have everything you need to be complete. Life is awesome! See also Celebration, Full empowerment, Joy, Passion

  Enthusiasm: The feeling of trusting that good things will happen and looking forward to them; usually less controlling than positive expectation.

  Envy: A lighter form of jealousy. Pure envy is simply wanting something that someone else has. Jealousy without the component of scarcity.

  Faith: A tool that allows us to believe that something will come about, even though we don’t yet have a physical representation of it.

  Fake gratitude: The feeling you get when you’re trying to be grateful to some hostile power outside of yourself, either to appease them or because you’ve been told you should be. It’s fake because being grateful out of obligation or in order to get something (even safety) is not gratitude. It’s manipulation.

  Fear: See Severe insecurity (they’re the same thing)

  Frequency: Always refers to representational frequency; the frequency that the object of your focus represents to you, what it means to you or how it feels to you – unique and personal to each individual.


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