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The Russian Reborn

Page 18

by Red Phoenix

  He meets my gaze. “Yes, but only for those transgressions against me.”

  “As it should be.” I nod, satisfied with his answer.

  We stand there in silence for a moment before I ask, “Do you still fear for her mental state?”

  He sighs heavily. “I won’t lie. Samantha continues to struggle with the guilt of what she’s done, but she has been faithfully attending her counseling sessions and I’m no longer afraid she’ll harm herself.”

  Putting my hand on his shoulder, I tell him. “Continue your vigilance, comrade.”

  “I will never stop.”

  I nod again, knowing Thane is a man of his word. “So, what are your plans now that college is behind you?”

  Thane’s eyes instantly light up. “I already have a job lined up. I’ll be working for a company based in LA that needs an organizational and efficiency trainer. I actually start next week.”

  I’m truly impressed by my comrade’s tenacity. “So, the next phase of your life begins.”

  “I have it all planned out. First, I’ll repay my uncle for his financial help in getting me through college, then I’ll start saving for my own business.”

  “You don’t plan to stay with this company?”

  “Not for long. This will be the first step of many. My ultimate goal is to run my own company consulting with businesses around the world.”

  “Not a man of small dreams, are you?” I joke.

  “What’s that?” Anderson asks, walking up to us.

  “I take it you already know what our friend has planned for the future?” I ask him.

  Anderson grins. “Thane isn’t one to sit on the sidelines.”

  I turn back to my comrade. “I always knew you would end up training people, but I thought it would lean in the direction of serving the BDSM community.”

  His lips twitch.

  I raise an eyebrow. “What is it you aren’t telling me?”

  “We heard about your little discussion with Mr. Gallant,” Anderson informs me.

  “And…?” I prod.

  Thane rubs his chin thoughtfully. “I’ve been invited to take their Dominant Training course under the direction of Master Nosh.”

  It makes perfect sense that the staff at the Training Center has asked him to take the course because it will give them a better idea of what Thane is capable of. “I have no doubt you will graduate at the top of your class, moy droog.”

  “To be honest, I’m more excited about the training course than about starting my own career.” He hits me in the arm. “Thanks for messing with my focused plans.”

  I smirk proudly. “Anytime, brother.”

  For Thane’s graduation, I go all out to make up for the college’s lack of decorum. With the help of our mutual friends, as well as my family friend, Pyotr Gagarin, it becomes a truly momentous affair.

  I have Anderson agree to blindfold Thane and drive him to the destination. When Thane steps out of Anderson’s vehicle, it’s very clear he’s not happy—which I find amusing.

  “Why the sour face, moy droog?”

  “I told you not to do anything, and now you have me being led around like a blind fool? Can I take this damn blindfold off now?”

  “You may not,” Anderson answers for me. “A lot of time and effort has gone into this graduation ceremony, buddy. You’re not allowed to ruin it for us.”

  “You? I thought this was supposed to be for me.”

  I put my arm around Thane. “Moy droog, it was never about you.”

  “I figured as much…”

  We lead him through the large home and down the curved staircase to the veranda below.

  “Where are we?” he asks as we walk.

  I say nothing, smiling to myself. Thane has no idea what’s in store for him.

  Anderson and I escort him to the center of the veranda, and stand on either side of him. “On the count of three, you can take your blindfold off.”

  Everyone gathered counts down with me. “One…two…three!”

  Thane rips his blindfold off and his jaw drops as he takes in the awesomeness.

  Yes, I have totally outdone myself.

  Pyotr Gagarin’s impressive home overlooks the LA skyline, and the view from the veranda is truly inspiring. But what seems to have Thane in shock are the number of people who’ve come to celebrate his achievement.

  I have invited every person I know who has influenced Thane during his college career, from his dungeon mates and lab partners, to his aunt and uncle.

  “What have you done?” he mutters when he spots his two relatives mingling with the others.

  “It was nothing,” I answer proudly.

  “You’ve brought them all together in one place? Are you mad?”

  “Da,” I answer proudly. I don’t see the harm in it as I have let everyone know to dress formally for the event. No one is walking around in leather or latex.

  “What if they talk to each other?”

  “That’s what people normally do, comrade.”

  Thane turns to Anderson next. “And you let him do this?”

  “Looking at the expression on your face right now was reason enough, buddy.” He points to our dungeon friends. “Don’t they clean up nice?”

  Pointing to a handful of subs, I lean in to tell Thane, “After the party, the girls have something special planned for you.”

  The girls wave enthusiastically at Thane as his aunt and uncle come up to greet him.

  The blush I see creeping over my comrade’s cheeks is totally worth the twelve-hour plane trip from Russia.

  “I’m impressed by how many people speak highly of you,” his uncle states. “It makes me prouder than I can say.”

  “Thanks, Unc. I consider myself lucky to know everyone here.”

  “And the girls are adorable,” my aunt gushes. “They just love the brownies I brought.”

  Thane smiles kindly. “I bet they do, Auntie. Everyone loves your brownies.”

  He looks at his uncle again, probing him with a question, “Interesting mix of people, wouldn’t you say?”

  “You’ve really come into your own. I never imagined you’d have so many friends when you started college.”

  “And girlfriends,” his aunt adds, giggling at him.

  The subs wave at him again and, when his aunt waves back, it causes Thane to blush again. Little does she know what Thane’s “girlfriends” have planned for him later on.

  “It’s interesting—the various ages of everyone and the fact that many of them don’t go to your college. How did you end up meeting them, anyway?” his uncle asks.

  Thane turns to me. “Durov brought us together, and I have to say I’m extremely grateful he did.”

  Anderson wraps an arm around my shoulders, grinning. “That makes two of us.”

  “You are a very interesting man, Mr. Durov, based on everything I’ve heard,” his uncle states. “I’d like to hear more about how you and Thane met.”

  Thane mutters. “I’ll tell you all about it sometime later, Unc.”

  I’m curious about how much he will be telling his uncle, and smile to myself. Slapping Thane on the back, I say, “I know I’m fascinating, but today we are here to honor you, my friend.”

  His uncle turns toward Thane with a look of sincere admiration. “We are extremely proud of you, Thane. You’ve remained determined despite everything you’ve been through.”

  His aunt grabs Thane’s arm and squeezes it. “Of course, we’re proud! You graduated early and already have a job. How could we not be proud?”

  If Thane were a crying man, I think he would be shedding a tear or two. Even though these two people are not his parents, the love they have for him is undeniable.

  Thane smiles stiffly, reining in his emotions. He turns to challenge me. “Got anything else?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do, moy droog.”

  I whistle, and everyone quickly takes their places as Professor Brooks walks out, dressed in her official college rega

  Thane looks surprised when he sees her and gives me a questioning look.

  I know how highly he regards the professor after taking her class his first year at college. What he may not be aware of is that she feels the same way toward him.

  In the center of the veranda, Professor Brooks stands with her hands behind her back, smiling at the crowd. “I knew from the first moment I met Mr. Davis in my Photography 101 class that he was uniquely talented.”

  There are chuckles from several of the Doms in the crowd.

  “As a photographer, he has an eye for the profound, and a deep sense of loyalty to those he photographs. Mr. Davis left quite an impression on me.” She glances at Thane and nods. “It was truly a pleasure to have you in my class.”

  Looking back at everyone, she announces in a formal voice, “It is my honor and privilege to present Thane Lorenzo Davis with his diploma today.”

  She turns to him, revealing that she’s holding the diploma in her hand.

  When Thane doesn’t move, Anderson and I give him a nudge forward.

  I grin, feeling like a proud parent, as I watch Thane walk up to receive his diploma from the professor. She shakes his hand formally as she congratulates him.

  The entire group breaks out in applause as Anderson and I whistle enthusiastically from the sidelines.

  My heart swells with pride as Thane’s friends crowd around him, wanting to add their own congratulations.

  “You did good, doing all this for him,” Anderson compliments.

  I shrug. “It’s the least I could do for the brother who saved my life.”

  To everyone, I shout, “Let the celebration begin. The vodka bar is now officially open!”

  Hours later, Thane walks up beside me as I stare at the downtown skyline.

  “I guess this marks the end of college for me,” he states, sounding almost as if he’s experiencing regret.

  I turn my head and smile at him. “And a new beginning.”

  He nods, gazing thoughtfully at the tall skyscrapers in the distance.

  Taking advantage of the seriousness of this moment, I say, “I wonder how many kids you will have.”

  Thane shakes his head, chuckling. “I can guarantee you that I’m never having kids. I plan on being a highly successful businessman, nothing more.”

  “Says the man who will have five of them.”

  “Don’t even go there, Durov,” he warns, elbowing me in the ribs.

  We both laugh for a moment before he asks in a serious tone, “What do you plan to do now?”

  I sigh in satisfaction as I watch the sun set over the city. “I’m about to make Tatianna and Mamulya proud…”

  I hope you enjoyed The Russian Reborn!

  COMING UP NEXT—Tied to Hope: Brie’s Submission, Book 18 of the Brie Series

  Yes, you heard me right!

  A new book in the Brie’s Submission Series

  Click here to read the next book of Brie!

  (Release Date – October 15, 2019)

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  Tied to Hope:

  Brie’s Submission

  Available for Preorder

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  Over Two Million readers have enjoyed Red’s stories

  Red Phoenix – USA Today Bestselling Author

  Winner of 8 Readers’ Choice Awards

  Hey Everyone!

  I’m Red Phoenix, an author who also happens to be a submissive in real life. I wrote the Brie’s Submission series because I wanted people everywhere to know just how much fun BDSM can be.

  There is a huge cast of characters who are part of Brie’s journey. The further you read into the story the more you learn about each one. I hope you grow to love Brie and the gang as much as I do.

  They’ve become like family.

  When I’m not writing, you can find me online with readers.

  I heart my fans! ~Red

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  This is dedicated to a sweet friend and fan, Ceej Chargualaf, who died much too young. A blogger and book lover, she and I became fast friends when she offered to create a bible for the Brie’s Submission series.

  Ceej fell in love with the characters and we had countless conversations about them. She was so enthusiastic about each new book coming out that she would make cool graphics to share with other readers.

  But it wasn’t her love of my books or her awesome review skills that I adored, it was her warrior spirit and her love for life. Even though she fought pain every day, she made it a point to share her light and love with the world. I felt truly honored to call her my friend.

  Ceej, I dedicate Rytsar’s book to you. Thank you for all the love you poured out to me and my characters. You truly made a difference in my life and will live on forever in this story.

  Love, Red

  Red Phoenix is the author of:

  Brie’s Submission Series:

  Teach Me #1

  Love Me #2

  Catch Me #3

  Try Me #4

  Protect Me #5

  Hold Me #6

  Surprise Me #7

  Trust Me #8

  Claim Me #9

  Enchant Me #10

  A Cowboy’s Heart #11

  Breathe with Me #12

  Her Russian Knight #13

  Under His Protection #14

  Her Russian Returns #15

  In Sir’s Arms #16

  Bound by Love #17

  Tied to Hope #18 out soon!

  *You can also purchase the AUDIO BOOK Versions

  Also part of the Submissive Training Center world:

  Captain’s Duet

  Safe Haven #1

  Destined to Dominate #2

  Rise of the Dominates Trilogy

  Sir’s Rise #1

  Master’s Fate #2

  The Russian Reborn #3

  Other Books by Red Phoenix

  Blissfully Undone

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Snowy Fun—Two people find themselves snowbound in a cabin where hidden love can flourish, taking one couple on a sensual journey into ménage à trois)

  His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  Audio Book: His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

  (Scottish Dom—A sexy Dom escapes to Scotland in the late 1400s. He encounters a waif who has the potential to free him from his tragic curse)

  The Erotic Love Story of Amy and Troy

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Sexual Adventures—True love reigns, but fate continually throws Troy and Amy into the arms of others)


  Varick: The Reckoning

  (Savory Vampire—A dark, sexy vampire story. The hero navigates the dangerous world he has been thrust into with lusty passion and a pure heart)

  Keeper of the Wolf Clan (Keeper of Wolves, #1)

  (Sexual Secrets—A virginal werewolf must act as the clan’s mysterious Keeper)

  The Keeper Finds Her Mate (Keeper of Wolves, #2)

  (Second Chances—A young she-wolf must choose between old ties or new beginnings)

  The Keeper Unites the Alphas (Keeper of Wolves, #3)

  (Serious Consequences—The young she-wolf is captured by the rival clan)

  Boxed Set: Keeper of Wolves Series (Books 1-3)

  (Surprising Secrets—A secret so shocking it will rock Layla’s world. The young she-wolf is put in a position of being able to save her werewolf clan or becoming the reason for its destruction)

  Socrates Inspires Cherry to Blossom

  (Satisfying Surrender—A mature and curvaceous woman becomes fascinated by an online Dom who has much to teach her)

  By the Light of the Scottish Moon

  (Saving Love—Two lost souls, the Moon, a werewolf, and a death wish…)

  In 9 Days

  (Sweet Romance—A young girl falls in love with the new student, nicknamed “the Freak”)

  9 Days and Counting

  (Sacrificial Love—The sequel to In 9 Days delves into the emotional reunion of two longtime lovers)

  And Then He Saved Me

  (Saving Tenderness—When a young girl tries to kill herself, a man of great character intervenes with a love that heals)

  Play With Me at Noon

  (Seeking Fulfillment—A desperate wife lives out her fantasies by taking five different men in five days)

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