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Mending a Highland Heart: Healing him was more scandalous than she ever imagined…

Page 17

by Kendrick, Kenna

  “Aye, but perhaps this English toff can help us in other ways tae get it. Come in, Lord Darling!” he said with a grin.

  Mortimer opened the door and slid back into the room, a pleased grin on his face. “Yes, gentlemen? Are you ready for further discussion?”

  Archibald laughed sharply. “Aye, we are ready. Now we have given ye the information that ye wanted. What can ye do for us?”

  Mortimer smiled in that same slippery, eel-like way and folded his long fingers together on his lap. “I am so happy that you asked, Laird Campbell. Thank you for the information. Now, normally a King’s man would not need to resort to making deals with Highlanders, but in this case, it may be beneficial.”

  John and Archibald waited for him to continue. “I would like to question this man myself and report what I learn to the King. It is very important to His Majesty that he learns what has truly happened to General Whiteman. But I see you are also interested in the land that Angus MacLean resides upon. What is the deal you made with them in the past?”

  John said, “They simply had to show that they could make a profit once more or else the land would be ours. We could conquer them easily in battle if the whole island is in tatters as it has been for years. And, the clan's people would certainly run tae us if it gave them the chance tae fill their bellies. But, if they do succeed, as the spy has mentioned, then there is nae deal.”

  “I see.” Mortimer tapped his fingers to his lips as he thought. “Well, would it help you to know that many of the villagers are ill? The current general’s daughter has sought to send them fresh fruits and vegetables in order to try to make them well again. I have put a stop to her doing that anymore, of course. So they will perhaps be more easily defeated than you expect.”

  Archibald’s eyes grew wide. “Och, very interesting news. If many of the people are ill, then we do have a chance. And the laird is currently away on his wife’s business. We could take the land before he returned. He could do naething about it.”

  John interjected, “And what if they are nae so easily defeated as ye imagine?”

  Mortimer grinned. “Well, then I am certain that the laird would happily trade his land for the return of the laird’s brother, don’t you think?”

  Archibald grinned, and John felt unease creep into his belly. “I do indeed,” Archibald responded, the sick tone of greed in his voice.

  * * *

  Charlotte had had a busy afternoon. She visited those who were sick in the village, and it lightened her heart to see them again. They had tried to consume as much as they could according to her instructions, and one or two of them appeared to be improving in just the matter of a day! She was encouraged that she was on the right path. She still wasn’t certain what the illness could be, but she was sure it had something to do with a missing nutrient.

  As a wealthy woman, she had access to a variety of foods, but many of these people were too poor even for the basic essentials. She resolved that she would do her best to purchase seeds and bring back what she could to the Isle; if there was even a chance of her coming back. Then the people could subsist on their own and one day grow enough to sell. She knew that was always Angus’ plan, but he didn’t realize that he should be adding some of these other plants to the list of crops that needed to be sown soon.

  She was happy for the busyness of the day, for it kept her mind from the gnawing uncertainty of her future. It was only when she gratefully sank into a heated bath in her old room that evening that the feelings all came back to her. She swirled a finger in the soapy water and thought about what she was like when she first arrived at Duart Castle.

  She was forceful and brusque. She never listened to anyone, and she had quite the idea of her own importance. She knew that she was a beauty who would marry well, and she prided herself on her ability to charm men and to be a social queen. She also knew her own intelligence and felt threatened by anyone who attempted to take away her freedom to study.

  She wanted to gag at her list of traits. How annoying and overwhelming it must have been to be in her presence. Now, it was like her whole slate had been wiped clean. Once she’d set foot in this castle, a transformation had begun to take place. She felt broken down into pieces, and now she was simply trying to put herself back together again. Some things remained, but other things were totally replaced. For one, she actually felt ashamed about her behavior and wished to make amends. She couldn’t say honestly that she’d ever felt that way before. She always trusted in her own mind and her own decisions.

  For another thing, she had fallen so completely in love. She never expected she would find love. It came so slowly upon her that she didn’t realize it was happening until it did. She remembered when she’d first spotted Angus as she burst into the Castle, and his green eyes had followed her with interest. It had thrilled her at the time, so surprised was she with his beauty in so rough a place.

  Now, they’d known each other for months now, but it took them being alone in this damned castle for her to realize her feelings. And now, the future that she thought she always wanted, living in a fine home and having fine things with her wealthy husband, made her feel sick.

  She knew it was no longer for her, but now she would be forced into it. She sighed and slid underneath the steamy water, wishing that she could wipe her sadness away with soap. But she emerged again, an idea forming in her mind. No, she could not escape the rules of her father and Lord Darling, but perhaps she could still enjoy what time she had left. If Angus felt anything for her, then could they not enjoy what a man and woman enjoyed together? Her pulse began to quicken at the thought, and her core began to throb with desire. She bit her lip. Was she mad? She could become pregnant or find herself scandalized. But what did it matter? She would be hastily married anyway before anything came out.

  Despite her fears, the desire remained. She knew nothing of what happened beyond kissing, but she definitely wanted to find out.

  * * *

  The next morning, as soon as Angus awoke, he called for a hot bath. He told the servant to not let Mistress Andrews in until he had finished bathing. His rules were accepted quickly, and he waited in bed until the bath was brought. A bit of cold cabbage and water was left by his bedside. He guzzled down the water and ate what he could of the cabbage, despite its slippery texture, and admitted he felt better.

  Charlotte Andrews was too knowledgeable for her own good. The sleep had transformed him. He still felt a little weak from the illness and lack of sustenance, but he hoped that with a large meal and a bath, he should be strengthened enough to speak to Charlotte, and hopefully even more from there. He was amazed at his recovery. The servant helped him into the bath, but then he sent him away to guard the door and began thinking about what he was going to say to Charlotte.

  He started talking to himself. “I never wanted ye tae leave…I thought only of ye for the past week…I want tae taste ye again, lass,” but he scoffed at each and every one of his ideas. “Bloody idiot!” he chastised himself. Calum was much better at smooth words than he.

  Damn. He also wanted to ask Charlotte about what Calum had said to her before he left. But that could wait. He didn’t want to spoil what could be a beautiful moment. He stepped out of the bath and dried himself in front of the flames. For the first time in his life, he was afraid of what he felt for a woman. It scared him senseless. And when he thought about her, he couldn’t help but feel unworthy.

  She was so strong, and he felt so weak. He remembered the first day he saw her, all fiery as she ordered him and Calum to sit so that she could heal their injuries. He had watched her in astonishment, amazed that such a tiny, beautiful Sassenach woman could yield as much power as she did.

  And now, he needed to see if she felt the same way. Even if there was no chance of anything beyond today, his heart still needed to know if it was being understood by another.

  Once Angus was dressed in a light linen shirt and breeches, his wet hair tied back, he went to the door to speak to the servants
outside. “Ye may allow the Mistress entry whenever she is ready.”

  He sat down by the hearth and drank what Mrs. MacLean had sent up for him earlier, according to Charlotte’s orders. With each sip, he felt even stronger. It was a warm, salty chicken broth with herbs, and it filled his body with strength. He was getting more and more nervous about Charlotte’s arrival.

  A light knock came at the door, and his heart skipped. “Aye? Come in,” he called. He turned to see a fresh-faced Charlotte, smiling in a green, silken gown with an elaborately designed bodice.

  “Good morning,” she said softly, and Angus stood, gripping the edge of the chair as he did so. He was ready to tell her but scared to all Hell at what she would say.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Charlotte’s whole body tingled with heat when she saw Angus stand slowly, fully-dressed, seeming totally recovered, and his hair wet and shiny. A few stray drops clung to the hair on his face, and it made his brown eyes sparkle. She swallowed. Here he was; here was her moment to say something, anything. She had to know.

  She moved further into the room, feeling a little embarrassed at the presence of the servants outside. What would they think of a woman going into a man’s room alone and for a long time? She could think of nothing to say. Her mind had stopped whirring once she saw Angus, and her body took over, thrumming to its own new, forbidden rhythm.

  She looked down at her dress and then realized that she’d had to wear the same thing this morning that she’d worn yesterday. She hadn’t fully thought her plan out, unsure if she would stay a night or not. Once she’d heard Angus was sick, all thought about planning dropped from her mind. She placed her hands flat against the stiff stomacher on her bodice. “I’m sorry I had to wear the same thing over again. I didn’t really expect to stay—”

  She paused in surprise as she watched Angus’ tall form take a few steps across the room. Her mind didn’t have time to think as he pulled her waist toward him and met her lips with his. The heat that she felt as she’d watched him nearly tripled, and she wrapped her hands around him slowly, accepting the welcome pressure of his mouth, her body’s throbbing growing to a strong degree.

  He pulled away rapidly and looked into her eyes, and placed a hand on her face. “I’m sorry; perhaps ye dinnae wish tae kiss a previously sick man.” He looked ashamed, an odd look for the proud, stoic Angus, and was going to move away.

  Charlotte grabbed onto his arm and stared him straight in the eye, her green eyes full of the desire that she felt in her belly. “Well, it appears you have recovered very quickly. It was only exhaustion, Angus.” She smiled lightly, her lips turning up at the corners. “I was hoping that was all it was.”

  Angus smiled back at her, and Charlotte took his head in her hands and kissed him back with fervor. Angus wrapped his arms around her waist and slid them down towards her backside. When she felt him draw her hips towards his own, she uttered a soft moan into his mouth.

  He pulled away and kissed down her neck, and Charlotte’s breath came in soft gasps as she felt the heat rise in each place where he laid his lips. “Ye are breathtaking, lass,” he whispered in a throaty growl, and Charlotte could feel her yearning for him grow.

  “And you make me feel like I cannot remember my own name.”

  When Angus heard that, he lifted up, grinning roguishly. He held her chin with his thumb and forefinger and pushed up on her mouth before placing his own on hers once more. He took her thick lower lip between his teeth and pulled slightly. Charlotte gasped in pleasure. He said before taking her mouth again, “I have thought of little else since ye left.” When he returned to her mouth, he pushed his tongue forward gently; and with a sigh, Charlotte opened her mouth to allow him entry. She was surprised anew at the warm, wet pleasure it gave her as his tongue moved through her mouth, and she tried to copy his movements.

  When Charlotte responded to his kiss, Angus groaned and guided her gently back against the wall before moving his hands over her breasts. Charlotte wanted him to feel all of her. She was not thinking about anything anymore and had no concept of time. All she could think about was this kiss and the beautiful slick heat that was building between her legs. This was just like her dream. Now it was becoming a reality. She moved her hands over his muscled arms and felt, with pleasure, the hardness that pressed into her thigh.

  Charlotte felt bold. Even though she had consumed no wine, her senses were drunk with the feel and taste of him, and she wanted him to take her up on the bed and do whatever it was that men and women did together. She pulled away from him and whispered breathlessly. “Will you make me yours? I will not deny anymore that I want you.” She paused, breathing a few beats. “I hope that you want me as well.”

  Angus chuckled, pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, and moved his hips against her again until she could feel the hardness beneath even more. “Does this nae tell ye, lass? I have wanted ye since the moment I clapped eyes on ye. And if ye wish me tae take ye, then I can only be a gentleman and oblige ye.”

  Charlotte smiled. So he did care. Angus took her hand and pulled her lightly to stand against the bed. She remained standing, and her back was to him, but he sat down and began to unbutton the buttons on the back of her dress. Charlotte removed the stomacher, and he found the laces of the corset underneath. He stood and placed his lips against her shoulder, lingering for a moment with each heated kiss.

  Charlotte shivered, her need growing with every second. This was what she had craved since she’d first kissed him the night after Calum and Julia left.

  He pulled and yanked at the laces until Charlotte could have cried out with impatience. But soon, it was opened, and Angus moved his hands around her bare waist and up toward her breasts slowly. Charlotte gasped with surprise as he took her soft breasts in his rough hands. And when he began to knead, rubbing his thumbs lightly over her nipples, she laid her head back with pleasure against his chest and arched into his hands.

  He removed the corset completely and turned her around. Charlotte looked into his eyes. They were warm, watching her with desire. How could she not have noticed it before? His eyes were always watching her thusly, and only now did she understand what really lay behind that heated, brown gaze.

  The corset dropped to the floor, and the top of her gown fell to her sides. Angus breathed in sharply at the sight of her breasts in his view, and he sat down again, pulling her towards him so that his mouth could slip over each taut pink nipple in turn.

  Charlotte breathed quickly as she savored the tingling pleasure of his mouth in such a sensitive area. His tongue was relentless, lavishing her with repeated pressure, and she felt a wetness pool at her core.

  “I want to see you,” she said and pulled at his loose white shirt. He lifted it over his head, and Charlotte could see the beautiful man that lay beneath: his muscles, tanned skin, scars, and all, and she brushed her hands over his taut form, marveling at the make of the man.

  He then pulled at her skirt so that it would come down, and he slowly removed her shift as well. She was soon standing in front of him, fully naked and exposed, but feeling like she had finally reached the safest place in the world.

  She kept her eyes on him, and he removed his breeches. She saw his hard member spring forth from its confines, and she had the urge to reach out and touch it. When she did so, she felt its silky smoothness under her fingertips, and she watched Angus grimace in pain. “Oh, am I hurting you?” She pulled away.

  “Nae at all, lass. I merely dinnae wish ye tae do that right now, or I willnae be able to last. And I want ye tae feel all the pleasure that yer due.”

  Charlotte didn’t quite understand, but at the word pleasure, she smiled. She sunk into the bed beside him, and they kissed once more, their passion growing. All of her senses were on fire as her fingers traced lines around his perfect body, and she could feel his skin on hers. He moved a hand down her stomach and pushed into her bed of curls. She inhaled sharply.

  “Ye are wet, lass. That means y
e are filled with desire.”

  Charlotte replied, ever more emboldened. “Finally, I get an explanation. I have been feeling it ever since I came to Duart, and I wasn’t sure how to get rid of it.”

  Angus grinned at her and began to move his fingers through the soft skin there. “I will happily be of service tae ye, Madam.”

  Charlotte giggled but then arched back as she felt a warm finger slip inside of her, and she felt her blood sing. “My God, Angus.” He moved his finger in and out of her, and Charlotte was nearly shaking with the pleasure it gave her. It was so new, so wholly consuming, that she thought she might break apart.

  But he pulled out, and she looked up at him, disappointed. “You are done?”

  Angus laughed and moved on top of her. “Nae, Charlotte. I am only just beginning. I just wanted tae open ye up. This may hurt at first, but it will then give ye pleasure.”


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