An Oregon Girl: A Tale of American Life in the New West
Page 27
When John Thorpe left Virginia in search of Mr. Harris, he found himin conversation with Sam, at the foot of the piazza steps. Above them,on the piazza, was seated Mrs. Harris.
"I understand," remarked Mr. Harris to Sam, "that there was anotherman in the cabin, but somehow he escaped."
"There was another man there," replied Sam, "but he went down througha trap door in the floor, Uncle."
"Did he drown," questioned Mr. Harris.
"Oh, no! The logs raised the floor of the cabin about a foot above thewater. He got away between them and swam ashore. We didn't find it outuntil he had made good his escape."
It was then Mr. Thorpe addressed Mr. and Mrs. Harris. It being thefirst opportunity presented to perform a duty, that was clearlyincumbent on him, and without further hesitation, he said: "Mr. andMrs. Harris and Sam, who heard me abuse Mr. Corway on this ground lastWednesday night, I wish now to recall what I then said. If an entiremisapprehension of facts can be an excuse for the animosity with whichI then spoke, I am anxious to apologize for my behavior, ascircumstances have made me aware how unjust were my aspersions. Iregret that Mr. Corway is not present to receive my apology and toshake hands with him, for there is not a man in Oregon for whom I havegreater respect."
Mr. Harris was unable to conceal his gratification at the suddenending of an unpleasant dilemma, and exclaimed: "John, I heartilycongratulate you on the agreeable termination of an ugly affair."
"Dear me! I am really delighted," added Mrs. Harris, who, havinggotten up from her chair at the first few words uttered by JohnThorpe, and leaning forward on the piazza railing, stared at the menbelow in rapt attention. And Sam joined in the general joy byexclaiming, with a broad grin and a whirl of his hat: "Whoop! Let'scelebrate the burial of the hatchet, eh, Auntie."
"How vulgar," quietly remarked Mrs. Harris, as she straightened up,and with severity plainly graven on her face, said: "Sam, I desire aword with you after dinner."
"Ya-ah! May good digestion wait on appetite, eh Auntie! I guess so,"replied Sam, with a roguish twinkle of his eye and the inimitable sidemovement of his head.
"Dear me," continued Mrs. Harris, "I may as well be resigned to theinevitable, for I fear the 'Texas brand' will never groom out."
"I must go home," exclaimed Mr. Thorpe. "My impatience to meetConstance is consuming me. Mrs. Harris and gentlemen, pray pardon myhaste," and, lifting his hat, he withdrew.
Then Sam related in detail the bath and discovery of Jack Shore at thejail.
"Fact, Uncle," he continued, "a regular fiend."
"What! Jack Shore, of the Securities Investment Association!"exclaimed Mr. Harris, with surprise.
"The same identical chap, Uncle."
"Dear me; who was his confederate?" questioned Mrs. Harris.
"We have yet to discover, but suspect a certain person well known toyou."
"Whom do you suspect?" sharply demanded Mrs. Harris.
"A much-honored member of society," replied Sam, with fine sarcasm.
"But we must have his name," insisted Mrs. Harris. She was promptlysupported by Mr. Harris, who said: "By all means, we must know who heis."
"My Lord Beauchamp!" Sam answered, with emphasis.
"Dear me," gasped Mrs. Harris. "What a shock!" and then, recoveringherself, she repeated doubtfully: "Lord Beauchamp an imposter?"
"He's a villain anyhow, Auntie!" exclaimed Sam. "The same 'gent' whoran me down when I was tracking the Dago up there near the Citypark--thought he put me out of business."
"What proof have you that he is an imposter?" demanded Mrs. Harris,sternly.
"Yes, proof, proof! That is what we want!" exclaimed James Harris,visibly agitated.
"To satisfy himself the detective cabled our Ambassador at London tomake inquiry. This morning he received a reply." And so saying, Samtook from his pocket an envelop containing a cablegram and handed itto Mr. Harris, with the remark: "Uncle, the detective turned it overto me at noon."
Mr. Harris took from the envelop the cablegram, and adjusting hiseyeglasses, read aloud:
"There's only one Lord Beauchamp in England's peerage, and he, withwhom I am personally acquainted, was at the embassy yesterday."
It was signed "White."
Then Mr. Harris looked over the paper in his hand--over the eyeglassesinto nothingness, with an expression on his face of deep chagrin, andin a low voice, as though muttering to himself, indiscreetly said:
"Damn the luck! The fellow is into me for ten thousand dollars."
The words had scarcely escaped from his lips when Mrs. Harris, hereyes staring with astonishment, sharply exclaimed:
"Ten thousand dollars! Why, James Henry, you must have beenhypnotized!"
It caused Sam to smile, and remark with a look of reproach: "Auntie!"
"He came to me with a plausible story and many regrets, unexpectedlyran short of funds; produced a cablegram purporting to come from hisbrother, the Duke Villier, only yesterday, authorizing him to draw fortwo thousand pounds. To oblige him I indorsed the draft, went with himto the bank, and it was immediately honored. I will phone for apoliceman at once," and Mr. Harris turned away to put his purpose intoeffect, when Sam intercepted him.
"Stay, Uncle; I have taken upon myself the duty of swearing out awarrant for his arrest, and in order there shall be no possibility ofhis escape, I have arranged with detectives, having Jack Shore incharge, to identify and arrest him."
"James, do not wait a moment!" impatiently exclaimed Mrs. Harris."Have him arrested at once."
"Auntie, he cannot escape the officers, who are concealed, waitingsignal," Sam assured her.
And then, as if fate had so ordered, the object of their anathemas--inthe company of Hazel, complacently sauntered from the tennis lawn,and, rounding the angle of the house, suddenly appeared close to thegroup.
"It was so stupid of me. I am sure your lordship did not enjoy thegame at all," said the girl. It was at that game of tennis that Rutleyfound opportunity to propose marriage to Hazel, for he believed thatshe was so disappointed at Corway's disappearance, and which he tookcare to insinuate was through cowardice, and that she was so impressedwith his rank, wealth and manners, that it would be easy to persuadeher; but he found the girl repelled his advances so firmly anddecisively that he at once abandoned the idea of attempting to enticeher to elope, and abruptly ended the game. And so, because of his lovefor this girl, he had delayed his purpose to escape from the city, andjeopardized his chances accordingly.
When Rutley's eyes first rested on James Harris, he involuntarilystarted at the change in his looks, but though seemingly perturbed foran instant, his self-possession never really deserted him. Straight onto the broad steps he strode with a suavity of manner quite in keepingwith his usual phlegmatic bearing. Whatever distrust or apprehensionmay have troubled his thoughts, no exterior indication was visible.His face was impassive and inscrutable as the "Sphinx." His nerveswere steel, his acting superb.
"I find in Miss Brooke an expert tennis player," he said, addressingMrs. Harris, who was leaning forward, her hands resting on the rail,staring at him.
"It's an outrage, sir! A damned outrage!" explosively exclaimed Mr.Harris, who was unable to control his indignation.
Still unperturbed, Rutley turned to Mr. Harris and said: "I quiteagree with you, Sir, for the scandal is deplorable, and Corway shouldbe punished." Turning to Mrs. Harris, he continued:
"Indeed, Mrs. Harris, you Americans seem to excel in most everythingwhere skill and brains are essential."
There was not a flaw or tremor in his voice to betray an uneasy mindor prescience of a coming storm. It was then, however, he realizedthat something was wrong, for he noticed that they were looking coldlyat him. Slowly drawing himself up with a haughty bearing, he carefullyadjusted the monocle in his left eye and turned slowly about as hestared at each of them, and said in slow, sharp, biting accents:
"It's deuced--draughty--don't--che--know!"
"Yes, quite chi
lly, isn't it, old chappie! I guess so!" declared Sam,patronizingly.
"I demand, sir, the return of ten thousand dollars that you swindledme out of yesterday," said Mr. Harris, with indignation flushing hisface.
"And I demand, in the name of the law, ten thousand dollars that youstole from--a--George Golda, while in the scow-dwelling night beforelast," said Sam.
Still unperturbed, Rutley merely shifted his eyes from one to theother without moving his head or a muscle of his body, much in themanner of an automaton, and answered with a drawl:
"Aw, a money swindle! And a--a--theft of money from a scow-dwelling!Really, gentlemen, this is--a--a--a--deuced good joke!" And then helaughed, laughed in a shrill, screechy falsetto key, unnatural, andchilling as an icy breath from the Arctic.
"This is no joke, sir, as you will soon realize."
"You have been detected. Your villainy is exposed, and your damnedrascality is at an end," said the irate Mr. Harris.
"For twenty years in the pen at Salem, eh, old chappie!" said Sam,with a grin of satisfaction.
"Curse the luck," muttered Rutley to himself. "What a fool I was notto have vanished last night. It's deuced ugly, don't-che know," hecontinued aloud, in the same cutting accents. "Let me warn you,gentlemen, there is a limit to one's forbearance!"
"You are a cheat, a villain, an imposter!" fumed Mr. Harris. "Andthere is the proof," and he flourished the cablegram in Rutley's face."You are imposing on the public under the cloak of an assumed title,and unless you immediately hand over to me ten thousand dollars Ishall give you into custody."
"Of the officers of the law, eh, Auntie?" and as Sam uttered the lastwords, up went his right hand extended straight with the index fingerpointing aloft.
It was the signal agreed upon for the officers to appear, andforthwith they emerged with Jack Shore between them, and Smithfollowing, from a vine inclosed arbor, partially concealed by a groupof trees a few rods down the hill.
Pretending not to notice the approach of the officers and theirprisoner, Sam grinned at Rutley and banteringly said:
"Come now, own up, you intentionally put me 'out of business' with theautomobile. But it was a bungled job, wasn't it, old chappie?"
Rutley yielded not an iota of his haughty bearing. Totallyunsuspecting the near approach of the officers from behind, hedirected a frigid, steady, contemptuous stare at his accusers, andwith an air of puzzled understanding, said:
"What is the meaning of this insult to my honor? I again warn you,gentlemen, of your liability for libel."
"Law is a venturesome sport, my lord," ironically exclaimed Sam. "Letme introduce Mr. George Golda"--
Rutley leisurely turned and stared at Jack.
--"Alias, Jack Shore," continued Sam, with a laugh.
"Well, my poor man. What is your mission?" interrogated Rutley.
Jack stared steadily at Rutley, but kept silent.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha," derisively laughed Rutley. Then turning to thegroup, said: "What new joke is this, gentlemen?" Again he turnedtoward Jack in pretense of a closer scrutiny.
That Rutley was surprised was quite evident, and he stepped forwardwith some object in view. Mr. Harris seemed to imagine some purpose inRutley's movement, and stepping in front of him, said: "Hold, yourlittle game is up!"
"I guess so," quickly added Sam, who stood ready to assist.
Realizing he was at bay, Rutley recovered his self-possession asquickly as he had lost it.
Again he laughed in that high-pitched, screechy key of ineffabledisdain. "He, he, he, he," and turning to Mr. Harris said,sarcastically: "The idea! You, a retired merchant, a successfulbusiness man; experienced in the qualities of keen perception, of finediscrimination, of the most perfect discernment and adroitness, tosupport this outrage," and he waved his hand toward Jack. And againdrawing himself up erect, haughtily fixed his cold gray eyes steadilyon Mr. Harris, and continued in a drawl: "It's deuced ugly, don't-cheknow; deuced ugly, by Jove."
While Rutley had been speaking, Virginia appeared on the scene. "Ha,Virginia," sharply called out Mrs. Harris, and she beckoned to her tohasten. "Now we shall prove his villainy."
"Ha, ha," sneered Rutley. "Now you shall realize how foully you haveslandered me. The lady will prove that I am Lord Beauchamp."
As Virginia approached near, Mrs. Harris being unable to contain herimpatience, again addressed her: "Virginia, dear! Can you enlighten usas to that man's identity?"
Rutley tried to catch her eye, and at last, having succeeded, liftedhis eyebrows meaningly, then nearly closed his eyes as he fixed on hera stare of glittering concentration.
"Madam," he ejaculated significantly, "beware! These gentlemen andladies have dared to question my right to the title of Lord Beauchamp,and I have assured them that you know me, of course you do, and willtell them so." His manner was confident and insinuating, but he hadover-rated his power of hypnotic influence over the girl.
She looked at him steadily, in which freezing haughtiness, contemptand pity were commingled. Her fear of him had passed. She did notfalter now.
"Yes, I know you; and you are known to all present, but, unhappily,not as thoroughly as you are known to me."
"Who is he?" demanded Mrs. Harris.
"Beware!" cautioned Rutley, "for what you say you must prove in acourt of law."
Defiant, the girl spoke, her enunciation clear and faultless. "Hisname is Philip Rutley, and he is masquerading as my Lord Beauchamp forfraudulent and unlawful purposes."
"Ha, ha, ha," laughed Rutley, sarcastically. "Delightfully refreshing,gentlemen."
"Oh!" came from Hazel, and then, as if doubting the announcement,exclaimed: "But the color of Rutley's hair is on the pumpkin order."
"When the dye is washed out it will be on the pumpkin order again,"laughed Sam.
"He of the investment company?" questioned Mrs. Harris, with a puzzledexpression of countenance.
"The very same chap, Auntie," said Sam.
"Dear me, such ingratitude!" and Mrs. Harris looked disgusted. "Why,the rascal promised never to return if we would not prosecute him."
"He, he, he, he, how very funny," derisively laughed Rutley, in thathigh-pitched, screechy falsetto key he was so well trained in, and attimes he nervously stroked his Vandyke beard.
"I shall at once bring an action at law against you for maliciouslibel," upon which he started to pass Mr. Harris. His purpose wasunderstood and frustrated by Sam, who promptly seized him by thecollar. "I guess not!"
"Well done, Sam!" exclaimed Mrs. Harris.
"Take your hands off!" demanded Rutley, who began to scuffle violentlywith Sam.
"Hold him fast, Sam," cheerfully encouraged Mr. Harris, who rushed toSam's assistance, followed by Smith.
"I guess so."
At that moment, by a dexterous movement, Rutley slipped out of hiscoat, swiftly turned, and exclaimed:
"Damn your eyes, take that," and violently struck at Sam, who adroitlydodged the blow, dropped the coat and squared up to him.
"I'm your huckleberry; I guess. Good time to square that littlerun-down now. Come down the hill out of the sight of the ladies."
"I'll go wid yees," volunteered Smith. "Sure, an' I'll see fair play,an' may the divvil take me lord."
Mr. Harris picked up Rutley's coat and there fell out of one of thepockets two packages of banknotes. He let the coat fall and picked upthe packages. Flourishing them about his head, he laughed--"Ha, ha, ha,ha."
The detective turned to Jack and said, quietly: "You wanted the proof:there it is," and he pointed to the money held by Mr. Harris. "He willbe pinched, but Mr. Thorpe is to secure his release."
"Why, there are twenty thousand dollars here!" exclaimed Mr. Harris,examining the packages of money.
"Now you believe me, don't you?" said the detective to Jack.
"Yes," replied Jack, "you were right," and then he stepped forwardalone, close to Rutley, and with a sneer on his face, confronted him."So, my noble partner! You gave me the kiss of 'Judas' f
or tenthousand shekels, eh?"
Rutley was amazed, but maintaining his imperturbability, exclaimed:"You propound a riddle, my poor man. I don't know you."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha," laughed Jack, bitterly. "The riddle should be plainwith the key in your keeping. But I know _you_, me Lord Beauchamp,alias Philip Rutley. Now, damn you, take the medicine your treacheryawards you."
Rutley straightened up, his mortification was very great. Naturallyastute, shrewd and alert, for once he had been caught napping. Withdistended, staring eyes, he whispered, aghast: "Jack, Jack," and then,recovering himself, composedly said: "A--my poor fellow, you aremistaken; I don't know you," and then he swung himself about andlaughed in that peculiar, high-pitched key--"He, he, he, he; he must becrazy."
"Crazy, eh!" and Jack laughed low, hoarsely and derisively. "Ha, ha,ha, ha. The detective told me you had sold me for the reward offeredfor recovery of the child, but I would not believe him. Now! I know hetold the truth. For the proof is there," and he pointed to the moneyin the hands of Mr. Harris. "The proof that you betrayed yourpartner"--
"You lie! You lie! Damn you, you lie!" exclaimed Rutley bitterly, ashe swiftly turned to Jack, and then muttered to himself: "Ye Gods, Ihave been trapped by a fluke." Then, with marvellous nerve, declared:"Oh, this is preposterous; I will immediately bring some friends andprove that you malign me," and so saying he turned to move off.
"Detective Simms, he is your man; arrest him!" said Mrs. Harris.
On seeing his chance of escape lessening every moment Rutley abandonedall idea of further defense, and made a grab for his coat.
Quick as was his action, he could not outmaneuver Sam, who promptlythrew himself upon Rutley's back, and locked his arms about him,pinioning him as in a vice. And while in that position the detectiveslipped on the handcuffs.
On releasing him, Sam turned with a broad grin of satisfaction to hisaunt--"How is that for the Texas brand, eh, Auntie?"
He got for his answer a smile, and an exclamation that pleased himimmensely. "Splendid, Sam."
"The neatest bit of work done since his partner tried to find a softspot on Carbit strait pavement," added Smith, with a look ofadmiration.
In the meantime Mr. Harris had been examining the packages of money,turning them over and over, looking first at one and then at another.Of a sudden his face lit up with a smile, as he exclaimed: "Why, thisis mine; the identical package that he obtained from the bank on myindorsement. I can swear to it. But this?" And he looked meaningly atVirginia.
"It looks like the package of notes I gave the Italian for Dorothy'sransom," she replied.
"He never sold me after all," muttered Jack, who became painfullyastonished on hearing Mr. Harris declare that Rutley had obtained oneof the packages of money from the bank on his indorsement. And as theplan by which he was tricked into betrayal of his accomplice becameevident, his chagrin deepened to grief. He turned to Rutley and said,brokenly: "Phil, I take it all back," and then he muttered absently ashe realized the futility of regret. "But it is too late--I have beentricked into a confession."
"The jig is up," replied Rutley. "I shall take my medicine like aman."
"That money must remain in the custody of the police until the courtdecides for the owner," said the detective.
"Certainly," affirmed Mr. Harris, who handed him the two packages.
"This one is mine, and contains ten thousand dollars. And thiscontains a like amount and belongs to Miss Thorpe. I shall apply tothe court for restitution tomorrow," remarked Mr. Harris.
"Very well, sir. Now please hand me that coat and we will go," saidthe detective.
Mr. Harris picked up the coat and handed it to the detective.
"Keep it, old man," advised Rutley, with lofty disdain. "Keep it as amemento of how you were once charmed by one of England's nobility," helaughed derisively.
"I will have no gift from a thief," indignantly exclaimed Mr. Harris,as he handed over the coat. "Officers, away with them."
"Good-bye Charles, Reginald, De Coursy, West-ma-coate Cosmos, me LordBeauchamp. Fare thee well," said Sam, with a grin.
It was at that time that the little Scotch terrier began to sniff atJack's trouser legs inquisitively. The dog had wandered near him,attracted by the sound of his familiar voice, and though it evidentlyscented something intimate, could not recognize his former master inthe changed appearance resultant on his enforced bath. And so the dogsniffed and sniffed while the glint of its upward turned eyesominously resented any friendly overture.
Jack had noticed the dog about, and now that it was sniffing at hisleg, he softly spoke to it, saying: "Good-bye, Snooks," whereupon tohis surprise the dog growled at him. Again he said, soothingly: "Goodbye Snooks," putting out his hand to fondle it, but the dog, in one ofthose singularly unsympathetic moods rare to its nature, would havenone of him, and barked at him furiously.
It was the finishing stroke to his shame and degradation. "An outcast,a stranger, so low I have fallen that my own dog barks at me."
"Come along," urged the detective to Rutley and Jack. But Rutleyhalted and turned to Hazel, with the same marvellous air that had wonfor him confidence in critical moments of "my lord's" career.
"Ta, ta, pet," said he, in his softest blandishment to Hazel. "Thatwas a ravishing kiss you gave me in the conservatory awhile ago. Ta,ta," and he threw her a kiss with his free hand and followed it with atragic scowl at Sam.
"The horrid man," indignantly exclaimed Hazel.
"Good-bye, Virginia," and he smiled patronizingly at her. "You'peached' on your pal, but rogues do that sometimes. Tra-la."
"Officer, away with them," ordered Mr. Harris, with disgust.
"Get a move on, old chappie," said Sam.
"Come along," urged the detective.
But Rutley balked, and looking at Mrs. Harris, laughed, the samehigh-pitched, uncanny laugh he had used previously.
"I had almost forgotten you, Auntie," he drawled in his most suave andengaging manner. "You know that it is bad form to take one's leavewithout saying 'adieu,' and believe me," and he again laughed, "Ithank you for your lavish reception in honor of the fake lord."
"Officer, away with them," stormed Mr. Harris.
Though Rutley was forced away a step or two he still kept his eyesfixed on Mrs. Harris, and managed to hold his ground long enough toadd, ironically: "Adieu, Auntie! Ta, ta!"
"March yees blackguards, march," said Smith, pushing the men along.
"How very rude! I have never had anything so scurrilous said to mebefore in my life."
"He wasn't a real lord, Auntie. Only tried to act like one, eh, Iguess so," and Sam inwardly chuckled at the balm he offered for herdiscomfiture.
"Sam, you had better assist the officers to the railway station,"suggested Mr. Harris.
"Oh, quite to my fancy, Uncle!" and Sam immediately proceeded afterthe detectives and their prisoners.
The silence that fell on the group as they watched the prisoners movedown the hill was broken by Hazel, who, turning to Mr. Harris, said:"It was clever of Sam. Indeed, Uncle, it seems to him is due the honorof breaking the spell of a pretender."
"I am satisfied now that my lord will serve a 'spell' with his partnerin the state penitentiary," replied Mr. Harris.
"A fate that deservedly overtakes adventurers and imposters," remarkedMrs. Harris.
"And a most pungent warning to the frantic race society runs toentertain titled swindlers!" added Mr. Harris, gravely.
At that moment Sam hurriedly reappeared and approached Mr. Harris, whohastened to meet him. "What is wrong, Sam?" "Has he got away?" was theanxious inquiry.
"I guess not, Uncle," replied Sam, who seemed excited, and thennodding his head toward the river, said, in an undertone. "Somethingout of gear down there. A boy just told me a woman was wading in thewater trying to find her drowned baby--and--and I thought"--
"What! Who do you think she can be, eh? It cannot be"--And theyexchanged significant glances.
Sam tapped his head impre
ssively. "The boy said she plunged her handsin the water, talked queer, and heard her call 'Dorothy.'"
"If it should be her! Good God! And John must be hereabouts, too. Letus go to her at once. Quietly, make no fuss. Come along," and Mr.Harris turned hastily.
"What is the trouble now, James?" called out Mrs. Harris.
"No time," was all the satisfaction she got, and the two hastened downto the shingle.
"Dear me! Something serious has happened, I am sure!" and seeing a boystanding irresolute on the walk, addressed him:
"Here boy, do you know what is going on down there?"
"A crazy woman," the boy answered, drawing near. "She's wading in theriver."
"Poor thing!" sympathetically exclaimed Mrs. Harris. "What is shewading in the river for? Did you hear her speak?"
"Yes'm, a little; but I was afraid and didn't stay but a minute. Icame up to phone the police."
"Dear me! What did the poor creature say?"
"She said her baby was drowned. I'm pretty sure she called itDorothy."
An agonizing shriek of "Constance!" broke from the three womensimultaneously, and horror and consternation was depicted on everycountenance.
"Almighty Heaven!" exclaimed Virginia, whose face had blanched at thenews. "She has followed me here. I'll get some wraps, for poorConstance must be chilled through and through," and with that shehastened into the house.
"Virginia, dear!" Mrs. Harris called after her, "you will find wrapsin my room."
Hazel had already started toward the river, and noting the girl'simpatience, she went on: "Hazel and I will not wait for you."
As Mrs. Harris followed after Hazel, she kept muttering: "Dear me!What a shock! What a shock to one's nerves!"