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To Love a No Good Nigga

Page 15

by Phoenix Williams

  All of this paled in comparison to the sight of an angry Sherry in front of me, the scent of desperation secreting from my pores, and the sound of my heart beating in my ears.

  “I want $700,000, all cash…to start.”

  I sputtered. “I don’t have that type of money on hand…”

  “You have money, Sparrow,” she interrupted. “Your parents have money and your sister, Raven, is wealthy. Don’t play me. Get the money or I promise the next time we see each other will be in hell.”

  I stood in stunned silence as she disappeared in the direction she appeared from. Ty waited for her to leave the park before coming towards me.

  “You okay, BB?”

  “Don’t call me that,” I said absentmindedly. “She wants $700,000 in cash.”

  Ty swore and looked to the darkening sky as if searching for answers. “Don’t give it to her.”

  “What?” I screeched, bringing attention from all corners of the playground.

  Stepping closer to me until he was the only thing in my line of sight, he placed his hands on my shoulders. “Don’t give it to her. If you do then she will never go away.”

  “Then what in the hell do you suggest I do, huh? Should I try to reason with her? News flash, the bitch is crazy. I can’t keep looking over my shoulder.”

  “And that’s exactly what you’ll be doing if you hand over the cash. Let me and Blue take care of it.”

  “You and Blue? No offense, but y’all aren’t equipped to deal with something of this nature. I need someone like Dean.”

  Anger flashed across his pretty caramel heart shaped face before quickly disappearing. “Let me and Blue take care of this.” His tone of voice stopped all pleas of resistance from leaving my lips. I nodded my head and he put me in my car. After securing the seatbelt he handed me back my keys. “Go straight home, Sparrow, and please try to be good.”

  A small smile tilted the corners of my mouth. He and Blue had been saying that to me since I could remember. “I’ll try.”

  I turned the key in the ignition and for once decided to do as I was told and drove to my house. I reached in the visor and opened the garage with the electronic opener. Pulling inside, I tried to erase the meeting with Sherry from my mind.

  I entered the house and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the mud room before kicking off my sneakers. I took a deep swallow, letting the cool liquid calm my heated insides and headed into the living room. I crossed the threshold and the water slipped from my shaking hands.

  “Hey, Sparrow.”

  Tears clogged my throat, preventing me from uttering a single sound.

  “I missed you.”

  “’Zay,” I sobbed.

  No other words were needed. I leaped in his strong arms and kissed him with all the desperation, desire, and love I felt deep down in my soul. The last month had been the longest in my life. I needed to feel his arms around me, his love surrounding me. I needed that to truly live.

  His skilled hands had found their way beneath my hoodie and untied the knot on my head, sending my hair tumbling past my shoulders. My hands were just as busy, slipping his signature polo shirt over his head. Heated chocolate skin singed my fingertips and I moaned in pleasure.

  Breaking the kiss, Isaiah looked pointedly at the stairs and I shook my head. There was no way we would make it to my bedroom. I couldn’t wait that long.

  I lowered my long legs from his waist and worked on his belt buckle. Damn, I hated those things. Yeah, they brought his outfit together but undoing those strips of leather took too long. Finally, the sweet jingle of the undone belt caressed my ears and was soon followed by the rasp of the zipper and the snap of the button opening his jeans.

  Biting his lower lip, I suckled gently while removing the rest of his clothing from his long, muscular legs. He stepped from it and swung me up in his arms, bringing me to the sofa.

  Slowly, methodically, he stripped me from my attire. His breathing became gradually more labored as hints of my honeyed skin became visible.

  Clad only in a nude silk bra trimmed in black lace and matching panties, Isaiah’s heated gaze shot to mine. Expertly, he undid the front clasp of my bra and my heavy breasts swung free. His long fingers gripped the edge of my panties and pulled them down my shapely legs, the scent of arousal permeating the air.

  Standing, Isaiah stood naked before me. His dick stirred to life as his eyes made a scorching trail down the length of my body. All I could do was lay there and let him get his fill of my body spread out before him. His hot stare was equal amounts possession and reverence.

  He lowered his body on mine and captured my kiss swollen lips between his. Our tongues dueled and danced as his hands stroked my silken skin, igniting a fire deep inside me. My hard nipples pressed against his chest, my thighs cradling his rigid member, and our lips connected created a sensuous bubble that protected me from the woes in the real world.

  Not able to wait any longer, ‘Zay positioned himself against my quaking opening. Breaking the kiss, I asked, “Condom?”

  He shook his head. “From this point on nothing will be between us.”

  Before I could utter a response he swiftly entered me, eliciting gasps from the both of us. His hands cradled my face, his finger dancing in my hair. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist and my nails bit into his back.

  My eyes locked with his and there it was…the raw vulnerability that was so much a part of him and called out to me on an elemental level. Tears filled his eyes and dropped on to my nose, causing my own waterworks to start. This was more than sex. This was the balm to heal my damaged soul. Sniffles and guttural groans filled the air that was once silent with unspoken words and pain.

  “I’m so sorry, ‘Zay,” I cried.

  His insistent kiss silenced me. He gathered me close and his movements quickened. The inevitable climax was upon our sweat slickened bodies. I bit into his shoulder, provoking a passionate growl from his clenched teeth.

  Veins stood out on the side of his neck and my eyes rolled back in my head. Honey and cream flowed from me to him and vice versa. Never had love felt so good.


  Chapter 44


  The Hennessey burned my throat and exploded in my belly. The smoke made the room hazy. Classic Biggie played softly in the background. I looked at the three men who sat around me in my hotel room. I had known them since I was knee high to grasshopper. Piccolo, Ty, Ced, and I had been through some tough times before, shootings, drug deals gone to hell, and almost getting caught by the police, but nothing compared to this. That was business, this was personal.

  “So, what are we going to do about Raven?” asked Piccolo. I just rolled my eyes. My boy was whipped. All he could talk about was Ray. She was never too far from his thoughts.

  I was about to answer his question when the television caught my eye. On the screen were a contrite Princeton Tillers and an angry Anita Tillers. The children were not around but Princeton was surrounded by his campaign manager and uniformed police officers.

  The pit of my stomach fell to my knees. Instinctively I knew that Robin had something to do with this. I also knew that whatever I was about to hear was not going to be good. I turned up the volume on the television and listened intently.

  Princeton looked at his wife and sighed. “Today, I stand before you a humbled man. I have made some mistakes and have to pay the price.”

  He paused and grabbed his wife’s hand. It was painfully apparent that she wanted to snatch it away but played along. “Throughout the course of my marriage I have had many extramarital affairs. The last one resulted in a pregnancy.”

  “Aww, shit,” mumbled Ty.

  I ignored him and returned my attention to Princeton. “I would have liked to have handled this situation privately. However, yesterday a video of me allegedly striking the woman in question was released to the public along with othe
r videos of me and her in private moments. I knew that I owed it to my supporters to publicly address this. I have never laid my hands on a woman out of anger. I will fully cooperate with the Will County police and the district attorney to clear up this matter. My only hope is that my wife and my supporters will forgive me for my indiscretions and that the media will let me and my family deal with these upsetting circumstances privately. Thank you.”

  With that, he was swept off the stage in a flurry of flashing bulbs. A low whistle emitted from my lips. This was getting crazier and crazier with each passing moment. I took a deep sip of my drink and allowed the burn to comfort me. I glanced back at the television and the recording of Princeton pushing my sister against the wall by her throat was playing.

  “He better be glad he’s about to go to jail otherwise I’d kill him,” I said, my voice rumbling with barely constrained anger.

  Piccolo slapped me on the back. “Don’t worry about it, man. The police will handle it. Right now we have your other two sisters to think about.”

  Ty and Ced rolled their eyes. P was so whipped off Ray it was ridiculous. Isaiah was the same way. He was so stuck on Sparrow that he couldn’t leave her tonight even for a couple of hours.

  Just to irritate P I said, “Aight, let’s start with BB. This woman, Sherry, is not going to leave her alone especially after she gets the money.”

  Ty straightened in his chair. It wasn’t lost on me or Ced that he was always alert when it came to Sparrow. He had it so bad for her but after the way things ended between them he would never be back in her romantic good graces.

  “Naw, she’s not,” he said. “I told Sparrow to let us handle it. Personally, I think we should just kill her and get it over with.”

  “That works for me. Now about Ray…”

  “Wait a minute,” Ced said, interrupting a love sick Piccolo. “I don’t think we should kill her. Yeah she’s a little messed up in the head but look at all she’s been through. It’s easier for her to blame Sparrow than it is for her to look at her brother in a negative light.”

  I marinated on that for a minute before reluctantly agreeing. I could feel her pain. Shit, this situation I was in showed how much I felt her. I’d kill anybody who was responsible for hurting my sisters.

  Clapping my hands together, I got everyone’s attention. “Okay, here’s what will do. Today’s Monday so on Wednesday I should have the cash together. Friday we’ll go over there and deliver the money on Sparrow’s behalf. While we’re there we’ll warn her about the dangers of continuing to terrorize with Sparrow.”

  Everyone agreed and, much to Piccolo’s pleasure, the conversation moved to Raven and Dean. Piccolo placed a pistol on the coffee table and smiled. “This is how we deal with Dean. Case closed.”

  Ced, Ty, and I looked at each other and busted out laughing. This dude was pressed to get home to Ray. Instead of telling him no, I decided to help him find the flaws in his plan.

  I picked up the gun and handed it back to him. “Okay, that’s one way to handle it but that won’t get the feds off Ray.”

  “True,” he said reluctantly.

  “If anything that will bring more heat. They will think she killed him to stop him from testifying against her.”

  “Yeah but Ray’s not some queen pin, she’s just a woman who fell in love with the wrong man.”

  “We know that but they don’t know that. All they know is that she was the financer behind most of Chicago’s drug game.”

  Swearing softly, Piccolo acquiesced. “What do you suggest?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.

  I took a much needed drag of my cigarette and allowed its calming effects to ease my stress. “We need to set Dean up the same way he did Ray. I need you, Piccolo, to hack into his laptop and phone and create some damaging evidence.”

  I turned to Ty. “Is your little buddy still set to give up the information?”

  One of Ty’s employee’s sons was a young worker bee for Dean. He had gotten caught up by the police and was now doing time in jail. Instead of Dean holding him down he left the young man to be fed to the wolves. Now, the boy was prepared to snitch on Dean if Ty gave the word.

  “Yep, everything’s set to go.”

  “Okay, then here’s what we’re going to do…”

  Two hours later, we had a definite plan on how to save Ray. Piccolo rushed out the door after agreeing to meet back with us on Friday, our laughter following him out the door. I shook my head and poured another drink.

  Ced did the same before turning his attention to me. “Do Sparrow and Raven know you fixed their relationships?”

  “Hell naw,” I said. “They think they fixed it themselves. Sparrow is still bragging that her love brought Isaiah home.”

  “Man, please, Sparrow’s fine but she ain’t that damn fine. I had to go threaten that dude with bodily harm and taking his woman for him to wake up.” A disgusted scowl crossed Ty’s face.

  “Aye man, I appreciate you doing that for me. I know it was hard for you.”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “You’re my family. I’d do anything for you.”

  And I’d do anything for them. They knew it and that’s why they didn’t hesitate to help me out. They were risking their lives and freedom for my dumb ass sisters.

  After Ty and Ced left, I showered and got between the covers, the scratchy sheets irritating my skin. I thought about the four of us. We had been friends for a long time. All three of them had at one time loved one of my sisters. I knew deep down that Ced and Robin used to have a thing but until it was confirmed I wouldn’t worry about it. Ty and Sparrow dated for a while but it ended badly.

  Only Piccolo had captured the heart of one of the Lady Birds. I was happy for him but I knew that it would take Ty, Ced, and I longer to take the plunge. Only special women with that unique combination of innocence and street smarts would do.

  Closing my eyes, I silently prayed that I would live to see the day each of us would fall in love. With the upcoming events only the Lord knew if we would all make it out alive.

  Chapter 45


  I didn’t know why and I honestly didn’t care. All I knew was that my man was back home with me. He just came over early one morning, looking like hell and reeking of alcohol, and told me he was coming home.

  Well what was a woman to do when the man she loved more than breathing was standing on her doorstep looking like a wounded puppy? She let him in and gave him the love she had stored up during their separation. That was exactly what I did.

  Ever since he came back he barely left my side except when we both went to work. In fact, the only time he did leave was when Blue invited him out for a drink. I didn’t know what happened but he came home drunk as a skunk and took me against the nearest wall. I knew something was going on with Pierre but I just didn’t know what. During the middle of the night he’d reach for me, whispering my name. I’d wake up with his body pinning me to the mattress, like he was afraid I’d disappear in the middle of the night.

  Speaking of which, “P…Pierre, baby, please get off of me.” I said pushing at his shoulder.

  He moaned and shifted but his heavy legs were still thrown over me. I hurriedly climbed out of the bed and did my morning ritual of kneeling in front of the porcelain goddess in the bathroom, damned morning sickness.

  I brushed my teeth and quickly hopped in the shower, reluctantly removing Pierre’s scent from my thoroughly loved body. A blast of cool air caressed my skin and let out some of the steam when the shower door opened and closed.

  Pierre reached around me and grabbed the soap from the shower caddy, brushing against my breasts. I allowed him to wash my back, his touch sending me into overdrive. Sparrow was right; this was something every couple should indulge in.

  Turning around, I returned the favor. Soft strokes on hard muscles had Pierre groaning deep in his throat. I relished in it. Knowing that I coul
d bring this strong man to his knees was empowering, addicting.

  I reached for him, attempting to bring our bodies together. He blocked my hands. “No, Ray. You have to go to work and so do I.”

  I gave him a seductive smile and backed him against the wall, work be damned. I needed him. I craved his skin against mine, his body inside mine, and his lips everywhere on my feverish body. Now that I was pregnant I was hornier than a rabbit in the spring.

  Ignoring his protests, I jumped in his arms. He caught me like I knew he would. Reaching below us, I joined our bodies together. My eyes rolled back in my head and his arms shook. Pierre backed us up against the cool tiled wall and began the sensual onslaught.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed the ride. This was what I loved about Pierre. He knew my body so well. He knew when I wanted to whip his ass and when I desired to have my kitty beat up. I never had to utter a single word. He would just look at me and automatically know.

  Our frantic love making reached its foreseeable and regrettable climax and he released me. Quickly, we rinsed away the remnants and left our lovers cocoon to face the harsh realities of the world.

  Eight exhausting hours later, I was leaving work but I wasn’t heading home. I had to meet with Dean. I was scheduled to leave for California on Saturday. My anxiety level was definitely on high because of this situation but I was determined to see it through. My family life depended on it.

  I wasn’t going to tell Dean that Pierre and I were back together. That was for me to know and for him to never find out. I knew that he would up the ante if word got back to him about Pierre and I reconciling and I didn’t even want to know what he would do if he found out about Blue being in town. Naw, I was certainly keeping my mouth shut.

  Pulling up in front of the condo, I greeted the doorman and headed to the elevator. I leaned against the elevator walls and prayed that I didn’t vomit. This nausea shit was definitely playing havoc with my life. The silver doors swished open and there was Dean in all of his hellish glory, leering at me.

  Gripping my arm tightly, he practically dragged me inside the condo. The floor to ceiling drapes were drawn shut, darkening the room. I sat down in one of the seats and waited for him to express what was so obviously on his mind. He didn’t waste a second.


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