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Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series

Page 12

by Amanda Shelley

  “I may be persuaded to have some of that, too. Especially if it’s milk chocolate.”

  “Well, I’ll have to fight you for it because I bought dark chocolate, too, but only to give it as an option… Personally, I can’t get over the bitterness, but I wasn’t sure your preference.”

  Rolling my eyes, I chuckle. This guy… “Vince, you didn’t have to go to such trouble. I would’ve eaten it, though maybe not asked for seconds… to be polite, you know…”

  “Syd, don’t ever do anything to placate me. If you don’t like something… tell me.”

  He doesn’t get it… “Oh, I’ll never placate you… trust me. But I was brought up to take a bite of everything… including the pickled beets and sauerkraut. As an adult, there are just some things I draw the line on. I don’t care how many times Grams forced me to eat those… I hated them each and every time.”

  This earns me a beautiful laugh from Vince. It’s the kind of laugh I can’t help but join. It’s so infectious. “I totally get it. For the record… I don’t eat anchovies on pizza or any type of wilted lettuce or cabbage-type substance. You can be as cute as ever or even beg me… I will still flat-out refuse.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I tease. Though when I think about it, he has a point… because… Yuck. Those are both disgusting, too. Instead of responding though, I attempt a subject change. “So… What did you and Julia do this morning?”

  “Well…” He pretends to contemplate in this overexaggerated, ridiculous way which only makes me smile even harder.

  Is it possible for your cheeks to fall off from smiling too much?

  Seriously… His finger taps his chin while he looks to the sky and sucks in a deep breath. He’s fucking adorable. “Let’s see… we got up at the ass-crack of dawn to eat breakfast and watch cartoons. Julia loves cold cereal for her first meal of the day—so at least I didn’t have to make an elaborate breakfast at that hour. When it finally got light enough to be a decent hour, she begged me to take her for a bike ride, and then we spent the rest of the morning doing chores around the house.” He ends with a shrug, as if his morning weren’t already packed.

  “Sounds like a lot busier morning than mine,” I admit. “I almost feel lazy. I just got up and worked on my paper that’s due next week.”

  “I typically do homework between classes or after Jules is asleep for the night. She’s an amazing kid, but if it’s just the two of us, she’s my sidekick. Thankfully, she loves to do her ‘schoolwork’ which consists of coloring or working on a workbook when Van or I are forced to study during the day to fit it all in.” The way he used air quotes around her schoolwork tells me there’s more to this story.

  “She sounds adorable. I can just picture her trying to work by your side.”

  “Yep. She insists I bring my work to the kitchen table where we can do our work together if her mom picks up an evening shift or something. Vanessa typically has a few breaks during the day, so she completes her work on campus somehow.”

  “Being a single parent must be hard,” I assume.

  Knowing my mom was a single parent and the struggles she went through with me, I can’t imagine trying to go to college with a kid in tow. I’m in awe of Vanessa for all she’s doing.

  “It’s not easy, that’s for sure,” Vince admits as he holds out two sandwiches. Lifting his right hand, he says, “Roast beef or turkey? They each have tomatoes, cheese, and I brought some mayo in a small container if you want to add that. We were out of lettuce.” He ends with a shrug. “Sorry.”

  “You won’t hear me complain,” I interject as my stomach rumbles quietly in appreciation of his thoughtfulness. I swear he’s thought of everything. “I haven’t had a turkey sandwich in forever. I’ll take that.”

  “Good. Eat up. I don’t want you starving to death. Have you eaten today?”

  Well, apparently, it wasn’t that quiet.

  How embarrassing.

  Trying to play it off, I scoff, “Yes. But it’s been a few hours. I promise not to eat your arm off as you hand it to me,” I say, reaching for the sandwich.

  “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed,” comes out as an assessment rather than an accusation. I shake my head because he never wants to see me hangry. I won’t be cute at all. Grams used to make sure I ate in regular intervals, so I wouldn’t bite the hand that feeds me, as she reminded me often. Apparently, me being hangry was the worst temperament she’d ever seen.

  God, I miss her.

  Vince picks up on my mood change. Suddenly, his carefree face fills with worry. “Did I say something to offend you?”

  Sighing, I reply, “No… I was just thinking about Grams… and how she used to warn me about getting hangry. She used to tease me about it all the time, claiming I’d bite her hands off if I weren’t fed fast enough. She swore up and down I was the worst when my hanger struck. She even kept snacks in the glove compartment and in her purse if we were going out for a while.”

  Vince’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline as he draws out, “O… kay… I’ll keep that in mind. I’d rather not experience that type of hanger…”

  Swatting at his arm playfully, I shake my head in complete denial. “That was when I was just a little older than Julia. I’ll have you know I’m a lot more controlled with my hanger issues now.”

  “I don’t know… I’ve seen your feistiness in action the night we met at the bar…” he reminds me, though his tone is light and harmless. He’s right. He did see me put his friend in his place—and for some reason, he still comes around.

  “I told you, I don’t take shit from dipshits who think I have nothing better to do than go home with them at the end of my shift,” I defend more than my intent.

  “I get it. I wouldn’t want people hitting on me either like Derek. But seriously, I don’t think he meant any harm by it—but let’s face it, if you hadn’t turned him down, we wouldn’t be here today.”

  Well… damn… he has a point.

  Before I can respond, Vince continues, “I guess I can be thankful he took that chance to talk to you…”

  Confused, I ask, “Why is that?”

  “If he hadn’t pissed you off so much, I seriously doubt you would’ve carded us. Therefore, you wouldn’t have taken the time to notice me.”

  Oh, I would’ve noticed him—eventually.

  But I keep that thought to myself.

  Instead, I just scoff defensively.

  “Oh… come on, Syd. You already knew we’d been carded at the door.”

  We stare at one another for a long moment as he waits for me to admit what he already knows.

  I will neither confirm nor deny his accusation.

  Clearing my throat, I promptly change the subject, “So, how did you find this place?”

  This earns me a smug smile that makes my belly flop in a way that has nothing to do with hunger.

  “I go for drives when I need space or time to think. Freshman year…” The way his voice trails off makes the hairs on the back of my arm rise.

  Something’s happened to Vince. The far-off look in his eyes as he focuses on the water running below us makes me wonder if he’ll ever tell me.

  Reaching out, I pat his thigh beside me. “You don’t have to tell me,” comes out barely above a whisper, but I know he’s heard me.

  Vince sucks in a deep breath and slowly releases it, making my heart clench. The hallow look in his eyes tells me more than his words ever will.

  But before I can give it more thought, he quickly shakes it off and quietly continues, “No…” though I’m unsure if his words are for me or himself.

  He’s quiet for a few more breaths before he sucks in another deep breath and continues, “No… Freshman year… let’s just say… it was a rough one. I was finding my ground and adapting to my new normal. With Jules and Vanessa always around, the only time I got to myself was if I went for a drive.”

  Going away to school is hard on everyone. It was hard as hell for me to walk away from the only
home I’d ever known, knowing that once I left, I’d never be back. Grams was gone, and I have nothing left to return to. At least Vince had his family to support him. “I can understand that…” I prompt, hoping he’ll continue.

  But he doesn’t continue with that mournful tone.

  Nope, he forces a smile as he continues in a much lighter tone. “Well… I was driving one day in the early spring and saw the road lined with cars. It was unusually hot, so the top and doors were off my Jeep. When I slowed down, I could hear water running and decided to return when it was less crowded. The next week, I went for an early morning drive and found myself here. I got out and followed the sound of the water. No one was here as it was barely light outside and still chilly from the night air. When I made my way to just about where we’re sitting now, I sat and just enjoyed the beauty of the sun coming over that hill. There were a few clouds high in the sky that morning, so the colors were vibrant—full of reds and oranges. I’d never quite seen anything like it. As I watched the nature around me, I finally relaxed.”

  “It must’ve been beautiful,” I whisper, picturing his description and staring at the hills around us.

  “It was. The best part about it was how my stress faded away in that moment. It’s weird, but I swear I knew I could handle anything the world threw at me.” Shaking his head, Vince turns to look me in the eye. “Sorry… that probably doesn’t make any sense. It’s just… you asked how I found this place and well… that’s how it became my go-to place when I needed to think. Especially early in the morning.”

  Thinking back on all I’ve overcome since the loss of Gram, I get where he’s coming from. Not knowing what exactly Vince went through, the brief look of despair in his eyes tells me it was catastrophic. If he shares it with me—it will be on his terms, and I’ll do my best not to push him. If he never tells me, I’m okay with that, too. We all have our own demons, and I’m not about to ruin this perfect date by bringing up the past—for either of us.

  “Well… thank you for sharing this with me. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone go to this much trouble for a date.” Leaning in, I kiss him on the cheek. “For that, I thank you.” Pulling back, I take a large bite of sandwich to keep from saying more.

  As if he understands my attempt at keeping things light, Vince once again relaxes his shoulders and eats his sandwich. Glancing over at me, he grins, and my insides melt just a little more.

  What is it about him that turns me into goo with just a simple look?

  We eat in silence for a while before a large eagle swoops down from upstream and pulls up a big fish. I jump at its unexpected appearance. As I restart my heart, I stare at the impressive strength of his talons.

  “Did you see that?” Vince whispers in awe as the bird flies into a tree up the hill from the other side of the riverbank.

  “I’m not gonna lie. It kinda scared the shit out of me.” I chuckle at my embarrassment but continue, “Then when it picked up that fish, I couldn’t do anything but stare in awe.”

  “You don’t see that every day… but it proves my point earlier. This place is special.”

  “You’re right about that. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.”

  “And here I thought you’d remember this for my expert sandwich-making skills… you wound me, woman…” He pretends to pout, and it’s adorable.

  “Well, we wouldn’t want to damage that precious ego of yours.” Of course, I’ll remember the effort he’s put forth on this date. I wasn’t kidding when I said no one has gone to such troubles.

  When I shove at his arm playfully, he lunges at me. The next thing I know, I’m lying flat on my back as his upper body hovers over me. He carefully takes what’s left of my sandwich out of my hand and sets it on the blanket beside us.

  As soon as that task is finished, his attention is solely focused on me. His breath is uneven, and his eyes continue to search mine. Then he melts the firm walls I’ve placed around my heart when he says, “I have a new reason to like this place…”

  “Oh, really, why’s that?” I attempt to be flippant, but I’m sure it comes out as breathless.

  “I have the most beautiful sight in the world under me.”

  My belly flops and flits, then a shiver runs up my spine.

  Slowly, he leans in to kiss me. His lips are tender against mine, and the entire world around me disappears. The river could rise, and I wouldn’t even notice as long as I stayed in his arms.

  When he pulls back to end our kiss, I grip the back of his neck, holding him in place. There’s no way I’m finished kissing him just yet.

  I don’t care that I just ate something.

  I don’t care that I’m lying on a hard rock.

  And I certainly don’t care that I’m in public.

  All I care about is being in his arms and experiencing this fucking amazing kiss.

  The forest could go up in flames from the fire burning inside me, and I’d be none the wiser. All I know is I want this man to keep his magnificent lips on mine, and I need to taste more of him.

  Unfortunately—we are in public.

  I hear kids yelling before I see them, and Vince bolts upright, pulling me along with him. His wide eyes search for the incoming family that’s fast approaching. He runs a hand down his face and reaches out to adjust my sweatshirt. A sheepish expression forms as he shakes his head at me. “I’m pretty sure you’re nothin’ but trouble.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I replay his words in my mind.

  Just how does he expect me to take that?

  Before my defensive thoughts fly out of my mouth, he leans in to peck me chastely to keep my mouth occupied.

  When the family reaches the opening to the trail head, he pulls back and winks. “Simmer down, Syd. I meant that in the best way possible.”



  Sydney’s a firecracker. That’s one thing I’m certain of. But the flame that runs through her burns hot in my soul. I’d only meant to be playful, but she turned my innocent kiss into an inferno in a hot minute.

  Thank God, I’m used to listening for Julia, or that poor family would’ve gotten their eyes full. As my hands roamed Sydney’s body under her bulky sweatshirt, all I wanted was more. Her soft skin drives me wild, and the way she knows what she wants… well, I don’t think any woman has turned me on more.

  Thankfully, we were finished eating for the most part because the family with four kids had the same idea for a picnic. Not that I mind them being here. I tend to lose my mind around Sydney and thankfully, they brought me back to reality.

  I discreetly adjust myself as Sydney focuses on the kids now picking up rocks to skip by the water. Julia would love it here, but for some reason, I’ve kept this place to myself. I’m not even sure why I brought Sydney other than the fact I wanted to take her to a place that had meaning to me. Our first official date was pretty epic, and I wanted something that could top it—and let’s face it, I wanted to be alone with her.

  As we watch the family from afar, Sydney picks up her forgotten sandwich and finishes it. I let her eat in silence as I contemplate just what it means to share my sacred spot with her.

  When she’s finished, I ask, “Would you like anything else to eat?”

  She takes a drink of the soda I brought and re-screws the cap.

  “Not really.” She shrugs, then her eyes light up with a new thought. “I do believe you mentioned chocolate…”

  Digging into my bag, I can’t help but grin. She reminds me of Julia and dessert. Syd leans forward, reaching out her hands eagerly in my direction.

  “Are you sure my hands are safe?” I raise an eyebrow as I hold the bag of truffles just out of reach.

  Her beautiful green eyes dance mischievously, and her sass shines through. “Only if you don’t hold out on me. You should know better than to come between a girl and her chocolate, Vince.”

  “Oh, trust me… I know…” I draw out as I pull out a piece of candy from the bag to hand her.

bsp; “Good. Now that we’ve got that straight, we can stay friends.”

  “So, now I’ve been kicked to the friend zone.” I shake my head, feigning being butt hurt. “Wow… Here’s the bag… have all you want.”

  Shaking her head, she grabs the bag faster than I could finish my thought. “Oh, Vince… I think it’s safe to say, the last thing I would ever want from you… is to just be your friend.”

  Doing my best to school my features, I state, “So, you just want me for my body… I see…”

  This earns me a playful smack against my arm. “You’re body’s nice, Vince. But I’m pretty much of a whole package kind of girl.” Then her face morphs from playful to fear. “Wait… that came out wrong.”

  Shaking my head to calm her fears, I laugh. “I think I get it, Syd. No worries.”

  Practically under her breath, I barely hear, “Ohmigod, please don’t think I only came to school for my MRS. degree. I only meant… that I think of you as both a friend and more. Of course… I like your body… I mean, look at you… but please don’t think that’s all I want you for…” By the end, she’s buried her face in her hands.

  She’s freaking adorable.


  She refuses to look me in the eyes.

  This just won’t do.

  “Sydney,” I say more forcefully to get her attention. When she doesn’t move her hands, I reach over to give them a gentle tug.

  When her green eyes finally meet mine, I feel it deep in my soul. Her vulnerability is there. God, she has nothing to fear from me. “Syd… I was joking. I didn’t mean to get you so riled up. I think we can both agree that friendship is a must—to move forward. But that’s clearly not all either of us want. I certainly don’t kiss people who are just my friends the way I kissed you. Do you?”

  Her eyes flit to the blanket below her. Taking my forefinger, I place it under her chin to encourage her continued eye contact. When she finally does meet mine, I’m met with the most beautiful eye roll of my life as she shakes her head in denial. “No… I don’t kiss just anyone like that.”


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