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Forsaken Norse Wind

Page 19

by Ciara Lake

  “Me? You left me with Celeste for far too long.” She playfully smacked his hip.

  “Yes, but did you not enjoy your time with her and our celebration I worked so hard on?”

  “Yes, my handsome Viking troll.” She kissed him, her tongue dueling with his until she felt lightheaded. Pulling back, she nipped his lip. Giggling, she looked up at him.

  “I thought you’d lost your vamp ways, or are you a vamp of another kind?” His right eyebrow rose as he looked at her.

  She cocked her head to the side, confused by his words.

  “Well, now you’re biting me,” he teased.

  “No, I’m not a vampire.” She kissed his lips. “You created a wondrous memory for us, I’ll never forget today. Now I want to create more of an intimate kind.”

  “Good.” Tossing her onto the bed, he was upon her with his rigid cock pressed against her belly. She gripped his penis in her hand, massaging it. Groaning, he kissed her neck. “You taste delicious, my love.” He licked her shoulder, and she shuddered. Moaning, she wrapped her arms around him.

  “Good, you say.” She laughed, pushing against him. “I’ll show you good.”

  “What are you wanting of me?”

  “Roll over,” she demanded. He obeyed, then she was upon him.

  “You’ve become rough, my dear. I hear living below the sea can bring out aggressive tendencies.” Axel laughed.

  “No, I just missed you.” She straddled him, lowering her swollen, wet pussy upon his huge staff. “Are the Mer aggressive?”

  “Yes, they can make vampires seem like babes. They can be vicious fighters like the most dangerous of predators.” He pushed her hair back from her face. “Let’s not talk of them now. I want to focus on you.” Axel fiercely kissed her, holding the back of her head as he pressed his lips against hers. Then he released her and stared up at her. “Did I tell you how lovely you looked today? If not, you’re the most beautiful woman in all the world, above and below this mighty sea.”

  Putting her hands on his shoulders, she held herself above him as she moved her hips in a sensual rhythm. Silently, they watched each other as she pleasured herself on his cock. She closed her eyes, relishing the feeling. Without warning, he rolled her over, pressing her into the soft bed. He slammed his hips into hers. Her legs pulled him tighter, and she held on as he rode her.

  “That’s what I like.” He pumped harder. His face turned fierce, and as he lost his seed, his entire body shook.

  Closing her eyes again, she whispered, “I love you, Axel.”

  He collapsed atop her, holding her in his arms. She was warm, well loved. She drifted off to sleep.

  “Hey, you awake?” He kissed her nipple.

  “I am now.” She rolled into him. “What can I do for you, my lover?”

  “Want to explore? Collin said we were welcome to be comfortable here. I’m fascinated by this place.” His eyes were shiny with mischief. “I want to see more. Let’s go on a tour.”

  “I want to see more too, but perhaps we should wait ’til morning and have a guide.”

  “Are you afraid to go on an adventure with me?” he teased. “We trolls are adventurous.” He winked. “Come, let’s get dressed, then we’ll go take a look around. I love how you can see out into the ocean. There’s just enough light to see the sea life. I love how the plants glow as they wave in the water. It’s a glorious place.”

  “Yes, it is. I enjoy it too. Okay, let’s dress then go exploring.”

  Quickly, they readied and exited their chambers. The hallway was dim with only a few lights from above. There were no candles to light the way. Instead, there were flat illuminated circles embedded in the tile ceiling. One side of the hallway was the continuous window that looked out into the world of the sea. Fish swam around, small ones in schools, larger ones alone as they circled their prey.

  “See those colorful and white stones?”


  “They are coral, a living creature, which looks as stone.” Axel stopped to look closer at the scene. After he looked for a while, they resumed their journey. Mesmerized, they walked in silence down the long hallway. Finally, they entered a large foyer with enormous double doors at one end. They were over twenty feet tall, dwarfing Axel.

  “Let’s look inside,” Breanna requested. “It looks impressive.”

  “Okay.” Axel pulled on one of the heavy doors. It easily opened to allow them access.

  “It looks like a beautiful church. Once I saw a pretty church like this in the larger village near my home, but this is more magnificent.”

  “Yes, it looks to be a cathedral, like Norte Dame.” The room’s tremendously high-peaked ceiling was a colorful window. It had transparent pictures of mermen fighting with swords, their sharp teeth bared at an unknown enemy. It looked as if they swam around doing battle.

  “Look, the picture moves. Perhaps it is real?”

  “It does indeed move. No, I believe it is not real. It is but a moving picture.” Axel chuckled. “It is fantastic.” They stood watching it play out the battle repeatedly. “It’s a battle between the Mer families. Eons ago the Mer fought, but now they’re at peace. They have been for a long time.”

  “This is a glorious place. Look.” Breanna pointed toward the front of the room. The huge cathedral was lined with dark wooden pews. At the front was a raised platform with an ornate altar. “This is a place of worship. Look at the musical instruments all about. It seems they play as part of their worship.”

  “Yes, Mer are musical creatures.”

  “Who do they worship?” she asked.

  “Poseidon, of course. This is his sons’ home.”

  “Who are his sons?”

  “Well, he has many, but Jax and Collin are his twin sons by the Mermaid Alyssa Aquilla. She is the Mer king’s daughter. Alyssa is a most stunning creature, not even Poseidon could resist her charms. She is his favorite consort, and Jax and Collin are much beloved demigods.” Beautiful candelabras stood at the end of each pew and at the front of the room near the altar. They flared to life as in welcome. “Come, let’s sit and take in the splendor of this sacred place.”

  Axel led her into a pew at the rear, and they sat down. Breanna rested her head against his shoulder and sighed.

  “It is very tranquil here,” Axel commented. “If you are quiet, you can hear the water rushing by all around us. The sea is a glorious, mysterious realm.”

  “Yes, I can hear it.” She quieted as they listened intently. Breanna nearly fell asleep then loud voices interrupted her rest.

  “Damn, I don’t want to participate in this. I don’t want to mingle with a human. The thought sickens me.” It was Jax’s voice. “I don’t want to spend time in the twenty-first century either. Those humans have no respect for our world, much less our sea. They abuse and use all of the sea’s resources. They pollute its beauty. I hate to mingle among these soulless creatures.”

  “Humans have souls, brother. Be tolerant,” Collin answered him. “I’m sure you’ll find a purpose there to drive you. You always do find something to occupy your time.”

  “Easy for you to say as you stay here with your new wife when I’m told I must get to know a descendant of Saltar’s, a Forsaken, worthless human by the name of Tabitha Lock. Why would we need this Tabitha? What is father trying to accomplish? It seems he is wasting my time.”

  “Time, you have plenty of, brother,” Collin answered.

  Breanna shuddered. Axel placed his hand on her arm and made a shushing sound. Breanna nodded. Then a loud booming voice spoke.

  “Son, my patience grows thin. You are too prejudiced against humans, even Forsaken ones. This is a weakness and wrong.”

  “Whatever you say, Father.”

  “Yes, whatever I say.” There was a pause. “I could solve all of this.”

  “Then solve it,” Jax yelled.

  “It’s a good thing I love you so much, son. I must not interfere in this thing. These things you must do. Some things must
be done by immortals and mortals, gods cannot control your destinies in everything.”

  “But Amuliana is a goddess. She has more than interfered.”

  “It does not make it right.”

  “I’m a demigod,” Jax shouted back. “What of that?”

  “Don’t let pride be your fall. There are still things you must do.”

  “That’s Poseidon,” Axel whispered near Breanna’s ear.

  “Very well, Father. I will do as instructed, as I always do. I will travel into the future to the large city by the sea to find this hideous creature, Tabitha Lock,” he spat out the name. “Anything related to the monster Saltar must be insanely insidious and ugly.”

  Jax rushed out from a room at the rear of the altar. He stormed past them, not seeing them. The huge doors opened for him then slammed behind him. The others in the room continued to talk. Axel grabbed Breanna’s hand as he flashed them to the front entry hall.

  “What was all that about?”

  “There’s a long lasting war between immortals with the vampires. Saltar and Amuliana are at its center. I’ve stayed out of it, as I keep to myself. The Norse gods do not interest themselves in it much, and I serve them primarily.”

  “There is more to it than the Forsaken’s plight?”

  “Oh yes, much more.” Axel nodded.

  “I would think you two would be making love non-stop this night.” Jax approached them. Breanna felt herself grow hot.

  “We decided to take a walk.” Axel bowed to Jax. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yes, I must go save the world.” He bowed in return with great drama.

  “In what way?”

  “It seems Saltar is messing with his prison. He is causing great earth movements and temperature changes affecting our oceans and the land above it. I’m off to find the key to our problem, a Mistress Lock. At least, they hope she is the key. Wish me luck with this mission as I will indeed need it.”

  “Good luck to you, Jax,” Breanna offered. “I hope you can tolerate the land of the humans.”

  “Breanna, if you’ve heard me speak poorly of humans or Forsaken, I do apologize. I’m frustrated is all.” Jax pushed his hand through his hair in an agitated manner. “You’re welcome in my home any time. I will see you both when I return. Go back to your bed. Enjoy the fruits of your union. My father is about this place, and he is not pleased with me. We may have another disagreement. It is best you don’t see him mad.”

  “Yes, ’tis true.” Axel nodded. “Good night, Jax.” Axel took Breanna’s hand and they were back in their room in the blink of an eye. They sat on the edge of the bed in silence for several minutes. “Let’s go to sleep, my lovely wife.” Again, she was dressed in her nightgown ready to get under the covers. He stared into the fire as the wood burned and crackled. “Isn’t it amazing they have fireplaces under the sea?”

  “Yes, it is fascinating. But nothing shocks me anymore.” Breanna ran her hand over his smooth back.

  “Me either, but still this place under the sea is unique.”

  A rumbling sound began. “What’s that?” Breanna asked.

  “I don’t know.” Axel looked around. The sound grew louder as the ground began to shake and roll. The furniture moved about all over the room. The floor beneath them rolled, making Breanna nearly fall. Axel caught her. “It’s an earthquake. It must be as Jax told us. Saltar is moving the earth to try to escape his prison.”

  Breanna clung to him as the earth continued to move. The earthquake lasted for at least a full minute. The dome above cracked and within seconds resealed. “Dear gods, we were almost washed away in the water.”

  “Fear not, no matter we’re safe. You’re an immortal now. Drowning won’t keep you down.”

  “What will it mean if Saltar is loosed?” Breanna could see concern etched into Axel’s handsome face.

  “It will mean imbalance, a time of great darkness, a war like none other. Anarchy among the immortals and certain death to many humans. It will be a dark time of which none of us wants to see. In fact, many immortals will die and remain dead. His escape would be a serious thing. Hopefully, Jax will find the key with this Mistress Tabitha Lock. We shall make a point to ask the Norse gods for help too. As I can tell, this problem will affect us all.”

  When the rolling completely stopped, they walked over to look out into the watery world. Steam escaped from cracks in the earth, all around gushes of vapor erupted.

  “Look, the plants are wilting.” Breanna pointed. “Many have lost their illumination. It’s becoming darker. The fish are scattering.”

  “Yes, they’re running to cooler waters. This, in truth, is an extremely concerning situation. Saltar’s raising would be devastating to all.”

  The earth shook again briefly in an aftershock as a lingering warning.

  About Ciara Lake

  Reading and writing is a wonderful diversion from an often-difficult world. I love to create my own stories and have control over how things will end. It’s exciting to create brand new worlds and characters. My imagination can come alive.

  In sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal stories, I can invent wonderful places and people. Anything is possible in these genres, it’s limitless. I’m able to create an escape into a special world filled with unique and fantastic things and there is always a happy ending.

  A high school teacher inspired me to write. However, instead of initially pursuing my writing career I became a lawyer. I work in divorce court, so erotic romance is a great escape. There can be true love and happy-endings, at least on my pages.

  My two children and I have two good-humored dogs that share our home and ease our stress. I have traveled and lived all over the world, and these experiences have given me great creative ideas. I look forward to creating many more adventures in romance.

  Ciara’s Website:

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  About The Forsaken Series

  Book 1: Forsaken Heart by Elise Whyles

  Now Available

  Book 2: Curse of a Dragon’s Claim by Ciara Lake

  Now Available

  Book 3: Forsaken Paradise by Elise Whyles

  Now Available

  Book 4: Forsaken Norse Wind by Ciara Lake

  Now Available

  Book 5: Skarlet Kiss by Elise Whyles

  Coming Soon




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