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Page 26

by Peter Hoole

  “Oh yeah?” Caleb asked, not really interested in a response or small talk.

  “Yeah… gonna take my boys out for a ride.”

  Caleb smiled. At that moment, he envied the agent. For he was able to think about the simple things, like going for a ride with his kids. Caleb, of course, had more pressing matters to attend to.

  “Anyway…” the agent said after a brief pause, “What can I do for ya?”

  Caleb knew what he needed to know, and hoped the country travel agent could help.

  “Where’s the nearest airport?” he asked without clarification.

  The man looked him up and down.

  “You’re in luck mate.” Said the man. “We’ve got one right here in town. Well… not in town, but it’s…”

  Caleb cut the man off with his sigh of relief.

  The man paused.

  “Everything ok?” he asked.

  “To be honest… not really.”

  The man was obviously sympathetic.

  “When do you need to leave?” he asked.

  “Asap” Caleb replied, hoping the acronym translated across the Pacific, “We need to get to Sydney.”

  Caleb new Sydney would be densely populated, and a good place to hide in plain sight.

  “All righty,” said the agent, “Let me have a look.”

  The agent sat down at his computer, and began typing.

  “Is it just you?” he asked.

  Caleb thought on the question. Even though he had believed the man could be trusted, he knew that to give too much information away may prove to be problematic. But he knew he had to get four seats.

  “There me and three others.”

  “Ok.” He replied, “Let me have a look.”

  He typed into his computer, and looked at the screen. After fiddling with his mouse and clicking a few details, he spoke.

  “I’ve got some good news and bad news.” He said.

  Caleb was tentative in his response, “Oh yeah.”

  “Well… there’s a flight leaving in about an hour, but it’s only got two seats.”

  Damn Caleb thought.

  “I need four.” He said, the desperation in his voice evident.

  The agent looked at his screen.

  “Let me make a phone call.”

  Caleb, feeling he had little option, nodded his head.

  The man dialled the phone and place the handset against his ear.

  After a few moments, the person being called picked up.

  “Hey mate, its Glenn.” He began. “Yeah good.”

  Caleb listened intently, hoping that Glenn was not passing on any secret code.

  “I’ve got a bloke here that needs to get to Sydney. You had anyone pull out today? Yeah… I can there’s two spots, but he needs four.”

  That was followed be a series of “Yeah’s”.

  Glenn ended the conversation, “Ok… no worries. Cheers mate.” And hung up the phone.

  Caleb looked for some indication of good news.

  The look on Glenn’s face was not what Caleb had hoped.

  “Sorry, mate,” Glenn began, “I can organise two of you to get on the plane, but not four.”

  Caleb had a solemn look on his face.

  He assessed his options.

  “I can book you on something tomorrow.” The travel agent suggested.

  Caleb knew tomorrow would be too late. While there were plenty of people out and about in Mudgee in the mid-afternoon, he figured the numbers would dwindle significantly once night fell.

  “Sorry… but tomorrow’s not really an option.”

  Glenn saw the look on his face, and clearly felt sorry for the American.

  “I’ll tell you what…” Glenn said, “I’ll let them know you’re coming. They can put you on stand-by. If someone doesn’t turn up…”

  Caleb nodded.

  It would have to do, for now.

  “Alright… just give me some details.”

  Caleb made up some fake names.

  “No worries. You’ve got some ID?”

  “Yeah…” Caleb lied, “but I left it in the car.”

  “No worries. Just make sure you give it to them. They can’t let you on without it.

  As he spoke the words, Caleb realised the only option he had.

  And it was not an option he liked.

  After getting directions to the airport, Caleb thanked the man behind the desk.

  He left the room, feeling guilty. Glenn had been so helpful. If only he knew what Caleb had planned, maybe he would not have been so. But Caleb knew he was running out of options and time. He knew this was his only play. The only way he could get them out.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  “How’d it go?” said Darcy as Caleb re-entered the car.

  Before responding, Caleb quickly pulled out his sidearm and pointed it towards Zach. As far as Caleb could see, Adam had Zach well under control.

  “Not as I’d hoped.” Caleb replied.

  Darcy could see that Caleb was disappointed with his chat, “So… what do we do now?”

  “I have a plan, but I don’t think you’re gonna like it.” He replied.

  Darcy had been through a lot in the last few days, and she reassured Caleb that there wasn’t much she wouldn’t be comfortable with.

  “As long as we don’t have to kill anyone….” She finished her statement.

  “Hopefully not.” Caleb said.

  But he could not be sure. He knew what they had to do, and killing was not planned, nor hoped for.

  “Ok then,” Darcy began, “where to?”

  Caleb passed on the directions to Darcy.

  Fortunately, the drive to the airport would not be a long one. The airport, conveniently, was located on the same road they were on.

  “Just head up the road.” Caleb said, “The airports only about four kilometres up.”

  Darcy did as she was asked.

  She pulled the black SUV out on the parking bay – a task made easier by the reverse parking she had been compelled to do.

  Afternoon traffic in Mudgee was minimal, and the journey short. The town centre disappeared into Darcy’s rear view mirror, and they were once again on what seemed like an open country road.

  In less than five minutes, the entry to the airport came into view.

  As they approached, Caleb asked Darcy to pull the car over. Again, Darcy did as she was asked.

  As the car came to a stop, Darcy looked in the mirror.

  “I’m hoping you scored us a flight, babe.” Darcy said, a hint of levity in her voice. She was unsure of where she had drawn the lightness, but it was more than welcome given the circumstances.

  “Maybe,” said Caleb.

  He told the group how he was able to get a flight for two of them, but not all.

  Darcy then realised what was about to happen.

  “We’re not getting on that flight?” she asked.

  Caleb replied the only way he knew how, “Yes we are.”

  He took a moment for the message to sink in, hoping that his semi-cryptic words had left the need for an explanation redundant.

  But, just to make sure, he made his intent explicit.

  “We’re going to steal the plane.”


  Up until that moment, William had been nervous.

  The American had had his measure the past few days. He had proved himself unpredictable, and a worthy opponent.

  But, William was not interested in a fight. Ascension was imminent, and all he wanted was to make a smooth transition into the next life.

  And Caleb was putting more than just a minor strain on the situation.

  The cabin was of no more use to them. After Caleb had driven away with Zach, William went to the only place he knew was safe – the airfield.

  It was not a long drive from the cabin, and they were there relatively quickly.

  It was there William struggled to think of a solution.

  The car they had taken was not of the qu
ality of the ‘Bats. But it did have an essential item – a GPS tracker.

  While it was of relatively rudimentary design, the tracker could serve its purpose.

  As they watched Caleb, Darcy and Adam on the tablet, they made the moves they were expected to. They had made their way to a populated area, making sure there were plenty of people around.

  William had never been to Mudgee, but as soon as he saw their location, he checked to see if they had any assets in the area.

  To his surprise, they did not.

  He thought that to be strange. The Colonials were always so efficient, and made sure they had most of their bases covered. But, with the evacuation still a recent memory, William figured any assets they had in the town would have cleared out as the rest of them did.

  So, William did the only thing they could.

  They waited.

  Fortunately, they did not need to wait long. It appeared the Americans were moving.

  After they came to a stop, one of William’s men shared some good news.

  But, when he received the news, William breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Really?” asked William, almost astonished that Caleb had been so predictable.

  “Yes, sir. We’re tracking them right now. They’re at the airport as we speak.”

  Williams previously worried look turned into a smile.

  “Excellent. This should be easy.”

  “Sir?” asked Williams minion.


  William guessed that Caleb was bright enough to assume that they would be followed. But, even he wouldn’t be able to see what was coming.

  William scanned the area around him.

  He saw a few different planes – the Hawk that Zach had flown in on was still in the holding area.

  Then, as William looked more, he saw what he was looking for

  He grabbed the man that he was speaking with, and pointed towards the large hanger.

  Then, with a smile on his face, William gave the order.

  “Empty that one, and fuel up.”

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Mudgee airport was, to say the least, a small airport. There were limited structures on the site, which Caleb assumed were just for processing departures and arrivals. There were neither real bells nor whistles. In short, the airport was sufficiently designed for its purpose.

  As Darcy brought the car into the car park, Caleb considered his plan of attack.

  Not that he really wanted to think of it as an attack. The people in the airport, and the surrounding area, were not his enemy.

  They were not the ones that were involved.

  What were they? They were in the way. They were obstructing Caleb from his goal.

  Caleb didn’t intend to hurt anyone, much less kill them. What he needed to do was get access to the plane and to use it to escape.

  The Black SUV came to a stop.

  “What’s the plan babe?” asked Darcy.

  Caleb looked around the airfield.

  There was one plane on in the visible area.

  A small plane, the Jetstream 32, was the only plane that flew in and out of the small country town.

  With a capacity of nineteen, the plane was more than suitable for their needs.

  But, there was one glaring issue, a problem that couldn’t be ignored.

  Caleb nodded towards the plane, “That’s how we’re getting out.”

  Darcy, sensing the problem as Caleb had, “Who’s going to fly it?”

  Caleb had hoped the answer would be in the back of the car. He looked towards Adam.

  Unfortunately, Adam just looked back at him with a blank stare. After several moments, Adam seemed to understand the question, and answered with a shake of his head.

  Caleb also looked at Zach, who had a smirk on his face. He seemed to revel in his captor’s current predicament.

  Unfortunately, that presented Caleb with only one solution.

  “Wait here.” He said to Darcy.

  With that, Caleb turned, and started walking towards the small terminal.


  “Sir, they haven’t left the airport yet.” Came the voice down the phone.

  William grew impatient. His plan was in place. Now, all he had to do was wait for them to take off from the small airport.

  He knew they could only be using one type of plane.

  And he knew it was perfect for his purposes. The plane was commercial, and as such had no defensive capabilities.

  William knew they would be met with minimal resistance, and the task could be achieved without drawing any attention to him, or the Colonials.

  While he was irritated that they were waiting, William was quite pleased with himself. It was the best plan for the situation, and it ticked all the boxes he needed.

  But, his feeling of levity quickly diminished when he heard his phone.

  He instinctually knew the phone call would not be a pleasant one. All his subordinates knew not to contact him in the current circumstances.

  This meant that it could only mean one of his supposed superiors was making contact.

  And with Zach captured, it could only be John.

  No sooner had he answered the phone than John was barking down the line.

  “Well?” the stout Englishmen asked, “Do you have him yet?”

  William was about to answer, but John asked another question.

  “And the reporter, her friends, have they been taken care of?”

  William, not wanting to be interrupted again, answered, “Not yet, Sir.”

  William was loathed to show any reverence to the man. He viewed John in much the same way he saw Zach – impediments to the movement, and his ability to make his way up the chain of command.

  “Not yet???” John said.

  It was clear John was unimpressed with the response.

  “Do I need to send help?”

  William was insulted. He knew he could get the job done, and any ‘assistance’ that was offered would be more a hindrance than a benefit.

  “No, sir. I’ve got it well in hand. I’m just waiting…”

  “Waiting???” John said, cutting off the explanation, “Waiting will get us nowhere. I don’t need to remind you of the seriousness of the situation?”

  “No, sir” replied William, growing tired of the interrogation.

  There was a few moments silence on the end of the phone before John spoke again.

  “William?” He said.

  “Yes?” William meekly replied.

  “If you don’t have him back in the next two hours, I will be sending in someone. And Zachary’s recovery will not be their only task. Do you understand?”

  William could only infer that John meant that he would also become a target. As such, William did not respond immediately.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” John said, before he abruptly hung up the phone.

  Williams previous confidence from a minute or so earlier had evaporated. He felt a cold, unnerving feeling building in the pit of his stomach.

  He had to remind himself that his plan – while risky – was sound.

  The Americans wouldn’t see what was coming, and they would be ripe for the taking.

  He slid the phone back into his pocket and turned to his team.

  “Let me know the second they are airborne.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  As he approached the terminal, he saw the man he was looking for.

  As he saw him, all kinds of thoughts were running through Caleb’s mind.

  Dressed smartly in a short-sleeved white shirt, and the three epaulettes on his shoulder indicated that he was a First Officer. The officer was moving away from the main building, and off to the plane that was awaiting.

  While Caleb would have preferred the captain, he was sure the First Officer would be able to assist.

  Caleb knew he would need to be quick.

  He seized his opportunity.

  The young First Officer was facing away from
Caleb. As soon as Caleb felt they wouldn’t be seen, he sprang into action. He quickly moved towards him, and grabbed him from behind.

  Without too much fuss, Caleb was able to subdue the man. He wrapped his right arm around the man’s neck and cupped his mouth with his left hand.

  With a deft movement, Caleb swung the man around, and positioned his back to be facing toward the plane.

  The plane itself was out in the open, and Caleb knew his next movements would need to be quick.

  He dragged the subdued pilot towards the plane, meeting only slight resistance. Caleb felt the man relax, as though he had partially accepted his fate.

  As they moved towards the plane, Caleb whispered to the man.

  “Just do what I ask, and you won’t be killed.”

  Caleb felt the need to reassure the pilot… but also make sure that he knew his life would be in danger if he didn’t do as he was asked.

  Restricted by Caleb’s grip, the pilot could only let out a faint nod.

  After a few moments, they reached the outside of the plane.

  “This is the plane you were going to fly today?” Caleb asked.

  Again, a faint nod was the only response.

  “And its ready to go?”

  This time, the pilot tried to say some words. To assist, Caleb moved his hand slightly away from the pilot’s mouth.

  “Pretty much,” began the pilot, “I was gonna do some final checks.”

  “Will it fly?” Caleb asked.

  “Yes.” came the short reply.

  Caleb, realising he had control of the pilot, lifted his arm in the air, and waved for Darcy and Adam to come to the plane.

  Fortunately, the plane was in plain sight of the car, and Darcy almost immediately exited the vehicle.

  Adam wasn’t too far behind, but was slowed as he wrestled Zach from the back seat.

  After a short amount of time, Zach was pulled out of Adams side of the car.

  The three of them made their way across the grassed area to the waiting plane.

  When he saw them moving, Caleb ushered the pilot into the plane.

  He tried not to rush, but Caleb knew they were limited for time. What was happening outside the small terminal was sure to draw attention sooner rather than later.

  The entry steps, already down, made access to the plane easy. The pilot moved up the steps, with Caleb close behind him. The pilot, almost out of instinct, moved to the front of the plane and into the cockpit.


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