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Serina: Awakened

Page 11

by LH Bondi

  A small kitchen that had a propane stove and oven. The appliance was white enamel with a few rust spots. Letting everyone that looked know it had been new a long time ago. A pot belly cast iron fireplace sat in the center of the room. It’s chimney she had spotted earlier sticking out the roof before they came in.

  Serina loved it here already seems she had found yet another home.

  “Yep, hunny you figurin it out we all family.” Granny spoke as she hobbled on over to the kitchen chairs waving Serina over and motioning her to sit.

  A small jar full of some kind of salve in her hands. She was opening it as she limped over to the chair.

  As Serina sat she smelled the salve as the lid came off the jar. It smelled pretty. And she smiled at that thought. It smelled of lavender and salts. Oddly lavender was one of her favorite smells.

  “Well the way I figure it. If’n it’s gonna make ya pretty. Might as well smell pretty.” And granny winked.

  “So that’s where Cin gets that from.” As she spoke she bit her lip a knowing smile playing across her lips twisted by the part that her teeth was holding.

  And granny cackled again, “my baby Century sure takes after her granny. Now don’t cha child. Light of my life right there.” And she touched Serina’s shoulder before she continued. “Now you two gotta learn to take care of one another. Me and Viviana will be here when you need us.” Walking around to Serina’s front she looked deep in her eyes. “And Iv is always with ya. Right here,” and she touched Serina’s necklace. “But also, here and she pointed towards Serina’s heart.”

  Then hobbled around again to Serina’s back. “But I think ya already figured that out by yourself. Didn’t ya Serina.”

  Smiling with pride Serina spoke. “Yes ma’am. Yes, ma’am I did”

  “Wha hooo yes ma’am you sure did.” Granny sounded so happy “I’m proud of ya Serina. I saw a little before of what happened. But you here now an I’m see’n lots more. Yes ma’am lots more.” Then granny looked to Cin, “and you done good too my grandbaby.”

  “Saw everythin and was ready that’s my Century.” And she let out that cackle again that was all granny.

  “You two learnin fast. Yes, ma’am me, Iv, and Viviana all knew y’all would.”

  She placed her hand on Serina’s shoulder. “Told that boy off too I see.” Then clicked her tongue “Now hunny you shouldn’t be so mean to that boy. He ain’t done nothin. But worry bout ya. He can’t help....”

  Not being able to take anymore. Her heart was hurting from the memory. She purposefully winced as she lifted her shirt. Distracting granny at least for the moment.

  Not letting it slide that she knew exactly what Serina was up too. Granny let out ,a “umm huh, I see.” Hidin from feel’ins don’t make em go away young-un.”

  “Let’s take a look at ya. Doesn’t seem too bad. I’ve seen worse. And ya will too. Cin come take a good look. This was a young Raif. Very young.”

  “Now ya come on round here grandbaby ya old granny needs to know what ya see.”

  Taking the jar of balm in her hand Cin scooped a good bit up with her fingers and began rubbing the soothing salve on the deep red scratches.

  “Oh, that feels so much better,” and Serina began to relax letting the soothing lavender fill her senses and it began to calm her.

  Cin’s eyes began to glow as soon as Serina’s defenses were down. And through Serina she was able to see the Raif and tap into its mind at the moment. That thing’s eyes looked at Cin causing her to take a sharp breath in. It had such hatred for Serina. As most of them did. But this went deeper. Deeper than her being the protector. Its large soulless eyes burned into hers. Trying to keep her out. But Cin was strong. And it was young. No match for Cin and her powers.

  As Cin dove deeper into its mind her face turned into a scowl and then it was gone. Shaking her head to clear her brain. She walked to the chair beside Serina and they both looked at each other. Both had the same confused looks on their faces.

  It wasn’t dead. It had survived somehow. But there was something else.

  “I know Cin. I saw it with you. What you saw. What you saw from that thing, that Raif in my memory. It knows me!” Looking completely lost. “How Cin? How does it know me?”

  Chapter 14

  New Powers

  Granny hobbled around the table. Sat down and started pouring tea. She looked confused herself. And maybe a little surprised.

  “Ummm you two special. I told Iv you was special young-un and I know ya are. But that there. Bein able to see what Century saw when she was tappin into that memory. You two connected. Like I ain’t never seen before.”

  Shaking her head her eyes wide. “Now me and Iv had a bond. Heck I still feel her sometimes. But this here is special.” Granny smiled as she reached around the table with her aged hands taking mine in one and Cin’s in the other. Then placed our hands together hers on top sealing the bond.

  “You have to learn to use your connection. Apart y’all are powerful. I’ve never seen a protector with as much natural talent and instinct. All in your gut am I right.” And she cackled a little.

  “And my grandbaby. All that spunk and power. Your granny’s always said you was somethin special.” And she winked at Cin.

  “But together you two have somethin I ain’t never seen or thought to see.”

  “Your abilities can combine I don’t exactly know how you do it.” And she shook her head. “But the power comin off you two a minute ago. Your auras looked like the northern lights up in here.”

  And she released our hands tapping on them with hers a time or two. And took a sip of her tea. “Man, that was somethin to see.”

  “Now, who wants some fudge?”

  Serina seemed bewildered at granny’s question. All this seriousness these questions. And fudge? “Wait-what now?”

  “Now don’t you go breakin a old lady’s heart tellin me ya don’t like fudge.” Granny said and grabbed a container off the cabinet behind her.

  “Mmmmm mm I love this stuff. All flavors all kinds. Just make it fudge and ya got me.” Opening the lid and getting out some for herself and setting the rest in the middle. “Martin use to laugh at me so. Said if’n I ever left him would be for a baker whose specialty was fudge.” Then she winked. “Between you and me. He might have been right.”

  Taking a bite and settling back in her chair granny continued. “We got sometimes up ahead of us. I’m sure ya seen most Century.”

  “There’s a storm brewin in Eden me and Iv saw and felt it. The Raifs are gettin stronger wantin more power. And I sense, as you saw Century, there’s somethin behind all this. A force until now has stayed hidden. If’n ya want me to tell ya I know what to do.” And she shook her head. “Can’t.”

  “Wish I could. Me and my grandbaby see a lot. But somethins are harder than most. And this thing is powerful. It feeds off hate and fear. It wants Eden and the power it gets from the pure souls. It’s lurkin hidin in the shadows away from our sight. It knows we are watchin and lookin. These attacks will get worse. They have been buildin their army. And they will strike when they feel they can defeat ya.”

  Granny leaned forward. “But, you surprised them Rina.” Looking at Serina she pointed towards Cin, “ain’t that what my Century calls ya?”

  Smiling Serina nodded yes.

  Granny continued. “Soot’s ya.”

  “Now, those things they don’t know everythin. They don’t know how powerful ya are. How you two can combine your powers. Heck how could they. We didn’t even know that one!” Making the cackling laugh.

  Then she got all serious. “You two got a lot to do. You have much natural talent Serina and gut instincts and heart. But knowledge of the old spells. Is a must. The barrier protectin Eden it must stay up. It must stay infused with protection spells. Never falter in this if’n ya do falter it makes Eden weak and vulnerable.”

  “I don’t know where this thing is lurkin. It’s somewhere on the outskirts of Eden somewhere dark. A pla
ce Iv never saw. Didn’t even know existed. It’s been able to stay hidden. Bidin its time. And now it’s revealed itself. Out of its hatred for ya. The chosen one. And it means to kill ya and show all its power keepin your soul as its prisoner.”

  Taking another bite of her fudge. “I know most of this you’ve already learned. But ya needed to hear from me and what I know. So, I told ya...”

  Serina’s back was better but kinda starting to itch. Something was still playing in her mind. “How did that thing know me granny?”

  “How should I know young-un. It knew you not me. That’s a question only you can answer.” Still eating her fudge. “Y’all really should eat some.” Popping the last bit of the piece of fudge she was eating on in her mouth. “Mmm one of life’s joys right here.”

  “What I can tell ya, ya already know. It was a young Raif. Newly formed.” Then granny looked at Cin and motioned for her to continue.

  “It’s able to...... transform back and forth. From human to that creature.” Cin’s mouth was open. “Oh, my grann? What in the world?”

  Cin and granny stood at the same time both standing at Serina’s back. Serina once again lifted her shirt. And there at the top of her right shoulder. Was the beginning of a dark symbol? It was black and round about the size of a dime and black veins were starting to creep outward.

  Serina had never seen granny hobble so quickly. “Century come on baby. Help me quick!”

  In no time the two began pulling potion bottles from every which a way pouring into a small cauldron and chanting words Serina couldn’t understand. The potion was poured into a cup the liquid changing from blue to green as it entered the glass.

  Quickly hurrying over to Serina and handing her the glass. “Drink Rina. Ya must be purified from the inside.”

  Doing as she was told Serina began to drink. It tasted awful. Like cleaning liquid or dish detergent. “I guess it taste like what it does. I think I like the pretty smells better.” She thought to herself as she was drinking. Granny chanted a spell over her back. And somehow it seemed familiar and she knew what it was. A cleansing spell.

  Finishing the chant and feeling Serina’s back granny walked over and sat down in her big comfy chair.

  “Century, bring your granny her tea and fudge please.” Getting another piece of fudge. “Now that’s what the fudge is for. That stuff takes a lot out of ya.”

  “That wasn’t the Raifs doing, granny.” Cin looked worried. “But why? And how did we almost miss it?”

  “But we didn’t miss it grandbaby. But we didn’t. That’s the important thing.” Granny looked at Cin. “As for the why.” And she cackled. “We both know why. And who. And it wasn’t malicious. Which is what we was a look’n for.”

  Cin put her hand down smiling and shook her head. “Sneaky little booger. But it won’t happen again. That I can promise ya. Too dangerous that game he was a playin.”

  At that moment Mo started pushing a foot rest for granny’s feet up to the chair. “That’s my big ol handsome Mo.” And the cat went and lay his head on granny’s lap. Purring loudly from the scratching it was receiving as a reward.

  “Ya gonna be fine now Rina. Don’t cha worry. We got it. Granny and me. And nope won’t be a scar. Might be a slight trace. A markin on your skin. But I think ya like that. Don’t cha?” Shaking her head she waved me over to follow her and they both plopped down on the comfy old sofa.

  Serina sat a look of puzzlement crossing her features. “What was it? I didn’t feel anything. And what….I mean who are you two talking about?”

  Cin answered. “You wouldn’t have felt it. That wasn’t the marks purpose.” She spoke as she curled up cross legged on the couch. “It was a tracin mark. Meant solely to keep a eye on ya. As for the who,” she looked at Serina and winked.

  “Granny has one ever been able to transform back into its human shape?” Cin spoke asking about the Raif that had attacked Serina, concern could be heard in her voice.

  Granny actually looked worried, “not to my knowledge. This is a first.” Glancing at the both of us. “But they don’t realize we know one of their secrets. So, it gives us some time. Time to figure things out some more.”

  Granny sat back. “And we’ll take all the time we can get.” Still eating her fudge with one hand and scratching Mo’s head with the other.

  Chapter 15

  Peaceful Slumber

  The three lady’s sat in silence. Enjoying the quiet. Letting their bodies relax and enjoy the moment.

  Serina especially had learned to take advantage of each of these quiet times. One never knew what was lurking around the next corner. And she smiled to herself remembering her life from just a few short months ago and how boring it all seemed. And the silly little things she had considered problems.

  A smell shook her awake from her daydreams. It was a wonderful rich smell. It smelled of earthy goodness. The warming spices caused her stomach to growl loudly.

  “Smellin your granny’s gumbo ain’t ya?” Granny slowly got up and walked to the back of the house.

  “Come on young-uns. Let’s go see how she doin... Been meldin those flavors all day now. Yes ma’am it’s smellin good.”

  Granny hobbling to the back of the house. An old willow branch she used as a cane making a taping noise on the uneven wooden floor. They walked out the back door to a small comfy screened in porch. A large cast iron rounded pot sat on an old wood burning stove. The contents seeping up through the steam that was going up the makeshift oven hood leading to the outside.

  Granny reached the pot and began stirring using a deep pocketed wooden spoon.

  Serina laughed a little of the picture before her. An elderly lady known for her powers of sight and healing. Stirring what most would mistake as a cauldron.

  Granny cackled even louder. “Well, I tell you what young-un. It’s things like this. Is why I keep a cookin outside. Normies are so gullible.” And she cackled a little more. Then tasted the delicious smelling liquid. “But between us girls. Me cookin outside might have a little to do with this Louisiana heat.” Wiping the sweat off her brow with a tattered worn rag.

  She walked over to a creaky old rocking chair and sat down. “Gumbos ready girls. Help yourself.” She began rocking. Mo never far behind sleeking over to sit at her side. “Me I gotta let that fudge settle a little.” She spoke patting her belly. “But ask if I regret eatin it.”

  The gumbo was warm and comforting as it filled Serina’s belly. Funny how good home cooked food made with love always filled ones’ soul with happiness. She smiled to herself closing her eyes leaned back and propped her feet up.

  The day was beginning to fade, and night was starting to drift across the swamp. A couple of owls could be heard in the distance along with crickets and frogs begging for rain. Their croaking beginning to sound familiar to her. She felt her body relax and soon found herself being awakened by Cin.

  Startled she jumped.

  “It’s ok Rina. It’s just me.” Cin extended her hand to help Serina up. “Come on now and follow me. I’ll show you where I sleep.”

  Groggy from her brief nap Serina stumbled following Cin. She couldn’t wait to find a nice bed. She felt so tired all of a sudden. Everything from the day finally caught up to her.

  They walked out of a screen door and followed a rickety ol pier that turned to the left as soon as you walked out the door.

  An enormous cypress tree was at the end its trunk opened up like a doorway. And Serina found herself in a trance like state following Cin but hearing the call of the ancient old tree welcoming her to come and slumber.

  They walked through the opening and what she saw amazed her. The inside of the tree was a large cavern. It was dim but not completely dark. And smelled of old dampened soil the kind that was littered with green low growing moss.

  A staircase could be seen winding around the inside of the trunk. Looking up she could see the stairs winding as far as the light would allow. She began the path upwards. And noticed the step
s seemed to be made by the tree itself. Large roots intertwining making the path upwards while colorful mushroom looking fungus was found sticking out here and they’re among the twisted roots.

  The fungus reminded her of fairy houses seen in movies and whatnot. Then shrugged her shoulders. Heck they could be. Wouldn’t be the strangest thing to see fairies would it. Why couldn’t that be her gift. And she snickered to herself.

  At this moment Serina could care less where the path was leading them. As long as it had a bed or place to sleep. She was good with it.

  Walking out into the fresh air Cin opened another screen door then walked to the side holding it open for Serina.

  It was a relatively large room. It was wooden with large screened in openings that surrounded the place. The wood was cedar and smelled as such. Colored bottles hung from the ceiling in here as well. And a huge bed sat up against the back. Mosquito netting all around.

  Serina was practically dragging her feet as Cin helped her to the bed.

  The next thing she recalled she was in a beautiful garden. The suns warmth playing across her face. A small boy was skipping on the path before her. He was so young so carefree. She couldn’t help but enjoy in his laughter.

  Her mood was so light. It was so nice she knew there was something she should be aware of. But she couldn’t remember at the moment. And it was so lovely here surely nothing was wrong.

  Taking a deep breath, she decided to enjoy the lightheartedness of the day.

  She felt someone take her hand. Looking to the side. It didn’t surprise her to see Joshua. And telling herself this wasn’t real. She again smiled and enjoyed the moment. A warm summer breeze blew a stray lock of her hair into her face.

  Joshua was standing in front of her then. Slowly removing the lock of hair from her face. His eyes looking into hers. Their lips getting closer.

  “Joshua, there you are.” She heard a female voice in the distance.

  No, not in the distance she was there with them. Confused Serina turned. It was Marsha.


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