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A Shot in the Dark (A Trick of the Light Book 2)

Page 13

by Addison Cain

  She bit her scarred lip and rubbed against him like a cat in heat. “I’ll give you children, Matthew Emerson. I’d give you anything in my power if you asked it.”

  His approval was immediate. Bobbing her on his lap, he reveled in the wet grip of her, their eyes locked, the grunts of their love making filling the room. Charlie came crying out his name. Two thrusts later and Matthew spurted his seed inside the woman he could not live without.

  They had been married less than five months before Matthew discovered he got what he asked for. The Emerson men had all gathered for breakfast, making a clamor below stairs in the morning. Feeling tired even after so much sleep, Charlie came down to join the boys. One look at the plate of scrambled eggs Matthew slid before her and she was running out the door to vomit in the bushes.

  Matthew pushed through the screen just as Charlie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “You all right?”

  After two deep breaths, she answered, “Yeah… don’t know what came over me. Must be all this heat.”

  She skipped breakfast that day, and spent more time napping then waking. When flapjacks were served the following morning, Charlie felt right as rain. It was not until a few days later when she came down for breakfast and just smelled scrambled eggs that she pressed her hand to her mouth and ran for the toilet.

  That afternoon Matthew took her to the doctor, proud and puffed up as a peacock when his suspicion was confirmed.

  Yup… he’d knocked her up good.

  Not knowing a damn thing about pregnancy, Charlie tried to take it in stride. Her inexperience became a game for Nathaniel. He would fry an egg and eat it right in front of her. Omelet, hard-boiled, poached… no reactions. But the second she caught a whiff of scrambled eggs, or God forbid, saw them gold and fluffy on a plate, she was off running. When she caught on to what he was doing, she came at him with her own brand of revenge. The next time he teased her by scrambling himself some eggs for lunch, Charlie felt her stomach lurch, walked right up to him, and puked all over Nathaniel’s boots.

  Matthew had been about to throttle his brother, but felt no need seeing his little spitfire fight her own battles.

  His older brother just stared down, completely disgusted as the lady walked on past with a, “Fuck you, Nathaniel.”

  When his brother looked up at him, Matthew warned, “You best clean that up. And if I see one more fucking scrambled egg, I’ll break your goddamn nose.”

  Charlie had greater problems than Nathaniel’s nonsense. When she needed a woman to talk to about babies, it was hard to know who would help her. She’d brooded over it, worrying the little insight she’d gained from Ruth wasn’t enough.

  Just shy of seven months into her pregnancy, it was clear something was bothering her. Charlie rocked in her chair with a scowl, stroking the ever-expanding Gus. Eli was at the grill, Nathaniel sipping a jar at his perch, Matthew puffing a cigar as he sat with a few men from town. When she sniffed, all three Emerson boys looked up to find her burst into tears for no apparent reason.

  Matthew pushed back his chair and went to his wife, helping her stand and taking her to the privacy of his office. Once the door was closed, he sat her down and waited for an explanation.

  Blubbering, a complete mess, Charlotte tried to calm down but only got more worked up. “I can’t find any women to talk to. I have so many questions, and Ruth hardly knows a damn thing. I keep going to town, but everyone is afraid of me, standoffish, or just wants to ask me about Beau. AND I don’t know which ones have babies. What the hell do I know about this shit? Why am I acting all crazy?” Charlie was getting hysterical knowing she was being ridiculous and at a loss to stop it. “This is all your fault!”

  Hands in his pockets, Matthew looked her over, scowling as he thought through the best way to handle this particular situation. Pursing his lips, he looked to the side, clearing his throat before looking back to her pouty lips. She looked so cute, even with the tear stained cheeks and red nose. His expression softened. “Walter Diggs has six children. I’ll ask him to send his wife over tomorrow.”

  Walter was one of the local men sitting at her husband’s table that very night, a fellow bootlegger and a man who’d always been polite and normal with Charlie. Suddenly happy, she started to wipe her face on her skirt. Matthew stopped her and used his handkerchief to clean away the tears.

  “You let yourself get all worked up broodin’,” Matthew softly chastised. “I’m your husband—next time, tell me what’s botherin’ you.”

  Charlie offered an apologetic glance before sharing one last complaint. “I also really want to eat peaches and we don’t have any.”

  A twitch of a smile came to the corner of his mouth at her uncustomarily whiny tone. He helped her stand and took her back to the main room, depositing her at her rocking chair before going back to the men. The room took notice of the suddenly content woman and the stoic Emerson who’d fixed her in less than five minutes.

  “Diggs,” Matthew spoke around the cigar he was lighting, “send Gertrude on over tomorrow round noon.”

  Charlie heard Matthew’s idea of ‘asking’ and fought not to chuckle.

  Come morning, Matthew had Eli buy all the canned peaches in stock at the General Store and was feeling pretty proud of himself for finding her a woman to share her wisdom. At noon sharp, the middle-aged Gertrude Diggs came calling. Together, they sat at the corner table, speaking out of earshot of the menfolk.

  From the looks of it, Matthew had chosen well. Nodding to himself over a job well done, he left her to it and went to tend the stills with Nathaniel.

  When he came home, Charlie was nowhere to be seen. Assuming she was upstairs napping, he did not think of it until she came in through the backdoor, hair wet and her rifle hanging from her shoulder.

  He scowled, not happy with the sight before him. “Where you been?”

  Running her fingers through her mussed hair, she waggled her eyebrows and teased, “Swimming.”

  The instant darkening of his eyes proved he did not approve. “Charlotte…”

  “Did you know that if a woman with child swims backward in cool water from one side of a pond to the other she will have a boy?” Charlie was snickering at the old wives’ tale, one of many Gertrude had shared. “I just about died laughing when Mrs. Diggs told me that ridiculous fable… but it did offer some inspiration. And before you get all huffy, it’s hot as Hell today and just cause I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t have any fun.”

  Hot? It was the middle of October.

  Before Matthew could rail at her, something caught her attention and Charlie’s eyes went wide as plates. “You making fritters, Eli? I am sooo hungry.” She pushed past her husband and went, salivating, towards the food.

  One bite and she just melted. “You battered and fried peaches… Eli, you are a brilliant man.”

  “It was Matthew’s idea,” Eli said with a shrug and boyish smirk.

  Mouth full, she turned towards her glowering husband. “Matthew, you are amazing and I love you more than I love these frittered peaches… which is a lot.”

  Eli flat out laughed at Matthew’s instant inability to scold her like he wanted to.

  Matthew set down his hat, about to start speaking when Charlie gasped and looked down at her stomach, causing Matthew to worry until she let out a satisfied hum and cradled her belly with her hand.

  Full of awe, she whispered, “He’s moving...”

  The peaches were forgotten, Charlie taking Matthew’s hand, pressing it to where the little one was causing a ruckus. The glowering man went soft, when his baby began pressing back. Captivated, he continued to pass his palm over her belly, following each little sensation until the little one settled down, comforted by his daddy.

  “He likes when you do that,” Charlie murmured lovingly, her fingers smoothing Matthew’s hair. Her expression changed when their eyes met, as did her tone. Suddenly full of hunger for something other than peaches, Charlie whispered, “Take a walk with me, M

  He grabbed his hat and followed her out the door, Eli was confused, but the customers, having seen this particular show several times before, smirked knowingly at the backsides of the pregnant couple.

  Tugging her husband down the well-known path towards their house, Charlie led her man to a familiar secluded clearing. Matthew stopped walking, gave her a long, heated stare.

  She giggled wickedly, pressing close. “You wanna spank me for going swimming?”

  A deep growl came from his throat, Matthew drawing her in until his palm was running over her bottom. “I wouldn’t have to spank you if you’d simply learned how to behave.”

  “But I like being bad,” she pouted, giving him a come-hither promise of something... naughty.

  He growled against her lips, knowing just how bad she could be.

  After a quick fumble with clothing, Matthew found himself sitting on a stump with her on his lap, her skirt up, his cock sliding in and out of a place wet, hot, and needy for him.

  Tongue dancing between her lips, Matthew kissed his golden girl, grunting when she squeezed around him and made that little noise of pleasure he loved. Urging her on, he felt his wife come so quickly it was glorious.

  For Charlie, it was one of her more blissful releases, extended and splendid. When she felt him stiffen and spill his seed a few moments later, she watched that perfect man groan.

  “My God, woman.” There would never be enough of her; Matthew would always want more. “There ain’t no way I am ever letting you go.”

  Pressing her lips to his, she offered a very wicked leer and whispered, “I’m going swimming again tomorrow... naked. You can join me if you want to.”

  The baby came a couple of months later. Being the difficult woman she was, Charlie hid the earliest pains of labor, rocking in her chair with Gus on her lap as she hoped the nearby radio concealed her muffled groans.

  They’d argued about where the infant would be born, Matthew demanding the hospital twenty miles down the road, Charlie saying it would happen right there in their fine house. They had come to a shaky compromise that the local doctor would be sent for and she could have her way. But Charlie did not trust him to keep his word, keenly aware of Matthew’s constant need to mollycoddle her.

  “You can stop pretendin’, Charlotte,” he grunted, a puff of cigar smoke leaving his mouth. “I can see plain as day what’s going on.”

  “If you try to drag me to the hospital, I will knock you upside the head,” she grunted out, teeth clenched, as another contraction crept through her. After a few panting breaths, she pleaded, “They won’t let you stay with me at the hospital.”

  That was all she had to say to get him to nod in agreement. “I’ll send Nathaniel for the doctor.”

  “And Gertrude!” Charlie added. “Men don’t know squat about having a baby. I want her here.”

  When news spread that Charlie was in labor, all the clan came to the fine new house. Ruth and Gertrude were above stairs with the doctor, the three Emersons below. Matthew was quiet, ignoring the teasing of his kin as he endured the sounds of pain coming from his bedroom.

  He’d stayed by her side for hours, he’d seen her pain... until Gertrude shooed him off.

  It was nigh on midnight when the first lusty screams of his firstborn filled the house. The dark glower on Matthew’s face crumbled, a delighted smile came in its place. He stood and walked right up the stairs.

  Charlie lay in their bed, hair damp with sweat but face glowing. In her arms she cradled their bawling little boy. Pushing past the doctor and ignoring the women, Matthew sat by her and reached out a hand to touch the baby’s clenched fist, instantly quieting the little one as he always could.

  The End

  Addison Cain

  USA Today Bestselling author and Amazon Top 25 bestselling author, Addison Cain is best known for her dark romances, smoldering Omegaverse, and twisted alien worlds. Her antiheroes are not always redeemable, her lead females stand fierce, and nothing is ever as it seems.

  Deep and sometimes heart wrenching, her books are not for the faint of heart. But they are just right for those who enjoy unapologetic bad boys, aggressive alphas, and a hint of violence in a kiss.

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Addison Cain and Blushing Books!

  A Trick of the Light Series

  A Taste of Shine, Book 1

  A Shot in the Dark, Book 2

  The Alpha’s Claim Series

  Born to be Bound

  Born to be Broken


  Absolute Power, Prequel


  The Golden Line

  Wren’s Song Series

  Branded Captive

  Silent Captive

  The Irdesi Empire Series

  Sigil: Book One

  Sovereign: Book Two

  Que: Book Three (coming soon)


  Hero Undercover, A Night by my Fire

  The Dark Forest: A Collection of Erotic Fairytales

  Valentine’s Roulette: Unraveled

  Royally Mine: Consumed

  Historical Romance

  Dark Side of the Sun



  The White Queen

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