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Wasteland Road Knights Trilogy

Page 20

by Andrew Dobell

  ‘Follow Runt, yes?’

  Nero nodded to the curious little mutant and watched him get back into the buggy. They drove around the buildings and onto a downwards sloping ramp that led into what looked like an underground garage. There were large rolling doors for vehicles down here which Runt opened up, allowing them to drive in.

  Nero found himself in a large open plan area with a high roof. There were several other vehicles parked in here with workbenches and tools nearby. Nero parked the charger alongside one of the cars and got out.

  It looked like Cryptus and Runt lived in here pretty much exclusively, as there was everything they might need, including a kitchen area, some mismatched seating, a couple of military style metal framed beds with stained mattresses, as well as tables and such with all kinds of items upon them. Books were stacked here and there next to the furniture, and the few foot lockers that were also dotted around the place.

  ‘Quite the place you have here,’ Nero said as Cryptus climbed off the buggy and turned to them.

  ‘Thank you. Welcome to my humble abode. Please, feel free to make yourself at home. This is one small area in the complex, and you are welcome to explore the rest of it. We have cleared it of zombies and other undesirables to the best of our ability, but if you do go wandering, I’d recommend that you don’t venture out unarmed. Some of those mutants can fly,’ he said.

  ‘Have you got any food?’ Nyx asked.

  ‘Of course. Runt will fix something up for you, won’t you Runt?’

  ‘Yes, Runt make good food for friends,’ he said and skipped off to the kitchen with a smile.

  ‘We don’t have much here, but one thing we do have is a shower if you want to use it,’ he said.

  ‘A shower? As in running water?’ Nyx asked.

  Cryptus nodded with a smile. ‘Runt is a genius engineer. He has a whole field of water condensers set up with pumps that bring it all in automatically. It’s filtered, and some of it can be used for washing. We recycle as much of it as we can, of course, but I’m guessing you’ve not had a proper shower in a while.’

  Nyx looked at Nero with a huge grin on her face. ‘Let’s go clean up,’ she said to him.

  Nero was trying to think how long it was since he’d had a shower or bath or anything like that. He honestly had trouble remembering when the last time he’d enjoyed something like that was, so the idea of enjoying a shower sounded great to him. ‘A shower sounds wonderful,’ he said.


  Cryptus was as good as his word, and within five minutes of speaking about it, they were in a small room at the back of the garage, standing naked under a stream of warm water. The spray of cleansing liquid cascaded over his shoulders, and it might just as well have been heaven as far as he was concerned. Feeling what must have been years of dirt and grim being washed away was an unfamiliar, but liberating experience only made better by sharing it with Nyx, who looked ravishing in the nude, all wet, slippery and clean. He couldn’t help his obvious arousal at seeing her like this.

  The feeling seemed to be mutual as well as within moments of being under that water, she’d pressed into him and had started to stroke him with her hand. He pressed her up against the wall as she wrapped her legs around him and began to make love to her.

  He pressed himself deep inside of her and relished the feeling it gave him as she clung to him, her breathing getting faster and more insistent while the warm water streamed down over them.

  He pulled out of her and dropped to his knees before burying his face between her legs, tasting her and moving his tongue over her most sensitive spot. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him into her.

  ‘Yes, oh, yes,’ she moaned. ‘Right there, that’s it, oh, God.’

  Her whole body convulsed with pleasure as she held his head in place until her orgasm faded away.

  She dropped down now, too, and kissed him, before turning away on all fours and presenting herself to him. He held himself in his hand and guided her back, pressing himself into her and enjoying the view as he filled her up. Taking hold of her hips, he pulled her onto him, thrusting as deep into her as he could. She started to move for him, rocking herself forward and back, rocking herself along his length, rotating her hips a little as she rode him.

  Each time she pressed her beautiful ass cheeks into him, he could feel the pleasure and the need to cum rise within. After a while, he took hold of her hips once more and started to pull her back with more force. Her bum slapped into him in a fascinating rhythm that made her fleshy cheeks wobble hypnotically.

  Finally, with the last few movements becoming increasingly jerky and insistent, he finally climaxed and exploded within her with a grunt of unadulterated pleasure.

  Staying on her knees, she rose up with him still within her and reached back, turning her head to kiss him. Nero wrapped her arms around her, running his hands over her wet, slippery breasts, enjoying the feel and weight of them while playing with her nipples. With his other hand, he reached down between her legs to touch her again. He could feel himself still inside Nyx as he moved his fingers back and forth. She moaned as he tilted his hips, pulling out of her slightly before pressing back in again.

  ‘Keep going,’ Nyx gasped. ‘I want to cum again.’


  Nero placed the last fork full of food into his mouth and chewed, enjoying the taste of Runt’s broth. It was really rather delicious. Nyx sat close by, tearing off another mouthful of bread, another of Runt’s creations which was a great accompaniment to the soup.

  Runt was a little way off, busying himself in the kitchen while Cryptus stood across the room at a large table, working on something.

  ‘That was wonderful, thank you, Runt,’ Nero said.

  Runt turned and smiled. It wasn’t a sight that went well with food, but Nero did his best not to look at those yellow teeth.

  ‘Did friend Nero like Runt’s food?’

  ‘I did, thanks,’ Nero answered.

  ‘You want more? Runt has more.’

  ‘Not right now,’ Nero said. Runt backed away, nodding and went back to his work.

  Nero looked back at Cryptus. He was wondering what had captured the man’s attention, and since getting here, they hadn’t really discussed what it was that he and Nyx were going to be helping him with. True, the shower and some quality time with Nyx was a very welcome distraction, and the food was the perfect thing to come out to, now they were all cleaned up and dressed again.

  But this wouldn’t last. These were luxuries that, although wonderful to experience, didn’t quite sit well with him. Beyond these walls, people were suffering and dying and trying to survive against all the odds. It felt like something of a betrayal to them that they were here, enjoying some comforts that few people had.

  But a promise was a promise. They had said that they would help Cryptus with something, so Nero was determined to make good on that promise.

  ‘Just going to have a chat with our host,’ Nero said to Nyx as he rose from his seat and wandered over to where Cryptus was standing.

  It turned out he was looking at a map that was spread out on the table before him. There were notes and annotations on it which Nero had guessed were written by Cryptus himself. These notes were focused on one area, the centre of which was labelled “base”. Nero guessed that was here. All around it were scribbled annotations about places to look at and check, many of which had been crossed out. If he had to guess, it looked like Cryptus was looking for something.

  ‘How was the food?’ Cryptus asked.

  ‘Amazing. I’ve not eaten that well for a while. He’s a great cook,’ Nero said, glancing back at Runt.

  ‘He is. We don’t eat like that every day, I might add. I think Runt is trying to impress you, though.’

  ‘Well, he certainly did that. So, what’s all this?’ he asked, nodding to the map.

  ‘This, my friend, is what you and the young lady can help me with. I’m hunting for something, and I think I have a good lead on it, bu
t I think it will be somewhat dangerous.’

  ‘Isn’t everything these days? So, what are we hunting?’

  ‘Yes, everything is a mess these days, and that’s why I’m hunting for certain artefacts. My goal is to somehow rid this world of the daemon’s and zombies that infest it, and I am convinced it can be done, but we just need to find the right artefact or something…’

  ‘An artefact that can eradicate the daemons? What makes you think that’s possible?’

  ‘My research into what caused this apocalypse points to a single cause. I believe that the rise of the zombie’s and the ignition of the Cataclysm was caused by a single artefact, and maybe by a single person using that artefact. So, if all this can be caused by such a thing, then it stands to reason that it can be ended by it as well.’

  ‘And you think you have found that artefact?’

  ‘Something is in this ravine here,’ he said, pointing to a place on the map north of the base. It looked to be roughly a days drive to get there. ‘But my reconnaissance has shown there seems to be a few undead there, too. Maybe drawn by whatever evil energies are down there. I need help to investigate, help that can fight these undead, which is where you come in.’

  Nero looked up at Cryptus, who was looking back at him now. ‘Will you fight with us?’

  The skin around Cryptus’ eyes wrinkled, betraying the smile that was hidden behind his mask. Cryptus reached up and took hold of the mask, before removing it. And his hood.

  The face of the man was almost entirely hairless, while a nasty burn scar covered his mouth and cheeks, rising up the right side of the man's head, and over the remains of his right ear. ‘I’ve been fighting these things for two decades. I was burnt by the fires of the Cataclysm. Trust me, I will fight alongside you.’

  ‘Then I’ll be happy to aid you in this, and so will Nyx,’ he said, turning back to the kitchen area, but Nyx was gone. Only Runt stood in there, cleaning up. Nero looked around and then turned to face Runt again.

  ‘Hey, Runt, did you see where Nyx went?’

  The small mutant looked a little unsure of himself and glanced around. ‘Um, Runt not sure. Miss Nyx said she go for a walk. Runt no know where she go though, yes?’

  There were several doors out of here. Nero looked at each of them with a frown. There was no telling which way she went.

  Chapter 6


  Wandering along the dark corridor, Nyx could still hear Nero talking with Cryptus. Discussing the favour they would be doing for him. It would probably be something dangerous with them putting their lives on the line for him.

  She wasn’t interested in the details right now and didn’t want to sit there listening to the boys working it out and discussing the details. She was far more interested in having a look around this base.

  Exploring the wider world had been one of her favourite parts of finally being free of the Watchtower and Rex. She’d spent almost her entire life in or around that fortress, so getting out and seeing what else the world had to offer had been fascinating for her.

  She’d visited a whole bunch of other camps now, along with several shipwrecks, a ruined submarine, and a few remains of buildings that had been on what Nero had said were once islands in a vast sea.

  The idea that there had been huge areas of the planet covered in water was incredible to her. She found it difficult to imagine that much water in one place. She’d heard these stories before, of course. Nero hadn’t been the first to tell her about them, but this was the first time she’d seen actual evidence to support the claim, and that made it so much more real.

  This base was one of these relics of the bygone era. Over two decades ago, this would have been an island, surrounded by water, she thought. Mind-boggling.

  As she wandered through the corridors, stepping around fallen in sections of wall and broken furniture, she popped her head around doorways to have a look inside some of the side rooms to see what was there.

  Usually, it was just more mess and debris, although she did find a room that looked like it was used as a mushroom farm, with boxes of mud sprouting with white fungus. Keeping on through the seemingly endless tunnels, she found a set of stairs leading up. It was light up there, so maybe this led to the surface? Feeling curious, she walked up the steps and found herself in a small building that consisted of a single room with windows on each side looking out over the base. Food cartons, plastic, tin cans, paper, and dirt littered the floor. She kicked some of the mess with her boot before walking over to the only door out of here and testing the handle. It opened up. Nyx stepped outside, feeling the dry, dusty breeze on her skin. She was still inside the fenced off area, and she was quite close to another building a short walk away.

  She felt quite sure she could find her way back, so she started to head over there, spotting a doorway into the building she could use. The sky was still a brilliant shade of azure blue, fading to a smoky yellow haze on the eastern horizon. Walking towards the other building, she spotted the tops of pipes that had been sunk into the ground in a patch of earth. They were water condensers, pulling moisture from the air that turned into water inside the pipe what would run down to a reservoir at the bottom where it would be pumped away, probably by a simple hand pump.

  Reaching the doorway of the next building, she gave it a pull, but it was jammed and didn’t move. Putting all her strength into it, she gave it another yank, this time using her body weight to try and force it. With a scrape and squeal of wood, the door opened part way.

  Nyx slipped sideways into the dark interior of the building, finding herself in a small room with a few doors leading off it. A few frames were hanging on the wall, while others were smashed on the floor at her feet. Moving to her right, she looked inside the room on that side to find a communal toilet and washroom that was now overtaken by mould and moss. Fungus grew in the damp, lichen-covered corners of the room.

  It wasn’t pleasant in here. Stepping out, she crossed the entrance hall to the door on the opposite side. She tried the handle, but this one was stuck fast as well. Not wanting to be beaten by a stupid door, Nyx took a step back and gave it a good solid kick. With a loud crack, the door flung open into a dusty room with a desk and shelving that was covered in books and papers. Half of those documents were on the floor. It was very dark in here with only a small amount of light filtering through the dirty windows. Standing in the doorway, movement from the far side of the room snapped her attention up, and she saw something dark step out from beside the window.

  It lurched once and made a sickly hissing sound, its empty sockets holding a faint glow. Seeing it backlit by the window, it looked like little more than a skeleton with only the barest amount of tissue still clinging to the bones. Its jaw levered open once more as it took a very unsteady step forwards and hissed at her again. She noticed a slight reddish glow coming from the eyes as it steadied itself by placing one bony hand on the desk. Nyx reached back for her sword and her fingers closed on empty air.

  ‘Shit,’ she cursed. She’d left her sword back in the garage along with her coat. She took a step back, feeling a little less confident without her precious weapon.

  Cryptus had said the base was clear of undead… Or, had he said, mostly cleared? She couldn’t remember, but it must have been the later.

  The shambling corpse took another wobbly step forward, leaning towards her and hissing again.

  Nyx scanned the room quickly but saw nothing obvious and close to hand that she could use as a weapon, which felt about right for these kinds of situations. Looking back up at the magically animated creature, she figured she’d have to deal with it the old-fashioned way. Nyx stepped forward and gave the thing a swift kick to the chest. It crunched and cracked as the thing staggered back and fell to the floor. It was weak, very weak. It had probably been stuck in this room for over twenty years.

  Nyx leapt forward and came down on the thing’s chest with her armoured knee with a crunching of bone. Interlacing the fingers of both her h
ands, she raised them up above her head before bringing them down like a battering ram into the thing's skull as it screeched at her. With another crack of bone, the thing stopped struggling, but Nyx lifted her double fist two more times and hammered it down again each time.

  After the third hit, she stopped and looked down at the thing, waiting for any sign of movement or life.

  But the light from the thing’s eye sockets had faded away, and it lay in shadow now, silent and still.

  Nyx took a few heavy breaths, feeling quite pleased with herself for managing to take out this husk of a zombie with just her bare hands. It was a weak one, but that did not dim her sense of achievement at all.

  Nyx stood up and looked around her once more. There was nothing of interest in here, so she stepped out and approached the final door which hung partially open. She crept up to it and slipped inside, finding herself in a long dark chamber lined with beds on either side. The only light came through a section of crumbling wall at the far end of the room, but the rest of the space was filled with shadows.

  The room appeared empty of any more zombies, so she stepped inside, being careful to remain quiet as she took her first few steps into the barracks or dorm room. She guessed this was where the soldiers slept, once upon a time. The beds were rusted through, though, the mattresses stained and dirty looking while mud, debris, old clothes, and personal effect littered the floor. Nyx spotted some pictures stuck to the wall beside one of the beds and walked over. She sat on the mattress, making the bed creak under her weight as she reached up.


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