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Fated Forgiveness

Page 6

by Alanea Alder

  He opened his mouth and a scream erupted somewhere from the recesses of his soul. He scrambled to get off the bed and fell, hitting his head on the corner of the nightstand. The door behind him flew open as Rex and Talon stormed in, hands shifted, and skidded to a halt. Behind them, Damian and Rian stepped into the room, slowly taking in the entire scene. Liam had scooted so that his back was against the wall as he faced the bed.

  “What in the hell is that?” Rex asked.

  “That’s a gator,” Talon replied.

  “I can see that it’s an alligator, what in the hell is it doing in their bed?” Rex demanded. Talon just shrugged. Rian hurried forward, pulled Liam away from the wall, and eyed his bleeding forehead.

  “I think that it’s Sebastian,” Talon offered.

  “Liam, are you okay?” Rian picked up one of the discarded shirts off the floor and tried to staunch the bleeding.

  “We were getting in the hammock and then there was an alligator,” Liam muttered.

  “Whoa! That was freaky,” Rex said, taking a step back. Liam followed Rex’s line of sight and saw that the alligator was gone, and in its place was a large porcupine. Liam shuddered as he imagined certain body parts cuddling up to that. His head snapped up.

  “Kent! Is Kent okay?” he asked, as Rian helped him to stand. He cursed loudly at the throbbing in his head and knee from his hard landing.

  Rex walked around the bed and nodded.

  “Sleeping like a baby. He told me once that he sleeps like the dead. It’s no wonder he missed you screaming like a girl,” Rex teased. Liam leveled a cold stare at his pride member. Rex swallowed hard.

  “Well, everything seems to be okay here, Alpha. You don’t really need me, I’ll just head back to bed.” Rex quickly bolted past Talon.

  “Goodnight, Alpha.” Talon dipped his head and walked out behind his friend.

  “Want me to get a guest room ready?” Damian asked.

  “Do you think it’s safe to leave Kent in bed with him?” Liam stared down at his two mates. Rian nodded.

  “I think so. Neither one of them look like they have moved around much. They should be fine.” Rian threw the bloody shirt into the hamper.

  “I’m going to stay here anyway, just in case.” Liam sighed and picked up the blanket that they had kicked off the bed in the night. He looked at his recliner, then looked at the porcupine.

  “You’re a good mate, Liam.” Damian said, smiling. Rian patted him on the shoulder as they both walked out, shutting the door behind them. Liam gave another sigh. It was going to be a long night.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Kent woke up and stretched his long frame. He reached across the bed only to find it empty. Liam and Sebastian were already up. He smiled and inhaled the dual scents of his mates before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He quickly showered and pulled on the clothes he had brought to Liam’s room last night. He looked around the messy room and decided that sometime in the near future he would have a talk with his mate about cleaning up after himself. As he walked out of the room he saw a blanket in the recliner. He frowned, wondering how it had gotten there.

  He followed his nose downstairs and found Rian at the stove cooking for the pride. The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the Tuscan-style kitchen. Kent looked at Liam, who was scowling into his coffee, and immediately looked for Sebastian. Their small mate sat at the table across from Liam looking completely dejected.

  “Sebastian, baby, what’s wrong?” Kent asked, hurrying over to the table. Sebastian looked up and tears spilled from his eyes. Kent scooped him up and sat down with him on his lap in the chair next to Liam. Liam sighed.

  “Sebastian, kitten, I’m not mad. It was just a little…shocking, that’s all,” Liam said, leaning back in his chair.

  “What? What did I miss?” Kent asked, looking from Sebastian to Liam. Sebastian buried his face in Kent’s chest. Kent looked over to Liam for an explanation.

  “From what Sebastian has told us this morning, hybrids need to shift regularly to sort of stretch their legs. Sebastian was forced to stay in one small shape when he was captured before becoming Rebecca’s cat. Now that he is in a place where he is relaxed and feels safe, his body is shifting at night when he goes to sleep,” Liam explained, putting down his coffee mug. Kent remembered the blanket.

  “You slept in the recliner, didn’t you?” Kent asked. Liam nodded.

  “I’m so sorry!” Sebastian wailed.

  “It’s fine, I’m sure the more he shifts the less he’ll need to at night,” Liam yawned. Sebastian looked up, sniffling.

  “You’re really not mad?” he asked. Liam shook his head and Kent could see sadness there. That was when he realized that Sebastian had turned to him for comfort and not Liam. He knew that only time could help resolve this issue, but until then he would do his best to help smooth things over.

  “Good, I couldn’t stand walking in here with you looking like you’re about to murder someone every morning.” Kent reached to the center of the table and poured more coffee into Liam’s mug. When he glanced up Liam was staring at him, looking surprised.

  “I looked like that?” he asked, eyeing Sebastian. Kent laughed. Sebastian giggled and took his face out of Kent’s chest, wiping his eyes. He nodded.

  “You looked really angry.”

  “I’m sorry, kitten, I think it was the alligator that threw me.” Liam shuddered. In the background Kent heard someone cough. His head turned around and he saw Rex turning bright red. Talon started patting him on the back. Talon waved off Kent’s concern with his other hand.

  “He’s fine.”

  “He won’t be,” Liam grumbled. When Kent looked down at Sebastian, his eyes were wide.

  “I was an alligator?” he asked, sounding excited.

  “Yes, then a porcupine, then a vulture, then it was a lamb for a while, which I thought was adorable. I almost got back in bed at that point, but then you shifted into a badger so I stayed in the recliner.” Liam sipped more coffee.

  “That is so cool!” Sebastian sounded excited. Kent shuddered, imagining sleeping next to all of those animals throughout the night.

  “Porcupine?” Kent asked. Liam raised his head and paled.

  “Yes, complete with quills.”

  “Okay, who’s ready for pancakes?” Rian asked. He carefully slid pancake after pancake onto the platter. Sebastian snorted when he saw the shapes. They were small alligators.

  “Not funny, Rian.” Liam’s eyes narrowed at Rian. Rian chuckled and tossed a pancake on Liam’s plate.

  “So what are y’all’s plans for today?” Rian asked, giving Kent a meaningful look. Kent cleared his throat.

  “I was thinking about just relaxing today. How about we drive out to the ranch and visit Rebecca? I know you two have been worried about her,” Kent said. Liam stared at him so long he thought maybe they were on to his plan.

  “Let me get this straight. You want to relax and visit Rebecca?” Liam asked. Kent nodded. Everyone in the kitchen started laughing. Kent shook his head, chuckling.

  “Okay, let me rephrase that. Let’s visit Rebecca to make sure she is okay. Then we can come home and relax.” Kent picked up a pancake with his fingers and took a bite.

  Softly Sebastian said, “Rebecca has serious moments when she’s alone. She worries about everyone in town. She takes her role as Alpha mother seriously. I think she feels like she has to do more since she’s human. Even on mornings when she had been sick, she was constantly making plans and trying to think of new ways to keep us safe.” Everyone quieted down.

  “She needs to take better care of herself! We’re shifters, predators. She’s tiny and human and pregnant, for goodness’ sake!” Rian slammed the frying pan down on the stove. He stood with his back to the room, both hands on either side of the burners, hunched over, breathing hard. Damian walked over and wrapped an arm around his friend. Rian tensed for a second before visibly relaxing into Damian’s taller frame.

��m worried about her. To her, we are her family, she loves everyone. It’s up to us to watch out for her tweaky little self.” Sebastian leaned against Kent. Seeing his opening, Kent kissed the back of Sebastian’s head and spoke up.

  “Let’s go make sure she’s taking it easy. Would that make you feel better, baby?” He asked. Sebastian nodded. Kent looked over to Liam.

  “Is that okay with you?” Kent asked.

  “I’d honestly feel better checking on her too. I don’t like that she has lost so much weight.” Liam agreed. Rian turned back around.

  “Okay. Liam, eat your alligators so you can head out.” Rian chimed in sounding more like himself. Rex couldn’t help the chuckles that escaped this time. Sebastian ducked his head, smiling. The mood in the kitchen lightened, but Kent could see that the entire pride took Rian’s concerns to heart.

  Kent thought it was amazing how much one small human could affect so many shifters. He couldn’t wait to spend more time with her.

  Chapter 6

  Kent couldn’t wait to get home. They had been at Rebecca’s all afternoon and he was exhausted. The petite woman never sat still. She bounced around like a ping pong ball, seemingly jumping from subject to subject as easily as she went from room to room. Sebastian was completely relaxed, as if he were visiting his childhood home. Liam watched Rebecca like a hawk, making sure she took it easy and showered her with a brotherly type of affection. Kent smiled, remembering the exuberant way she had greeted them, hopping around, excited to show them the cake she had made. The worried expression on Liam’s face clearly showed that he was afraid she would collapse at any moment, and he had only relaxed when she finally sat down at the table to eat with them.

  Kent looked down at his phone. It was four o’clock in the afternoon, they still had another hour before they could head home. Kent was suddenly unsure if a surprise party was the best idea. He was relatively new to town and had only been with his mates a short while. His earlier excited butterflies were quickly turning to sludge in his stomach.

  “Kent, you don’t have to sit by yourself like a lump,” Rebecca chided. Kent’s attention snapped to the present.

  “Sorry, Alpha Mother, I was just thinking about the dessert you made for us. I’m now an official fan of lemon drop cake,” Kent said glibly.

  “I can get you another piece,” Rebecca said quickly, her eyes going to the clock on the mantle over the fireplace.

  “Actually, we need get going,” Liam said, standing. Rebecca gave Kent a panicked look.

  “You just got here,” she countered. Liam smiled and shook his head.

  “We can come back, Becca.” Liam laughed. Kent was about to speak up when he saw Rebecca’s eyes fill.

  This should be entertaining

  “You don’t love me anymore!” Rebecca howled and threw her head into the couch pillow. Liam stared down at her in shock. Sebastian stood from where he had been sitting next to Liam and went over to Rebecca, giving his mate dirty looks.

  “You’ve upset her, Liam,” Sebastian accused. Liam’s mouth opened and closed like a guppy.

  Liam turned to Kent, looking confused. Not one to waste an opportunity, Kent shook his head.

  “You were really kinda harsh, Liam. Sebastian, is she okay?” Kent stepped forward, turning his attention to Rebecca, who was giving a world-class performance. When he looked back over to Liam he had to quickly turn away or give the whole thing up. The look on his Alpha’s face was priceless. Liam quickly crossed the room wedging his large frame between the couch and the coffee table.

  “Becca, honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Liam tried to pull the pillow away but Rebecca, keeping her face buried, jerked out it of his grasp.

  “Rebecca, we can stay a little longer,” Sebastian cooed, rubbing her back.

  “I’m so lonely, no one cares about me anymore! Ashby is mated and you’re mated. Liam is being a meanie! I still have your favorite mousey!” Rebecca wailed, burying her head under the pillow. Kent could see her shoulders moving up and down. He knew she had to be fighting back gales of laughter under that pillow. Sebastian looked at Liam and Kent, empathy welling up in his eyes. Liam looked at Kent helplessly.

  “We can stay a little longer, right?” Sebastian asked, his hand still rubbing Rebecca’s back.

  “Of course we can stay.” Liam quickly agreed. Rebecca’s head popped up and she sniffed once.

  “Really?” she asked, her voice wobbly.

  “Try to get rid of us,” Sebastian cajoled playfully and sat back, pulling Rebecca back into a seated position. He snuggled into Rebecca’s side, letting a purr escape. Liam scooted on the other side of Rebecca, pulling her under his arm. Rebecca looked up at Kent, who could have sworn he saw a flash of victory before she gave him a covert wink.

  “Okay, if you guys insist,” she said, wiggling around between them, getting comfortable.

  Kent inclined his head in a respectful gesture. He knew he was looking at a master. She grinned impishly up at him. Out of nowhere, music began to play.

  “Is that Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2?” Liam asked. Kent stared at his mate in astonishment. Liam did not seem like the type who would know classical music.

  “Yes, it’s a favorite of mine,” Kent said, meeting Liam’s eyes.

  “Mine too.” Liam agreed.

  Yup, it was official, he had the world’s most perfect mates. He would have to show them later after the party how grateful he was. Kent felt himself starting to harden.

  “Why is it coming from your crotch?” Rebecca asked, her head tilted.

  “What is?” Kent asked, his voice breaking slightly. Liam began to laugh.

  “I think it’s your phone, sweetheart.”

  “Oh. Oh!” Kent scrambled and pulled his phone out. “Hello?” he asked.

  “Chello! We’re bored, come home. Toodles.”

  “That was Rian. He said the lions are bored and to come home,” Kent conveyed. Liam paled slightly and turned to Rebecca.

  “Becca, honey, you know I love you, but we really do have to leave. The last time the pride got bored and I wasn’t there, they dumped a thousand boxes of Jell-O into the pool in an effort to play Jell-O volleyball. It took months and thousands of dollars to clean that up,” Liam recalled, looking slightly ill. Rebecca patted his arm.

  “Then you have to go and make sure they stay out of trouble. You have to promise that we can visit another time.” She pulled his head down and kissed his cheek.

  “Really? You’re okay? Really?” Liam asked, standing. She nodded brightly.

  “We’ll come back real soon. I promise,” Sebastian said, getting up and moving to stand by Liam.

  “Sounds like a plan. See you soon,” she said meeting Kent’s eye.

  “See you soon.” Kent snickered.

  * * * *

  Liam walked through the front door, holding it open for his mates. He felt his blood pressure begin to rise when he heard music and laughter coming from the back of the house.

  “They couldn’t get a thousand boxes of Jell-O in Arkadia, could they? I mean, there couldn’t be that much Jell-O in town, right?” he asked, striding towards the back door. He looked over his shoulder to find his mates were right behind him. Sebastian also looked worried, but Kent was just smiling. Liam opened the back door and stepped onto the back deck before stopping abruptly.

  “Surprise!” a myriad of voices yelled. He heard a gasp and saw Sebastian’s eyes widen as he stepped forward to stand beside him. Kent stood somewhat apart, grinning at them. That sly…he had planned all this! He looked around to see Rian and Damian giving each other high fives from across the pool.

  “Yay! Surprise!” A bright but breathless voice chirped above the crowd. He looked to his left, and standing near the backyard gate were Rebecca and Aleks. Aleks was chuckling, and Rebecca was jumping up and down trying to see them.

  “You!” he exclaimed, pointing to Kent, who shrugged and spread his hands. He whipped around back to Rebecca, wh
o was now standing in front of the crowd beaming at him.

  “You!” He pointed to the tiny female, recalling her dramatic scene at her house not thirty minutes ago. She was laughing so hard she was wiping tears off her cheeks. Everyone was laughing and clapping. Rian walked up and kissed her on the top of her head.

  “Okay, everyone settle down.” Rian said holding up his hands for quiet. The large backyard barely contained the entire pride, Bran’s entire pack, the townspeople, and a couple vampires. Everyone had turned out for this party.

  “Liam, we can tell from your expression that our efforts to have a surprise party worked beautifully. But you’re probably wondering why.” Rian looked at Liam, who simply nodded.

  “Your wonderful mate confided that you and Sebastian needed a little boost. Everyone has things from their past that haunt them. He wanted to celebrate the strength of his mates, who have overcome so much to make your mating work,” Rian said, pointing to Kent, who was turning molten shades of red. Liam and Sebastian went to their mate and wrapped themselves around him.

  Never in his life had anyone ever done something so wonderful for him, not even his parents.

  “Before you molest him, we have a toast planned.” Rian grinned as people chuckled. Then his smiling face became somber. Damian joined Rian and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

  “Fifteen years ago Damian and I had a long conversation in our dorm room about what we would do after graduation. Both of us agreed that we didn’t want to hide who we were anymore. When we came out of the closet to our families and your father started a motion to ban us, I had never been more scared in my life. Arkadia was the only home we had ever known.” Rian looked up, tears in his eyes.

  “And out of nowhere, you jumped in front of us and stood up to your own father.” Rian’s voice shook, he tried to keep talking but couldn’t. Damian grabbed his hand and took over.

  “You shouted him down and said that being gay was not a good enough reason to be kicked out of a pride. That this was our home too. You challenged him, your own father. Watching that fight was the hardest thing we have ever had to do. We felt every gouge, every bite as if it were happening on our own bodies. In the end you won, but it cost you your family. The next day everyone we had ever known and loved left the pride to avoid living with gay lions.” Liam felt the knot in his throat threaten to cut off his air, all he could do was keep swallowing hard in an effort to keep his tears from falling.


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