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Music Box Christmas (The Ornamental Match Maker Book 3)

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by George H. McVey

  She moved closer to him. “I don’t want that, Beau. I want to see where this is going. If we explored this connection then I think I could focus better. Right now all I seem to be able to think about is if you’re going to kiss me again or if you want to see if we can have a relationship. Vivian’s caught me several times just sitting staring off into space thinking about that kiss and what it means.”

  He reached out and started to pull her into his arms when she slapped his chest. “Not right now! I’m at work!”

  He chuckled, “Then when?”

  She bit her lower lip nervously. “Tonight. I want you to pick me up and take me out on a real date after work tonight. Then at the end of the night I want you to kiss me again. I need to know if it was a fluke or if there is something here.”

  He stepped back. “Tonight? You want me to pick you up tonight after you get off and take you out on a date? That doesn’t leave me much time to prepare a good date.”

  “Really? From the rumors I’ve heard you’re the master at first dates. Just not anything afterwards.”

  He gritted his teeth. “I’m gonna kill my little sister. Did she tell you why that is?”

  Mari nodded. “She said you have some crazy idea that you can’t have a life until you get her settled in hers. Well you don’t have to worry about that anymore. We’ve settled her.”

  His brow wrinkled. “What do you mean you’ve settled her?”

  “She and I checked into it. Her last classes can be taken by extension online. After Christmas she is changing jobs. She is the new manager of Santa’s Village Amusement Park. She will be in charge of the day to day operations and I’ll oversee the business side of things.”

  “Mari, that’s not settled. You don’t even know if the park will be here next year.”

  “I have faith that this town will work together after the article comes out and save the park. Now what time tonight can I expect you to pick me up?”

  Beau looked at her and then shook his head. “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”

  “I will if that’s what you want but I’m not going to sit around and wait for you to decide if you want to explore this connection. If you turn me down then I’ll just call Leon Cox; he seemed interested in taking me out.”

  He stepped closer and she could see the jealousy and possessiveness in his eyes. “I don’t think so, Mari Christmas. If you’re going to date anyone in this town it will be me. I’ll pick you up at six.”

  She smiled. “Great, now tell me what you’re thinking about the rides.”

  Chapter Seven

  B eau had almost lost it when Mari had told him that she wasn’t willing to wait for him to get Vivian settled. She’d all but sent him into a fit telling him if he turned her down she would allow Leon Cox to start dating her. Leon may be his best friend but there was no way he was going to let the man get anywhere near Mari. He was known for being a player who wined and dined a girl as long as it took to get what he wanted. There were more broken hearts and ruined reputations in this small town because of Leon than every other single man combined. Yeah okay, so Beau himself had a reputation of only doing one or two dates with a woman but he at least treated them with respect and made sure they knew going into it that he wasn’t looking for anything more than a night or two of companionship and dancing.

  Mari was different though and he knew it. He’d known it since Thanksgiving. She called to something inside him. Something he thought he’d put to sleep ten years ago. A longing for someone to come alongside him and walk through life with. A partner, a lover, a wife. He’d been twenty when his parents died and so close to a girl at college he’d thought about asking his father for his grandmother’s ring but then the accident happened and his parents were gone. He put away thoughts of a wife and family because he had to take care of the ranch and more importantly Vivian.

  Then Mari came into their lives. Everything changed on Thanksgiving and the day after when he’d kissed her had sealed it for him. He couldn’t chance losing her because he knew she was the one for him. He’d never really believed in soulmates until that kiss. As their lips fused together he felt whole. Something he’d not felt ever in the last eleven years. So he pulled out all the stops. He made reservations in Billings at Ten the premier restaurant. Then if she wanted he’d take her dancing at Daisy Dukes or they’d go for a drive and look at the stars.

  If she didn’t want to go into Billings he’d take her to Mistletoe and Ivy. While it wasn’t as posh as Ten, everything they could want was right there at the club. The food, while not five-star rated, was good and the atmosphere was romantic. The dance floor was right there and they’d have a live band which Ten wouldn’t have tonight. They only did bands on the weekends. The more he thought about it the more he was convinced that Mistletoe and Ivy was the way to go. The only downside was once they went there they’d be linked as a couple in town. If things didn’t work out it would make things harder on both of them. More so on him than Mari, she’d just get lumped in with his other one or two date companions. Of course he didn’t expect there to be any problem between them, not if his dreams and their first kiss was any indication.

  No matter what he’d bring her home and kiss her senseless tonight. If she was going to push him to declare his interest for her before Vivian graduated then he’d make sure she knew that she belong with him. He pulled out his phone to cancel the reservation at Ten’s and make one at Mistletoe.

  Beau had stopped on his way home and gotten a haircut at the Trim and Shape. He quickly showered, getting rid of the loose hair that hid around his neck and itched like crazy. Then he shaved and put on a small amount of the signature scent his sister had made for him last Christmas. He didn’t use it often, but it was a special occasion taking Mari out, so he thought it appropriate. Then he went into his closet and grabbed a pair of black dress jeans and a forest green western cut button up shirt. The color would make the starburst in his eyes more noticeable. He wanted her to notice. His dress cowboy hat and freshly polished church boots rounded out the look. He pushed the hat back on his head cocked up in an open and inviting way, then with a final nod at himself he headed out to pick up his date.

  Mari watched as Beau drove off after showing her what he needed her to see on the turnstiles at each ride. There was a counter that could be zeroed out each day and would keep track of how many people rode which ride. It was an ingenious idea and one she planned to have Vivian implement starting tomorrow. By the time the Christmas season was over they should know which rides weren’t being utilized fully and she could decide then which to replace and what to replace them with. Vivian had shown her a couple of neat ideas and she’d need to contact the companies to see what they could do that fit the Santa theme. But that wasn’t what excited her. No, she was excited because she’d gotten Beau to agree to seeing if they might be compatible for a relationship.

  She bounced into the office and grabbed Vi by the arm, leading her into her office and shutting the door. Then once the door was closed she squealed, “I did it!”

  Vivian looked at her like she was possessed. “You did what?”

  “I convinced your brother to take me on a date tonight.”

  Vivian’s mouth dropped open. “Shut up! How did you do that? He never dates.”

  Mari blushed. “Well, I might have told him that he couldn’t use the excuse of getting you settled because you were going to be taking over as operations manager at the park after the holidays.”

  “I can’t believe that worked.”

  Mari shook her head. “It didn’t. He told me that with the park’s own future uncertain, that wasn’t getting you settled. So I told him I wasn’t willing to wait on him to decide he wanted to explore a relationship with me. Since he didn’t want to date me I’d call Leon Cox who seemed very interested in me.”

  Vi gasped. “You didn’t!”

  Mari smiled and put her hands on her hips. “I most certainly did and that, my friend, worked. Your brother all
but insisted on a date tonight. His exact words were. “If you’re going to date anyone in this town it will be me.” Then he told me he’d pick me up at six.”

  Vivian clapped. “Now if you can just get him to keep dating you.”

  “Oh, he’ll keep dating me. He’s the one, Vivian. I know he’s your brother and all, but I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for Beau. I promise you I’m not letting him get away. We’ll be married by this time next year if I have anything to say about it.”

  Vivian hugged her tight. “I can’t wait to have you as a sister-in-law. How are you going to convince Beau?”

  “Easy; I’m going to sweep him off his feet. He won’t know what hit him. No seriously, I’m not going to let him push me away. I know we’re meant to be together and I’ll keep after him until he knows it too.”

  “So what are you going to wear for this date to wow my brother’s boots off?”

  Mari smiled. “Well, he made the suggestion that I need a sexy Mrs. Claus coat to wear instead of my arctic bubble coat. I found one in the costume closet over at Santa’s Workshop. It’s a red velvet cape with fir lined hood and trim.”

  Vivian smiled. “What will you wear with it.”

  “Well, let’s just say that last year at Halloween my roommates talked me into dressing as Mrs. Claus because of my name. I have a red velvet dress. With a modest yet plunging neckline trimmed in faux white fur and the hem is the same fur that comes to mid-thigh. Plus 4-inch red stiletto’s and white thigh-high tights with little candy canes on them. Add to that the Mrs. Claus red velvet cape with white fur trim. I may just melt his eyes out.”

  Vivian laughed. “He’ll come home with visions of one sugar plum dancing in his head.”

  Mari smiled. “That’s the plan. That and a few of those kisses like the other day and he’ll be putty in my hands by Christmas.”

  With that the two women got back to work as Mari told Vi about the plan to find which rides weren’t drawing guests. They both agreed to check the numbers and figure out how to replace the lowest used ones. Vivian pulled out her tablet. “I have a couple of ideas, one is a ride that would go all around the outside of the park. A train ride kind of like the polar express, only we’d have to call it something else as that’s trademarked. But I was thinking a train ride around the outside of the park that serves hot chocolate and cookies. Like in the movie.”

  “That would be a nice idea; maybe have it start at the gate and end up at Santa’s Workshop.”

  Vivian nodded. “That would be an excellent new ride and one anyone could enjoy regardless of age or health.”

  “Let’s look into it.”

  “The other thing I thought of is something that might sound strange but there is a lot of Christmas romances that happen here at the park. I didn’t know if you were aware of that or not but there is a legend around the carousel. That any couple who rides in the sleigh on Christmas Eve will be married by New Year’s Day.”

  “Seriously? That happens?”

  “More often than you’d think. Mine and Beau’s parents apparently kissed the first time in that sleigh on Christmas Eve and eloped the day after Christmas. Others have too.”

  Mari’s face scrunched in thought. “Okay and what is your idea?”

  “A year-round outdoor ice skating rink. I found this company that makes fake ice skating parks that use real ice skates. Surface is guaranteed for ten years.”

  “That could be more than a couple’s thing, it could be used for families and parties. I like that too. Get me the prices and we’ll try and find space for it.”

  It was going on five by that time. “Okay, well I need to go get ready for my date. Get everyone in the office clocked out and lock up when you leave.”

  Vivian nodded. “Go knock my brother for a loop.”

  Mari stopped and cocked her right hip out. “Oh I plan to.”

  Beau stood at the door to the little cottage that sat beside Santa’s workshop. Everyone thought it was just a storage area but in reality, it had been Nick and Dora’s home for the entire time they ran the park. Now it was where Mari lived. He knocked and the door opened on the most enticing vision he’d ever seen. Mari was dressed like a young and totally sexy Miss Claus. His jaw dropped as he caught a glimpse of the red velvet dress under the long winter cape she wore. His eyes strayed from her perfectly made up face to the towering red heels on her feet and the white tights with candy canes that covered her shapely legs. His mouth went dry and his brain short circuited. “Wow!”

  She broke into a gorgeous smile. “Well thank you! You look pretty good yourself, cowboy.”

  He pointed into her house. “You need to go change.”

  Now she frowned. “Excuse me?”

  “Mari, if I take you to the Mistletoe like that I’m gonna have to fight every single guy in the place.”

  “Oh please! You’re the one that suggested I should find a better coat. A sexy Mrs. Claus coat, I believe you said.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d find a whole sexy Mrs. Claus outfit.”

  “Well I feel pretty and festive, so let’s go.”

  “Honey, at least put on your bubble coat.”

  She laughed. “Stop it. I like this wrap. The whole inside is lined in that fur, see?”

  She opened the cape letting him get a good look at the whole outfight and his fingers itched to pull her to him and his lips begged to plunder her mouth. “Umm.”

  She closed the cape around her again before taking him by the hand. “Come on, cowboy. I’ve heard good things about the Mistletoe and Ivy. I can’t wait to get you on the dance floor.”

  He let her pull him along. His mind was still trying to reset from the vision that walked beside him. “Just me, right?”

  “Of course, Beau, this is our first official date after all. You will find I have no intention of letting go of you tonight. You said it yourself, cowboy, and now I’m going to put the boot on the other foot.” She stopped and stood in front of him. “If you date anyone in this town it will be me, if you dance with anyone tonight on our date it will be me. I don’t share, Beau, so you’d better get that clear in your head right now. Tonight you are mine. We’ll talk about it after tonight at the end of this date.”

  “I thought we were going to kiss at the end of this date.”

  She started walking again holding his hand and looked at him with a smoldering look. “Oh there will be kissing as well. You can count on that.”

  Beau helped her up into his truck and went around to climb behind the wheel. He took a deep breath trying to calm his pulse. He knew he was fighting a losing battle; when she claimed he was hers tonight he wanted her to say forever. They hadn’t even gotten through this date and he wanted to run home and get grandma’s ring and put it on her finger. How was he ever going to stick to his plan to wait until he was certain that Vi was settled and doing well on her own? He wasn’t sure he was going to make it through the Christmas season.

  He climbed in and Mari scooted up against him, wrapping her arm around his. As he started the truck she leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. “MMM you smell so good.”

  She lifted her head so that her nose was pressed to his neck and he broke out in a sweat. She had no clue what she was doing to his self-control, or maybe she did. “Mari, honey if you don’t stop I’m going to have to pull to the side of the road and kiss you senseless.”

  She giggled and pulled away, reaching up and placing a light kiss on his cheek. “I’ll behave until after we eat and dance.”

  He growled low and whispery, “I highly doubt it.”

  Mari giggle again and it sent his brain into a tail spin. He had no clue how they made it to the restaurant but they were parking before he even realized they were there. Then he was leading her inside the restaurant, her arm securely latched around his. He felt ten feet tall and bullet proof to have her on his arm.

  The hostess and several others came by to see them and asked to be introduced to Mari. Beau noticed
more of the men make their way to the table than the women. He knew he was going to end up having to make a declaration of his interest in Mari to slow the tide and even then, he wasn’t sure that some of these yahoos would get the message.

  He’d wanted their next kiss to be in private where he could show her how much she really meant to him. However, he knew that a good searing kiss would make his intentions known to the cowboy and rodeo Romeo’s so he reached out his hand and placed a finger under her chin, turning her to face him, and he slowly and lovingly brought his lips to hers. What had been meant to be a light kiss to stake his claim quickly turned into something else as she whimpered and pushed in to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer than he’d meant to get in public.

  When the whistles and cat calls started he forced himself to pull away. He looked into her deep blue eyes and what he saw both scared and thrilled him at the same time. She was as lost in his eyes as he was hers. It wasn’t until he felt a hand slam down on the table that he broke away from the connection between them.

  He looked up into the face of a very angry Leigh Cranston. “Who is this hussy that you’re slobbering all over, Beau Hart? It’s bad enough that you bring her here but to wrap your lips around her like that. You are supposed to be mine.”

  Beau gritted his teeth during her rant and then he looked right into Leigh’s red, angry face. “I keep telling you Leigh, there is no us. You were a fun couple of dates, that was it. I told you from the start that’s all you would get. I’m not yours, I was never yours, and I’m never going to be yours.”

  She glared then turned her attention to Mari. “You’re new in town, aren’t you? Did Beau here explain that he only dates a woman once or twice? Because the way you were sucking face one would think you thought you had a chance at a relationship with him. Either that or you’re one of those girls who spreads her legs for anyone.”


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