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Page 22

by Kaylee, Katy

  Ryder was quiet on the ride, and even though I was dying to know what had happened between him and Danny, I didn’t ask. They were like brothers, and whatever it was, they’d work it out. They always did.

  He was steadier on his feet, although clearly still lit when we got to my apartment. He sat on my couch, taking up nearly the whole thing with his size. “Did I give you that Corsaire?”

  I laughed. “You remembered.”

  “I didn’t know what else to get you for graduation, but since you were twenty-one, that seemed like a good choice.”

  It always surprised and touched me that he remembered my family. It was a testament, I supposed, to how much we meant to him that he always remembered birthdays and holidays, even if he didn’t come home that often. Since being drafted in the NFL four years ago, his life completely changed. He might not be a famous quarterback, yet, but he now had money. He also had the good looks that women gravitated to. It was my impression that his life had become one big party, especially away from the calming influence of my parents. Ryder’s go-to behavior was usually wild, and it was the help of my family that had got him through school so he could get a football scholarship to college.

  “What do you want to eat?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not hungry.”

  I sat next to him, hoping he didn’t ask for a drink. “Aside from my brother being a prick, how’s life?”

  He laughed. “You never did put up with my bullshit.”

  “There’s always too much to put up with it.” I took my glasses off and massaged the bridge of my nose. Soon, now that I had vision care, I was going to get contacts.

  Ryder tilted his head as he looked at me. “You have great eyes, Katie.”

  My insides turned into liquid wax as he stared into my eyes.

  “What color are they?” he asked.

  “Some sort of blue.”

  He shook his head and leaned closer. “No, they’re gray. It’s sexy.”

  I closed my eyes to ward off the feeling he meant what he was saying.

  “Hey.” He tugged on a strand of my long dark hair.

  I opened my eyes.

  “You don’t think you’re sexy?”

  I laughed. “I don’t think I’m sexy to you.”

  He frowned. “Why not? What’s wrong with me?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Your last date was a Victoria Secret model. I look nothing like a model.” I got up and went to the kitchen, not wanting to be there when he sobered up and realized that all women were pretty through a booze buzz.

  “She wasn’t very good in bed,” he called out to me.

  Well then, he’d be doubly disappointed by me, I thought. “How about some crackers and cheese?”

  “Why not?”

  I brought out the food, plus water and a couple of pain relievers. Like a dutiful child, he drank the water and pain relievers and ate a few crackers and cheese.

  “Am I ruining your night?” he asked.

  “No.” I set my plate on the coffee table next to his.

  “No hot date?”


  He frowned. “Why not?”

  “Why the interest in my love life?”

  He studied me for a minute. “Because you deserve one. Danny and I have fucked around with all the wrong women. If we were smart, we’d look for someone like you.”

  “Me? Fat. Frumpy.”

  “What the hell, Katie?” He seemed bothered by my statement.

  “Ryder… I’m twice the size of your underwear model.”

  “But you’re more beautiful in all the ways that count.”

  I swallowed, wanting to savor his words, and yet knowing he’d probably forget we’d had this discussion by tomorrow.

  He lay his head back on the couch. “Smart, kind, take-no-bullshit, gray eyes… that’s what we should look for.”

  “Does your head hurt?” I ignored his second compliment.

  “A little.”

  “Here.” I moved on to my knees and leaned closer to him so I could use both my hands to rub his temples. It put my head in proximity to his. I could smell the whiskey and something manly. It was heady, and if I was a woman to swoon, I might have at the nearness of him.

  “And great tits.”

  “What?” My fingers stopped massaging but remained on his temples as I looked down at him. I followed his gaze and realized he was looking at my breasts. They puckered and started to ache.

  “Smart, kind, take-no-bullshit, gray eyes and great tits.”

  I wanted to back away. Every warning bell in my head was clanging to back away from this drunk football player. But my body was screaming something different. If it had its way, we’d both already be naked. He’s just saying shit, I reminded myself.

  “If that’s what you want, why do you waste your time with women who aren’t like that?”

  “I’m a fucking idiot, I guess.”

  He leaned forward and rubbed his nose against my breast, and holy hell, I thought I might orgasm right then.

  “Have you ever had a woman who was smart, kind, take-no-bullshit, had gray eyes and great tits?”

  “No.” He pulled me over him until I was straddling him. I gasped at the move, and then at the steel hard length that nestled against my pussy. “But I’d like to.” His gaze left my tits and looked up at me. “Can I?”

  No. That was the answer that should have shot out of my mouth. There were so many… too many reasons to say no. He was lucid but had been drinking, so he couldn’t be thinking straight. He was lonely or sad and just seeking solace and comfort. He was my brother’s best friend.

  But there was one bigger reason to say yes, and it had nothing to do with wanting to lose my virginity. I wanted him. I didn’t even know what it felt like to want someone until this moment, with his dick rubbing against my pussy, and his eyes clouding with arousal. My pussy was already spasming in anticipation of what it would be like.

  “You want me?” While I knew this would be a onetime deal, I wanted to be sure he knew who I was. That I wasn’t just some random bar pickup.

  “I do.” His hands slid up my back, until one was behind my neck, pulling me close to him. “I want you, Katie.” Then his lips consumed mine, and every warning or doubt fizzled into nothing, replaced by a burning fire of need that had me dry humping him. He groaned, and shifted his hips closer to the edge of the couch, giving me more room to slide my pussy over his dick.

  “I want to see your tits.” He was breathing hard as he unzipped my summer dress and pulled the straps down. “Fuck, yeah.” He cupped them; his eyes mesmerized by them as his thumbs flicked over the nipples.

  “Oh!” I continued to dry hump him, as pleasure from his touch, and his covered dick pressing against my pussy grew and grew. I was going to orgasm and probably give away my inexperience, but there was no stopping the growing burn.

  He sucked my nipple hard, and sensation burst through me, my pussy contracting as pleasure shot out through my body. I cried out as the shock and power of it overtook me.

  “Fuck, did you just come?”

  “Yes,” I said on a gasp. I couldn’t have lied if I’d wanted to.

  His fingers dipped under my dress to my panties and rubbed my clit. “You’re so wet.”

  In a whirl of movement, he had his jeans pulled down to his ankles, and my panty panel pulled aside, with his dick poised at my entrance.

  Yes, was all I could think.

  His hands pulled my hips down, as he thrust his hips up, and in a single stroke, he filled me. I felt the flash of pain and cried out.

  “You’re so tight… shit.” He didn’t move and for a moment, I was worried he’d stop.

  I caught my breath and cleared my mind of everything except the feel of his long, hard, thick dick inside my pussy.

  He licked my nipple and sucked it gently, and suddenly, that delicious feeling started to grow again. My hips began to rock on their own accord.

  “Yes, fuck me, Katie.”

He continued to suck and bite my nipples and I moved over him. I didn’t know what I was doing or if I was doing it right. I simply let my body do what it wanted. I slid up, going down harder, faster until my body was no longer its own as it sought release from the ever-building tension.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come…” He growled as his hips thrust up, and warm liquid filled my body.

  This strong, sexy man, coming inside me was all it took to send me over the edge again. I cried out, as my orgasm shot through me again.

  “Yes… Christ yes… so tight…” He held my hips as he continued to rock into until the orgasm finally subsided.

  Completely spent, I sagged against him, trying to catch my breath.

  “That was fucking awesome.”

  I smiled, feeling pleased with myself. I lifted my head to look at him, so he was sure who it was that just made him feel fucking awesome.

  His glittering eyes dimmed. “Fuck, I didn’t use a condom.”

  I startled as I looked between us and saw his cum oozing from my pussy. “I’m on the pill.” For the first time, I was happy that my mom had dragged me to the gynecologist to put me on the pill when I was a sophomore in high school and going on my first date. Until this moment, I’d never needed the pill.

  But while I was a virgin, Ryder wasn’t, which could still cause problems for me.

  As if he knew my concern, he said, “I’m clean. I just had my physical.”

  I nodded. “Good. Then we’re alright.”

  His smile turned lecherous. “We’re more than alright, Katie.” He wrapped his arms around me, and stood, without any weaving this time. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  “Are you tired?”

  “Not yet, but once we fuck a few more times, we’ll be exhausted.”

  I’d started that weekend feeling my life was nearly perfect, and when Monday finally came, and I had to go to work, it was perfect. I’d thought Ryder would leave on Saturday, probably rethinking what we’d done, but he’d stayed through to Sunday. We spent most of our time in bed, but also, we talked and hung out.

  Sunday morning, we lay in bed after he’d let me suck him off. “I have to head back to Nashville today.”

  I’d wanted to ask about my brother’s wedding, but each time I’d mentioned Danny, even just in passing, Ryder’s eyes turned dark. Since I didn’t want to ruin our beautiful weekend, I didn’t broach the subject. Besides, even if he left today, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be back next weekend for the wedding. Surely they’d make up by then.

  “Training camp starts soon?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  My heart sank that he was leaving. While I wanted more from him, I wasn’t so naïve to think our few days together meant anything.

  “Will you come to Nashville sometime? It’s possible I’ll get more play time this year. Carson is still injured.” He referred to the first-string quarterback.

  “You won’t want me around.”

  “I would.” He rolled me under him.

  “Don’t toy with me, Ryder.”

  “I wouldn’t do that. Not to you, Katie.” He thrust his dick inside me. “We’ve got a good thing going here, don’t you think?”

  It was hard to think with his cock doing the most glorious things to my pussy. I managed a “Yes,” on a long moan.

  The following week, Ryder texted me and called a few times. I’d been working so much, and so focused on Ryder, that I had spent little time with my family getting ready for the wedding. That changed on Wednesday when my mother called and said I had to get over to the house right away. The wedding might be off.

  When I walked into the house, my father was looking grim, my mother was sad, and Danny was angrier than I’d ever seen him. It wasn’t that different from the way I’d found Ryder on Friday night.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Ryder Malloy is a fucking asshole,” my brother spat.

  “Danny, watch your language,” my mother chastised.

  My brother’s jaw tightened and his hands were clenched into fists. If Ryder walked in now, I had no doubt there would be a fight.

  “What happened with Ryder?”

  “He fucked Phoebe.”

  My mother rolled her eyes and let out a harsh breath at his use of the f-word.

  “What?” That couldn’t be true.

  “She went to his hotel to talk about wedding stuff, and he fucked her.”

  “Danny.” This time it was my father. “We get that you’re angry, but you can cease with the vulgar language.”

  “When?” I asked.

  “Last Friday. I went there to talk to him about the business and found them together.”

  I thought back to Friday and seeing Ryder. He was pissed at Danny, but if he slept with Danny’s fiancé, then he had no right to be pissed. Something was off.

  “Are you sure they slept together? Maybe it was just a misunderstanding.”

  Danny shook his head, his facial expression contorted into hate. “She admitted it.”

  My heart cracked, and my head spun. Ryder slept with her earlier that day and then me that night? I sank into a chair at the table next to my mom. “Why would they do that?”

  “Because he’s Ryder Malloy. All-American golden boy who can do whatever the hell he wants.”

  “What about Phoebe… it takes two to—”

  “Would you turn down Ryder Malloy?” Danny asked with derision.

  As it turned out, no, no I would not turn down Ryder Malloy.

  “He lured her in with promises to do better by her than I could and then tossed her aside when he got what he wanted.”

  My stomach felt sick. “Excuse me.” I rushed to the bathroom and threw up. I felt like such a fool.

  “You okay, baby?” my mother asked when I returned.

  I nodded. “Yes.” I inhaled a deep breath to stabilize my emotions. “Is the wedding still on?”

  “Your mother and I think at the very least it should be postponed,” my father said, his eyes on my brother.

  “It’s not Phoebe’s fault,” Danny argued. “She’s sorry.”

  First, how could she not be partly to blame? Yes, Ryder was a potent man, but I’d like to think that if I were engaged to someone, I’d have said no to Ryder. Why hadn’t Phoebe?

  Then I wondered why this discussion was happening. If Danny was going to forgive her, why did he even mention her cheating on him to my parents? “Then why are we here?”

  “This all started with your brother asking if we’d invest in his new business venture,” my father said.

  “The one you’re doing with Ryder?” I asked.

  “I’m not taking one cent from that fucker.”

  “But the two of you spent so much time planning this. Maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to turn down the money,” I said.

  “I would turn it down if I could, but he withdrew it. He got what he wanted. The only reason he came back here was to take what was mine… again.”

  “Danny.” My mother’s eyes were sympathetic.

  “No, mom. I was the quarterback in high school until he decided he wanted to try out for the team. I was the one who was working toward a football scholarship that he got. I was the one who loved Phoebe, but he took her, twice.”

  “Twice?” I asked.

  He looked at me and nodded. “The first time was in college. He knew I had a thing for her and he slept with her then too. All he did was come back to take my woman and steal my dream again.”

  My heart went out to my brother. He wasn’t completely wrong. Ryder had achieved many of the things my brother hadn’t. But I couldn’t believe the man I’d just spent the weekend with would hurt my brother that way.

  We got my brother calmed down, and my mom served us a delicious dinner. Afterward, my father had the TV on watching ESPN. I was going to suggest he turn it off, so we didn’t have to hear about football when Ryder’s face flashed on the screen.

  I moved closer to the TV so I could hear what was being s

  “… Ryder Malloy is just arriving in California after being traded to the San Diego Orcas where he’ll start as quarterback this fall…”

  “Good riddance,” Danny bellowed from the other room.

  I watched as the show had cameras on Ryder walking through the San Diego airport.

  “Ryder, Ryder… how do you feel to be in San Diego?” one of the many reporters asked.

  Ryder flashed his signature smile. “I feel great. I can’t wait to play for the Orcas.”

  A blonde woman with long legs and boobs too big to be real sidled up to Ryder. “Welcome to San Diego, Ryder.”

  He grinned, and his eye sparkled at her breasts. “Thank you. Are you the welcome wagon?”

  Her smile was knowing. “Absolutely.”

  He draped an arm around her. “Show me the way.”

  My brother was right. Ryder Malloy was a fucking asshole.

  Want to read how this story progresses?

  Download Misunderstood here (FREE in Kindle Unlimited)

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  Also by Katy Kaylee

  Second Chances Forever: A Contemporary Romance Collection


  Just Another Chance

  Saving Beth

  Best Friend’s Li’l Sis

  Forbidden Desires: A 6 Book Romance Boxset

  Make You Mine

  Love You Forever

  Come With Me


  Say Yes

  Playing Pretend




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