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Highlander's Cursed Bride: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

Page 26

by Lydia Kendall

  “Aidan is already engaged to someone. I have to annul that engagement before we can proceed,” The Laird of Leitan said and Lord Tyrill gave a curt mod. “If ye feel guilty for injuring Aidan, do not bother. As much as it annoys me, ye were only looking out for yer daughter.”

  “I do apologize, and I also thank you. It is noble of you to allow their union despite what I put him through.”

  “Me son's happiness is the most important thing to me. I faced the consequences when I separated him from Joan a while ago. He acted so out of control that I feared for him day and night,” the Laird said and Lord Tyrill nodded.

  “In all honesty, yer daughter has a good soul. She never complained or made a fuss. Even when she was treated badly during the time that she was here, she never spoke out of line or said a word. I was more infuriated to see my son follow the daughter of our enemy around like he had been bound by a spell and disobeying me orders just to make her happy.”

  “How long did that take?”

  “Only a week after she came. I forbade her from leaving the estate in fear of the Earl's guards seeing her and taking her captive, but Aidan stole his mother's riding habit and took her out for a ride,” the Laird chuckled. “The second time they went riding, they were kidnapped. Aidan's mistress orchestrated the entire thing.”

  “Faither! That is enough. Ye daenae need to talk of the past anymore,” Aidan said and his father waved him away.

  So he had a mistress? The boy seems to be well-respected in the town given the way the Earl and the guards addressed him. Joan had told me that he was not a knight. A common soldier cannot be given so much deference.

  He reminds me of myself in my prime.

  “And Eimear has been locked up now, there is nae need to worry,” Aidan said and Joan looked up at him.

  “She is still locked up? I thought you would have freed her by now,” Joan challenged him.

  “Why would I allow her be released? She tried to harm ye. It was either she stayed in the cell or I kill her and that evil man,” Aidan said and Joan shook her head at him.

  “Ye plan to lock her up forever?” Joan directed her question at Aidan and the Laird. The Laird was confused, but Aidan seemed to understand.

  Aidan turned to face Joan. “She tried to have ye killed, nay one will touch a hair on her head, but she must pay for her sins.”

  “We have all paid for our sins, it is time for a new beginning. A few weeks ago, everyone in this room couldn't have lived under the same roof peacefully,” Joan moved closer to the center of the room as she spoke and everyone listened.

  My daughter is just like her mother, compassionate till the end.

  Aidan moved closer to her. “So ye think we should release her?”

  “Prison is no place for anyone and I should know. By now, she must have learnt her lesson,” Joan replied.

  “As ye wish, My Lady.” Aidan bowed.

  “Of course, My Laird,” Joan said as everyone nodded in agreement.

  Lord Tyrill spoke up "Once you annul the previous engagement, ye can come for my daughter." He said and the Laird nodded in agreement.

  “I will send word to the girl and her family.” The Laird got up and pulled Aidan by the shirt. “Send word to Gavina and her parents that we need to see and have a talk about yer engagement to her,” he said, and Aidan beckoned to Joan.

  “Let us head to the prison first,” Aidan said, stretching out his hand toward Joan.

  Aidan sympathized with Gavina as he watched her tear up in front of him and her mother continued to throw harsh words at him. He tried to approach her but he was challenged by her father.

  “Ye played with me daughter and now ye want to leave her for another! An English girl for that matter! You are such a cruel person!”

  “I have done nothing to yer daughter. She can testify to that. I respect ye Laird Brodie, and all me faither and I want is a peaceful resolution of this matter,” Aidan shot back at the angry woman.

  “Ye have been engaged for months! You still went around bedding different women and even had the audacity to take a mistress! Now you court another woman and want to wed her and me child has to sit and watch? Never! This wedding will proceed as planned!”

  “Laird of Leitan, we already finalized this entire matter, why have ye called to annul this union? It would be better for both villages to unite. Me Earl has been informed and so has yer Earl, ye cannae just break off this engagement,” Laird Brodie said and Aidan's father steepled his fingers.

  “When he first brought the English lass here, I fought their union and tried to force him to cut all ties with her. Our family was almost torn apart by the disagreements that ensued. I tried to keep things the way they were but it was a matter of the heart, there was only so much I could do,” The Laird of Leitan tried to explain, but it seemed Gavina's father was not ready to accept their story.

  “Nonsense!” Laird Brodie yelled, as he pushed off the chair and rose to his feet. “What nonsense comes out if yer mouth, Douglas? Why did ye approach me for her hand in marriage in the first place? Many men wanted me, daughter, I chose yer son because we have known each other the longest and yet you betray me in this way.”

  “I didnae plan to cross ye, Laird Brodie, and I didnae plan to leave yer daughter. I have known ye and yer daughter for a long time as well. In fact, I hoped to wed her properly and after I finished my assignment and I won the war I was assigned to plan. I found love by sheer luck and I felt different about everything. She made me feel complete,” Aidan replied.

  “What does yer English lass have that me daughter does nae have? Gavina is the best choice for ye! She is one of your people, she understands you and your role as Laird. All the suitors that have been turned down because of ye? All the time wasted because she thought she would be marrying ye! She grows older by the minute!” the Laird shouted, but Aidan did not bat an eye.

  Unaffected by the man's anger, Aidan continued. “Gavina is only ten and eight summers, she is beautiful, and she is well-known. She will find a better suitor before the next summer.”

  “Who? Who will come for her hand? Dae ye think I will let me daughter marry any man because he asked for her hand in marriage?” Gavina's mother said as Aidan noticed the girl shaking from her tears which further saddened him.

  Despite Laird Brodie's anger, Aidan approached Gavina and offered linen. She took the linen to dry her tears and he crouched to her feet. “I am sorry, Gavina. It would have been a privilege to be your husband. If I dinnae meet Joan, I would fight anyone who tried to take ye away from me. But we daenae love each other, anything I did for you would have been done out of duty and not out of love.”

  Gavina nodded as she wiped her tears and managed to look at the hunkered Aidan. “We could have fallen in love after our marriage if it mattered to you that much. People fall in love when they have children together, we could have too, that was a risk I was willing to take.” She started sobbing again.

  “I know Gavina, but you deserve someone who can give you all the attention you need, not because ye have children together, but because ye matter to him. Someone who will make you happy because ye deserve to be happy. I cannae be that person anymore Gavina, and I know ye will find yer own happiness,” Aidan spoke softly and carefully so as to console her.

  “I could be that person,” Everyone in the room turned to see Ian walk in slowly with Joan behind him. “That is, if yer father will let me.”

  Ian? Is he drunk or has he finally lost his wits?

  “A common soldier?” Laird Brodie laughed. “Ye think I will let me child marry a commoner with no family?”

  How can he say that?

  Gavina ran from her chair to embrace Ian.

  I can nae believe my eyes.

  Ian only chuckled at the man's words. “Ye know that I knew Gavina longer than ye, Aidan. We were good friends for a while and if not for my status we would have been more, but we both knew her father planned to marry her to royalty. When ye told me yer father had a
pproached Laird Brodie, my heart sank, but I held my peace because she was to be yer wife. I dinnae want to make it harder for ye to settle down with her.” Ian held Gavina closer and comforted her as he spoke.

  “Is this true, Gavina?” Gavina's mother asked out of surprise.

  Gavina turned to reply her mother “Yes, Ian and I are friends and we discussed possibility of courtship, but father would not have me be friends with anyone of lower status than I am.”

  “But he does nae even have parents! How do ye expect me to hand me daughter to someone with no family?”

  “You are wrong, Laird Brodie! Ian is my son as much as Aidan. I hereby declare him my son and his new name shall be Ian McCabe. I will make it official today.”

  Aidan and Ian lit up with joy and Aidan joined the couple in a warm embrace. Joan hugged Ian from behind and they celebrated his new position.

  “Brother!” Aidan held Ian's shoulder.

  “Brother!” Ian replied with as much excitement and they hugged again.

  Laird Brodie and his wife sat down and they looked intrigued at the turn of events.

  “Ian is my second son and the brother of the next Laird of Rattray. As his father, I ask for yer daughter's hand in marriage to him. Please accept Laird Brodie,” The Laird of Leitan said to Gavina's father and the room fell silent once again.

  All eyes were fixed on Laird Brodie as he silently discussed the offer with his wife. Laird Brodie's wife seemed to be content with the arrangement from her reaction, but nothing could be heard from their murmurs.

  Laird Brodie stood up, he moved to a nearby table and poured himself a drink.

  He seems to enjoy this attention.

  He raised the cup to his lips and took a small sip. He turned to the crowd and finally spoke, “I accept!”

  Nothing could contain the excitement in the room. Everyone jumped for joy one more time and The Laird of Leitan approached Laird Brodie and shook his hand, marking their new agreement.

  “We must celebrate!” Aidan said as Joan, Ian, and Gavina rushed out of the room behind him.

  “But the wedding must be held soon…” Laird Brodie screamed after them as they all ran.

  Weeks had passed, the Leitan Estate was bustling with activities to prepare for the upcoming wedding ceremonies. Aidan and Ian were seated in the courtyard with nothing to do. “Why are ye so silent?” Ian asked.

  “Honestly, Ian, I daenae know how to thank ye enough,” Aidan said to Ian who shrugged.

  “I had to get married sooner or later. Yer mother would be chasing after me once ye got married to find a bride. I did it for ye as much as I did it for me,” Ian joked, and they laughed. “Also ye have done so much for me Aidan. Ye saved me life on the battle ground, helped me rise from a common soldier to a hero and ye gave me a family. I daenae think I can repay ye in one lifetime.”

  “Ye already have and more,” Aidan chuckled and Ian let a small smile creep onto his face.

  “Daenae mention it, Aidan. I would dae anything for ye in a heartbeat,” Ian said as Aidan rested back on the bench. “Have ye tried on yer ceremonial garb?”

  “Shite! I knew something was missing!” Aidan cursed as he jumped to his feet and raced into the main wing of the castle, Ian's laughter rang through the courtyard as he watched his friend run off.

  “May I sit here?” Gavina's asked and he looked up to see her. He nodded and she took a seat next to him. “Ye seem lonely.”

  “I am far from lonely, me darling, I was relishing the thought of marrying ye and my new life.”

  “Thank ye for being bold. If ye dinnae confront my father, I would be wailing in a covered wagon on my way back home. We would have never gotten the chance to be together.”

  “I am the lucky one, Gavina, and I hope I am not dreaming this,” Ian replied.

  Gavina pinched him playfully. “Does that feel real?”

  Ian laughed.. “Yes!”

  Gavina pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips. “How about that? Does that feel real?”

  “More than anything, me darling,” Ian smiled brightly, his face only an inch away from hers now. “I never thought that this could—”

  “Gavina!” her mother called out as they approached their carriage.

  “I must leave now,” Gavina said she got to her feet. “We must see each other soon.”

  “Why nae have a ride with me? Me horse seems to love bonnie women,” he said.

  With an amused chuckle, he stretched his hand out to her as he got to his feet.

  “Give me a moment, I must tell my parents,” she said and he followed her to her parent’s carriage. She whispered excitedly to her mother and she nodded in agreement. She returned to Ian who was waiting a few paces behind and he led her to the stables to get his horse.

  Ian looked back to see a smiling Aidan dangling from the window ledge. An amused Joan laughed at him from inside the room. “Do you need help,” Joan asked offering her hand pull him up.” What are ye doing?” Ian asked Joan.

  “Nothing,” Aidan answered under his breath.

  “He wanted to surprise me by scaling the walls into our room, but I locked the windows,” Joan answered, mocking Aidan.

  Joan and Aidan!

  “My goodness! Should we help him?” Gavina exclaimed as she stopped to look back and Ian shook his head.

  The grass will break his fall.

  “Nay. Let him dangle there for a while.”


  Joan gripped Aidan's arm as they glided across the room in their first dance. She looked behind Aidan to see Ian and Gavina dancing along with them.

  “What are ye looking at?” Aidan asked as his grip on her waist tightened.

  “Oh, it is nothing,” she said as she stole a glance at her wedding band.

  The double wedding took place in the town's church. Her face reddened as she remembered how Aidan had put on a show when the priest had told him to kiss the bride. He opened her veil, smiled at her and kissed her, but he didn’t stop there. He wrapped his hands around her and lifted her off the ground. The wedding guests went wild as he carried her around and she couldn’t hide her surprise and happiness.

  “What are ye thinking, me love?” Aidan asked.

  “I was just wondering why you had to go that far with a kiss earlier,” Joan said with a small smile, her blush extending to her ears as Aidan chuckled.

  “I wanted to make sure ye would nae forget this day, Joan.”

  “How could I possibly forget today? This is the happiest day of my life,” she said as he twirled her in his arms. She snuck a glance at the people who attended the wedding and saw her father with Sebastian seated by his side, both men wearing a proud smile.

  “Just wait until I can sneak us out of here,” he said and Joan felt her face light up even more.

  “Can I not get a reprieve from your constant teasing?” she asked and he bit back a laugh.

  “I have never been happier. Two moons ago, we were engaged and now look at us. It feels like the beginning of a whole new life.”

  “I have a surprise for ye after the celebration,” Aidan said and she cocked her head to the side.

  “What is it?”

  “It would nae be a surprise anymore if I told ye. It is a gift that I put together for ye,” he said as their dance ended, and the crowd cheered.

  “Why did you tell me that you had a surprise then,” Joan pouted, and Aidan grinned at her as he led her to their table. “When will you show me?”

  “When the moon is high in the sky,” he said and she scoffed at him.

  A week later, Aidan gingerly led a blindfolded Joan to the gift that he had prepared for her in front of the castle. He looked at Ian who had motioned for him to watch his steps before leaving to find his own bride. “Where are we going?”

  “Almost there, me love,”

  “What is it? I am too anxious about this. Just tell me what it is,” Joan said, but Aidan never said a word till they arrived in front of the estate.

>   “All right. We are here now.”

  “Finally!” she giggled as he removed her blindfold. He saw her blink for a while before she looked at the white carriage in front of her. “I wanted to give ye something to make up for all the things ye have missed while ye were locked up in yer father's estate. So I designed this myself so it would suit yer taste.”

  “What is it for?” she asked confused.

  “Ye and I will live the dream ye always wanted. Ye wanted to see more of the world and ye shall. We will travel anywhere ye want with this. One of my horses is attached to the carriage for now, but it will be replaced when ye pick yer own horses,” he said as he pointed to the spotted mare next to his stallion.


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