Psychology for Screenwriters
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The Internet Movie Database. (2003).
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Jung, Carl G. (1971). The Portable Jung. (Joseph Campbell, Ed.). New York: Viking Penguin, Inc.
Jung, Carl G. (1953). Collected Works. H. Read, M. Fordham & G. Adler, (Eds.). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Jung, Carl G. (1936). Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. (In Collected Works, Vol. 9).
Jung, Carl G. (1939). The Integration of the Personality. (In Collected Works, Vol. II).
Jung, Carl G. (1960). Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype. (In Collected Works, Vol. 9).
Jung, Carl G. (1936). Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. (In Collected Works, Vol. 8).
Jung, Carl G. (1961). Memories, Dreams and Refections. New York: Random House.
Jung, Carl G. (1964). Man and His Symbols. New York: Doubleday.
May, Rollo. (1953). Man’s Search for Himself. New York: Norton.
May, Rollo. (1975). The Courage to Create. New York: Norton.
May, Rollo. (1977). The Meaning of Anxiety. New York: Norton.
May, Rollo. (1983). The Discovery of Being. New York: Norton.
May, Rollo. (1991). The Cry for Myth. New York: Norton.
Murdock, Maureen. (1990). The Heroine’s Journey. Boston: Shambhala Publications.
Rank, Otto. (1914/1959). The Myth of the Birth of the Hero. New York: Random House.
Stone, Merlin. (1976). When God was a Woman. New York: Dorset Press.
Vogler, Christopher. (1998). The Writer’s Journey. Los Angeles: Michael Wiese Productions.
Age of Narcissism, xvii, 219-229
Allies, 42, 96, 147-148, 150, 156, 162, 199, 202
Alter Ego, 92, 166, 118, 132
American Hero, 219, 227-228
American Myth, 219-229
Amnesia, 214
Anal Expulsive, 33-34, 43
Anal Retentive, 33-34, 43
Anal Stage of Psycho sexual Development, 33-36
Androcentric, 4, 165
Androgyny, 138, 171
Anima, 123-125, 129-140, 152, 161, 169-174
Animal Heroes, 183-186
Animal Mentor, 183
Animus, 125, 130-134, 139, 166, 170-173
Antihero, 22-23, 26-28, 80, 200-203, 227
Anxiety, 34, 47, 53, 60, 69-74, 209-216, 225
Anxiety Dreams, 70, 73
Apotheosis, 153-154, 159-164, 224
Archetypes, xiv-xv, 113-141, 145, 152, 155, 165-174, 192, 219-229
Associations, 67, 113-114, 121, 129, 180
Atonement with the Father, 152, 159-164
Autonomy, 83-89, 105
Backstory, 92-96, 106-109, 119-120, 131
Ballgame Metaphor, 209
Belly of the Whale, 150, 159-164
Beyond Duality, 170-174
Birth of the Divine Child, 138, 170
Body Switching, 10-12
Gall to Adventure, 147-150, 159-164, 200, 203
Castration Anxiety, xii, 3, 8-9, 12-14
Catharsis, xi, 49, 62, 138, 155, 214-218
Child Hero, xvi, 180-187
Childhood Fantasies, 180, 185
Climactic Death, 157
Climax, 17, 21, 35, 38, 117, 155, 211, 224
Code of Honor, 52, 220, 221, 227, 229
Collective Unconscious, xiv, 113-114, 122, 129, 133-135, 139
Comeuppance, 17-18, 26-28, 221
Comic Dyad, 33-34, 44, 46, 98
Comic Relief, 22, 34, 44, 53-54, 59-65, 127, 130
Communication Breakdown, 98-99, 106-109
Compassionate Mediator, 99-100, 106, 109, 173
Compensation, 177-179, 185
Contrasting Duality, 117-118
Cowardly Characters, 22, 26
Creative Self-Consciousness, 211, 214-216
Creator Archetype, 224-225
Crisis of Conscience, 21, 26
Crisis of Intimacy, 97-98, 106-107
Crossing of the First Threshold, 150, 160, 163
Crossing of the Return Threshold, 156, 162-163
Daemonic, 213-218, 224
Dark Heroes, 118
Daydream Sequences, 71, 72
Death of the Innocent, 212, 218
Defenselessness, 9
Defensiveness, 48
Denial, xi, 50-51, 62-65
Denouement, 7, 71, 83, 141, 215-218
Departure, 146, 160, 164
Destructiveness, 35, 43
Disney, 122, 180-185
Displacement, 55-56, 62-65
Dramatic Pause, 30-31
Dreamwork, 67-108
Duality, 116-118, 123, 125, 131, 170-174, 190-198
Earth Goddess, 114, 121
Ego as Hero, 18
Ego Defense Mechanisms, 47-65
Electra Complex, 4, 12-13, 41, 44
Emergent Hero, 212, 216, 218
Epiphany, 34-35, 51, 67, 153-154, 211, 214-218, 224-225
Eros, 4, 8, 12, 14-15
Existential Conflict, 102-103, 209-218
Existential Despair, 103, 209, 219
Existential Reversal, 224
Expressionism, 70-75
External Goal, 192-196, 210-218, 224
External Obstacle, 5, 7, 34, 68, 160
Fallen Hero, 23-28
Falling Death, 18
False Mentor, 123, 129
Fantasizing, 71, 75
Fate, 97, 137, 140-141
Femme Fatale, 124, 130, 132
Finding One’s Self, 96
Forbidden Fruit, 6-7, 12-14
Foreclosure, 94, 106-109
Foreshadowing, 70, 195
Hieros Gamos, 138, 140-141, 152, 170
Intellectualization, 56, 62-65
Internal Conflict, xiii, 4-11, 19-34, 43-48, 64, 74, 82-85, 95, 119, 121, 199, 211-214
Intimacy, 41, 45, 53, 83, 96-109, 170
Isolated Genius, 222-229
Jokes, 42, 59-65
Knight in Shining Armor, 167, 171-172
Latent Content, 67
Leap of Faith, 80-82, 87-88, 152
Libido, 15, 19-29, 32-40, 47-55, 62, 64, 73, 84
Life Affirming Movies, 103-104, 107
Lone Crusader, 220, 227-228
Lone Hero, 58-59
Love as Fate, 137, 141
Love Interest, 5-6, 12-13, 87, 108, 119, 124-134, 138-141, 152, 161, 170, 192-196
Love Scenes, 138, 141
Lucky Coincidences, 135-136, 140
Mad Scientist, 222-229
Magic Flight, 155-164
Maiden in Distress, 9, 18, 123-132, 161, 167, 172, 214
Manifest Content, 67, 73
Marriage Saving, 182-183
Master of the Two Worlds, 156, 162-164
Meek Heroes, 117
Meeting with the Goddess, 151-152, 159-164
Mentors, 19-28, 52, 58, 62-65, 80-83, 89, 96, 101-109, 123, 129-141, 146-164, 183, 191-194, 202, 220, 226
Midlife Crisis, 100-102, 106
Mistrust, 80-82, 87-89, 97
Moratorium, 94-95, 106, 109
Mother Goddess, 114, 121-123, 129-134, 139, 151-152, 166, 170
Myth of Dependency, 166, 172
Myth of Female Inferiority, 166-167, 172
Myth of Oedipus, 3-8
Myth of Romantic Love, 166, 167, 172
Narcissism, 219-229
Nemeses, 189, 190, 194
Neurotic Conflict, xiii-xvi, 5, 12, 15-28, 33-34, 43, 47-48, 55, 73
Normative Conflict, xiv, 79-89
Oedipal Complex, xii, 3-15, 26, 36, 40, 43, 51, 84, 177
Oedipal Rivalry, 5, 12, 14, 177, 189
> Ogre Tyrant, 167, 171-172
Opposing Archetypes, 117
Oral Fixation, 29-33, 43, 45
Renegade Cop, 150, 220-221, 227-229
Repression, 48-50, 62-65
Rescue from Without, 155-156, 162-164
Return, 146-148, 154-164
Return to the Goddess, 158
Reuniting with the Parents, 182, 184
Revealing the Inferiority Complex, 178-179, 185
Revenge, 212-214
Reward, 42, 124, 138, 153-154, 158
Rivalry (see oedipal rivalry, romantic rivalry, and sibling rivalry)
Road of Trials, 151, 159, 161-166, 172-174
Role Model (see Mentor)
Role Reversal, 9-14, 182, 185-187
Romantic Rivalry, 192-196
Sacred Marriage (see Hieros Gamos)
Sacrifice, 23, 81-82, 155, 157, 162, 193, 202, 224-226
Secondary Mentor, 146, 149, 153, 157
Self-Consciousness, 210-217
Separation from the Feminine, 165-166, 172-174
Sex Scenes (see love scenes)
Sexual Demons, 69
Shadow, 116-139, 153, 156, 190, 225
Shadowy Pasts, 119
Shapeshifters, 127-132, 152
Sibling Rivalry, 177, 189-196
Smoking, 30-31, 43
Spectator Role (see Ballgame Metaphor)
Stagnating Mentor, 101-102, 107, 109
Star Power, 116
Straight Man, 33-34
Strong Women Can Say No, 168-174
Sub-Hero, 156-158
Sublimation, 52-53, 62-65, 85
Succubus, 69, 73-75
Superego, 19-28, 41, 43, 84
Superiority Complex, 177-180, 185-187, 197-203, 223
Supernatural Aid, 149, 153, 159-164
Supervillains, 179, 185-186
Superwoman Mystique, 168, 172
Surrealism, 71, 75
Suspension of Disbelief, 71-72, 75, 136, 183
Symbolic Death, 153, 156
Synchronicity (see Lucky Coincidences)
Teen Sex Movies, 42, 44
Teen Temptresses, 41, 46
Thanatos, 4, 8, 12, 14-15
Threshold Guardian, 150, 154, 160-161
Tragedy, 6-8, 23-24, 41, 60, 102, 135-137
Tragic Misunderstanding, 98-99, 106, 109
Tragic Past, 58, 65
Tragic Transformation, 119, 135
Transcendent Function, 133, 139
Trickster, 126-132
Trust, 72, 80-82, 87-89, 97, 105-106
Two-Headed Dragon, 166-167, 171
Typecasting, 115, 129
Ultimate Boon, 153-154, 161-164
Underdog, 85-89, 197-198
Urgent Yearning to Reconnect with the Feminine, 169, 173
Vampires, 15-16, 32, 128
Vengeance (see revenge)
Vigilante Heroes, 118
Virgin Heroes, 42-44, 46
Visualizing the Mentor, 19
Voiceover Narration, 92, 106-107
Weapons of Power, 149
Wild Woman Archetype, 169, 171
Willing Lamb, 225-226
Wise Old Man, 123, 129-134, 139, 146, 161, 166, 171-172
Wish Fulfillment, 67-75, 181, 185
Woman as the Temptress, 152, 159, 161-164
World of the Common Day, 146-147, 156, 160, 163
Wounded Hero, 136-137