Book Read Free

The Moore the Merrier

Page 15

by Alex Miska

  After several minutes of limited movement, Chance said, “Sweets. Fuuuuuck, Sweets. I need you harder. Faster.”

  “Let go of the toy,” Logan demanded, wishing he had an arm free to capture his lover’s hand in his. “Having it in is more than enough.”

  Chance didn’t argue. As soon as he released it, Logan was able to rear up onto his knees. He grabbed hold of his Chance’s hip and lengthened his strokes, the new angle managing to nail Chance’s prostate every single time. The toy inside Logan stroked his own gland with each motion and he stroked the tube over Chance’s cock in time with the ever-increasing pistoning of his hips. Their breath came in ragged gasps, Chance babbled barely-coherent words of love and lust, Logan swore and grunted and groaned, and the bed creaked and thumped.

  In less than a minute, Chance screamed, the cords of his neck standing out, his body jerking, his face frozen in pleasure, his channel pulsing around Logan’s cock. As soon as Logan launched into orbit, his own body tightened around the toy, which then pressed against his prostate. He released a bestial roar as every nerve ending exploded in exquisite, excruciating bliss. His vision didn’t go white; he saw every color of the rainbow in glittery brilliance.

  When Logan came back to himself, his forehead lay on Chance’s shoulder, while Chance kissed his neck and stroked his sweat-slick back. The FleshJack dug into their stomachs and with a monumental effort, Logan hauled himself up and reached between them to free it.

  Chance’s hand lightly cupped his cheek as he murmured, “Logan, I love you so much.”

  “I love you too,” Logan said and brought his lips to his future-husband’s to share a long, languorous kiss. “But you were right. We’ve gotten sooo boring. Sex in the bedroom? Ugh!”

  Chance snorted a laugh. “Is it just me, or are you also shocked that we managed to pull that off?”

  “Yeah… we’re going to have to find some way to brag about this. That had to have been at least a level 8 difficulty.” Logan chuckled, then gasped as the dildo inside him hit his prostate. He reached back and carefully removed it.

  The usual yowls and howls of the cats and Luna, angered by a closed door, was undercut by a terribly pitiful whine.

  “I think we freaked Roger out,” Chance said. “Let’s go get a bite to eat and show the furballs we haven’t killed each other.”

  Character Guide

  Luna loved the car! So much new, exciting stuff happened when she got into the car. And today Roger was with them! She’d never been in the car with Roger before!

  ‘Do you like the car? I like the car! Going places is awesome!’ the little dachshund-yorkie mix told her new friend. Roger was looking out the window and shivering; the greyhound seemed scared, not excited. If the car harness wasn’t so snug, Luna’d run over there and lick her.

  ‘I don’t know where we’re going and the boys aren’t with us,’ Roger whimpered. ‘What if they aren’t there? What if I lose them again? I don’t like this.’

  ‘They’ll be there! Or they’ll be there later. Or maybe they’ll come home later. Everyone always comes home! Don’t worry so much!’ Luna didn’t understand why she was so worried. Roger said she had to go months without seeing the boys, and she said months was a really, really, really long time. But her boys got her again. Everyone always comes back. Or you go somewhere to meet even better people. Luna vaguely remembered having a family when she was very young, but they were always angry when she tried to grab their stuff and make them play, and then Luna went to a cold place where everyone was barking. But then she met her Chance, and he was awesome, and things just kept getting awesomer after that. Roger was still anxious, so Luna added, ‘Chance says we’re going to Logan’s parents’ house! I always have fun there! You’ve been to their house, right? Right? It’s awesome and everyone is there and there’s food and people give us some of it, and everyone is there so the boys will be there. Chance! Chance! Will the boys be there, Chance? Will they? Roger wants to know if the boys will be there!’

  “Calm down, Looney,” he said. “We’ll be there soon, and you’ll see Grandma and Grandpa and Nana and Dani and Greg and Julian and Xander and Jackson and Dean and Kendall and Marcus. And there will be food, and there will be presents! In boxes! Ooooo! You love boxes!”

  Chance continued to tell them all about what they’d see, and Luna said, ‘See? The boys will be there! That’s their names! Jackson and Dean! They’ll be there! And there are BOXES!!!’

  ‘Alright. I’ll trust him for now. Chance is very nice to my boys and he never yells.’ Roger lay down across the back seat, and Luna finally could lick her face. She was big like Cassius so they could even snuggle and Roger stopped shivering so much.

  Soon they stopped and everybody got out and went into the house and Chance was right!

  ‘Hi! Hi hi hi! Hi! HI!!!!!’ Luna told everyone. ‘Chance put me down! I want to say hi!’

  Roger ran straight to the boys and leaned against them, crying. ‘Jackson! Dean! I found you! You need to stop going away like that! Do you know they took me in a car? You know what happens when I go in cars! It was horrible! But I found you now. I’m here. Mommy’s here. Give me a hug!’

  Cassius used to act like that with Julian. But then Julian started to live with him and he stopped crying so much, except when he came to Chance’s and had to talk to Mikey and Leo. Cass didn’t like Mikey and Leo, and Luna couldn’t understand why because they were awesome.

  “Are you ready to go?” Chance asked. And then a bunch of people left with him, but Cassius was there, and so were Grandma and Grandpa and Nana.

  ‘They left! I finally found them and THEY LEFT!’ Roger wailed and everyone reminded her that they said they’d be right back, but Roger didn’t believe them until it happened. Luna tried giving her a bow from under the tree, but it didn’t help. But then everyone came back and they had even more people! People from the place with all the boys! She showed them the bow and they told her how pretty it was, and then she stole a glove and Jackson chased her around and around and around the house and it was awesome!

  Then everyone sat down, and they got stockings! Luna loved stockings! The boys and girl got stockings too just like the dogs did, but their stockings weren’t full of fun stuff. Luna’s was full of fun stuff. ‘Go ahead, Roger! Stick your nose in and pull things out! It’s awesome! I’ll show you!’ Luna demonstrated and, when nobody yelled at her, Roger did it too. Julian had to pull out Cass’ gifts because he had a short muzzle but it was okay to have a short muzzle even if you had less fun. Luna couldn’t decide what to play with first! They got toys for fetching and toys for tugging and toys for cuddling and toys for squeaking and chewy rawhide, and it was awesome!

  Then people ate and Luna reminded Roger how to ask people for all the delicious food, but Roger didn’t fit under the table as well as Luna did and took a nap at the boys’ feet instead, barely waking up enough to accept the morsels from their hands. Roger loved to sleep even more than the cats did. Luna liked sleeping too, but she couldn’t understand how anyone could fall asleep when so much was going on!

  When all the people were done, they went to the tree and began opening boxes! Really! They opened boxes! There were big boxes and little boxes and all of them had paper. Luna even found a long piece and, as she ran, it streamed behind in her wind. Nobody chased her, but she loved running like that. Sometimes they let her stick her nose inside the boxes as they opened them and sometimes there was crinkly paper inside she could steal, but she stopped taking it because it got all melty in her mouth. The whole time, Cassius and Roger napped by their boys and girl and that was okay. Dean and Jackson and Marcus and Kendall smelled happy today, and that made Roger and Cassius happy, and when they were happy, Luna was even happier!

  When the people were done, they went and ate again, and Luna got to go around and sniff everyone’s things before she went to join them. Logan let her lick some frosting under the table, which was awesome, but she was getting tired, and e
ventually she went and curled up with Roger and Cassius under the table in a big puppy pile. Luna loved the cats but she also loved Roger and Cassius, and she loved sleeping in puppy piles. It was warm and familiar and smelled like dog and she was happy and they were happy and everyone was happy and it was the awesomest day ever!

  Character Guide

  Dean slowly became aware that wherever he was, it was very bright and Jackson was snoring next to him like a buzz saw. He knew it was silly and childish, but he always slept better when his twin was with him. They’d snuck into each other’s beds when they were little, but their dad had quickly put a stop to that. Now, even though they were teenagers, they were doing it pretty often, and everybody acted like it was normal.

  He slowly opened one eye and then the other, immediately seeing a poster of a sexy, sweaty athlete. They were in Logan’s old bedroom, and they had left the shades up… because it was Christmas! He couldn’t remember ever being this excited about any holiday before, but they had fallen down the rabbit hole into a life with the most perfect family ever in the history of families. Logan’s parents and Chance’s Nana had made a huge meal, and they’d baked cookies together (well, Dean watched, because he had a habit of jinxing any and all food preparation), and then they’d watched Christmas movies and roasted marshmallows in the fireplace. Before they went to bed, Nana even gave them Christmas-themed pajamas to wear.

  “Wake up! Wake up!” He shook Jackson, who just rolled onto his stomach and buried his head under a pillow. Dean drummed on his brother’s butt and sang tunelessly, “It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas! Wakeupwakeupwakeup Lazy-Pants!”

  “Go back to sleep,” Jackson moaned. “Nobody’s awake and nothing’s going to happen, because nobody’s going to be here until later.”

  “You don’t know that! Maybe they’re making breakfast! Maybe we can open our stockings!”

  “We’ll have to wait until everyone gets here to do that, too,” Jackson mumbled. There were seven very full stockings hanging above the fireplace. Two were for them, two were for Kendall and Marcus (it was so, so cool to include them), and the other three were for Luna, Roger, and Cassius.

  “It’s Christmas! COME ON!!!” Dean drummed on Jackson’s butt some more until he groaned and sat up.

  “You’re such a dork.”

  “I know. But you’re excited too.”

  “I am,” Jackson admitted with a grin. “This doesn’t feel real.”

  “That doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” Dean always pushed Jackson to be more optimistic and enjoy the little things. “I wonder if Chance said ‘Yes’ to Logan last night…”

  Of course Chance was going to marry Logan, the question was only whether he’d said ‘Yes’ right away or if he’d been a weenie and said he had to think about it. A couple of days ago, Logan had gathered them, Dani, and Nana and formally asked for their blessing. Dean was pretty sure Logan also needed reassurance, but they were all thrilled and told him it was a spectacular idea and sent him off to do his thing. When Jackson had badgered him (Dean’s twin was a closet romantic), Logan blushed beet red and admitted he and his brothers had choreographed some kind of dance routine. It was weird but sweet, just like Logan.

  “I smell coffee and bacon!” Jackson said, perking up, and the brothers rushed to wash up and get downstairs. Nana was waiting for them with bacon and sausage and eggs and French toast. It was their first time being alone, just the three of them, and they wound up telling her all about Gigi, and she told them all about what Chance was like when he was younger. Grandpa bustled down less than an hour later and insisted that it wasn’t Christmas without gingerbread-man pancakes.

  Before long, the Moore brothers and their spouses or spouses-to-be arrived with the dogs, and everyone congratulated Logan and Chance on their engagement. And then a guard squad was assembled to pick up Marcus and Kendall. They had planned all kinds of tricks. Jackson wore a bright red hat and made sure he was seen. When they came back out, Kendall wore Xander’s giant sunglasses, and she’d traded hats and coats with Jackson, and everyone made sure she was surrounded on all sides.

  Once Kendall was safely inside Julian’s giant SUV and they were on the road, Julian said, “You cut your hair!” She cringed until he added, “It suits you.” Marcus took credit for the new hairdo, and all the men made styling suggestions. She preened and blushed at all the compliments, something she never might have done a few months ago, but Dean was more amused by watching his twin stare at her dreamily. Jackson wouldn’t admit to having a crush, but the signs were all there. They were a little worried about how the family would interact with her, but they shouldn’t have been. The first thing Grandma and Nana did was hug Marcus, and then hug him again and tell Kendall that those hugs were for her. When everyone sat around in the living room, Kendall stayed in the corner, flanked by Cassius in his festive Santa hat and Roger, in her reindeer snood. Luna ran from person to person, adorable in her elf hat. Dean was a little surprised that, in all the mayhem, he could still feel the absence of Trip, Amelia, and Quinn, who were celebrating with their own relatives.

  They had a very early dinner (or late lunch), which consisted of more food than they could fit on the two tables. The food was all delicious, and the looks of pure happiness on Kendall’s and Marcus’ faces at being part of this gathering were almost too painful to bear. Their friends deserved this kind of happiness too. When they retired to the living room to make room for dessert and began exchanging gifts, the teens were speechless as they were handed present after present. They all received clothing. Marcus and Kendall also got prepaid cell phones and Kindle Fire tablets from Chance and Logan and something extra special from Julian and Xander: an enormous cosmetics kit for Marcus and a set of colored pencils, charcoals, watercolors, and heavy art paper for Kendall. The twins had gotten them books to complement Julian’s and Xander’s gifts, and a list of suggestions for apps for their tablets. Dean and his brother were similarly overwhelmed by electronics, videogames, Jiu Jitsu lessons… as if this family hadn’t already given them the world. Meanwhile, the twins had gotten Chance and Logan a big cozy fleece blanket for snuggling together, a digital frame (so Logan didn’t have to hang hundreds of pictures on the walls again), an easy-bake oven for Chance, and a Darth Vader apron for Logan. The adults all participated in a grab bag exchange of silly little geeky gifts.

  By the time they were done opening all their gifts, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and Kendall had pulled her hood up. Julian crossed to her. “Hey, there. I’m sorry. I know you don’t like being the center of attention.”

  Then she did the one thing nobody expected. She gave Julian a hug and whispered into his chest, “Everyone’s so nice to us. And we didn’t get you anything.”

  “You already gave us all a huge present. You looked after the twins, you made sure they finally told us who their brother is, and then you were willing to take a risk and come all the way here. That’s priceless.” Julian pulled Marcus in for a half-hug too, but Marcus wriggled out of his grasp to throw his arms around Xander, who had been looking a little forlorn at being left out of the group hug.

  A stomach rumbled next to Dean. “Really, Jackson? You’re hungry again?”

  “Some people have to ring a dinner bell, we just wait for Jackson’s tummy,” Chance said with a laugh. “Come on, let’s get dessert on the table. The rolls are probably done baking, too.”

  Dean lit up at that. Pastries were okay, but they couldn’t hold a candle to the pleasure of eating Logan’s fresh, crusty bread. Just as they were sitting at the table, Julian pulled his phone out of his pocket, burst into tears, and ran from the room. Xander, naturally, followed. Marcus, being Marcus, gave them a head start before sneaking out to listen from the bottom of the stairs. Dean, Jackson, and Kendall didn’t hesitate to join him.

  “I can’t do this! I just… can’t… do this!” Julian wailed.

  “Breeeeathe, Brat. Breeeeathe. What happened?”

th- the orchids are all wrong!” It didn’t sound like Julian was breathing.

  “Then we’ll get different orchids. Or another flower.”

  “Another flower?! Then we’d have to completely redo the centerpieces, and maybe it would be the wrong color for the table linens and… and you’re still making us write vows, and I just can’t do this, Iceman. I can’t marry you.”

  “Holy fucking shit!” Marcus whispered, his eyes wide.

  “Ever?” Xander asked. “Are you breaking up with me or just telling me this particular event needs to be canceled? Because no matter how we do it, I can’t imagine my life without you in it. We can hire someone and plan it a year from now. We can elope. We can go on an international cruise and get married by the captain. We can get married online, sitting around in our underwear.”

  “I don’t think that’s really a thing,” Julian said, sniffling. “I think when people get married in, like, World of Warcraft they still have to go to the courthouse to make it official. And no, of course I’m not breaking up with you. There’s just too much to do, and we don’t have enough time.”

  “There’s nothing left for us to plan. We just go for our final fittings, and then it’s a matter of picking things up and setting everything up in that ballroom you chose without me-”

  “I said I was sorry. It was on your list of approved locations, and they were about to give it away.”

  “I wanted to be there when you saw it.” Dean could practically hear the pout in Xander’s voice. “So… is this all too much? Do you want to call it off?”

  “Of course I don’t want to call it off! I love you, the timing couldn’t be more perfect, it’s just-”


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