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Love Thy Neighbor (Friend-Zoned #2)

Page 3

by Belle Aurora


  I don’t know why I felt the need to explain to her that Tasha and I were only screwing. I don’t do relationships. They require people to eventually move in together and sleep in the same bed together. And I can’t do that.

  I have extreme nightmares. Well, technically, they’re memories.

  Memories of my father, mother, my childhood, pain and hurt. Everything that came with growing up in my house.

  Ever since I lived with Nik and Max’s family, I knew something was wrong. They looked at me with pity for days when I got there. I never woke in my nightmares. Only one night when Nik’s mother, Cecilia, tried to hold me during a fitful sleep and I attacked her, did I ever find out about what I was capable of during my sleep. I punched Cecilia in the face. I was so worried Nik’s dad would kick me out, I actually cried. I couldn’t go back home. But Nik’s dad, Ilia, was more of a father to me than my own. He was a kind man, but if you crossed him, you got yours.

  I planned on killing my father. Ilia told me if I was serious about that, he would do it for me. Ilia was part of a Russian gang called Chaos. He claimed me as his own, so when Nik was recruited after Ilia died, Max and I joined with him. I felt I owed it to him.

  I never knew what having a family was like until Nik befriended me. I’d never even had a friend before. He had my back before he even knew me. In high school, I got picked on for having ripped or dirty clothes. Nik approached me one day while I was getting picked on and asked if I needed a hand. He’ll never know what that gesture meant to me. I sorta tagged along with him after that and I was surprised he let me. Everyone wanted to be Nik’s friend in high school, but he was selective. After I met his father, I knew why. Nik only befriended people he could be real with.

  Then Ilia suggested I sleep at their house whenever I felt unsafe at home. Which was always. So, I basically came over one day and never left. I even had my very own room. Cecilia, who I call Mama, went out the next day and bought me an entire closet full of clothes and three pairs of shoes.

  I didn’t even know people could own three pairs of shoes. I had one pair and they were falling apart.

  Ever since that day, Nik started introducing me as his brother. And I really do consider Nik and Max my brothers.

  One day in gym class, Nik happened to see my scars and bruises. He asked me about them but I took off. I didn’t come home for a week. When I finally returned, Mama cried with relief. I’d never had someone be worried about me. She told me I was grounded and to never scare her like that again.

  I smile at the memory. I took my punishment without a word. Mama’s tears of love were worth a week of chores.

  Mama likes Nat. She told me to get off my ass and ask her out.


  Quite frankly, I’d rather have fire ants nibble at my balls.

  So the shrew is my new neighbor.

  Kiss my grits.

  I smirk.

  At least the view will be nice.

  Chapter Two

  Befriended by a Ghost

  I make it to work just after nine.

  Being kept up most of last night didn’t help me any. I heard my alarm, but my body acted of its own accord and pressed snooze.

  Four times.

  I dragged my ass out of bed and don’t even remember showering. Somehow, in my comatose state, I managed to put together a half decent outfit and drive myself to work. I walk through the door and Mimi looks up from the counter. Her eyes widen and she declares, “Wow. You look like shit.”

  I flip her the bird and she chuckles. I walk into the studio and yell out, “Gather.”

  Tina and Lola approach Mimi and I at the counter looking a little wary.

  Oh, chicas. You have no idea.

  Tina says softly, “Oh, honey. You look ill. Are you okay?”

  I reply, “No. Not okay. Not in the slightest.”

  Lola looks concerned, puts a hand on my shoulder and asks, “What is it, Nat?”

  My mouth waters when I spot Tina’s chocolate peanut butter cupcakes behind the counter. I grab one, unwrap it and shove the whole thing in my mouth. I close my eyes in bliss and moan.

  My mouth is full so my response is a little garbled. “I had a run in with my neighbor last night.”

  Mimi smirks. “Already getting into trouble? Babe, you gotta wait at least a week for that.”

  Tina enquires, “What kind of run in?”

  Lola’s eyes widen and she whispers loudly, “Oh, no.” Then she guesses, “Loud sex?”

  I swallow my cake, fire imaginary guns at Lola and utter, “Bingo!”

  Tina sympathizes, “Oh, sweetie. You love sleep! That sucks!”

  I scoff and run my hands down my face. “You have no idea, guys. Three freakin’ times. I was up til three am before I decided to go over there. So this pretty little woman answers the door and she looks nice enough. Just as she’s about to apologize, her man comes along.”

  Lola grimaces. “Asshole. He’s an asshole, right?”

  I lower my face and chuckle through my reply, “You don’t know how right you are. Only we know this asshole.”

  Mimi’s face scrunches in confusion as she asks, “Who?”

  “Yeah, who?” Tina asks.

  I take a step back, put my hands out by my sides and clear my throat. “My new neighbor is Ghost.”

  All three women gasp loudly and Lola covers her mouth with her hands. I nod slowly.

  Oh, yeah. That just happened, ladies.

  Tina sputters, “Wha- I- He- How?”

  Mimi can’t control herself, she bursts out laughing. Lola’s lips twitch. I narrow my eyes at them and wonder why I’m friends with these girls.

  Tina and Nik found out about Ghost and I by accidently hearing us in the conference room the night we did it. I told Mimi and Lola one day at work when they questioned why Ghost and I never talk anymore. I don’t like secrets. I prefer to be honest with people. Sometimes, I’ve been told, I can be brutally honest. But I can’t change who I am.

  Lola straightens and says softly, “That sucks, babe.”

  Mimi chuckles. “Yeah. That sucks ass. Sorry.”

  I scowl at Mimi. “You don’t sound sorry, hag.” She laughs harder and I fight not to smirk. Mimi treats me like my sisters do. That’s awesome because I miss them, and Mimi makes me feel at home.

  Tina wraps me up in a hug and whispers, “Oh, honey. I’m sorry. That must be hard for you.”

  I lie. “No. It isn’t. It would just be really great if I never saw him. Avoiding him is best.”

  Mimi’s face becomes serious and she asks quietly, “Why do you need to avoid him if you’re okay with it?”

  The girls stare at me for a good thirty seconds before I respond quietly, “He told her I was no one.”

  Mimi frowns, Lola gasps and Tina shakes her head slowly.

  I continue on a whisper, “It hurt. Really badly. And I may have cried.”

  Tina lifts her face and blinks. “But you never cry.”

  I reply an exasperated, “I know, right?! I’m blaming it on the sleep deprivation.”

  Mimi responds softly, “Or maybe you really do care.” Lola nods in agreement.

  I sigh and run a hand through my hair. “I don’t want to care! God, why does this always happen? Ghost needs someone like Tina. Someone who is caring and sweet and delicate. And I need someone like- like- I don’t even know who!”

  Frustration eats at me.

  “Why not go out on a date with someone? Get your mind off him?” Lola suggests.

  My brows lift. That is not a bad suggestion.

  Do it.

  I put one fisted hand under my chin and pose.

  The Thinker.

  Tina giggles. “Not every problem is resolved with a date.”

  Mimi adds, “But it can’t hurt either.”

  Both good points.

  I respond, “It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date. I think that’s a great idea.” I smile and ask “What would I do without you guy
s? Group hug!” They smile and move closer to me. I wrap them up and squeeze them tight.

  I love my girls.


  Saturday night approaches and I’m pumped.

  I can’t wait to get to the club and find myself a man!

  Tina used to host the festivities before we went out which would consist of all us girls getting ready and yakking about anything and everything. But now she has Tatiana, and she can’t do it anymore. So I offered up my place.

  Ghost won’t be there. I know he starts work at the club around seven.

  I check my watch. It’s close to nine.


  Mimi and Lola turn up minutes after I check my watch and we commence getting ready. We’ll meet Tina there.

  We take turns using the bathroom mirror. I decide to save time and do Mimi’s makeup so we can get out of here earlier. Mimi fixes Lola’s hair and I begin to ready myself by letting my hair down and ruffling it.

  Mimi dresses in a black tube mini dress with black heels. Her blonde hair is straight and her eye makeup is dark and smudged. She looks hot.

  Lola dresses in skinny black low-rider jeans, a white tank and strappy sandals. Her long brown hair is half up and her makeup is minimal. But she still looks amazing. Now that she and Trick are a sort-of item, she doesn’t dress for anyone but him anymore. I’ll admit it. It’s kinda sweet.

  I wear a bright canary yellow dress. It comes a little above my knees, has long sleeves and is tight. It hugs my curves. You would think I’d look like a clown wearing a yellow dress with bright red hair but, somehow, it works. I can’t wear underwear under this dress, it shows the lines. So I decide, for one night, to go without.

  I feel bare. And icky.

  I finish my look with light yellow strappy pumps. My makeup is done using a little eyeliner, a lot of mascara and pale pink lipstick. My hair falls in waves down my back.

  I love this dress.

  When Tina went on her scouting trip earlier this year, she sent me a picture of this dress and I knew immediately I had to have it. I begged and pleaded with her to get it. Then I demanded, I mean asked, she ordered ten, and within two weeks on the racks, they were sold.

  When we’re ready to go, we hop in the cab I called for and we’re off.

  Toot toot!

  I can’t wait! I’m on the prowl tonight!

  I guess subconsciously I am peacocking with my outfit. I mentally pray that I don’t look like an abstract Picasso.

  The cab pulls up to The White Rabbit and we whoop as we exit. B-Rock, the huge African American bald doorman, chuckles and shakes his head when he sees us. We approach and he says, “I thought I recognized that craziness. Damn, you girls are looking good tonight. Give B-Rock some love.”

  I smile big. We do this every weekend. B-Rock likes to act up a little and we love him so much that we play along. He looks like a bear, but he’s a total kitten. And he’s adorable.

  We all take turns kissing his cheek and head on into the club. We’re VIPs at The White Rabbit. We never pay for a thing and have the largest booth in the VIP section.

  This is the only place aside from my apartment that I can let go and unwind after a rough week.

  The White Rabbit is, by far, the most awesome club I’ve ever been to. The theme is Alice in Wonderland.

  How cool is that?

  The waitresses all wear short Alice costume dresses with thigh high white stocking and white pumps. They rock long white blonde wigs and dramatic pale makeup. The whole club has a whimsical feel to it. But apart from that, it’s a regular club with drinks and good music. There are two floors, upstairs is VIP and downstairs is the regular club area. Downstairs is set in the shape of the letter U. Booths and tables line the outer area, the bar is the entire back of the room and the dance floor is lowered slightly. VIP consists of different shaped booths which are soft leather and crazy comfortable.

  The line for entry is always down the street and the dance floor is always packed.

  I guess you could say Nik does well for himself.

  We hold hands and make our way up the stairs to the VIP section. The regular Asian Alice greets us. “Hi ladies, come on through.” We decline her offer to show us to our booth. We’ve been coming here for over a year. We know where to go.

  Most of the staff know us by name. Every time I’m here I feel like a celebrity.

  It’s awesome!

  We approach our booth, which seats ten, and I spot Nik and Tina. Tina sits on Nik’s lap and they talk with their faces close together. Smiling like idiots. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. The truth is I’m so happy for them.

  I plonk down next to them with a huge smile and feign annoyance, “God, can’t you guys get a room?”

  Tina smiles, leans forward and kisses my cheek. Nik kisses my other cheek.

  We’re a Nat sandwich.

  Nik replies with a smile, “If you knew how little quality time I get with my wife now that Tats is around, you wouldn’t even go there, sister.”

  Tina responds, “Sad but true, honey.” She smiles. “She’s so worth it though.”

  I smile and tell them, “Oh, yeah. If she’s anything like her favorite Teta Nat, she’s going to be awesome.” We all laugh.

  I feel the seat depress, an arm goes around my shoulders, and I’m pulled into a hard body. I grin. Lips touch my ear. “Remind me why we never hooked up?”

  I chuckle then straighten before turning to Max and play-think. I scrunch my face, tilt my head and look up. I reply, “Because we’re friends?”

  Max smirks and says a resigned, “Oh, yeah.”

  I can’t help but chuckle. Max and I flirt all the time. We both know we’ll never be more than friends but it’s fun and he’s gorgeous. Max and Nik look alike. Nik is built a little bigger than Max though, but they both have an olive skin tone, dark hair, muscular bodies, amber-colored eyes and big white smiles with a single dimple. Trick also looks like them, being cousins and all, but he’s a little shorter and has hazel eyes.

  Ridiculously hot. All of them.

  Trick arrives at the booth and Lola pounces on him. He chuckles and whispers something into her ear. She takes his hand and they walk away. I smirk. One guess what they’ll be doing in half a minute.

  I hate my stupid ass for looking out for Ghost. And just when I give up, I spot him at the VIP bar with a dark-haired pretty woman.

  My chest aches. I absently rub at it.

  I stand and tell the others I’m going to the downstairs bar. Mimi and Tina smile knowingly.

  Oh, yeah, babies. On the prowl.

  As I walk away, my heel catches and I stumble. I’m falling.

  Oh, crap!

  Arms close around my waist and hold me firmly. The person helps me steady myself and asks, “Are you alright?”

  I brush the hair from out of my face, look up and almost choke on my tongue. In front of me stands a man. A tall, built, very good-looking man. He has blue eyes and black hair.

  I stammer, “Ahhh- I- Ye- Uh huh.” He smiles.

  Oh, wow.

  What a smile it is. It’s wide and showcases his perfect white teeth. I like a man with great teeth. His eyes crinkle in the corners. The smile transforms his face. He’s gorgeous.

  I can’t believe it but I’m blushing.

  He chuckles, lets go of me, then offers his hand. “I’m Cole.”


  I’m suddenly a little shy. I put my hand in his and respond quietly, “I’m Nat.” I avoid his eyes.

  Still holding my hand, he lowers his smiling face to look into mine and asks, “Would you like to get a drink with me, Nat?”

  I bite my lip to stop my smile. He looks at my bottom lip and stops smiling. I quickly release my lip and reply softly, “Yes. I’d love that.”

  A smile forms on his face as he pulls me closer and holds my hand as we walk down the stairs together.

  That sure didn’t take long!


  “So, you work at the cloth
ing store across the street, you’re twenty-eight, you’re of a Croatian background and you’re very single?”

  Sipping on my cosmopolitan, I nod my head. “Yep. That’s me in a nutshell.”

  Cole smiles. “Well, me in a nutshell would be pretty short too. I’m thirty-two, all American. I live downtown. I’m a personal trainer and I’m also very single.”


  Just what I need.

  I smile and lift my drink. “To being very single.” He smiles and touches his drink to mine. We sip and I feel a hand on my arm.

  Still smiling, I look up to see Ghost looking blankly at me. “I need to talk to you.”

  I stare at him in disbelief for a moment before I hiss, “Now? Right now?”

  I look back at Cole and I’m not sure what happened to the guy I was sitting with a minute ago. Gone is the friendly smile and in its place is a glower. His brows have dropped; he looks terrifying. His grip on his glass is so tight I’m afraid he’ll break it. Cole’s voice is dead calm as he asks, “Is there a problem here?”

  Before Ghost has a chance to answer, I respond, “No. Ash is my neighbor. He probably just got some of my mail again?” I look at Ghost with pleading eyes. “Right, Ash?”

  Ghost’s face has softened slightly and he looks me in the eye when he replies, “Yeah. Sure.” He doesn’t sound convincing so I act up a bit. I put my hand on his arm and smile. “I’ll come by tomorrow and get it. Say hi to Tasha for me.”

  As soon as I mention Tasha, Ghost’s eyes turn hard and he replies quietly, “Yeah, whatever.”

  I watch as he walks away.

  What did he need to talk to me about?

  Cole breaks my thoughts. “So, he’s your neighbor?”

  Looking up, I see he’s clearly confused. He toys with his drink and looks absently through his glass.

  I smile and exaggerate my reply. “Oh yeah! We’ve known each other a while now. In fact, just the other night I had to go over there to tell him and his lady friend to keep the noise down. If you get what I mean?” I wink and smile.

  Understanding dawns on his face. He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “Oh, I thought he was coming on to you. I didn’t like that. I mean, I was sitting right here.” He looks sheepish.


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