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Love Thy Neighbor (Friend-Zoned #2)

Page 27

by Belle Aurora

  Dad nods and concedes, “Okay. Is good. I am happy man if my daughter is happy.”

  Barking out a choked laugh, I raise both my arms, fisting my hands and yell out, “Best weekend ever!”


  Unlocking the door to my apartment, I gasp when I step inside.

  You forgot about the flowers, huh?

  Oh, I totally did.

  Ash wraps his arms around my waist and chuckles, “Oh shit. I forgot about those. Don’t worry. I’ll call someone to clean it all up. Let’s go back to my place.” He lowers his face to my neck, kissing me. “All we need is a bed anyways.”

  Reaching into my purse, I take out my phone and start to take photos of my house. He asks in confusion, “What are you doing, girl?”

  Not stopping my photo taking, I mutter, “No one’s gonna believe this unless I take photos.”

  Ash walks over to the counter and picks up the parcel I’d forgotten about. “She didn’t even open it,” he mutters to himself.

  Walking up behind him, I explain, “I didn’t have time to open it, what with the flowers and me getting ready for work, and you proposing and swooping me off to Vegas, babe.”

  Turning, he smiles, “Open it.”

  Stepping back from him, I ask suspiciously, “What is it?”

  Smiling, he says, “One of the reasons I thought you said yes to marrying me…” He eyes the package. “…but here this is. Unopened.” He cups my cheek and runs his thumb over it gently. He says softly, “You really love me, don’t you, pretty girl?”

  Holding a hand over his on my cheek, I whisper, “More than life.”

  He smiles a moment before handing me the parcel. With narrowed eyes, I unwrap it and take out the thin black folder. I open it up and read.

  Dear Natalie Kovac,

  Thank you so much for your anonymous donation to Stop! (Women Against Domestic Violence) in the amount of $250,000.

  We are thrilled by your generosity, and I must admit I even shed a few tears when I saw the amount.

  I’m not sure whether you yourself have been a victim of domestic violence, but I must tell you, it can be crippling.

  I have seen women come through our doors, women who are only a shell of who they used to be. Your money will be invested in many areas. Most of it will go to new housing, self-defense classes, the hiring of therapists and toward the running of our twenty-four-hour safe house.

  You will never know just how much your donation means to us here at Stop!

  I know the donation was anonymous and perhaps I’ve overstepped boundaries by writing. If I have, please forgive me.

  You are an exceptional person and we are in your debt.

  Kindest regards,

  Barbara Helsen

  Founder of Stop! and domestic abuse survivor

  My vision blurs and I dip my head to stop him from seeing how much this is affecting me.

  Ash wraps his arms around me and moves me toward the front door. “C’mon, girl. Let’s get some sleep. It’s been a long week,” he says quietly.

  My husband, as always, is right.

  I nod and sniffle. Breathing deeply, I straighten and march on.

  God, it’s good to be home.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Just married

  For the first time in the history of mankind, Ash and I travel to work together this morning.

  And it is weird.

  He makes us take his car because it’s ‘his baby’ and I don’t even mind. He narrows his eyes at me like he’s expecting an argument, but I figure we’ll have plenty of years ahead for me to get my way. If he wants this one little unimportant thing, I’m cool with that.

  Last night, we spoke about just how we’re going to break it to everyone, and Ash said the best way to do that was to call a family meeting at Nik and Tina’s which I agreed on too.

  Oh my God, what’s happening to you?

  I have no idea. He takes the fight right out of me. Now that we’re married, I’m looking at us as a united front. Unless we stand together and agree to disagree, we’re going to have problems.

  My dad always told me to pick my battles and that’s what I’m doing.

  Ash texted Nik last night, calling a meeting for tonight with everyone there, so for one more day, we have to act like we don’t like each other. Well, we don’t have to, but for the sake of keeping up appearances and surprising the hell out of everyone, that’s what we did.

  Nik sent Ash to Safira’s today to bring Tina some lunch, and while he was there my stomach was going crazy. I had to turn away from my husband and lean into the counter for support.

  Nerves are the worst.

  When Tina walked into the store room to get something for Ash to take back to Nik, he pressed up against my back and whispered, “No one does curves like you do, baby. And I am not a compliment giving type of guy but, fuck me, you rock that shit.”

  And I almost passed out from the sexual tension fogging the air.

  Luckily, the store was deserted. Gripping the counter, I hissed, “Get away from me, ass!”

  He nipped my earlobe and drawled quietly, “Softest curves ever, baby. It’s lunch time…” His hand slid from my waist, across my thigh until his palm rested softly against my mound. He whispered, “…and I’m hungry.”

  My legs turned to jelly and I flushed crimson.

  My man is hot.

  No, he’s a blazing inferno.

  I whispered, “Do we have time for a quickie after work?”

  His breath warmed my neck as he chuckled, “We’ll make time, pretty girl.”

  Hearing the door to the store room open, I bumped him back using my booty and said loudly, “God, you’re an ass!”

  Tina came toward us wearing a sad pout, saying, “Guys, stop that. Can’t we all just get along?”

  Fake glaring at him, I teased softly, “Yeah, Ghost, do you think we’ll ever get along?”

  Looking at me through hooded eyes that searched my body, he said cryptically, “Only time will tell, girl.” Then he turned and left. And I was finally able to breathe again.

  Tina went behind the counter to shuffle some papers around and without looking at me, uttered, “Now, I know you’re going to tell me I’m crazy or some crud like that, but I really think Ghost likes you, Nat.” It took everything I had in me to stop my hysterical laughter from escaping.

  Biting my lip, I muttered, “I don’t know, T. But he is hot as hell.”

  Hours pass and Ash and I just had some super happy fun time in The White Rabbit’s parking lot and he mussed me up good. There’s not much room in the car but we managed.

  Turns out I know yoga.

  Or something like that, because I’ve never been bendy before, but put me in a car with my husband and I’ll go to extreme lengths to please him.

  Now we’re on our way to Nik and Tina’s house. Knowing everyone will be there is freaking me out. I don’t want anyone to think we’ve been dishonest or deceiving…even though we have.

  The closer we get to the house, the more my stomach aches and my hands shake. Suddenly petrified, I blurt out, “I’m scared!”

  Ash nods his head without turning to face me. “Well…Stop it.”

  My glare is so strong that at any moment I’m expecting a laser beam to pop out of my eyes and burn him. I yell in disbelief, “You can’t just order me to stop being scared, shithead!”

  He smirks. “There. Now you’re angry.” Turning to face me, he bites the tip of his tongue cheekily a moment before saying, “Not scared anymore. I win.” And I want to smack him.

  Groaning, I run my hands down my face and pretend to sob. Asher chuckles and rubs my shoulder, then he pats the very top of my head with a stiff palm and says robotically, “There, there. There, there.”

  I fling his hand off me and he bursts into laughter. I know what he’s doing. He likes it when I get angry. He says it makes me horny. We’ll see about that. Stupid Ash.

  I thought I knew who Asher Collins was, but in t
he past few days, I’ve learnt more about him and I have to say, I love this Asher even more than the last. The old Asher was a mean and somewhat scary man, stuck in an age of nightmares. My Asher…he’s sweet, funny, goofy and hotter than hell. But most importantly, he’s free. Free from his past and looking toward the future. Our future. I’d like to take credit but I can’t. Maybe I helped, but he did most of it on his own. And I’m proud of him.

  My thoughts bubble out of my mouth. I tell him, “I’m so proud of you, Ash. I couldn’t be prouder to show everyone that you’re my husband.”

  Watching him drive, his brow furrows. He doesn’t respond, just takes my hand in his and links our fingers. He doesn’t need to say a thing.

  I get him.

  I love him.

  When we pull up to Nik and Tina’s, we somehow get the parking spot right out front. Making a funny, I whoop then say, “Oh my God! You just won at life, baby!”

  Brow still furrowed, he utters, “Never really been a winner before.”

  That makes me sad.

  Unsure if anyone is watching us, I keep my eyes forward and say confidently, “All that’s changing, babe. You’ll see.” Sliding my hand over to his thigh, I whisper on a squeeze, “I love you. You’re a winner to me. You always will be. So suck it up. Let’s get in there and show everyone how happy we are.”

  His hand covers mine and he squeezes it, saying confidently, “Let’s do it, babe.”

  We exit the car barely looking at each other. I approach the front door and enter without knocking, I yell out, “Hey, hey!”

  Ceecee spots me down the hall. Wearing a brilliant crooked smile, she wheels herself over to me really damn fast. I chuckle at her enthusiasm and lower myself to my knees to hug the crap out of her. Brushing her auburn hair out of her face, I say, “My God, sweetie. Every time I see you, you’re more and more beautiful.” And I’m being honest too. She’s so pretty. Max is going to have a hard time when she’s older. He’ll have to beat ‘em off with a stick. Scowling at her playfully, I utter, “Stop stealing all the beauty! We old people need it too!”

  Covering her mouth with her palm, she giggles. “You’re so silly, Nat.”

  Standing back up, I moan tiredly, “I know. I know.”

  I follow her into the open lounge slash dining room slash kitchen and see everyone sitting out on the porch. I tell Ceecee, “You mind telling everyone we’re here, honey?”

  With another sweet smile, she speeds off towards the backyard. I feel Asher press in behind me and mutter, “Ready?”

  Without looking back at him, I nod and walk toward the sliding door. I take a deep breath to steady myself and slide the door open. Everyone looks over at us. I walk out and say, “Hey guys.”

  A smiling Max stands first and wraps me up in a flirtatious and very touchy hug. Knowing Ash is probably scowling behind me, I chuckle in embarrassment. When Max’s hand reaches my ass and squeezes, my laughter can no longer be contained. It bursts out of me and I wrap my arms around Max’s neck tightly, knowing this hug will be the last of its kind. Pulling back from Max a little, I peck a kiss to his mouth and tell him, “You know I love you, right?”

  Max gifts me a stunning smile. His amber eyes sparkle and he says, “Uh, hell yeah I do. I love you too, boo.”

  Letting go of him, I move around the table, hugging and kissing everyone in greeting, even though I just saw Tina not an hour ago, but I love them all so much right now that I need contact with them all. When I reach Nik, his eyes narrow at me suspiciously. Suddenly panicked, I lean down and kiss him full on the mouth. I pull back from him and say a little too loudly, “I love you too, Nik.”

  Nik smiles so hard it looks like his dimple might slit his cheek open.

  What the fuck are you doing?

  I have no idea, brain. Just roll with it.

  Realizing I missed out on Trick, I walk over to him and his eyes widen. I grab his cheeks, pull him forward and smack a kiss on his mouth too. I announce a little dramatically, “I love you all. A lot.”

  I turn to Ash and we have a silent conversation.

  His eyes narrow. What the fuck are you doing?

  My eyes widen and I play with my wedding ring. Oh god, I’m so bad at this shit.

  He slightly nods to his side. Get over here, girl.

  Sitting in the vacant seat by Nik, I shake my head discreetly. You are on your own, buddy.

  Ash dips his chin and places both hands on his hips. I know he’s this close from going all caveman on me, but he somehow pulls it together. He looks around the table and says, “I bet you’re wondering why I’ve gathered you all here today.”

  Lola looks up at Ash and chuckles, “That was a kickass line, Ghost.”

  Mimi laughs and looks to Lola, “I know! It was all mega cool villain-like.”

  Tina giggles and whispers, “Sorry, Ghost, but it totally was.”

  They all look around that table smiling like a bunch of fools and I’m so nervous that I blurt out, “Please, go on, Dr. Evil.”

  The whole table erupts into laughter. I look up and even Ash is losing his fight to be sincere. We all laugh til we cry and I’m so glad tonight is going this way. I prefer laughter than tears any night of the week. When it’s clear we aren’t going to get over our giggles, Ash announces loudly, “I got married two days ago.”

  And the conversation all comes to a screeching halt.

  No one says a word for a good minute. I’m pretty sure I hear crickets chirping in the background too.

  Ash explains, “The girl I was telling you all about, the one I was dating, I realized I love her too and didn’t want to be without her, so I proposed and we got married the same day.”

  I look around the table to find almost everyone’s gaping at Ash. Only Mimi and Nik look at me and gape. Tina exclaims, “Ghost, honey! That’s great! Who is she?”

  Ash shifts from foot to foot, and I smile at his sudden nervousness. He clears his throat and confesses, “Well, she’s here…right now.”

  Lola looks a little glum when she says quietly, “Okay. Bring her in so we can meet the lucky lady.”

  Trick booms, “Holy shit!” He looks around the table in shock and shouts again, “Holy shit!”

  Ash looks over to me, his expression pleading. I breathe deep and stand up, moving to my husband. When I reach his side, I say quietly, “Hey guys.”

  Tina, Lola, Trick and Max all look at me wearing blank expressions. They don’t get it.

  Mimi and Nik smile big. They get it.

  Unsure of where to go from here, I take hold of Ash’s hand, linking our fingers. I look up to my husband with a tender smile which he returns, and standing on my tiptoes, I gently kiss his mouth. He wraps his arms around me and I run my hands up his back.

  Through our kiss, I hear Tina and Lola gasp in obvious shock.

  Max says slowly, “No. Freakin’. Way.”

  Trick yells out once again, “Holy shit!”

  When we pull back from each other, I look into Asher’s eyes and peck his mouth once, twice, three times and whisper, “I love you.”

  He pulls me close, kisses my forehead and whispers against it, “Best thing that ever happened to me.”

  I look over at the table to look at my friends.

  Lola looks as if I just told her that ice cream actually has crack in it. Tina weeps softly wearing a watery smile. Max smirks at me. I wink at him. He winks back at me. Mimi kisses her fingertips and places them on her heart and I want to cry from the overwhelming support I feel. Trick, who’s obviously having trouble getting over this, says quietly, “Holy shit.”

  Nik stands and walks over to us. He kisses my cheek before taking Ash in a full-blown man hug. A long one. They both seem to be a little emotional. Nik whispers something to Ash and Ash nods before he slaps Nik’s back a few times and they part. Nik moves to stand between us and says, “It’s my honor to present the new Mr. and Mrs. Asher Collins.”

  Everyone stands up, whooping and cheering. And that’s about th
e time I burst into tears.

  I’m suddenly being group hugged and Tina wails, “I’m so happy for you, you crazy lady!”

  I wail right back, “I’m so happy I could shit rainbows!”

  Lola cheers. “I’m so fucking happy right now!”

  Mimi kisses my head and rocks me slightly. She says in a sing-song voice, “I knew all along!”

  Laughing and carrying on with my friends, I look towards my husband who is being interrogated by his friends. He winks at me. I mouth, “Love you.”

  Warmth settles in my belly and I breathe deeply.

  All is right in my world.


  We get home from a long night of celebration and I drag my ass through the door of Ash’s apartment. He’d called someone to clean my place and wasn’t sure if it was done yet, so he told me to shower and relax at his place while he went to check on my apartment.

  I smile tiredly.

  What a great husband.

  I shower quickly and get my jammies on. Nothing sexy tonight, just my Minnie Mouse pajama pants and a tight black tank because I’m seriously pooped. When I lie down on the bed, I close my eyes and lie to myself that I’m only resting them.

  Something wet and warm licks my nose. Another something licks my cheek. My brow furrows in annoyance. If Ash is licking my face, I’m going to be pissed. I don’t roll that way.

  Opening my eyes, I gasp in astonishment and sit up. Then I shriek in excitement, causing the two little puppies to jump up and down on me in equally as much excitement. Looking around, I spot Ash leaning in the door frame smiling. He says, “Now these guys are not your babies. They’re our dogs. Dogs. Got that? We’re going to have babies, so don’t baby them. And if I see you dress them in fucking tutus and dresses and shit, they’re gone. You’re not gonna put ‘em through that kind of torture, okay?”

  I whisper in awe, “Oh my God.”

  I watch the little tan pug puppy attack the little black pug puppy. They wrestle and make sweet little whimpering noises and baby growls. They are so precious and perfect. I love them immediately. They both have collars already on them. The tan puppy has on a blue collar and the black puppy has on a yellow collar. They have little metal tags on them in the shape of a bone. They’re engraved too. My little tan puppy’s name is Pizza and my little black puppy is called Donut.


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