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Beautiful Lie (Dirty Hollywood Book 3)

Page 7

by Claire Raye

  She stares back at him, seemingly gathering strength for what she knows is going to be a confrontation. “What are you doing here, Noel?” she asks, her tone weary, but firm.

  “This is my house!” he practically shouts.

  Sadie shakes her head. “No, it’s not. We agreed as part of the divorce that I’d take this place and you’d keep the London home.”

  He rolls his eyes. “The divorce isn’t finalized yet,” he says through gritted teeth, stepping closer. “Although apparently you’ve moved on.”

  Now it’s Sadie rolling her eyes and even though I know none of this is my business and I should probably leave, a part of me does not want to leave her alone with this guy. I get that he’s her husband and that he supposedly has feelings for her, but there’s just something about him that has me a little on edge.

  “You need to leave, Noel,” she says. “This isn’t your house anymore and what I do in my own time is none of your business.”

  Noel stares back at her, his face filled with anger. “Who the fuck is this guy?” he asks, flicking a hand in my direction, even though he keeps his gaze on Sadie.

  Without thinking too much about it, I step toward him so I’m standing just in front of Sadie. I open my mouth to speak, but before I do, Sadie answers, “Paul. Not that it’s any of your business.”

  Noel scoffs, rolling his eyes again as he glances over at me before turning back to her. “What, so you’re just dating randoms now,” he says sarcastically. “You don’t want to be married to me, so you’re slumming it with a nobody?”

  Sadie steps closer, so she’s standing beside me, both of us squaring off against him now. “Please. Leave,” she repeats, her voice firmer this time, an edge of frustration to her words.

  “This is just bullshit, Sadie,” Noel says, completely ignoring her request. “I can’t believe you changed the fucking locks, that you’re…”

  “She asked you to leave,” I finally say, unable to stomach any more of this.

  Noel stops, turning to look right at me. “I’m sorry,” he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But was I talking to you?”

  I know he expects me to back down, to be threatened by his words and his reputation. Like I must know who he is and how powerful he allegedly is and of course that’s going to scare the shit out of me or something.

  Fat fucking chance buddy.

  “No, you weren’t,” I reply, meeting his stare, “but Sadie asked you to leave, so I think you should leave.”

  “Look, I don’t know who…”

  “Now,” I say, the word firm as I step even closer and get right in front of him.

  Noel clenches his jaw, his eyes hard as he stares back at me. We’re similar in height, but I more than make up for it in muscle. This guy doesn’t look like he’s lifted anything heavier than a fucking cup of coffee in his entire life.

  “Just go, Noel,” Sadie says, echoing my request. “And please don’t walk in here like that again. You don’t live here anymore.”

  Noel fixes her with his gaze, his eyes hard as he points a finger at her and barks, “This isn’t fucking over, Sadie. This…”

  Unable to stand it anymore, I grab his wrist, yanking his arm behind his back as I get right up beside him, my mouth at his ear. “She asked you to fucking leave,” I whisper, my jaw tight and my words firm. “So unless you want me to break this arm, I’d do as she fucking says.”

  “Get off me,” Noel spits out, yanking his arm from my grip. I let him go immediately, hands up in mock surrender even though he and I both know I could take him down with one hand tied behind my back.

  Noel turns to Sadie once more, but he must sense that talking right now would not be a good move. So shaking his head, he turns and storms off down the path around the side of the house, disappearing through a tall gate that he slams shut behind him.

  “Fuck,” Sadie mutters, burying her face in her hands.

  I turn to her, see she’s trembling and without even thinking about it, I pull her toward me, wrapping my arms tightly around her. She buries her face, still covered with her hands, against my chest, her body shaking as I tighten my grip.

  “You okay?” I ask, despite knowing she can’t possibly be.

  Sadie shakes her head ever so slightly, mumbling something I don’t catch.

  “What did you say?” I ask, easing her back as I gently pull her hands from her face.

  “Sorry about that,” she says, not looking at me.

  “Sadie,” I murmur, my fingers under her chin as I tilt her face to mine. “How was any of that your fault?”

  She shrugs, looking away as her cheeks redden. “I don’t know,” she breathes out. “You can go if you want.”

  I shake my head moving so I’m looking at her again. “Nope,” I tell her. “Not a chance in hell I’m leaving you here alone with that lunatic on the warpath.”

  A small smile tugs at her mouth and she bites her bottom lip as if to stop it. “Guess now you’ve seen his true colors.”

  “Pfft, please,” I say, moving my hands to her shoulders. “I’ve worked on his movies before. I know exactly what he’s like.”

  “You have?” she asks, surprised as she finally turns to look at me.

  “Yep,” I reply, giving her a smile. “I knew what he was like long before I met you, long before I signed up for your movie.”

  Sadie lets out a long sigh. “You know he could kill your career if he found out who you were.”

  I chuckle. “I’m not scared of him.”

  Sadie shakes her head. “You should be. He has this uncanny way of getting exactly what he wants.”

  I tilt my head in question. “You sure about that?” I ask her. “Because he certainly walked out of here pissed off and not getting what he wanted.”

  That smile tugs at her mouth again and I return it, watching as hers grows and she finally starts to relax. “Thank you,” she eventually says, blushing a little.

  “For what?”

  Sadie shrugs. “For standing up to him. For not being afraid or running a mile away like everyone else does.”

  “Nah,” I say, slipping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her against me. “I told you, I’m tougher than I look and he doesn’t scare me.” Sadie’s body presses against mine, her head falling against my shoulder for a brief second before we both seemingly realize how close we are.

  She steps away at the same time as I remove my arm from her shoulders. “Now, about that view from your pool.”

  We spend the rest of the afternoon doing exactly as she suggested—lying beside her pool, enjoying a few beers and the absolutely amazing view she has. Although truth be told, I’m not so sure it’s the view of L.A. that captures my attention so much as the view of Sadie stretched out in a red bikini beside me.

  Despite having claimed to have never set foot inside a gym, she’s still rocking a fantastic fucking body. Tiny and naturally slim, she creates an illusion of fragility. But having watched her throw her whole body into the boxing this morning, I know underneath all of that, there’s a strength to her, too.

  A strength that is a huge fucking turn on, even if it’s the last thing I should be thinking about.

  “Beer?” she asks, holding out a fresh bottle and interrupting my entirely inappropriate thoughts of her.

  “Thanks,” I reply, taking it from her. “You get things squared away with the security company?”

  “Yeah,” she nods, taking a seat on the lounge chair next to mine. “Obviously he managed to sweet talk them into giving him the new code to the gate. Luckily I’d already changed the locks so he couldn’t get in the house, but he won’t be getting in at all anymore.”

  “Good,” I say, taking a long sip of beer as I lean back, one hand tucked behind my head. “Hopefully he gets the message and leaves you alone.”

  Sadie scoffs. “No chance of that,” she says, shrugging when I turn to look at her. “Noel’s a man who doesn’t understand the word no,” she explains. “Even when he’
s told it, he doesn’t listen. He doesn’t believe it applies to him.”

  I cock a brow, slipping my sunglasses onto my head. “He hasn’t ever…ever hurt you, has he?”

  It’s a question I ask without even thinking and it’s quite possible I’m overstepping big time. Despite having spent most of the day hanging out with her and despite the easy conversation we seem to share, in reality, we hardly know each other. I have no idea what her life with Noel was like and whether she even still loves him.

  “Sorry, that was totally inappropriate and none of my business,” I say, hand up in apology.

  “No, it’s okay,” she says, her eyes fixed on the view in front of us. “And in answer to your question, not physically, no.”

  “But…” I say, seemingly unable to let this go.

  She shrugs. “But emotionally, psychologically…obviously,” she says, shrugging again.

  I shake my head in disbelief, my eyes still on Sadie as she continues to stare out at the horizon. “What are you thinking about right now?” she quietly asks, her words barely audible.

  I take a long deep breath, letting it out slowly before I finally answer her. “That I want to fucking kill the guy.”

  Sadie turns to face me now, her blue eyes hidden behind her sunglasses, but somehow still penetrating mine as she watches me. “How are you so, so…” she starts, before trailing off.

  She says nothing more and neither do I, as though both of us know the conversation is veering into dangerous territory now. Instead, she offers me a smile, swallowing hard before she asks, “You hungry? We could order something?”

  I stare back at her, not answering immediately as I continue to watch her and try to read what’s going through her head right now. About me, about her ex-husband, about us and whatever this thing we seem to have is.

  “Paul?” she prompts.

  “Sure,” I say, smiling. “Food sounds good.”

  We order some Mexican and eat out by the pool, watching as the sun slowly sets and the lights of L.A. light up below us, creating an equally spectacular night view.

  By nine o’clock though, I know I should probably head home. We both have a busy couple of weeks of filming coming up and the last thing I want to do is create any drama for her with that.

  “I guess I should get going,” I eventually say.

  “Okay,” she replies and we both stand, gather up our dinner things and take them inside to the kitchen.

  “You going to be okay here by yourself tonight?” I ask, hoping she doesn’t read too much into my question. “I mean with…” I trail off, flicking a hand to outside as though to elaborate on what I mean.

  Sadie smiles up at me and it looks genuine. “Yeah, I will be,” she says. “I changed the locks, he won’t be able to get in.”

  “And the security code’s been changed?” I ask, even though I know she called them earlier.

  “Yes,” she nods. “And they’ve been told not to give it to him if he calls.”

  “Okay,” I reply, also nodding. “Good.”

  “Thank you, Paul,” she says, stepping closer as she slides her hand onto my arm. “I appreciate your help today and, well…you know.”

  I look down at her as she stands in front of me. She looks more relaxed now, back to how she was when we shared lunch after our workout. It makes me feel a little bit better about leaving her, even if I have no right to be even thinking about being the one to protect her.

  “Anytime,” I say, smiling. “And, if you ever want another session in the gym, morning or night, just let me know.”

  Sadie smiles now. “Provided I can walk tomorrow of course.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, you’re probably gonna be a little stiff,” I tell her, forcing myself not to think about my stiff body parts and what I’d like to do with them and her. “Make sure you have a hot bath tonight and some stretching would do you some good,” I add, inadvertently filling my brain with a million other insanely inappropriate images of her.

  Sadie nods as we both turn and walk toward the front door. I pause as she opens it, both of us lingering in the doorway.

  “Okay. Well, I’ll see you…”

  “Thank you,” she says again, pushing up on her toes and pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

  I nod, surprised, not just at the fact she kissed me, but at my body’s response to her touch. It feels like every single nerve is simultaneously firing beneath my skin, a bolt of electricity shooting down my spine as my fingers itch with wanting to pull her closer, to kiss her back and do a whole lot more than that.

  But I can’t, so I don’t, instead whispering a quick, “Good night,” before walking out to my car.

  Shit, this is going to make the next few months interesting.

  Chapter Eleven


  I figured waking up this morning I’d be sore as hell given I rarely exert that much energy, but I actually feel really good. My legs are a little stiff and my arms a little sore, but nothing that can’t be walked off during the day. I also woke up before my alarm and I don’t feel groggy as hell like usual. Maybe this exercise thing is legit?

  Today is a full day of shooting, but we won’t get started until after ten a.m. and we’ll run well into the night. Nighttime shoots are the hardest and unfortunately there are tons on the shooting schedule. The closing down of streets, building rentals and permits all make things difficult and this shooting schedule will be a tight one. But just like everything else I’ve put into this movie, I need it to all go well. I need a break and I need to show people who I am without Noel’s name.

  I’m sitting by the pool with a cup of coffee watching the sunrise and I’m hit with something I normally wouldn’t be so bold as to act on, but given the way yesterday went and Paul’s invitation, I grab my phone.

  While it’s still early, I have a feeling Paul will be up and probably already at the gym. I laugh a little at the thought knowing how opposite we really are, but how much I enjoy his company.

  Me: You around? Feel like going for that hike you mentioned yesterday?

  I set my phone down next to me, my heart racing a bit and there’s a giddy feeling of excitement fluttering in my stomach. I feel completely ridiculous and even more, I’m now regretting sending the text. I look and sound desperate and he’s probably wondering why the hell I would text him at the crack of dawn. I scramble for my phone wondering if there’s a way to take it back since he still hasn’t responded. I’ve probably woken him up and he’s pissed off looking at his phone as it lights up in the darkness of his otherwise quiet bedroom.

  It’s been so long since I’ve done this, asked someone out, if that’s even what this is. I feel like a complete and total awkward failure at it. Maybe he was just being polite when he invited me to the gym? Maybe he gets some kind of discount on his membership if he brings in new people? Maybe I just look like that big of sucker?

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  As I’m contemplating my life’s choices my phone chimes out loud startling me so much I almost toss into the pool. Pressing the phone screen against my thigh, I suck in a breath but it does nothing to calm my irrationality. Turning it over I see Paul’s name on the screen and I don’t know whether to cry or to laugh, because I’ve obviously lost my damn mind.

  Paul: You sure you’re up for that hike?

  His text is playful and a smile tugs at my mouth, pulling up at the corners. I spend a second trying to come up with something equally as flirty, but he texts me before I can.

  Paul: Of course I’m up for it. When can you be ready?

  Me: Ten minutes? I can pick you up.

  Paul: I’ll pull it together. See you soon.

  He sends me his address and I put back my coffee quickly, hopping in the shower to clean up just a little. Before I know it, I’m backing down the long driveway, through the gate and out onto the road.

  I’ve looked at myself in the rearview mirror more times than I can count, checking to make sure I don’t look like a total
disaster, but I also don’t want to look like I spent a ton of time getting ready. I’ve never understood those girls who go to the gym in full makeup. Like I’m now some kind of expert in what should and shouldn’t be worn to workout in.

  But in the same breath, no one wants to look like shit. My hair is pulled to the side and braided; I put a little bronzer on over my sunscreen since I’m still so pale from the seemingly always cloudy skies of London. I’m wearing the yoga pants that I’ve never in my life done yoga in, a tank top and a hoodie. At least I look the part.

  I pull into the oversized complex of apartments. They’re the kind that are all over the outskirts of L.A. They’re the kind of places where people who are just here for a contract job or to try their hand at the whole acting thing live. It’s unit after unit of tiny one-bedroom places, but the prices are good and when you know you’re not staying, they’re perfect. In a way I feel a little guilty that Paul is living here when I have so much space in my house. Honestly, I feel badly this is where most of my crew is probably living.

  Noel always hated when I mentioned these things to him, reminding me that we’ve worked hard to get where we are. But I’ve always felt the crew works harder than anyone. One of the things I did when I signed on for this movie was to create bonuses for the crew based off the profits of the movie. So basically they’ll get residuals just as an actor or actress does. All I need is this movie to do as well as the movies I’ve made with Noel and these people will receive a small percentage of that yearly.

  I drive through the parking lot slowly, my window rolled down as I look at the numbers on the buildings, trying to locate Paul’s. I reach the end of the parking lot, but still nothing. Turning back around, I finally see him flagging me over from an empty parking spot.

  “Hey!” he calls out, a huge smile on his face as I pull up along side where he’s standing. “I figured that was you cruising through the parking lot all slow and creepy.”

  “That’s me, slow and creepy,” I joke as he climbs in and buzzes down his window.


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