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Rikki's Awakening

Page 4

by Dawn Sullivan

  “Raven.” Jaxson placed a hand on Raven’s arm, looking from her to Rikki in concern.

  “I’ll be fine.” Raven pulled away from him, rushing over to Rikki. Dropping to her knees, she grasped her hand tightly.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Rikki rasped, moaning as another wave of pain rolled through her.

  “I’m a dragon, my friend,” Raven said dryly, leaning in to touch her forehead to Rikki’s. “I have bigger claws, longer and sharper fangs. You can’t hurt me.” Raven let her fangs drop, grinning widely as she showed them to Rikki. “See?”

  Rikki’s eyes widened as she looked at the huge teeth, a hint of laughter escaping, that quickly turned into a grimace of pain. Gasping, she whispered, “Why does it hurt so much?”

  “Because you are fighting it,” Angel said quietly. “Let go, Rikki. Let your wolf merge with you. Become one with each other. Trust me.”

  She did trust Angel, but she was still terrified. No matter how many times she’d seen her team members turn into their animals, the thought of doing it herself was scary as hell.

  “I’m right here,” Raven said softly, her amber eyes full of sympathy and concern. “We all are. Let your wolf free, Rikki. We will protect both of you, even from yourself.”

  Rikki glanced down to where their hands were clasped together, seeing Raven’s large claws emerge. It was what she needed to hear. Her team was there, and Angel may have been her alpha, but she knew without a doubt that the dragon in front of her could protect not only her, but everyone in the hospital with them if something were to go terribly wrong. Slowly, she took a deep breath and tried to let go.

  Once she let her wolf in, allowing the animal to merge with her, the pain immediately started to lessen. It was still there, but it was as if her wolf was shouldering some of it now. Rikki groaned as she felt a change taking over her body. She started to panic when she felt her face transform, her jawline, mouth, and nose elongating into a snout. She forced the shift to stop, her entire body shaking with the effort. A whine slipped free, but Raven, Angel, and Chase were all there instantly.

  “Come on, Rikki,” Angel growled. “You are stronger than this. Don’t let your fears control you. Hit those bastards head on. You got this!”

  Raven leaned down and looked her in the eye. “You can do this, my friend. For you, for Jeremiah, for everyone who loves you. Stand strong. Be proud of the person you are becoming, proud of the wolf you now share your life with. She’s proud of you.”

  “She is?” Rikki panted, sweat dripping down her cheeks.

  “Yes, I can tell. She’s happy she was chosen to be yours. It’s time to show her that you feel the same way.”

  “We are right here,” Chase promised, and she could feel him pushing some of his power her way. Whereas before it bothered her, now, with Angel there, it seemed right.

  Rikki began to calm, and closing her eyes, she allowed herself to fully connect with the wolf who waited patiently. There was pain and fear, but there was also determination. She could do this. She would do it. For Jeremiah, she could do anything. And if shifting would get her to him that much faster, then there was no other choice. Hell, her wolf wasn’t giving her one even if she wanted one.

  A low growl rumbled deep in her chest, rising from her throat, and then a loud howl split the air as she shifted. One second, she was kneeling on the ground in a hospital gown with her signature black gloves on her hands that blocked the visions from constantly coming. The next, she was laying on the cold tile on her belly, with four paws, a tail, and covered in fur. She panted heavily as her gaze swept the area around her, too tired and weak to rise to her feet. The anger that she was afraid of was still there, but it was tempered by the love she felt for those who were close to her. She had been so scared the rage that was bottled up inside would come out and she would hurt one of them, but she had nothing to worry about. The wolf wasn’t angry at them. She had no desire to tear their throats out. She was saving it all for the General’s daughter and men. They were the ones she wanted to take her aggression out on. They were the ones who were going to pay.

  Rikki stiffened at first when she felt a soothing hand trail over her back, but somehow she knew it was Angel, and she slowly let herself accept the touch, laying her head down on her paws. Raven stroked the fur on her neck gently, smiling. “There. See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  Rikki was too exhausted to respond. She knew she would be able to talk to them telepathically in the form she was in, but she just didn’t have the energy. She was just too damn tired to do anything.

  “Rest, little wolf,” Chase said gruffly, sliding his arms under her and lifting her in the air. When she started to struggle sluggishly, he pulled her close. “I’m just taking you back to your room.”

  She was vaguely aware of Angel walking beside them, and Raven picking up her gown and gloves and following them down the hall, Jaxson right behind her. Nico was there, too, and Trace. Her team. Chase laid her gently on her bed, rubbing a hand across her fur before saying, “You are beautiful, Rikki. Your coat is a stunning brown and black mixture, with some white in there, too.”

  “It’s just gorgeous,” Angel murmured, squatting down so Rikki could look at her without raising her head. “I am so proud of you, Rikki. I know it took a lot of courage to finally accept your wolf. It won’t always be easy, but I can promise you that she will always be a part of you. She will always want to protect you. Trust in her, and she will trust in you.”

  Rikki tried to nod, but wasn’t sure if it worked or not. She was vaguely aware of Phoenix’s voice outside her room, loudly demanding to know what the hell was going on. Chase and Angel walked away from the bed to talk quietly by the window, but Raven didn’t leave her. She set Rikki’s gloves on the table beside the bed, and then climbed up beside her. Lying down on her side, she gently ran her hand over Rikki’s back before whispering, “Get some sleep now, Rikki. I’ll be right here when you wake up. I promise.”

  Rikki had no idea how the other woman knew she needed to hear that, needed someone nearby when her emotions were in so much turmoil, but she was glad Raven was staying with her. Closing her eyes, she snuggled up close to her friend and slowly let herself drift off to sleep.


  “You’re being transferred to the Virginia facility.”

  The news didn’t surprise him. They never kept the guards in the same place for too long. He had been at eight different facilities in the months he’d been working for the General. Never in one place long enough to become attached to anyone or anything. At least, he assumed that was the reason they switched the guards around so often. However, this was the first time they were sending him back to one he’d already been to.


  “Effective immediately,” was the response.

  “I’ll get my things.”

  “You will be going alone this time. We are sending Kyle to a different place.”

  That did surprise him. Jerret Kyle had been his tag-along since he started, which could only mean one thing. He’d finally earned their trust. He was in. “Got it. I’ll leave within the hour.”

  Standing, Jeremiah resisted the urge to send the bastard behind the desk a mock salute. Dan Masters was in charge of the place he was currently stationed at in Phoenix, Arizona. Masters had been in the military for over thirty years, and ran the facility with an iron hand. He was efficient, loyal to the cause, and a complete dickhead. Just like most of the men under Ebony’s command. Damn, that took some getting used to. Ebony, not the General anymore. He still couldn’t believe the asshole was dead. A part of him was thrilled. The part that loved his mate and wanted nothing more than the asshole to be gone after everything he’d done to Rikki.

  Another part, the part that was ruled by his bear, was jealous because he was the one who’d wanted to tear out the General’s throat. But a bigger part of him, the man who had worked for the FBI for several years and had been around shit like this for so long it made his gut ach
e just thinking about it, knew there was going to be hell to pay after what happened. While the General may have been referred to as the devil in the past, Satan’s daughter was way worse than he ever was. She had her eye on the prize — as much power as she could hope to get — and was plowing her way to the top. She didn’t care who she hurt, or killed, in the process. There was going to be a lot of death and destruction in the future, even more than would have been caused by the General. Of that, Jeremiah had no doubt.

  “Check in with Lenox Keaton as soon as you get there. He is expecting you sometime in the next couple of days.”

  Jeremiah frowned in confusion. “I’m not flying out right away?”

  “No, we need you to take one of the Hummers. They are down a couple of vehicles and need it to transport a prisoner somewhere.”

  That didn’t make sense at all. Why the hell would they want him to take a Hummer when there were other facilities closer that would have them? “I don’t understand.”

  “It isn’t your job to question the decisions of those above you,” Masters snarled. “Get your things and meet up with Kyle. You will be dropping him off in New Mexico on the way.”

  “Yes, sir.”



  “Don’t fuck this up.”

  Jeremiah raised an eyebrow. Don’t fuck what up? What the hell was he getting at? What was there to fuck up? Shaking his head, Jeremiah turned and left the room after a muttered, “Yes, sir.”

  Stalking down the hall, he quickly made his way to the room he shared with the other guards. Jerret was already there, throwing his things in a bag. Glancing up when Jeremiah entered, he grinned, “Looks like we are moving on. Just as well. This place is fucking boring compared to others I’ve been at.”

  Which meant there weren’t as many prisoners to screw with. There were only two there at the time, both males. The lion, Cian, and a wolf who refused to give his name to anyone. Jeremiah didn’t blame him. Giving someone your name gave them power. He’d debated on using an alias when he first began to infiltrate the General’s ranks for that reason, but decided to keep his first name. It was easier than learning a new one, and he couldn’t afford any mistakes when it came to this mission. He did change his surname to Jenson. It was common and unobtrusive.

  “Yeah. Sounds like I’m taking you to New Mexico. Never been there before.”

  “Me neither. Hope it’s better than this one.”

  Jeremiah grabbed his bag and shoved his guard uniforms into it. After packing his things from the bathroom, he picked up two books off the dresser.

  “I don’t understand why you like to read that shit,” Kyle said, zipping up his duffle bag. “Hell, we live it. Why do you want to read it, too?”

  Jeremiah glanced down at the thriller novels in his hand, then shrugged as he tossed them into his bag. Closing it, he grasped the handles and grinned. “It’s exciting.”

  “Death turns you on?”

  “It doesn’t you?” Jeremiah asked, raising an eyebrow. Yeah, death turned him on, as long as it was the death of a cold-hearted bastard like the one standing in front of him.

  An evil smirk crossed Kyle’s face. “Hell yeah, it does.”

  Shaking his head, Jeremiah let his grin linger, even though he wanted nothing more than to punch his claws through Kyle’s chest and show him how much he would like someone’s death right now. “Reading is good for the soul. Maybe you should try it sometime.”

  “Screw that. I have other things I would much rather be doing that are a lot better for my soul.” Grabbing his bag, he stalked toward the door. “Let’s go. I’m ready for a change. Hopefully, New Mexico will give me that.”

  Jeremiah followed him to the parking garage, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He was ready for a change, too. But not for anything Virginia had to offer. No, everything he wanted, that he craved, was in Colorado. Which was just north of New Mexico. They were giving him two days to get to Virginia. Would that give him enough time to sneak up to Colorado and check on his mate? It would be tight, but if he dropped Kyle off and then drove hellbent, he could do it. He would only have a couple of hours to see Rikki, but that was all he needed. Something in him was pushing him to Colorado. To his mate. He needed to make sure she was all right.

  He and Kyle threw their bags in the back of the Hummer, and then climbed in the front, Jeremiah behind the wheel. Yeah, it would be tight, and there was every chance he wouldn’t make it to Virginia in time, but that wasn’t going to stop him. The pull to see his mate was strong. Stronger than anything else at the moment. Just to lay eyes on her. Make sure she was breathing. That was all he needed, all his bear needed. Then, he would jump back into hell. The driving need was something he couldn’t ignore.

  Pulling out of the garage, he carefully made his way over the rough terrain until he hit the highway. He ran ten miles per hour over the speed limit until he hit New Mexico. After dropping Jerret off, he left, heading toward Virginia. When he was sure he wasn’t being followed, he pulled the vehicle over at a gas station. After a quick once-over, he began to look more closely at the Hummer’s undercarriage, until he found the tracker. Removing it, he very carefully dismantled it, just enough that it would look as if it were a technical malfunction, before reattaching it. When he was satisfied, he filled the tank with gas and then climbed back in. Soon, he was on the road headed toward the White River Wolves compound going ninety-five.


  Rikki stood facing Storm, chest heaving as she growled, “Why are you holding back on me?”

  “Rikki, you just got out of the hospital three days ago. You are still recovering after everything you’ve been through. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Rikki snarled. “All you are doing right now is pissing me off. I’ve shifted twice since that first time. I’m moving around just fine. I’m running, lifting weights. I feel good. Like my normal self. Let’s do this!”

  “Rikki,” Storm seemed to hesitate as she glanced over to where Angel and Steele stood watching them. “You may feel fine, but you haven’t sparred in months. There is a chance that I could hurt you, and I don’t want to do that.”

  “Then get someone else in here,” Rikki spat, turning to Angel. “I am never going to get stronger and be where I need to be if someone doesn’t challenge me, dammit.”

  “I’ll do it,” Phoenix growled, walking toward them from the barn. They were at Angel’s farm, where they spent the days working out, sparring, and shooting when they weren’t out on a mission. Against many protests, Rikki had been there since she left the hospital, even choosing to stay overnight. She’d already spent several hours at the shooting range and was happy to see that she was up to par there. Now, she just needed to get back to her full strength. She needed to spar.

  “Fine. Let’s go.”

  “No holding back?” he asked, motioning Storm away as he stopped in front of Rikki. “Cause, I’m gonna put you on your ass, little sister. Over and over again. You’ve had a fucking attitude ever since you opened those pretty brown eyes of yours, and I’m getting sick and tired of it.”

  “I do not,” she protested, clenching her hands into fists, her nails digging into her skin.

  “You’ve been snapping and snarling at everyone,” he growled. “Why is that?’

  “I’m not.”

  “Yes,” he snarled, “you are. And you know it.”

  Rikki began to shake, rage pouring through her. “Fuck off, Phoenix.”

  Phoenix began to walk slowly in a circle around her, shuffling his feet to the right. “It’s the truth. Every member of this team came to see you at the hospital, even the ones you hadn’t met yet. We all tried to get you to talk to us, but you wouldn’t. We can feel your anger, Rikki, but we don’t know why. Do you have any idea what we’ve been going through these past few months? How much we’ve all missed you? We were scared to death that you wouldn’t wake up. That you would choose to move on instead of comin
g back to us. And then, when you finally do wake up to face the world, you treat us like crap. We’re family.”

  Rikki felt her claws lengthen, and she bared her teeth at him in anger. “What you’ve gone through? What about me, Phoenix? What about what I went through?” Pissed off, she lunged in, slicing her claws over his arm before leaping back out of his way. She forced her claws to retract, knowing it would be hard to throw a punch with them. And that was what she wanted right now. To pound the shit out of something, or someone. At this point, it didn’t matter who it was.

  Glancing down at the blood dripping from his wound, Phoenix raised an eyebrow. “Cheap shots aren’t like you, Rikki.”

  “All’s fair in love and war,” she snapped back, kicking out quickly, her foot connecting with his gut before she quickly spun away on the balls of her feet. A wave of dizziness swamped her, but she pushed it aside. She didn’t have time for weakness right now. She had to fight, had to get stronger.

  The punch to her side shocked the hell out of her, and her eyes widened when pain shot through her. A small whimper escaped before she could stop it, but she bit her lip, forcing the pain away. Blocking it so she could concentrate.

  “Phoenix,” Angel said quietly. “Maybe this isn’t the right way.”

  “This is the only way,” he growled. “We’ve given her time, but she’s been nothing but a bitch to us. I’m tired of handling her with kid gloves. She wants a fight, she’s got it.”

  “Kid gloves?” Rikki snarled. “I’ll show you kid gloves!” She was on him in seconds, all in. Short, powerful jabs connected with his abs, and then an uppercut to his chin and a fist to the face. Dancing away, she was right back with a sweep of her foot, knocking him on his ass.

  Phoenix was up and on his feet before she knew it, throwing an arm up to block her next punch. “So, that’s how it is?” he snarled.


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