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Rikki's Awakening

Page 10

by Dawn Sullivan

  “If that little prick, Kozad, makes it that far,” Quinn grunted. “Fucker’s gettin’ too big for his britches. Gonna have to bring him down a peg or two.”

  Jeremiah chuckled. “You looking for these?” He tossed the keys to the Hummer at the man, knowing he would be giving it a thorough look-over.


  “See ya.” Jeremiah punched his code in and opened the door.

  “Not if I see you first,” Quinn said, slamming a shoulder into his, cursing when he dropped the Hummer key on the ground. Leaning in, he ducked his head and muttered. “One, five, three, four, six.” He squatted down to retrieve the key, and then reeled off the numbers again as he rose. Jeremiah kept his head averted and walked into the building, the door slamming shut behind him. What the hell? He repeated the numbers over and over in his mind, realizing what they had to be. Someone’s personal code, like the one he had. Which could only mean one thing. Quinn Connors knew what was going to happen, and he was trying to save Jeremiah’s life. The man was one of the good guys. Shit. How many of them were there in the organization that he didn’t know about? Connors was in even deeper than he was, as right-hand man to Lenox Keaton. Were there more?


  Rikki watched her mate disappear into the building in front of her through the scope of her rifle, terror filling her at the thought of him stuck in there with no way out. Ruthlessly, she shoved it down. Jeremiah needed her calm and steady, not a shaking mess. She had to be on the top of her game this mission, because the most important person in her life was in that facility, putting his life on the line. Blocking out the fear, Rikki clenched her jaw tightly and stared through the lens of the scope, never wavering.

  He’s going to be okay, Rikki, girl. It was Phoenix, her brother, always standing behind her no matter what. Even when she’d tried to take him down in wolf form. He still loved her. She heard it, felt it in the warmth of his voice.

  Nothing can happen to him.

  Nothing will, Angel said quietly. We’re here.

  What about on the inside? Rikki hated the tremor in her voice. Dammit, she had to be strong.

  I got that covered.

  Rikki froze at the declaration, her spine stiffening at the unfamiliar voice. No, that wasn’t true. She recognized it, just never thought she would hear it in her head, on a telepathic link she and her team members shared.

  Nice to see you could make it to the party, Vixen, Jinx drawled.

  You better get out of here, Jinx. You need to be long gone when shit goes down.

  Worry about yourself, woman.

  I am. You know a lot about me now that no one else does. What if you get caught? You could give me up. I would hate to have to take you out.

  Touch my son, and I will tear your heart out.

  There was complete silence, and then Vixen whispered, I wonder what it’s like to have someone love you the way your family does, Jinx. There was a time when I would have given anything to find out.

  And now? Jinx asked quietly.

  My life isn’t one I would want to share with anyone else, Vixen admitted, and Rikki could have sworn she heard a touch of sadness in the other woman’s voice. I will always be looking over my shoulder, wondering when Ebony will send someone new after me. I wouldn’t want anyone I cared about to get hurt.

  Sometimes, we don’t have a choice. It was Sapphire, Steele’s sister. Rikki met her for the first time out at Angel’s farm just a few days ago, and she was impressed. Sapphire was a rock-solid shot. Every bit as good as Rikki, if not better. She liked her and her brother Bane, who was the complete opposite of the outgoing woman. Dark, brooding, quiet. He seemed to stay to himself.

  Keep your premonitions for someone who deserves them, Vixen murmured. After everything I’ve done, I don’t deserve love or happiness.

  Rikki’s heart hurt for the woman. She could feel her pain through the connection, even though she was sure Vixen tried to hide it. What must it have been like to be raised by the General? To be forced to do the things Vixen and Jinx had done? To live knowing you hurt and killed, that you did horrible things required of you as the General’s puppet.

  Everyone should have the chance to be loved, Rikki whispered, before she could stop herself. The woman’s pain was radiating through the telepathic bond, and Rikki couldn’t ignore it. You are here, helping save the innocent lives in that building, Vixen. I don’t know you. To be honest, I don’t trust you yet. Trust has to be earned. You are one of the General’s assassins.

  Was, Vixen interjected almost absently, and Rikki got the impression that she was moving stealthily. Where was she going?

  Was, she conceded.

  So was I. Jinx’s voice was even fainter. Are you saying that my father and Chase shouldn’t care about me after everything I’ve done? Cause I tried that. I got a fuck you out of it.

  Damn straight you did, Angel growled. I don’t care what you’ve done, Son. What you’ve been forced to do. You are still mine, and I will always love you.

  Same. It was Steele, his voice hard an unyielding.

  No, Rikki said, her gaze narrowed on the row of windows on the first floor of the building, before going back to the door. I was saying that even though I don’t know or trust her yet, I do believe Vixen deserves to be cared for. To be loved.

  What was the code Connors gave Jeremiah? Vixen interjected, obviously intent on something else.

  What? Angel asked in confusion.

  The guard Jeremiah was talking to before he entered the building. He gave Jeremiah a five-digit code. I need it, but I would prefer not to violate anyone’s privacy by taking it out of your head without permission.

  The numbers were for you, Rikki realized, her eyes widening slightly at the knowledge, but still never leaving the scope of her rifle. Connors is on our side?

  Yes, Vixen said simply, leaving it at that. The assassin was a contradiction, saying she didn’t deserve to have anyone care about her, but she obviously cared herself. She was protective of those she considered hers to keep safe, and Connors was one of hers. She wasn’t going to budge on anything else with him. Which was why she made it sound like she was alone back at Angel’s place, even though she obviously wasn’t.

  One, five, three, four, six, Rikki whispered through the link, moving her rifle around the area in front of her, her eyes narrowing on someone as they slipped through the trees on the far side of the building. That better be you, Vixen.

  There was a pause, and then, It is.

  Rikki watched as Vixen, dressed all in black leather, made her way around the back of the building until she couldn’t see her anymore. What are you doing?

  Finding a place to wait near the back door. When Kozad comes out for a smoke, which he does like clockwork every day about this time, I will slip inside.

  I thought the code was to get you inside?

  No, that’s to get us out.

  Ebony’s calling me. I’ve got to go. Good luck. Jinx’s voice whispered through the link, and then he was gone.

  Rikki heard Angel’s small gasp, even though she knew the alpha tried to keep her agony to herself. She suffered every time her son went back into the fray. With the way Rikki was feeling right now, terrified and out of control, even though she shoved that shit down as hard as she could and concentrated on protecting her mate, she completely understood.

  What if they blow the place from the inside like in D.C.? Flame asked, interrupting Rikki’s chaotic thoughts.

  What? Rikki gasped. What the hell are you talking about?

  They won’t, Vixen replied confidently. Ebony is more hands on. She will send in her soldiers, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she came with them. She loves the action, the high that comes with the battle. She paused. Not the killing so much, though.

  Bullshit, Phoenix cut in.

  No, it’s the truth, Vixen insisted. The bitch isn’t afraid to slit your throat if she has to, but I don’t get the feeling she enjoys it. Well, unless she really hates you.

  Do you? Rikki asked, slowly scanning the area with her scope again, before going back to the door. Do you enjoy the kill?

  Sometimes, Vixen admitted. If it’s justified.


  I took out someone who slaughtered a family. Father, mother, two older children. They left behind a little girl three years of age. That one, I enjoyed.

  Because you were that little girl, Rikki guessed, somehow knowing she was right.

  No. Vixen was silent for a moment, and then said, Not that time.

  As Rikki watched, the front door opened and a man stepped out. Short and stocky with dirty blond hair, he glanced around the area as he lit up a cigarette. Change of plans. Your man is here, but he came out the front door.

  Got it.

  Rikki waited patiently until he took his last drag, flicking it away from him, then went back to key in his code. You’re up, Vixen.

  Already there. Vixen seemed to appear out of nowhere, catching the handle of the door just before it clicked shut. She waited a second, then slipped inside after Kozad. I’m in.


  Jeremiah strolled down the long hall in the basement level of the facility, with its pristine white walls, people walking around in white lab coats, and the subtle beeping noises in the background that gave the place an almost hospital feel to it. The only difference was the doctors in a hospital actually gave a shit about their patients. The scientists here were just as cold and unfeeling as the sterile environment they worked in. Here, the patients were called subjects and were shut in rooms behind thick layers of glass. Objects to be watched and studied. Just the thought of what the prisoners went through daily was enough to make him want to tear out the throat of every scientist in the place. Except for one, if she was still there.

  Glancing into the rooms as he walked by, Jeremiah wasn’t surprised to see most of them empty. This level was primarily for the prisoners. The guards slept on the second floor, the scientists had their rooms on the top level. They were told it gave them some separation from where they worked, but really it was just another way to keep an eye on them. With the guards’ rooms on the second floor, and their base on the main level, no one went up or down the stairs without them knowing, which meant there was no one slipping out the back door and running. One of the scientists tried to leave one of the other facilities Jeremiah had worked at in the middle of the night after they couldn’t handle what was going on anymore. It didn’t end well for them. There were too many secrets within the walls of the facilities. Too many things the organization didn’t want to get out.

  Jeremiah paused outside an occupied room, his gaze on the small, slender woman inside who sat huddled in a corner, her arms wrapped tightly around her raised knees. Her head was down, the long fall of dark auburn hair covering her face. Jasmine. He’d always wondered what her name was, but had never asked. He’d tried to keep his distance as much as possible, needing to appear as if his heart was as cold as the rest of the guards’.

  Jasmine raised her head slowly, as if sensing his presence. Her eyes were full of misery, covered with a sheen of tears, but she didn’t cower. She bared her small teeth at him, hissing in anger. Good, she still had some fight left in her. She would need it. Resisting the urge to speak with her, to let her know that help was on the way, he turned and walked away. There were cameras everywhere, and he couldn’t afford to get caught sympathizing with the enemy. Not that it would matter soon.

  “Jasmine is alive,” he muttered quietly, making sure he ducked his head when he walked past another camera. “I saw two new prisoners. A lynx and a wolf, both male. I…” Jeremiah paused, his eyes going to the room he’d stopped in front of. There, curled up in a little ball of fluff, was a wolf pup. Just a baby. Small, so tiny she would have fit in the palm of his hand. She turned to look at him, her dark eyes full of agony and despair. His heart broke. And then, rage hit him, harder than it ever had before. He was going to kill every fucking person in that building who had harmed this poor, sweet baby. His body trembled as he fought for control. His hands curled tightly into fists, his claws digging into his skin. A low growl built in his chest. The pup’s eyes widened, and she quickly buried her face in her paws. Jeremiah realized he was scaring her, but he couldn’t seem to control himself. The pup thought his aggression was toward her. Didn’t understand it was at everyone else in the facility. That he would never harm her. “Rikki,” he rasped, his voice low, head bowed, “I’m going to kill them all. Every last one of them.” His chest heaving with the effort it took not to let his bear take over, he muttered, “They have a pup in here. Just a baby. She can’t be more than a couple years old.” Gritting his teeth, he growled, “They are all dead. Everyone who touched her, who hurt her. Dead.”

  “Jeremiah.” The voice was soft, quiet, and full of concern.

  He stiffened, fighting to get control over his emotions. He didn’t want to hurt her. He knew she was one of the good ones. That she did everything within her power to keep the prisoners safe. She was the only scientist that he thought worthy of a free pass. But, right now, he was even questioning that.

  “Dr. Wainright.”

  “Jeremiah, are you all right?”

  His gaze went to the small pup, who was cowering from them in the far corner of her room now, and he said the only thing he could. The truth. “No.”

  Anya Wainright stepped up next to him, careful to keep a small distance between them, and murmured, “They brought her in a month ago. Murdered her parents right in front of her. She’s terrified, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. If I hold her, try to make her feel better, they’ll know.”

  He knew who ‘they’ were. She was talking about the guards, Lenox Keaton, and everyone above them. She would be labeled as a sympathizer and be watched even more closely than she already was. They would dig into her background, her family and friends, anything and everything they could find to see if they’d missed anything when they first hired her. They would find everything they could on her, and then make the decision as to whether or not she was a traitor. More than likely, they would find her guilty and sentence her to death. He’d seen it happen before. They couldn’t afford to have their scientists become sympathizers to the prisoners, and couldn’t let them leave if they did. Not that anyone who ever worked for the organization ever just left. It wasn’t like a normal job. You didn’t sign a non-disclosure clause when you started. If you left, you left in a body bag. “She was in her wolf form when they brought her in and hasn’t shifted back since. I think she’s scared and feels safer. Her wolf protects her.” Leaning closer, she whispered, “She won’t last long in here. It’s a struggle to get her to eat or drink anything. It’s as if she has no will to live.”

  Anya was placing her trust in him with the information she was handing over. He needed to give her something in return. “It won’t be a problem much longer.”

  Anya was quiet for a long moment before she murmured, “Good.”

  “How many other prisoners are in here?” RARE would need that information, and he needed to make sure he didn’t miss anyone.

  “There are only four of them right now. The fox from before. They brought a wolf shifter in just after you left the last time, and there’s a lynx. He’s new. Only been here for a week or so.” Jeremiah could tell Anya was trying to distance herself from everything, but he knew it wasn’t working. He could smell the sorrow wafting off her. No matter what persona she gave off, she wasn’t cold and calculating like the other scientists. She cared. He’d seen her run a gentle hand over one of the shifters out of view of the cameras before when she was taking their blood. Bending her head to talk softly to them, so soft that no one else could hear. Once, she’d even lowered her head and rubbed her cheek against Jasmine’s, as if sensing she needed that close contact. He’d kept his mouth shut, knowing if anyone found out, they would kill her.

  “Anya,” he paused, his eyes glued to where the wolf pup was now curled around itself, facing away from the window.
So small and innocent. He would free her, if it was the last thing he did. “Can I trust you?”

  “Yes.” Her response was immediate, her voice cool and calm. “I will give my life for any of them.”

  He scented the truth on her, which reinforced his decision. Slowly, he turned from the pup to walk back down the hall in the direction he’d come from, indicating with a small jerk of his head for her to follow. Stopping in front of Jasmine’s cell, he said, “I need you to get word to all of them, except the pup, if you can. Ebony has placed kill orders on everyone in this facility, including me.”

  He heard her soft gasp. “Ebony?”

  He continued walking, as if he were doing his regular routine. Several times in the past, he and the doctor had walked these halls together, chatting, so it shouldn’t raise any red flags. And, if it did? Well, they were already marked for death, anyway. “The General was eliminated a few weeks ago. His daughter, Ebony, took over.”

  “I hate that bitch.”

  A short burst of laughter left his lips. He’d never heard the scientist curse before. Then, he focused on the one thing she hadn’t commented on. “You knew the General was dead?”

  “Yes,” Anya admitted, “but that’s it. They don’t tell us anything down here.”

  “How did you know he was gone, then?”

  “I have my ways.”

  Of course, she did. “They need to be ready to fight, to get the hell out of here when I say. I have a team coming in fast and heavy.”


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