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Ice Planet Honeymoon: A Print Compilation

Page 17

by Dixon, Ruby

  I squirm at the feel of it against my folds. It feels good, warm and wet, but it's not what I want there. "Are you telling me I'm a dirty girl?"

  "Clean Har-loh," he says softly, rubbing the cloth back and forth. The friction just gets me wetter, and I can't stay still. Not when he's that close to my pussy and when he's talking in that low, hungry voice. He's going to make me absolutely crazy with need. Rukh considers for a moment, then tosses aside the rag. He wraps an arm around my hips and pulls me close, until his face brushes against my stomach.

  Then he growls and lifts one of my legs over his arm, spreading my thighs.

  I squeak in surprise, reaching forward and grabbing his horns for balance. He doesn't stop, though, just hauls me forward until my leg is over one shoulder and my pussy’s practically in his face. "Rukh," I whimper. My pulse feels as if it's beating between my thighs, heat coursing through my body…and yet he's still not touching me. It's all still a big tease. "Am I clean enough for you? Or do you need a closer inspection?"

  He looks at my pussy thoughtfully and then reaches up a finger to trace over my folds. "Kiss Har-loh," he murmurs, glancing up at me. "Yes?"

  He wants to kiss my pussy? Put his mouth there? Uh, as if I even have to think twice. "Yes," I encourage. "Yes, yes. All the kisses."

  My mate makes a hungry sound low in his throat. Clenching my hips, he pushes his face between my thighs and licks my folds. I moan, holding tight to his horns as he groans with pleasure and moves in for another taste. He's still so tall when he's seated like this that I have to stand on tiptoe to angle his mouth just right. When he shifts his weight, I threaten to topple into the fire. "Rukh," I pant. "Wait, wait."

  Rukh looks up at me, his eyes dark blue with arousal, his mouth wet with my juices. Even as I gaze down at him, he licks his lips.

  "Let's go into the cave." I point at our home a short distance away and mime a shiver. "Cold out here. There's nowhere to lie down."

  He gazes at our surroundings, blinking, and it's as if it takes him a moment to realize where we're at. I believe it. If he threw me down into the sand to fuck me, I doubt I'd care once he puts his mouth on me again. But he pulls me close for a quick kiss to the tuft between my thighs, then sets my leg down. He gets to his feet, and that's the only warning I get before he grabs me and hauls me over his shoulder.

  Then, ass in the air, he carries me back to our cave.

  I laugh. "So impatient you won't even let me walk, huh? I see how it is."

  "Rukh kiss," he tells me, patting my ass and then caressing it. Funny how he doesn't have a big vocabulary, but with those two words, he's able to make me wetter than heck. I squirm with anticipation on his hard shoulder, and he rubs my butt cheek again. He must like having me under his hand, because he rumbles with pleasure, his khui purring loudly, and then delves his fingers into my cleft.

  Oh god. The unexpected touch makes me squeal in surprise, and when his rough finger pads brush over the entrance to my core, I moan. I probably sound ridiculous, making all these noises, but there's no one here to hear us.

  "Mmm, Rukh kiss," he says again, his fingers dipping deeper into my wet heat.

  "Does that mean you're going to kiss me there?" I ask, panting. "Because if so, I am down with that."

  He carries me into the cave, the world bobbing around me, and I hold onto him as best I can. It's difficult to concentrate, especially when he's got his fingers deep inside me. It's the most erotic, confusing feeling, but I kind of love it.

  He pauses, and then his fingers leave my body, and I could just cry with how much I need them back. I whimper a protest, and he sets me upright, his gaze locked on me. As I stare up at my mate, Rukh puts his wet fingers to his mouth and licks them.

  "Oh," I breathe. Heat flutters through my belly. My khui is purring back at his. After our initial resonance, it hums gently when I'm extremely turned on or when I feel strongly. It's humming right now, pleasure pulsing through me. Is there anything more erotic than watching my mate lick my taste off his fingers?

  Rukh bends down and kisses me. Slowly. Gently. I close my eyes, entranced by the sheer delicacy of the kiss. Of his touch. Considering that just a short time ago this was a wild man who'd been on his own for almost all of his life, he's incredibly careful with me. I never feel uneasy or threatened. I always feel safe and cherished and so damn loved in his arms. His tongue flicks against mine, and I reach for him, wanting to wrap my arms around his neck and lose myself in his mouth for a while. But my mate grabs my hands in his and won't let me twine myself about him. Instead, he drops to his knees on our sleeping furs—cold with disuse—and pulls me down with him.

  Well, I don't need much convincing. The moment I sit down, he gently pushes me onto my back and slides between my thighs. It's obvious that he wants to continue the “kissing” he started outside by the fire. I brush his thick, messy hair back from his face, so full of love (and lust) for this man. "And here I thought you were tired of me," I whisper. "I can be a real idiot sometimes, can't I?"

  He presses his mouth to the inside of my thigh, rubbing his lips against my skin. "Rukh kiss Har-loh."

  "Please do." I spread my legs for him, encouraging him with my actions. "Kiss me all you want. Har-loh loves your kisses. And your mouth." I slide my fingers over his lips. "Mouth. This is your mouth."

  He nips at my fingertips. "Kiss."

  I chuckle. "Right. Sorry. No distractions from the kissing right now. No word games, just kissing." I wiggle against him, and when he drags my thigh back over his shoulder, I can't help the little whimper of anticipation that sneaks out of me. Do I want him? Do I want more kisses over the most sensitive part of my body? Do I want his tongue delving between every little fold and caressing my clit? Oh fuck yes, I absolutely do. I make a needy sound in my throat as I tangle my hands in his hair. "Kiss, please. Kiss."

  Rukh growls in a way that is absolutely a possessive claim and my toes curl in response. God, I love it when he gets possessive of my pussy. He leans in and nuzzles at my mound, his lips drifting over my folds before he parts them and spreads me wide for his “kissing.” His tongue slicks over my pussy, and then he's licking me with fierce, hungry intensity in such a way that the breath escapes my lungs. I'm stunned by his need—and by mine. He's ravenous, my mate, his mouth and lips ferocious on my sensitive parts. I gasp with each lick and caress, hunger escalating quickly.

  I need him inside me, and soon. "Please," I whimper. "Oh please, Rukh. I'm so close."

  "Kiss," is all my handsome mate says when he lifts his mouth, only to immediately dive back for another taste. He tries a variety of things, light and sweet, then firm and commanding. He teases my clit and then moves to the entrance to my core, and I know he's gauging my responses. When I moan over something he does, I get more of it. If I'm silent, he moves on to something else.

  We may not have the words, but he's listening.

  Rukh licks around the hood of my clit, and then closes his mouth over the entire area and begins to suck.

  Oh my god. I cry out, my hands flying to his horns and I practically come off the blankets. He growls with pleasure, holding me in place and continuing his ministrations now that he knows he's found the magic spot. I cling to him as he worships my clit with that intense suction, my orgasm building hard and fast. It's over even before I can think about it, my body climaxing and shuddering as my release sweeps over me. Everything clenches tight in the most blissful way and I ride the waves even as Rukh continues to work me over.

  By the time the climax ebbs, I'm oversensitive. I push at Rukh's head, indicating I want him to stop. He gives me one last possessive lick and then lifts his head. Our eyes meet and his are ferocious with need, his mouth wet from my juices. God, he's sexy. I reach for him, dazed, because I want to feel his weight over me. There's nothing I like more than Rukh's body over mine, pressing me into the furs. It's been far too long since I felt it, and I need it just as much as I needed that hard, fierce orgasm.

  Rukh moves over m
e, and I lift my knees, sliding my legs around his hips. I sigh as he braces himself over me, because I love this next part. The feel of him pushing into me is sheer bliss, and I close my eyes as his cock nudges at my entrance.

  "Har-loh," he murmurs. His hair, loose and wild, tickles at my skin as it falls over me.

  "I'm yours," I tell him. "Har-loh's all yours."

  He sinks deep in one swift stroke and I suck in a breath. Oh god, I love the feel of my body stretching around him, adjusting to his length. That first press is the best, and when he shifts his weight, his spur rubs against my over-sensitive clit. I moan, wrapping my arms around him as he begins to work his hips. Rukh's still new to sex and his stamina is not what it could be, but I don't mind. He always makes me come at least once before he finishes, and that's good enough for me. I love the touching and being wrapped around each other. I love the connection.

  I love being owned by him.



  I come far too quickly. I always want to last longer, to make every moment seated deep inside Har-loh's body last forever, but it never does. Hot pleasure rushes through me as I fill her with my seed, and she holds me close as I collapse atop her. My mate strokes my mane and murmurs sounds at me, her voice sweet and gentle.

  "Rukh," she says, and taps my chest. Then she taps hers. "Har-loh." She gestures at the two of us. "Together."

  Her meaning is clear. We are a pair, meant to be one. "To-geddur," I agree, and am rewarded with a happy smile. Har-loh is mine, and I am Har-loh's. We are togeddur. In this moment, and in everything.

  * * *

  I wake up with my mate's warm body wrapped around me. Har-loh clings to me in her sleep, and it makes me happy. It is as if she misses me, even when her eyes are closed. I like that. I hold her tight, stroking her soft skin as she dozes, content to watch her. I could lie here in the furs with her all day long, breathing in her sweet scent and pushing my cock into her wet cunt. It would be a good day.

  But it does not feed my mate, and there is much to be done. We must have food, and we must be ready for our kit when it comes. I touch her belly, careful not to wake her. She is still flat here, but if it is like the animals in nature, she will swell up when our kit is coming. I cannot wait to see that.

  For the first time in my life, I look forward to more than just the next meal, the next sleep. I look forward to a life with Har-loh, warm and snug in our cave, our kit bundled into the furs with us.

  I ease out of our nest, making sure that Har-loh is covered with the thick furs, and head outside. The beach is quiet, the only sound the constant roll of the tide and the occasional screech of a distant bird. The skies are gray, but it does not look like snow. It is a good day to go hunting, and we still need more things. We need more meat, more furs. We need fuel for the fire—I noticed we were out. There are plants to gather and berries to find. There are—


  I turn and look at my mate. She stands in the entrance to the cave, furs clutched to her bare skin. There is a sad look on her speckled face.

  "Yewgoin huntin?" she asks. "Hunt?"

  I know the word “hunt.” I know what she asks…and I hate to see the disappointment on her face. I will be gone all day again and she will have to do all the hard work on her own. It is not easy for her when I bring the meat back to the beach. I realize that now. It creates more work for her and to do it alone is…a lot.

  And suddenly, I do not want to leave my mate behind. Har-loh is smart. If she cannot hunt, she can stay back at a distance and help me carry things. She can gather plants and fuel for the fire. When we return, we can work on the meat and the hides together. All of it can be done by one, but it goes faster with help. I am still thinking like I am alone, and I should not be. Har-loh wants to be at my side, and I want to be at hers.

  So I nod. "Rukh hunt." I hold my hand out to her. "Har-loh hunt? Togeddur?"

  A brilliant smile blooms across her face, and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  "Togeddur," she agrees.

  I am pleased. Everything is better together.




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