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Christian Romance: I Think I'm Falling For You... A Beautiful Christian Romance Story

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by Joanne Sawyer

was something her father, who had owned an electronics store when he was still alive, had always said, ‘You have to be the first one in and the last one out,’ and she stood by it. She liked to go through the whole shop in the mornings, going through the displays, then counters, the desks and offices at the back and then the kitchen. This was often the time she took to get closer with God. She was so busy and life was so hectic that she made it a point to talk to God and pray as she checked on the blessings He had showered her. Tabitha and Malcolm Coleson had taught their children many things, but the most important was to always be thankful and have faith in God’s will, but Elise also believed in hard work, that God could only do so much and you have to work to achieve your dreams. This combination made Elise a hopeful yet strict boss.

  Kathy Miranda, a baker who had worked with them for 2 years already, knew this and, as was evident when Elise came to inspect her work area, Kathy had left her station looking pristine and organized.

  Tristan Maine’s counter, however, still had some left over dough in the bowls that hadn’t been washed when he left. There were confectioner’s sugar lightly sprinkled over the table and some spoons on a glass filled with water. He seemed to have left in a hurry. Elise shook her head and quietly cleaned up his counter.

  Elise made her way to her office and checked her agenda. The reports she had been working on were already done, and she already had Lou Anne send it to her accountant. The most important part of her day was the meeting with Suzanne Saldana, a local celebrity who was known for her soulful singing. Suzanne was getting married here and had called them. It was by far the biggest order they have had since Tabitha’s AngeliCakes was founded and she and her Aunt Jem had to close the deal, she reviewed her notes on Saldana again as she waited for time to pass.

  It was exactly 9:00 when Tristan came through the door. Everyone else, on the other hand, had arrived at least 10 minutes early.

  The man was incorrigible. He reminded Elise of those school jocks who broke the rules and smiled about it, knowing they would never really be punished. She was going to let it go. It was his first day anyway and she had the Saldana account to worry about.

  “Hey darling, how was the interview yesterday? You didn’t give him such a hard time did you?” said her Aunt Jem, peeking her head through the door.

  “I don’t know what you mean auntie. I am a professional, and I expect others to act that way too. That’s all,” replied Elise, as Aunt Jem shook her head and came in.

  “I know you’re really pressured with this Saldana wedding coming, but I do hope you take time off. Lou Anne told me you left later than she did last night. There’s more to life than work Elise, I think that’s a lesson your mother taught that you forgot. Tabitha worked hard but she always had time for you and your brothers, and that’s what made it all worth it.”

  “I don’t have children Aunt Jem, my brothers are all busy and we see each other every day, that’s all the family I need right now.”

  “You think that, but it’s not true. When was the last time you took a day off or went out with your friends? Do you even have any friends anymore Elise?”

  “Of course I do Auntie. We just haven’t talked in a while. I am very busy you know.”

  “I do know darling. That’s why I want you to go out once in a while. Darling you’ve never even had a boyfriend and you’re already 25? What are you waiting for? You already have a steady business and people you trust who work for you. You should learn to live a little.”

  “Auntie please, let’s talk about this when we get the Saldana event okay? It’s a very important account and it could be the push we need to open branches across the state. I need to focus, and so do you.”

  “Alright, alright,” her aunt said as she got up to go. “I just wish you’d take the time to enjoy life too. Your brothers are just the same, what would Tabitha say?” and she closed the door behind her.

  It wasn’t the first time her aunt pestered her about this. Since she had turned 24, her Aunt Jem had tried to get her to start dating. But like she said, it was not a priority at the moment.

  It was 10 minutes past one o’clock when the awaited customer arrived. Suzanne Saldana’s orange Bentley pulled up right in front of the shop and she stepped out with an older woman and her husband, a successful business man Elise had heard about, Jonathan Cane.

  They were led into the mini-conference room; it was beautifully furnished with a table and six chairs and was mainly used for talking with prospective clients.

  Aunt Jem and Elise both stood up and shook hands with all three.

  “Miss Saldana, Mr. Cane, I’m Mary Elise Coleson, and this is my aunt, Jemima Shaw, we would like to welcome you to Tabitha’s AngeliCakes. We hope we can be of service to you on your upcoming nuptials.” Elise started formally.

  “Why yes, of course. Well, you know us both, this is my mother,” said Suzanne, who was truly beautiful with her rich curls and tanned skin. “We actually came here first because a friend of mine, Anna Reed, she said she ordered the most divine cake from your shop for her mother’s 63rd birthday and that I just had to try it here.”

  “Oh yes, Anna, she got the double layer chiffon with the gold ribbon fondant decoration. Yes that was lovely,” said Aunt Jem with a smile. You had to give it to Aunt Jem for remembering almost every single customer they ever had.

  “Yes, that’s exactly right. I feel better already,” said Mrs. Saldana, “You can expect a wonderful cake from people who remember the exact cake someone ordered a month ago Suzanne.”

  Suzanne looked toward Jonathan, who just smiled and shrugged.

  “Well, I was thinking of having a four layer wedding cake with silver fondant and gold flower embellishments. And I want butter cream filling and maybe some red velvet cupcakes for the guests too.”

  “That’s all very doable for us, we’ve done a lot of weddings and we can definitely give you a cake that’ll be the highlight of your reception, I can guarantee you that.”

  “I know, and I’m sure you would have done a great job but…” Uh oh, thought Elise right then. “I was thinking of a more daring cake. I saw your previous cakes and they were all lovely, I just want a bit of an umph to it, you know?”

  “Well we can provide you with all the umph you’ll need Miss Saldana. We have the best cake decorators in the city and highly qualified bakers. We have the best right here and you won’t get any better.”

  “Well, we actually already have an offer from Hotel Continental, they’re doing the catering and everything, but their best pastry chef left and their new hires were just so…new. So we thought we’d get our cake somewhere else, but we do want a bit of Tristan’s touch on our cake. He used to be the pastry chef there and he was a dear friend of ours. I just don’t know if AngeliCakes has that same flare.”

  Elise nearly jumped at what was just said. Who would have thought Tristan Maine would be the reason she got one of the most important events in the whole city, maybe even the whole state? Aunt Jem was blushing too, but she knew Elise would say it better.

  “Miss Saldana, didn’t I tell you we had the BEST bakers in the city. You’ll both find your dear friend Tristan in our work stations. He now works for Tabitha’s AngeliCakes.”

  Unexpected Engagement...

  Tristan Maine was late. Again. Elise was starting to get tired of it all. She had half a mind to fire him already if it weren’t for that Saldana-Cane account, and the fact that he was miles ahead of their own chief baker, Kathy Miranda, who was good but, as Suzanne put it, didn’t have that flare.

  Tristan arrived at 9:15 and looked at her almost apologetically but breezed right on to the baking station. Elise could only shake her head. The Saldana-Cane nuptials were coming in 8 days and they were coming in a few minutes to have some tastings for the cake base.

  Tristan was in charge of most of it, but Kathy was helping him. What Kathy lacks in creativity, she more than makes up for in efficiency. Kathy was a fast and reliable worker, things that Elise val
ued. Tristan was sloppy and tardy, Elise’s pet peeves. But he was brilliant and Suzanne and Jonathan were his friends apparently. She had to let it go.

  At 1:30, Suzanne Saldana and Jonathan Cane came by for the cake testing. This was Auntie Jem’s turn to show them around while Elise busied herself with making calls and getting a read on market prices. It was what Aunt Jem always called the boring part of baking.

  At 3:30, Elise heard the Bentley drive away and took a deep breath. At least now it was finally over and she could let Aunt Jem worry over the cake itself. Elise expected her aunt to come by at any moment. But instead of Aunt Jem’s brown mane, it was Tristan’s blonde head that came to surprise her.

  “Hey, Jem asked me to come by and update you on the Saldana-Cane nuptials. It’s pretty bad,” he said almost apologetically but still with that annoying smile.

  “How do you mean Mr. Maine?” Elise said as coolly as she could, though she did feel a little warm.

  “Well, she wants a four layer cake with different flavors, hazelnut, chocolate, mocha, mint, with tiers and a bride and groom statue that’s maybe more than a pound in weight. She wants it slender but with filling so it won’t be structurally sound, but with some extra wire work, it’ll be possible.”

  “I reiterate my question Mr. Maine, what’s the problem?”

  “She wants

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