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Survive the Hunt

Page 19

by Diana Duncan

  He chuckled. “Don’t blame you there. I’ve been a pain in the ass since the day we met.” He sobered, cradled her chin in his hand. “I haven’t been fair to you.”

  She tilted her head. “What makes you say that?”

  “I made assumptions based on your occupation. About your MO, morals, and motives. I was wrong. Dead wrong. I’m sorry, Zoe.”

  She froze in the act of refastening the sling. Blinked. “Uh ... wow,” she whispered. “Apology accepted.” Her full, sexy lips trembled, and she pressed them together. “Um ... does this mean you’re unpacking the baggage?”

  “Honey, the baggage fell over the cliff when I did. Shattered into a million pieces.”

  Tears turned her eyes into shiny hazel pools. She shuddered. “Like you almost were.”

  “A super-size wake-up call.” He stroked a fingertip down her nose. “We need to find shelter.” He struggled to his feet, and the world swam in a dizzying arc.

  Her arm slid around his waist. “I found an opening that might be a cave.” She hesitated. “I couldn’t ... didn’t go inside.”

  “Lead on.”

  With Zoe shivering beside him, he trudged up the beach. Weak and woozy, he took twice as long as he should’ve. His jaw tightened. He hated being a liability to her.

  He glanced around the small crescent of pale sand carved out of towering cliffs. The ocean roared at their backs, trapping them in the cove. By daybreak they’d be completely exposed. Sitting targets for the UNSUBS. If the incoming tide didn’t drown them first.

  When they reached the rock wall, she stopped. “Here.”

  “Maybe.” He studied the narrow fissure. “I’ll check it out. Pass me a flare.” He stepped forward, but a wave of dizziness assaulted him. He staggered, missed the cleft and rammed into the wall. Pain drove him to his knees, gasping in the sand.

  She wrapped the tarp around him again. “I’ll d-do it.” Her shaky tone belied her brave words.

  He ground his teeth. Struggled to rise. Goddammit, she was terrified to go in there. He was failing her.

  She patted his good shoulder. “Just sit for a few minutes. You’ll hurt yourself again, and then where will we be? I can’t carry you.”

  “Fuck!” he muttered. He hadn’t felt this useless, this helpless since the fallout over Pop’s death.

  She hesitated at the cleft, counting softly. Blew out a quivering breath. “H-how d-do I light the flare?”

  “You can’t, not until you get far enough inside so the light won’t reflect out.” He reached out to her. “Help me up. I can’t make it alone and neither can you. We’ll conquer it together.”

  Her thrilled smile was enough to ease his battered pride. “The dynamic duo.”

  Following his instructions, she erased their tracks from the beach, then returned to where he leaned against the cold rocks. Wide, fearful eyes met his. “How long do we have to be in there before we can have light?”

  “I don’t have any way to gauge. But I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  She gulped, nodded. “All right.”


  She nodded again. He squeezed inside, feeling his way through the dark, twisting, claustrophobic passage with her behind him clinging to his waistband. He turned down several blind alleys from which they had to back out, and almost got stuck twice.

  They’d traveled far enough to fire up the flare, but he didn’t have room. He’d set his hair on fire.

  When he slowed to wind around another outcropping, she stopped, frozen.

  “C’mon, sweetheart. Just keep moving.”

  “O-okay.” Her rapid, panicked breaths sounded far too close to hyperventilation. And despite the fact they were out of the wind’s chilly bite, her shaking had increased.

  Entombed in cold, hard granite, he slithered forward as quickly as possible. “We’re getting close. Smell that?”

  She sniffed, lurched to a halt. “Funky smell. Is it bats? I hear rustling!” Her voice rose three octaves and she let go of him. “There’s a horde of bats in here!”

  “Zoe ... no! Don’t let go!” If he lost her in the dark maze, he might never find her again. He grabbed behind his back, caught only dead air.

  “I can’t!” She skittered away from him. “I have to get out!”

  Chapter 13

  4:00 a.m.

  “Zoe, stop!” Aidan tried to turn and follow, but bumped his injured shoulder in the narrow space. Stars swam in his vision. Ow! Shit! Impossible to move. To go after her.

  Groaning, he clutched the wall. “Not. Bats!”

  “No bats?” Her terrified question floated back, already sounding way too far away. “Spiders? Snakes? A freakin’ dragon?”

  He chuckled. “No, no, and a dragon would be kinda awesome. The Cascade Range is made up of volcanoes. That sulfur smell means hot springs ahead. Which indicates a cave. Soon, we can light a flare.”

  “What’s that rustling noise? C-can’t we light a flare now?”

  “It’s the simmering water. Not enough room for a flare yet. I don’t even have room to maneuver around and come get you.” He kept his tone low and soothing. “So you have to come back to me. You don’t want to get lost in here all alone.”

  Her gulp was audible. “I’m ... paralyzed.”

  “C’mon, sweetheart. Walk toward my voice.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “You can do it. I’m right here, waiting for you. Zoe, I need your help.”

  “O-okay,” her breathless reply drifted back.

  To his immense relief, he heard footsteps shuffling on the sandy floor. “That’s it.” He kept talking. “One step after another, honey. My hand is right here. Reach out and take it.”

  When her ice-cold fingers grasped his, he inhaled for the first time in a friggin’ decade. “I’ve got you.”

  She shook so hard her teeth chattered. “I—I panicked.”

  “It’s okay. Everything will be okay. Hold onto me and don’t let go again.” He squeezed her hand. “It might help if you close your eyes, so you can’t ‘see’ the dark.”

  “M-maybe.” A long hesitation made him tense before she finally declared, “I can do this.”

  “I know you can.” Her breathing had reached critical mass. He needed to calm her down before she passed out and they were literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. “Only a little farther now. Remember, you wanted to tell me something about the Musketeers?”


  “During that charming jaunt through the creek.”

  She paused. “Oh, yes. You said ‘one for all, and all for one.’ Which made me think. You’re like Athos ... wise and sad and a strong, trustworthy leader.” Thankfully, the distraction worked and her raspy inhalations slowed. “Con has the bravado and romantic nature of D’Artagnan. Liam has Porthos’s humor.” Another breath. “Grady is like Aramis ... an interesting combo of smarts and swashbuckler.”

  “You have the O’Rourke brothers pegged.” His chuckle rebounded eerily in the winding passage. “Does that make you Milady D’Winter?”

  Zoe snorted. “She was psycho.”

  He pressed onward, following the ever-stronger sulfur smell. “You’re making my case for me.”

  “Thanks bunches. I’d never punish a wounded man,” she panted from behind him. “So consider yourself owed.”

  Another low chuckle escaped. “Punishment, huh? I look forward to payment in full.” He’d bet his beloved Batmobile his adventurous reporter would be up for any and all fun-and-games he might suggest.

  He squeezed around the final bend into an airy, echoing cavern. “We made it. Hang tight for three more seconds before you open your eyes.”

  He scratched a flare into life. Grinned at the sight in front of him. “Open sesame.”

  She gasped, turning around and around in the golden, glittering chamber. “Ohhh! Beautiful! Is it gold?”

  “Pyrite. Fool’s gold.” He swallowed hard. Her wet shirt had gone sheer, her dusky,
pebbled nipples clearly visible in the shimmering light. His lady was far more beautiful than any glittering cave.

  He led her behind a short rock wall. “Right on target, there’s the pool.”

  Shivering, she plopped her survival bag on the sand beside the steaming, bubbling pool. “Now that we’re closer, it smells kind of like hardboiled eggs. I’m so cold, I can’t wait to jump in.”

  “Natural hot springs can exceed boiling temps.” He knelt and jammed the flare into the sandy floor. Held a cautious fingertip above the bubbles before dipping it in. “Perfect. Climb in.”

  “I’ll help you start a fire first.”

  Driftwood liberally scattered the sand—evidence that seawater had once flooded the cave. The wood was bone-dry, so incoming tide wasn’t a concern here. He already had enough to worry about. They both needed food, and more importantly, water. And how would he get them the hell out of this cave and off the island? He bent to grasp a log, swayed and nearly fell. Shit! How was he supposed to protect Zoe when he kept staggering around like a frat boy on pledge night?

  She took the log from him. “Let me.”

  He reluctantly handed her his knife. “Slice thin slivers of wood for kindling.” Using Gym Rat’s lighter, they soon built a crackling blaze.

  He stood, propped his back against the wall, closed his eyes and let blessed heat radiate into his aching muscles.

  “Aidan?” Zoe’s soft palm nestled above his heart. “Shall I help you undress?”

  He looked down at her hand, small and fragile against his tanned chest. Looked into her weary, trusting eyes, shimmering golden-brown irises dancing with green sparks in the firelight. Looked at the scrapes and bruises marring her creamy skin. The cut marring her plump bottom lip. Every warrior’s instinct to keep her safe roared to the surface. “I’ll manage. Hop in.”

  “Aw.” That enticing lower lip stuck out in an exaggerated pout. “I’ve been wanting to get you outta your pants since the night we met. SWAT ... Some Women Adore Trouble.”

  He laughed. “How can a guy say no?”

  Her impish grin flashed. “You can’t.” She removed his sling before she knelt, untied his shoes and removed them. She stood. Smiling eyes laughed into his as her nimble fingers unfastened and unzipped his fly.

  Hey, not so tough to give her what she wanted, after all.

  She drew his pants and boxers to his hips. Tugged. “I can’t seem to ... they’re caught on ...” She glanced down and blew out a breath. “Oh. My. Glorious. God.”

  He grinned. He’d been sporting a raging hard-on since he’d awakened with her naked breasts pressed to his chest. “I’d better take it from here.”

  “Yeah, I don’t want to uh ... damage anything. I’ll give you some privacy.” She spun, putting her back to him.

  “Zoe,” he said, his voice soft and low. “Don’t be embarrassed because you turn me on. I’m not.”

  “I know you’re attracted to me.” Her uncertain murmur was barely audible. “I’m just not sure you want to be.”

  “I was damn uncertain at first, myself.” He reached out and stroked her hair. “But I know better now.”

  “You—” Her shoulders hitched. “You’re all right with it?”

  He stepped closer and put his hand on her shoulder. “Yes, sweetheart.” He leaned in, pressed his cheek to hers. “Very much so.”

  “I ...” Her voice caught. “I’m very much all right with it, too.”

  “Good to hear.” He kissed her temple. “Let’s get into that nice warm water.”

  “You first. I need to rinse out our clothes.”

  She studiously examined the glittering cave walls while he laboriously stripped off his damp slacks and boxers and stepped into the pool. Sitting on a protruding ledge, he sank chest-deep into steaming water. A contented sigh slipped out as heat soaked his injured shoulder.

  She picked up his pants. “These have been in salt water ... don’t want them to dry stiff.”

  He flicked her a wry glance. “Stiff is damned inconvenient.”

  “Mmm ... not always.” She returned his naughty grin as she rinsed his clothes and draped them over a log beside the fire. “Your turn to shut your eyes.”

  He tipped his head back and let his eyelids drift closed. He heard her wet shirt slither down. Seductive satin whispers as she stepped out of her panties. Rippling water caressing her skin. She’d be leaning over the pool, rinsing her clothes.


  Erotic mental images blasted his system and every muscle in his body went as rigid as his dick. He gritted his teeth against the urge to raise his lashes just enough to watch her. She’d never know.

  He balled his good hand into a fist. No. He wouldn’t invade Zoe’s privacy and violate her trust. But damn, temptation danced an enticing tango against his closed eyelids.

  More splashes. Her forearm brushed his, then her silken thigh slid against his beneath the warm water. As his muscles tightened even more painfully, he hissed under his breath.

  “Sorry.” She sounded breathless. “Did I jar you?”

  Clear to his toes, but with the good kind of pain. “No.” He opened his eyes to see her anxious, elfin face so very close. There was no way to sit in the small pool without touching. Thank sweet heaven the bubbles reached her collarbone. A man could only resist so much temptation.

  She passed him a water bottle and two more acetaminophen. He sipped enough to swallow the pills, handed the bottle back. She frowned. “Drink it all. You need to stay hydrated.”

  “So do you.”

  “I’ve had mine. Go ahead.”

  He examined the nearly full container. “Really.”

  She jutted her chin in the endearingly stubborn gesture he’d grown to adore. “I’m not thirsty.”

  Drilling her with the death stare, he held out the bottle. “We both drink or nobody drinks.”

  She sighed. “Yes, Master.”

  “Much better.” He grinned as she took a swig. “I like my women naked and obedient.”

  She choked, sputtered water. “Funny, that’s how I prefer my men.”

  He laughed. “I’m yours to command, sweetheart.”

  She again passed the bottle. “Don’t make promises you’re not up to keeping.”

  Cool, refreshing water slid down his dry throat. Oh, I’m more than up for it, honey.

  “I bet you’re hungry,” she said. “I know I am. I have Cracker Jack. Thanks to the foil pouch, they’re not even soggy.”

  “Sounds good.”

  As she tore open a red-and-white box, he set aside the water bottle and tried to figure out how to eat one-handed. Since they had to share, dumping the snack into his mouth from the pouch seemed a little crass.

  “Allow me, Master.” She giggled, then fed him crunchy, candy-coated popcorn and peanuts.

  In the glistening, isolated cavern, the outside world ceased to exist. He quickly grew accustomed to the mineral smell while heated water bubbled sensually against his sore, weary muscles. As they lay cocooned in warm steam, talking quietly and sharing the makeshift meal, most of his pain faded along with the stress of the past hours.

  She opened a tiny envelope. “Wonder what we got for the prize?” A miniature green plastic monkey tumbled onto her palm. She smiled. “How cute! I have a fondness for monkeys.

  “I noticed.” He arched a brow. “Too many Tarzan movies?”

  “No.” She chuckled. “When I was young, I was crazy about Curious George.”

  “Easy to understand. You and impish George are kindred spirits.” He grinned at her. “Babar the Elephant books were my favorites.”

  “The elephant who grew up to be king of the jungle.” Her answering grin brimmed with mischief. “I get your fascination with him, too.”

  “I liked him because he always found a silver lining in every cloud.” A lot like Zoe. “I got a stuffed elephant for my fifth birthday that I named Babar.”

  Her fingertip gently traced the miniature monkey’s plastic grin. “When
I was five, I wanted a Curious George doll so badly. Mom couldn’t afford the official version, but she found a ‘gently used’ so-ugly-they’re-cute sock monkeys at a church rummage sale. George slept with me every night to fend off loneliness. Wherever Mom dragged me was home if George was there.” She glanced at him from under a thicket of dark lashes. “Probably seems silly to you.”

  “Not at all. I kept Babar until I started sixth grade. I made a big show of tossing him in the trash, but I suspect Mom has him stashed in the attic with boxes of our baby clothes and other keepsakes. Do you still have George?”

  “No.” Her voice grew quiet as she set the plastic trinket on a rock beside them. Too quiet. “We had to run on a moment’s notice. Couldn’t go back to the apartment. I had to ... abandon him.”

  He covered her hand with his. “I didn’t mean to stir up another bad memory.”

  “Stupid to get upset about such a minor thing after all these years.” Her nonchalant shrug belied the haunted longing in her words, the sorrow hazing her eyes. “It was just a toy.”

  Were all her childhood memories painful? He sternly cleared the thickness from his throat. Cops did not cry. “You’re not a helpless little girl now, Zoe. You don’t have to be afraid.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, hugged her. “And you’re not alone anymore.”

  “You’re quite a guy, SWAT.” She swiped at her cheeks. “Thank you for not judging or condemning me because of my past.”

  He massaged the back of her neck. “The past is over. Dead and buried. I know that all too well.”

  “Now is all we ever really have.” She gave him a wobbly smile. “I’m a pro at living in the moment.”

  She would be. For too many years, that was all she’d known. Her past was a menacing shadow. Her future uncertain. He studied her guileless, heart-shaped face, inches from his. Did she ever dare plan the future?

  Did any of those thoughts include him?

  Their eyes met and held. The firelight reflected dancing golden lights in her beautiful, expressive eyes. Her feminine scent mingled with the rich smell of caramel popcorn, tantalizing his senses. Water droplets sparkled on her delicate throat and slim shoulders. He ached to lean forward and sweep his tongue over her damp, creamy skin. Kiss every lovely inch.


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