Code Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 3)

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Code Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 3) Page 10

by C. D. Gorri

  He squeezed her body, grinding her against him. Randall was thrilled with her reaction to him, the way she flexed her hips into his, an invitation to explore the mysteries that were all Tulla. Mine. He growled deep in his throat. With his right hand, he circled around to the apex of her thighs.

  He felt her heat seeping through the thin material that separated them and his growl grew louder. She moaned then and he searched for the fastening at her waist. He needed her out of those clothes, but the porch was too well lit. He wanted her, but he wasn’t going to put on a show for anyone who happened to be out stargazing.

  As if she knew what he was thinking she backed up a step, her gray eyes glazed with pleasure, sparkling like stars in the moonlight. Tulla took his hand in hers and tugged. He mimicked that small smile that played on her swollen lips. A dusky rose tint visible to him in the soft moonlight, graced her smooth cheeks as she lifted a finger to shush him and raised her eyebrow. A question, was it? He swallowed, nodded his head, and allowed her to lead him where she would.

  He followed her down to where the B&B small row boat sat in the sand. It was tied to an anchor and flipped upside down on the still warm sand. She pulled the dry sheet off the boat’s bottom and laid it down on one side. Anyone trying to peak wouldn’t see anything other than the twelve-foot fishing vessel.

  “Come here,” she laid down on the sheet and held her arms out. Randall obeyed her command without hesitation.

  She looked like a goddess lying there, offering herself to him freely. Her eyes sparkling and her mouth tempting as hell. He claimed her lips again and again, his hard body pressing down on hers as he undid her shorts and eased them down her smooth tanned legs. Uncomfortable with the clothing that still separated them, Randall took off his shirt and was satisfied to see her wide-eyed fascination. Her small hands trembled as she smoothed them over his chest and abs.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he smiled and kissed her again.

  “Approve? You’re gorgeous,” Randall could feel his own blush staining his cheeks.

  A woman had never called him that before, but he was pleased that she liked what she saw. It satisfied him to know his appearance tempted her and the Wolf in him approved wholeheartedly that she found him appealing.

  “I need to see all of you,” he growled as she kissed his neck sending shivers up his spine.

  She lay before him in a button-down shirt and a pair of purple cotton panties, but it was still too much clothing. A second later, the buttons to her shirt were flying as he ripped it open baring her full breasts to his eyes. Randall moaned as he reached out with one trembling hand to touch her.

  “Perfect, you are perfect,” he groaned as he felt the smooth softness of her breasts. They were round and high on her chest, tipped with plump, dusky nipples. Her chest moved up and down as she breathed in and out, faster now with her growing arousal. She was a goddamn work of art.

  He bent his head, compelled by the need to taste her. He licked and sucked at one glorious mound while caressing the other with nimble fingers. Her moans of pleasure told him all he needed to know. He lavished attention on the next breast as his hands crept downwards moving inside of the tiny cotton barrier to her most feminine parts.

  Tulla wound her hands in his long hair and held him to her, arching up towards his mouth as he suckled her and teased her with lips, tongue, and teeth. He enjoyed her reaction to him, growing harder with every gasp, every sigh. He needed more.

  “You’re so beautiful. I have to taste you,” he whispered.

  “You are,” she gasped.

  “No, I need more. I want to really taste you, sweet,” he lowered his head from her breast and dipped his tongue into her navel. She arched and he held her down with firm, but gentle hands. Randall grinned and spread soft kisses and playful nips along the way as he moved down her body.

  He watched her wondrous expression as he travelled down her stomach to her soft inner thighs. Her heartbeat was like a drumline in his sensitive ears. He loved the rhythm, became attuned to it instinctively, and played her body like a finely tuned guitar.

  He stopped when he reached her tiny cotton panties. Randall looked up, his eyes met hers as she watched him wide-eyed. Tulla bit her lower lip and he grinned from ear to ear looking more like his Wolf than even he knew. He glanced down and was stumped for a second. A small picture of a cat curled up in a ball sat on the front of her tiny purple cotton panties. Underneath the image were the words “pet my pussy”.

  “I, uh, didn’t know when I put those on-” her embarrassed whisper made his heart swell.

  “That’s fine with me. I like a little instruction,” with that he gripped the sides of her underwear with his hands. He had intended to rip them off, but he decided he liked this pair so he very carefully tugged them down her legs and tucked them into the pocket of his shorts for safekeeping.

  She moaned when the movement brought his breath into contact with her core and all thoughts of being embarrassed seemed to vanish from her mind. Randall growled as her scent flooded his nostrils. She was ready for him, desire and pride mixed with a fierce need threatened to choke him. he steadied himself with a deep breath.

  She was his for the taking. Finally. His fingers inched up her thighs to find her wet and ready for him. He didn’t hesitate, he bent his head and licked a path from her left thigh to her center. The growl reverberating in his chest acting to increase her pleasure.

  Randall held her in place when she would have sprung up off the sand. He kissed and licked and sucked as her short nails raked his shoulders. The action only made him more attentive, he smoothed one hand along the top of her belly, effectively holding her in place while he entered her with the other hand. First one, then two fingers. Licking, sucking, kissing, and penetrating her all at once while she moaned a glorious symphony to his ears.

  The sound of her pleasure only increased his own as he drank her in much like the fine wine he enjoyed earlier that night. But wine had nothing on his Tulla. She was sweeter and smoother than anything he’d ever had before in his life. She shuddered against his mouth crying out his name as his tongue continued to lave at her swollen nub. When he felt her release skyrocket through her body he slowed his speed, but didn’t stop.

  Randall was a generous lover, but he never wanted to please a woman more than he did this woman. In that moment, she was both everything and the only thing. He rained kisses on her thighs, her belly, and her breasts before settling himself between her legs. His shorts long gone, he pressed the full length of his arousal against her.

  She instinctively wrapped her legs around him as he aimed his swollen head at her sleek entrance. With one final questioning glance Randall waited until she arched up and opened for him. Then he entered her welcoming heat in one hard thrust.

  He felt her stretch to accommodate him and stilled himself so she could adjust to his length and thickness. He’d never felt anything so fucking right as when he sank himself into her. Tulla arched her back and pulled him closer, her hands gripping his firm ass as he flexed his hips, going deeper inside. He loved the feel of her muscles flexing around his shaft, the perfect way she sheathed him, surrounding his hard length. She flexed her hips experimentally and the uncalculated movement sent delicious shivers up and down Randall’s spine.

  His need to pound into her was overwhelming, but he restrained himself. He wanted to care for her, not just fuck her into oblivion, though if he were being honest, he wanted that too. This woman was his now, in every sense of the word. He smoothed the hair out of her face and kissed her chin and neck and lips reveling in the way she opened her mouth for him. Their eyes met and Randall held her stare.

  “Beautiful,” his whisper surprised even him as he moved inside of her.

  “This is the most incredible night of my life,” she whispered. He allowed her to pull his head down and kiss him.

  “It’s all you,” Randall answered and flexed his hips again.

  He groaned as he pumped his body. Attuned to
her every desire, he kissed and licked, and yes, even bit while she gasped and moaned and ran her hands all over him. Sweat covered them both as her inner muscles tightened around his cock, stroking him with each hard thrust.

  She was tight and slick and perfect. His body hummed with energy as he pumped himself into her and for the first time in his life he knew peace and perfection. He meant to slow down, to savor the moment, but he was acting on instinct now.

  His Wolf’s scent, his unique combination of musk and spice, enveloped her as they made love. The rush of emotion that went with it was undeniable. He felt the Wolf in his eyes, rising up, telling him to claim her. He wanted to wait, to ask her first, but there was no stopping now.

  He felt her body tighten around him and Tulla moaned her orgasm even as he bit down on her shoulder, marking her as his. She cried aloud as his mark increased her pleasure. Randall pumped himself harder. He couldn’t think, he didn’t want to, he just wanted to make her come again, this time with him. And they did. They came together, her glazed eyes met his as she called out his name to the night sky.

  The sudden knowledge that she was his now, filled him. His heart thudded in his chest as he kissed her on the mouth, deeply, knowing that if he kept looking into the silver pools of her eyes he’d never find his way out. He got up on his knees, still inside of her and stroked her legs as he placed them up on his large shoulders.

  He was still hard inside of her and he needed more. He loved the sound of Tulla’s gasp as he found her bud with his fingers. He pumped slowly this time. Long, hard strokes, in and out. The feel of her, the smell of her, Tulla, his own Tulla overwhelmed him. He moved faster then, wringing another orgasm from her and finding his own.

  “Randall,” she cried out, her head moving wildly back and forth.

  The sound of their bodies, skin on skin slapping each other as he thrust in and out of her body was nothing compared to the sound of his heart in his ears. A resounding roar filled his head as he felt his second release and he spilled everything he had to offer of himself inside of her. He’d meant to withdraw, but he was too far gone to have the presence of mind to do it.

  The sound of their ragged breathing filled his ears. He remained upright, on his knees, his cock still buried inside of her, until her shiver brought him out of his reverie. He grabbed his shirt and draped it over her cool skin before settling sown beside her and pulling her into him. The temperature had cooled off dramatically since the sun set, but Randall used his warmth to comfort her in the aftermath of their lovemaking.

  He marked her. Shit. Randall hadn’t meant to do that just yet, but he’d lost control somewhere along the way. He inhaled and noticed his own musk mingling with her coconut scent. He wondered if she would regret leading him down here once she knew what he was, what he did, not that it mattered. It was done. She was his. Mine.


  Tulla almost dropped her basket of groceries as she walked carefully down the supermarket aisle. It was still a bit early, but she’d already had her coffee so that wasn’t it. She was distracted. And with good reason.

  Her mind was still in replay mode. Did that really happen last night? She must have been temporarily out of her mind. She had seduced a guest! Or she let him seduce her! Whichever way she looked at it, the fact remained that last night she’d had literal sex on the beach! Not the drink, and with a man she barely knew!

  Images of Randall’s molten caramel eyes peering into hers as he rained kisses all over her body kept her awake for most of the night, after they had made their way back to his bedroom. He’d insisted she come with him and, boy, did she ever. Three times on the beach and once more in his bed before he fell asleep. She’d waited to hear his steady breathing before she went back to her own room. She didn’t want to go, but she had Danny to think about.

  By then it was nearly dawn and she needed to shower and get dressed. Danny was still sound asleep when she crept past his room. Thank goodness. It would have been difficult to explain why his mama was walking around in a man’s shirt covered in sand when it was still dark outside. My oh my, what a night!

  Tulla was a grown woman, she totally understood the consequences of her actions, but she had no idea when she went to Randall last night that he would take to her heights she had never seen before. To think she’d been married and given birth, but she was, for all intents and purposes, a virgin up until last night.

  She’d seen plenty of movies and read tons of books that detailed sexual encounters that left the women gasping with pleasure, and the men strutting like gods, but she imagined it was some sort of conspiracy designed to pander to the fragile egos of men who suffered from some psychological trauma about their penises that only Freud could name! However, after last night, Tulla knew better. Whoever wrote those books or screenplays must have had a lover like Randall Graves. Her heart sped up just thinking about the man.

  Last night was the single most satisfying sexual experience of her entire life. It wasn’t just sex and you know it, she ignored that pesky little voice. She didn’t want to ruin things by overcomplicating them too soon. She was still basking in the afterglow of it. She bit her lip as worry and doubt crept inside of her mind. He was still asleep when Danny went off to school and she was unsure now of going back to face him alone.

  What if it was just a one -off for him? What if it didn’t mean anything special to him at all? She recalled the sounds of his satisfied groans and the way he’d kissed her from head to toe as if she were something he cherished. It had to mean something, right?

  It just had to. She’d been certain of it last night. She’d seen it in the way his eyes seemed to glow gold in the darkness, in the way he made her body sing under cover of moonlight and a million dazzling stars. It was daytime now and time to face the music. She was no coward. She would face him, alright, head high, and she’d ask him what was what. What were her other options? She bit her lower lip as she piled groceries on the conveyor belt.

  “Good morning, Tulla, my, don’t you look lovely today!”

  Tulla turned and blushed as the wife of the owner of the small grocery store rang her up. Mrs. Atkins was a small woman, petite with medium length brown hair and trendy thick framed glasses. There was always a sparkle in her eyes and Tulla knew what that meant! She was on to something. Unfortunately for Tulla, that something was her. Best play it cool.

  “Good morning, Rainne! It’s Danny’s birthday at the end of the week, I guess I’m just excited is all.”

  “Oh, that’s nice, you sure you’re not excited about that new guest of yours? Mr. Atkins and I have seen him out running along the shore and such. He is a handsome man if ever I saw one! A hottie as my daughter would say!”

  “Rainne, I am surprised at you! He’s just a guest is all. I don’t get personal, you know that. And what would your husband think if I told him you were drooling over another man!” Tulla winked as Mrs. Atkins blushed and giggled. She waved goodbye and headed to the car with her groceries.

  Oh, my Lord, Mrs. Atkins knew in all of two minutes that something had happened between her and Randall! Tulla was completely transparent. She felt her face heat up and rushed all the way home. The way everyone looked and smiled at her when she waved off Danny this morning and went shopping, well, she wondered if she had a sign on her forehead that said, why yes, I did get lucky last night.

  She even had a hard time looking at herself in the mirror that morning. That is to say, she didn’t recognize herself at all. She had a smile from ear to ear and her hair was mussed, and her skin had all the signs of a good night of loving. She even had a small hickey at the bottom of her left breast. She could barely walk, but, she admitted with a sigh, she felt damn good.

  Randall had been fast asleep when she got Danny ready and off for school. Then she’d run to the market for coffee after drinking the last cup. She got fresh rolls and more eggs as well. He was still technically her guest and she had to prepare breakfast. She didn’t know whether to feel awkward or not, but
what was done was done. She had no choice but to face him.

  She pulled into the driveway to see a furious faced Randall. He was just pulling on a sneaker when he heard the car and his head shot up. All the warmth of last night was gone from his dark eyes. Until he saw her, then he exhaled and it was as if all his tension eased. He strode to the car looking like a force to be reckoned with, Tulla had no idea what was wrong.

  He opened the door for her and before she stepped out, he practically lifted her from the seat and had her in a hug so tight she thought she was going to pop. Oh my. Her heart pounded in her chest. He’d been worried! About her.

  “Hey, it’s okay, I just had to run to the market,” she spoke in the same quite voice she used to soothe Danny when he had one of his nightmares.

  She ran her hands up and down Randall’s back in an effort to calm the big man. Something had gotten him all riled up, and though she had no idea exactly what that was, her first instinct was to ease his mind, to comfort him. Tulla smiled with the knowledge that he obviously felt something for her.

  “I woke up and you were both gone. No note, no car, uh, I’m sorry. I just, uh, I just needed to know you were safe.”

  “I’m okay, honey, look I’m alright. Now, come on help me inside with the bags,” she kissed him on the mouth and he hugged her close to his body again.

  So much for taking a step back, thank God, she thought while a profound sense of relief flowed through her. He kissed her on the top of her head and squeezed her shoulder before taking the two bags out of the car. Tulla had never felt so cherished before in her life.

  Tears stung her eyes as she walked ahead of him into the house. This was so much more than a one night stand. Her head tried to warn her, telling her to use caution, but her heart was singing inside her chest. I love him.


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