Code Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 3)

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Code Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 3) Page 11

by C. D. Gorri

  He set the bags down on the counter then turned to her. All thoughts of wanting to comfort and calm him turned into something else. Heat pooled between her thighs and her heart skipped a beat or two. He had that same predatory gleam in his eyes that he had last night when he tore her blouse open. Tulla’s lips parted, she watched as he undressed her with his caramel gaze.

  “Uh, would you like breakfast?” She hoped he’d say no. Not yet anyway. What she wanted was so much more fulfilling than eggs and toast.

  “I think I’ll skip breakfast and go straight to dessert,” one step was all it took for him to reach her. The second his hands landed on her waist, her mind went numb.

  All her resolve to maintain a professional relationship melted away as he reached for the hem of her sleeveless shirt and drew it up over her head. The front clasp bra was a little tricky, but he made short work of it as his mouth claimed hers. She was impressed and maybe a little wary. Did he have much experience with these things? As if sensing her doubt, he placed his large hands on either side of her face and kissed her lips with his warm and generous mouth.

  Tulla moaned. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. She tugged on his t-shirt. He got the message and broke their kiss long enough to whip the offending fabric off his body and met her skin with his. Tulla sighed. Mmmmm.

  His skin was hot and smooth and hard. Like the rest of him. Nothing had ever felt as good or as right as when his arms came around her and he pressed his fully aroused body against his. He seemed to know exactly where to touch her, where she wanted it, how much pressure she needed. It was as if he read her mind.

  Tulla gave as good as she got, her hands roamed all over the hard contours of his superb physique. She dipped her hands inside the waistband of his sweats and came into contact with that long, thick part of him that she had so intimately acknowledged last night. The velvet skin of his shaft felt good beneath her hands.

  She explored with the knowledge that he seemed to enjoy her touch almost as much as she enjoyed touching him. He was hugely aroused and his shaft throbbed in her hands. If anything, he seemed to grow harder under her touch. His groan was as deeply satisfying as it was confidence inspiring.

  She pushed him towards the couch and he went willingly. Tulla wiggled out of her shorts revealing a pair of blue cotton panties. She ran her hands along his chest and over his pants before tugging them down his long-muscled legs. She tossed them to the floor and moaned her appreciation.

  He wore nothing underneath, his glorious body revealed itself to her and she had to appreciate the raw power that emanated from his sleek form. His jutting arousal glistened at the tip with his excitement and Tulla dropped to her knees in front of him. Ready to worship his body with everything she had.

  He growled deep in his throat as she pressed herself against him, licking and nipping his neck and chest, and abs with her mouth. When she reached that most masculine part of him, Tulla sighed with approval. His cock was hard and long, and beautiful. As fine a form as any that graced museums the world over. His golden eyes watched her as she ran her hands over him, exploring every inch in the bright rays of sunlight that poured in through the skylight of the B&B’s guest living room.

  She sat back on her heels as she continued her study of every curve, every vein, every delicious inch of him. Her hands ran up and down his length again and again. She increased her speed, building momentum and enjoying the groans of pleasure that came from his lips.

  Then she did something she’d never done before, she leaned her head forward and kissed the gleaming pearl of moisture that beaded at the the tip of his head. Her eyes remained focused on him as she opened her lips and took him inside. Tulla claimed him with her mouth. Loving the feel of him, the taste as she licked and kissed and sucked. His gasp gave her the courage she needed to take him further, deeper inside of her throat.

  He throbbed and she hummed, sending deep vibrations over his sensitized flesh. Randall hissed and wound his hands through her soft, whiskey colored hair as she took him. She felt him stiffen. He tried to pull her up, but she had no intention of not finishing what she started.

  Tulla’s eyes met his glazed ones as he arched and pumped inside of her mouth. He called her name as his climax took him and Tulla felt a fierce pride as his orgasm rocked through his large body. She was ready for him, for all he had to give. When he finished, Tulla smiled placing small kisses across his abdomen before reaching his lips, a small smile on hers.

  Holy fuck! Randall’s mind was completely blank. When he woke up to find himself alone that morning fear and panic gripped his chest. What if she just disappeared? Ran away after the exquisite love they had made under the moon on the sand just steps away from her back door.

  He couldn’t explain his overwhelming need to find her, to make sure she was okay and safe. Without thinking he grabbed some clothes and was still shoving his feet into a pair of sneakers when he heard her car.

  He’d grown accustomed to her comings and goings the past few weeks and recognized the sound of her vehicle. He had barely managed to control himself enough to open the car door without ripping it off its fucking hinges.

  Thinking back on it he could have simply called her cell phone and asked where she was. But that wouldn’t have satisfied him or his Wolf. No, he needed to see her, feel her, taste her. She was his to protect. His to touch. He could think of nothing else. Mine.

  He was almost embarrassed by his need for her. His desire for this one woman was taking him over completely. It should have worried him, but the second he laid eyes on her sitting innocently in the driver’s seat all thoughts left his mind. The only thing he knew was that he needed to touch her, to get inside of her as quickly as possible.

  There was always a chance she would reject him, but Randall was too far gone to weigh the risks. He followed his instincts and strode to her car door with one purpose. Get the girl.

  When she saw him, her light gray eyes opened wide and he readied himself for a battle. He wasn’t going to give up, hell no. He couldn’t let her go. Of that he was sure. Instead of demanding he back off, she took one look at him and wrapped her warm loving body around him. Caressing him, kissing him, reassuring him she was okay.

  That was all it took for him to know he was right. She was the one. He knew it the second her coconut scent now laced with his own bonding musk hit his nostrils. He wanted her. He needed her. And to his complete and total surprise, he loved her. Mine.

  She was intoxicating. When she knelt in front of him and proceeded to rock his world he didn’t know what hit him. He could sense her uncertainty at first, but the second she found her rhythm, holy fuck, he was a goner. He was prepared to love her for her kindness, her warmth, her honesty, but he had no idea she was a goddamn sex goddess!

  He wanted to move her before he came, but she took him and everything he had to offer and damn him if that wasn’t the sexiest damn thing he had ever experienced. Her satisfied smile told him she had loved it almost as much as he did.

  “Was that okay?” The tremor in her voice belied the smile he had seen a moment ago. His heart squeezed inside his chest as he nuzzled her neck.

  “Are you kidding? There’s only one thing better than that,” at her frown he stood up with her cradled in his arms.


  “That it’s my turn now,” Randall strode with her towards his bedroom.

  She bit her lower lip and he frowned replacing her teeth with his own. He ran his tongue along the softness of her lips, soothing where he’d just bitten.

  “Ooh, look out,” she moaned directing him around a side table while he continued to kiss her.

  He was perfectly able to kiss her and walk at the same time, but somehow, she managed to snake her hand down his stomach and run her fingers across his balls when he almost bumped the damn thing. He hissed out a breath before moving her hand. She giggled then gasped as he tossed her on the bed.

  “Uh uh, I said, my turn,” he felt the Wolf in his eyes, but made n
o move to quiet the beast. He was as much a part of Randall as the man and both had claimed her.

  The spicy scent of her arousal was thick in the air. He sucked in a breath, anticipation made him tremble. Randall grabbed her slender ankles and slid her slowly down the bed. The sound of her gliding over the coverlet made him harden all over again. For her, he knew he’d always be ready. He didn’t stop pulling until her legs hung over the sides. He picked them up and swung her thighs over his shoulders as he knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed.

  “Oh my!” She gasped, her eyes round as she guessed his intentions.

  He looked at the flimsy blue cotton panties and tore them off her with one flick of his wrists. Then he parted her soft lips with his fingers and ignored his own throbbing member, concentrating on her pleasure only. Damn, he wanted to pound into her sweet warmth, but for now he was going taste her with his mouth. Hell, he was going to eat her alive.

  Randall growled as he lowered his head. No soft kisses now. No, he used his tongue to lick her slit long and hard. She was all honey and slick passion. He roamed over her, lapping at her folds, tasting every inch of her. Tulla gasped and pulled at his hair, but he was immovable.

  He blew on her swollen nub and she groaned and squeezed him with her thighs. He watched from heavy-lidded eyes as he spread her legs wide with his hands and used his tongue to pump in and out of her core. He fucked her with his mouth the way he wanted to with his cock, the way he was going to as soon as he made her scream his name.

  It was as honest and raw a sexual experience as he had ever had. Only with her. She was everything. Randall had never been so completely taken over by a female. He felt her muscles tighten around his tongue and he knew she was seconds away from climaxing. He replaced his tongue with his fingers and stroked her clit with his mouth as she rocked her mound against him.

  “Randall!” her shocked eyes met his and he growled as she arched her back and moaned his name again.

  He climbed on top of her and she opened for him as he placed the head of his cock at her slick entrance. He buried himself deep inside of her with one hard thrust. The feeling was alien and yet more familiar than his own name. As if he was made for this.

  To be with this one woman. Like coming home. Home. He’d never had much of one, but with Tulla it was everything he could have ever imagined. Warm and safe, hot and sweet, a communion of love and sex that was simply perfection.

  He covered her in his scent as he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Tulla stretched out on top of him, sitting up and running her hands over her breasts and into her hair, his hands followed.

  He thrust upwards as she rode him, her heat seeping deep into his bones. He sat up as she continued to move her hips, harder and faster than before. He reached out with his mouth and took one plump nipple in his mouth, the taste of her tantalizing him with her salty hot sweetness.

  “Tulla! You’re mine, mine,” his voice shook as he said her name. Pressure started to build inside of him and he knew without question he was going to explode. He gripped her hips and moved her faster and harder over him. He felt the familiar tightening in his loins, she gasped and reached her hands over her head, riding him with pure abandonment.

  Randall had never seen anything so fucking gorgeous in his life. He’d keep that picture in his mind for always. She opened her eyes and tossed her head back, Randall thrusted upwards, burying himself inside of her heat. Her sex squeezed him until finally, the two of them shattered together in an explosion of white hot pleasure that seemed to last eons. Never like this.


  “Tell me about how you grew up,” Randall’s voice was deep as his soul-touching satisfaction. It was barely recognizable, even to himself.

  That kind of contentedness had always been outside his reach. He never dreamed he’d feel whole or complete, but there he was, right next to the woman who made his heart feel full, with his Wolf, as close as he had ever been, in his mind and a sense of peace inside that he didn’t think he’d ever feel in his lifetime.

  Randall pressed his face against her shoulder and kissed the smooth skin there. She was curled up on her side next to him, her body completely relaxed, her breathing soft and even. He wrapped his big body around hers, to keep her warm and safe. He couldn’t stop touching her, even after they were both spent.

  He traced the curve of her hip and the swell of her breast. He ran his fingers over the dimple at the base of her back just above her sweet, supple ass. She was golden tan all over with only the faintest trace of bathing suit lines. Her legs were long, toned, and lovely. He couldn’t get enough of them.

  She had the tiniest feet he’d ever seen on a woman. The way she looked walking around barefoot in a pair of cutoff jeans, good God! And the way she wrapped those legs around his waist when they made love, well damn, he didn’t think he’d ever get enough. He was in deeper than he ever expected to be, and he was loving every minute of it.

  You need to tell her. The nagging voice in the back of his mind had been whispering in his head for the last hour. Growing in volume, it reminded him that it was unfair to keep such a secret from one you claimed as your own.

  A Werewolf was permitted by Pack law to tell his/her mate the true secret of his/her dual nature. And hadn’t he already marker her as his mate? And just now when they made love again and again, didn’t he wrap his scent all over her, claiming her for himself. Yes, he needed to tell her.

  “Oh, I don’t know if that’s such a nice story.”

  “I don’t need a nice story, Tulla mine, I just need you. I want to know everything about you.”

  She turned around to face him. He loved the way she looked. His Tulla was beautiful all the time, but most especially when her her lips were soft and swollen from kissing him and her gray eyes shone with sleepy satisfaction. Fuck beautiful, she stole the breath from right of out his body.

  “Mm. Okay, well, you asked. So, my parents are gone, died in a crash when I was starting college. I had to sell the house to cover costs of the funeral and settle their debts, there was nothing left, but I managed to work my way through it. I, uh, got an Associate’s Degree in business management while I worked as a waitress at an upscale seafood bar and restaurant in Charleston.”

  “You waitressed?” He smiled at the image he had of her in his mind. She undoubtedly had a bright smile and easy demeanor for the patrons of the restaurant where she worked. She was just that kind of person. Hardworking and enthusiastic.

  He’d have left her a huge freaking tip that was for sure, but damn, his heart squeezed a little as he thought of her all alone like that. His Tulla was undoubtedly a sweet kid and she shouldn’t have had to work so hard all alone. Not alone anymore, baby. Never again.

  “Yeah, I did. It was fine. I didn’t mind the work, it took my mind off things. My classes were okay, I mean, I liked school.”

  “What about Danny’s father?” Randall couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that shot through him when he thought of Tulla’s dead husband.

  True, he was indebted to the faceless man in his imagination for the gift of the son he gave to her. And Danny was a gift. He believed that one hundred percent, but he still couldn’t help the growl building up in his chest when he thought of another man putting his seed inside of her. Grrr. Mine.

  “Danny’s father was a charmer. I was barely twenty, he came into the restaurant one night with a large party and just about swept me off my feet. I hadn’t dated much up till then and well, what can I say, I was flattered by his attentions and just so tired of being alone.”

  When she would have stopped, he kissed her shoulder and gave her hip a soft squeeze. He traced circles from the back of her knees slowly up her back to her neck. She continued.

  “One night he took me out on this boat for an evening ride and a meal. We drank some wine, ate something I can’t recall, and before I knew it, we slept together.”



  “And were their fi
reworks or something what? Were you in love? When did you decide to get married?” Jeez, I sound like a fucking idiot.

  “I just want you to keep talking, baby, that’s all.” He tried to keep his voice even and calm, carefully hiding all of his jealousy. She smiled and kissed him on the mouth before continuing.

  “Well, um no, no fireworks. Actually, it was awkward and a little bit painful, my first time, you know. And then I didn’t see him again for about a month. By then I knew I was pregnant and when I told him, he proposed. Looking back on it, it was a mistake. Not Danny, I would never call my son a mistake, but I shouldn’t have married his father.”

  Randall stilled as he listened to her tale. It all sounded so cold. Too unemotional for his Tulla. That man didn’t deserve her. If he was alive Randall might have killed him just for the chance to make her his. He placed a possessive kiss on the mark he left on her neck and she arched into him.


  “Tell me more,” he said as he kneaded the flesh at the base of her spine. He turned her on her side and spooned in behind her, massaging her ass and pressing his hardened length against her.

  “It didn’t last long. He was away a lot. I gave birth alone. Tom died before ever laying eyes on Danny. Oh God, Randall, I can’t keep talking,-” he smiled into her neck as he licked the sensitive spot on her earlobe. Still, he wanted to hear more so he retreated a bit and held her away when she would’ve turned into him.

  “Oh, you tease,” she laughed and tried swatting him. He pinched her ass playfully and laughed when she yelped.

  “I’m sorry, baby, let me rub it better.” He cupped her and massaged the flesh he’d just pinched until she was leaning into him again, a little breathless when she spoke again.

  “Okay, but, mmm, that’s the whole story though.”

  “What about love?” Her eyes opened, the soft gray a little blurry, as she looked at him over her shoulder. His heart stopped for a moment, he needed to know if she mourned her dead husband. If he was simply a replacement.


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