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Code Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 3)

Page 15

by C. D. Gorri

  “Danny, it would just about make me the happiest guy in the world if I got to be your mama’s husband and your father!”


  “Yes, really.”

  “Well, okay then!”

  After that, the two of them were inseparable. Danny loved having a new father and just about went nuts at the thought of having uncles, which is what all seven of the huge men, who were all actually Werewolves, who lived at Macconwood Manor, insisted he call them.

  Their suite of rooms were pretty much isolated from the rest. Randall liked his privacy. Lucky for them, there were several bedrooms unoccupied next to his. It was almost like having a townhouse.

  They now had a master bedroom and bath that they both shared. Charley had invited her to feel free to redecorate however she liked to which Tulla said thank you. Daniel had his own bedroom and bathroom. And there was a living room area just for them, and even a mini-kitchen and office. It was incredible.

  Charley, Rafe’s wife, was warm and friendly. She’d welcomed Tulla and Danny with open arms. She was especially interested in any story or bit of advice Tulla could give her on childbirth. The woman’s belly was just about ready to burst, Tulla was shocked to hear she was only halfway through her pregnancy.

  Rafe Maccon was not as open as his wife had been, but Tulla understood he was the man in charge, the Alpha, as Randall referred to him. Still, he greeted her cordially and respectfully. He even got down on one knee when he was introduced to Daniel in order to shake the boy’s hand at eye level. It was a sweet gesture.

  Randall told her the man, the Warlock, who had kidnapped her son had been taken by a Witch Tribunal to be questioned and held accountable for his crimes. He was not satisfied, she could tell, but she managed to calm him with a few softly spoken words. It was important they discover just what the man wanted with her son.

  All of the men, and Cat too, seemed to have a real affection for children. It wasn’t until later that she understood why. Randall explained that to Werewolves, young were precious. It was everyone’s job to ensure they grew up feeling safe and secure so they could grow with pride and a good sense of morality.

  This world was a new to her, but she was going to do her best to get by in it. She’d made a vow and she would never go back on her word. She couldn’t. Her heart would surely break in her chest without him. There was no place she’d rather be.

  She looked down at her hand. The white gold band was plain except for an engraving of a sea star. Inside were their initials, T and R. written in Daniel’s sturdy little block letters. Both she and her son changed their names to Graves. She wanted to shed all connection to Tom Nirvelli as fast as possible.

  The ring was beautiful and it meant so much to her. She liked how it looked, it went well with her short nails where a flashy diamond would have seemed wrong somehow. She liked that Randall knew her tastes, he paid attention to her likes and dislikes. All of them. In the bedroom and out of it.

  The wedding ceremony had been cozy and romantic. Just the members of the household and Daniel and the two of them. They decided to hold off on a honeymoon, though Daniel went to spend the night at his first real sleepover with Uncle Tate and Aunt Cat who lived in one of the guesthouses at the Manor.

  They’d come back to his room, their room now, and Randall stripped her out of the ivory lace dress she wore. He worked slowly, insisting she turn and give him every angle of what she wore underneath, a matching silk bra and panty set with sheer hose that stopped at her thighs. She wanted him out of his tux, but he refused to let her undress him. Insisting this was his wedding gift.

  “God, woman, I need to taste you,” His low growl had the desired effect for sure. Moisture pooled between her thighs and her stomach muscles clenched in anticipation. His hands were rough on her body, groping, tugging, teasing, and she loved every minute of it.

  He dropped to his knees and lifted one leg, draping it over his black clad shoulder. The rustling sound of his tux as he moved his arms, one to push her silk panties to the side, the other to grip her ass as he moved forward and tasted her. That tongue of his was wicked, indeed. Tulla felt her body react to just the memory of his sweet mouth between her thighs.

  He’d licked, and kissed, and tasted her for what seemed like hours. Once she felt the familiar tremors of her orgasm start, he’d pull back, a devilish smile on his face. She’d thrust her hips forward, but he simply parted her lips with his fingers and blew cool air over her sensitized flesh. Tulla had moaned.

  Then he went in for the kill. He brought his mouth down over her clit and he suckled, long and hard. She bucked her hips against him and fell backwards onto the bed. Where she landed, he followed, his tongue not quite finished with her.

  Tulla wanted to be as close to him as she could get, she hated that her panties were separating them. As if he read her mind Randall’s big hands gripped the sides of her ivory silk panties and he tore them off. She groaned aloud and the beautiful man mistook it for regret. She recalled his apology with a stifled giggle.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I’ll buy you more, I promise. I just have to taste all of you with nothing in the way.”

  “I don’t mind, I liked it”

  “Then I’ll buy you a truck load just so I can tear them off your sweet body, every single fucking day for the rest of my life.”


  Tulla had no problem recalling the shudders that went through her entire body as his tongue was soon joined by his finger, and then another. Seconds was all it took for her to shatter against his mouth. And that was only the first orgasm. She’d lost track of how many times Randall had made her come ever since.

  The moon was bright in the sky now and they’d been married and in their bedroom since one in the afternoon. He’d showed her in every way possible that she was loved, cherished, and desired. It was something, being wanted as much as all that, but the thing was, she wanted him just as much. She sighed and stretched feeling completely satisfied before glancing over at her husband.

  His skin looked as soft as it felt in the moonlight. Like silk, she thought, even though it covered an expanse of muscles. His breathing was soft and even as she cuddled closer to him and ran a hand over his back up to his face. Mine, she thought and reached out to kiss his lips.

  Caramel colored eyes opened to meet hers and he smiled. The love and desire he had for her always there now for her to see. She smiled back at him, the man she loved.

  “Hey baby, I’m sorry, did I fall asleep?”

  “That’s okay, I did too for a while.”

  “You hungry?”

  “A little. Someone dropped off a tray outside the door about an hour ago. I put it on the table by the window.”

  “Mmm, come here,” he pulled her against his body and kissed her sweetly on the mouth. Tulla loved the feeling of being wrapped in his embrace. Like she was treasured.

  “Have I told you I love you today, Mrs. Graves?”

  “I think I can stand to hear it again,” she smiled against his mouth as he kissed her deeply and with intent.

  “I love you, my Tulla, always.”


  “Daniel! Come on, buddy, it’s time for school!” Randall called out to his son and listened for the boy’s fast feet as he ran across the hallway.

  His Danny loved school! He was a good student and made friends with the other kids almost as soon as he started a few weeks ago when he’d married the boy’s mama and brought them back to live with him in New Jersey.

  “I’m coming, Dad!” Randall’s heart swelled with pride at the sound of his new title. It rolled off Danny’s tongue as naturally as if he’d been the boy’s father since the second he entered this world.

  His wife walked in and he straightened to his full height. She was a vision, as always. Her hair was down and full of soft, glossy waves just the way he liked it. She wore a dark pink blouse and loose skirt dotted with flowers and leaves across it. She looked as fresh and lovely as ever.

  “Good morning, baby,” she bent and kissed Danny’s head before her silver gaze found her husband. He groaned as he pictured what the two of them were doing just an hour ago under the full spray of the shower. Thank God, it was big enough for two in there!

  “Hey, darling,” he pulled her against his side and kissed her forehead as she hugged him around the waist.

  “Hey, are you ready?” He scented her nervousness before he saw it in her face. Today was a big day. They were going to meet with the Witches to find out what they had learned about Danny’s kidnapper.

  Tulla ad agreed with him that they should take Danny to school as usual before discussing the matter with him. There was no point in upsetting him when it might be hours before they had any answers.

  They got in the large black SUV that was the standard mode of transportation for the Macconwood Wolf Guard. Randall nodded and the two vehicles discreetly followed them as they drove to the closest elementary school in Maccon City. About twenty minutes from the Manor.

  He’d wanted to insist on a tutor, but Tulla had discussed it with Danny and the boy wanted to go to school. He’d given in, but not without a few compromises. One was they’d drive him and pick him up every single day, with an escort, and two, was the school would be under Pack supervision. Tulla had agreed to everything and even suggested Danny be given a cell phone of his own.

  The boy was smart and good with modern technology. It took Randall all of five minutes to show him the right buttons to press in case of an emergency. He’d also installed tracking device so he and Tulla could track him at all times. He probably wouldn’t appreciate that when he was a teenager, but they’d deal with that when the time came.

  “Bye Mom, bye Dad!” Danny was out of the car and running up the stairs to school before Randall put the car in park. Still, he and Tulla were out of the car in seconds after and followed to watch him go in. His teacher, Mrs. Jones, waved from the door. They had explained in a rather round about way the need for extra precautions and security, she’d complied without question.

  An hour and a half later, Randall and Tulla sat in the offices of Tanner Global Enterprises where a Witch named Archie Tanner was waiting for them.

  “I have news for you Mr. and Mrs. Graves, please sit. Can I offer you any refreshments?” The man was very good looking with perfectly kept hair and a killer business suit. His smile was kind though and Randall instinctively trusted the man.

  “No, thank you, Mr. Tanner, we’d just like to know what you have to tell us.”

  “Right, well then let’s begin. Mrs. Graves, are you aware of any magical blood in your family?”

  “Excuse me? No, no, I mean, I would know, right?” Tulla’s panicked eyes met Randall’s and he could hardly contain the growl that came from his throat at his mate’s rapidly increasing heartrate because of what the man was saying.

  “I apologize, please, both of you. Look, from the blood sample you so kindly provided Mrs. Graves of both you and your son we’ve concluded that the boy does in fact have some unique markers in his blood.”

  “Well, that would be from his biological father, wouldn’t it?” Randall hated the word biological, but nothing would change the fact that he did not claim a biological relationship to Danny. Still, he was the boy’s father and he intensely disliked all mention of the slug that was Tom Nirvelli.

  “Yes, well actually, we examined the remains of Tomas Nirvelli, and um, he was a normal.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Mr. Nirvelli was a normal. A non-supernatural, completely human. You, however, have traces of magic in your blood. It’s fascinating really, whatever claim the Warlock made of Mr. Nirvelli being a host for something greater was all nonsense. Those oath-breaking bastards often deny the power of the feminine. Foolish really.”

  “I’m sorry what are you saying? I am a Witch?”

  “Oh goodness, no! No, you are not a Witch, Mrs. Graves, but your ancestors were. I’ve had the markers in your DNA traced by experts in the field and your bloodline goes all the way back to Catherine Monvoison, she was burned at the stake in 1680 in France. She had the power to see the future, but she crossed someone and eventually it led to her death. Tell me, Mrs. Graves, have you ever experienced anything like that? A glimpse of something before it happened, a dream about something that later came true?”

  “Well, no, not really.”

  “What about Daniel then?”

  “Well, yes actually,” Tulla reached for Randall’s hand and he squeezed hers encouragingly, “Sometimes Daniel gets these feelings and he can sort of guess when something is gonna happen. He’s had dreams like that too.”

  “He has?” Randall asked while Mr. Tanner listened.

  “Yes. He, uh, dreamed about you before you arrived at Bloody point. He told me about a great big dog with sharp teeth who saved him. He said the dog was his shield. I thought it was just a dream, something from playing too many online games. I never put it together until now.”

  “I see,” Mr. Tanner wrote something down and handed it to Randall. It was a phone number.

  “That is the number of someone I have trusted with my own daughter’s life. I know this is scary and seems impossible to you, but I believe the boy has a gift. Call this number when you are ready to find out for sure.”

  “Okay, but what should we do for now?” Randall asked his question though his mind was already moving a million miles a minute.

  “For now, just enjoy your son. Call the number anytime. She’ll help you.”

  “She? She who?”

  “Her name is Sherry Mo-”

  “Sherry Morgan?” Randall’s face broke out into a smile as he sat forward and looked at Tulla reassuringly.

  “Yes, do you know her?”

  “Yes. The Pack has had dealings with her before,” he decided to tell Tulla later that Sherry was a friend of his and the Pack’s. The Witch had actually dated Seff, he was one of the Wolf Guard and acted as Rafe’s Beta, his second hand. Their relationship had been a turbulent one, he recalled Seff being head over heals for the woman, but for whatever reason they called it quits.

  More importantly, to Randall anyway, was that he liked the Witch. She was honest and good. Even Rafe consulted her on magical matters that concerned the Pack. She would not harm their son. Tulla looked worried and he squeezed her hand again, admiring her strength and courage.

  This must all seem so strange to her, but there she sat, back ramrod straight and eyes fearless. She trusted him to do what was right for herself and for Daniel. It was an honor unlike any other that he’d ever been given. The right to love her and to protect his family made his heart swell with fierce pride. Tulla’s voice interrupted his thoughts and he turned to face her as she spoke.

  “Mr. Tanner, I need to know if the Warlock said anything about his cohorts, who he was working with? I need to know if anyone else is coming for Daniel?”

  “Unfortunately, we don’t know if he was working alone. He took his own life before we could find out that information. We will keep looking, do not worry on that front.”

  “Do not worry, my love, I will never let anything bad happen to him or to you,” he’d made that vow a thousand times in his head since that morning and now he said it aloud. He meant every word too.

  “I know,” her unwavering faith in him was a testament to their love. Tulla would never risk her child, the fact that she recognized the level of Randall’s devotion was just one more point in their favor. He rose from his seat and shook hands with Mr. Tanner.

  “Thank you, we will be in touch.”

  “Anytime. Good afternoon, Mrs. Graves, Mr. Graves,” he nodded and sat back into his chair just as his assistant came in with a pile of papers.

  Randall shook his head and tucked Tulla’s hand into the crook of his arm. He loved the feel of her, needed to touch her at all times. He wondered if that would ever go away and hoped to whatever God was listening that it didn’t. Mine.

  “But I don’t understand,” Tulla s
aid as they left the office building.

  He waited for her to buckle her seat belt before explaining to her the facts as he saw them. Daniel was special; therefore, he deserved a special kind of tutoring. Randall knew and trusted Sherry, but he would have them both meet with the Witch before bringing her around their son. Their son. Our son. My son.

  That night they tucked Danny into his bed. As a wedding present, they allowed him to pick out all new décor for his room and Randall’s eyebrows went all the way up to his hairline when the kid opted for a mix of all his favorite things.

  It was like a comic book store threw up in his room! He had everything form Luke Skywalker sheets, to Fred Flintstone decals on the walls, Thundercat curtains, a TMNT lamp, and Voltron shower curtain, a Pokemon throw rug, and six different character pillows crowded around him. It was a mish-mash of every superhero and cartoon the kid had ever seen.

  Tulla had fretted over the cost, but when he shared his net worth with her, he was embarrassed to say her jaw hit the floor. He half expected her to slap him again for keeping it a secret that he was filthy rich, but instead she raised one eyebrow and looked at her son and told him to pick out anything he wanted.

  It was the most fun he ever had, letting the boy fill up shopping carts online and clicking the “buy” button. When the large boxes arrived, the three of them, Randall and his family, had had one hell of a time putting it all together. Afterwards he set up a special computer area and entertainment center for him. It was pretty sweet. But not as sweet as the six-string guitar Tulla had picked out for Danny.

  “Teach me to play, Dad?” Daniel asked, his bright blue eyes fixed on Randall.

  “You got it, pal.”

  Randall kissed the blonde head of his precious son and walked over to where his mate, his wife, his everything was waiting for him by the door. Her silver eyes looked over him a thread of worry in them. He took her hand and kissed it then settled it over his heart as they moved into the living room.

  “He’s going to be fine, Tulla. I swear it.”

  “Oh, I know that. I know you’ll keep him, us, safe, but I was just thinking we’ve made such huge changes in your life. Are you okay with them all? I mean you are stuck with us that’s for sure, but are you positive we are what you wanted?”


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