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Case of the Secret Life

Page 12

by L C Lang

  “Hannah Williams is something else,” Sandy said, shaking her head. “Have you found anything yet?”

  “Yes, I have, but right now I am just trying to make sense of it.”

  “Do you have any other jobs?”

  “About three years ago, we began getting in requests for background checks. My Dad did not like computers, so I got a program and took over that job. When I moved here, I have three accounts of major companies in Indianapolis that I am still doing background checks for. I notified each of them that even those my father’s agency is closing, I would continue to do background checks for them. They were happy with that. I got a new request a couple of days ago, after I got my internet hooked up, from a major pharmaceutical company in Indianapolis. They had me do background checks on each of their employees. Fifteen hundred employees. Guess they had some kind of problem in one of their departments, so the CEO wanted everyone checked, except for him.”

  “Wow. That must have taken a while.”

  “Two days. They’d had a problem and I found three people, each worked in the department where they had the privacy problem, who had some issues in their background. Not sure what they are going to do with them, but hopefully that solved their problem.”

  Sandy grabbed another cookie and was quiet for a few moments while she ate it. Then she looked at me. “I have a question.”

  “Okay.” I have no idea what she wanted to ask, but the look on her face told me it was something important.

  “Have you ever worked for an attorney?”

  I shook my head. “No, I haven’t. I have dealt with plenty of cops though. Why?”

  Sandy finished off her cookie. Then she looked at me again. “Bob, as I told you is an attorney. He works various types of cases, including criminal cases. He told me yesterday when he came home that the firm is going to be losing their investigator because he decided to retire. All three attorney’s share the same investigator. Would you be interested in being an investigator for them? It would not be a full-time position, just whenever they need some research done.”

  I thought a few moments. This would give me some extra work, in the event my business is slow to take off. Then I nodded.

  “Yes, I think I would be interested. You can let me know what your husband says. I have a private investigator license and I am bonded. I also have a background-checking program available for use. With it, I can do deep searches. My father helped me get licensed and I have about five years experience working cases with him, so you can let him know that too.”

  Sandy nodded. “He will be delighted to hear that. I think it is another couple of weeks before their investigator leaves, but I will let him know. I think they would like someone in place when the man leaves.”

  “If your husband wants to talk to me, just let me know. I can tell him about the types of experience I have.”

  “I am sure he will want to talk to you. He will also want you to meet the other two lawyers in the firm. I am sure they will have questions too.”

  I nodded, knowing she was right. I am sure they will ask a lot of questions. Then I realized that Sandy’s kids were quiet. That is never a good sign. I looked at them and noticed all three of them were now laying down on the floor, sound asleep. I gave Sandy a head signal. She looked at them and then blew out her breath.

  “I think I’d better leave, so you can have a few minutes of peace and quiet,” I whispered.

  Sandy nodded. We stood up and quietly went to the front door. She thanked me for coming and for the cookies. We said goodbye and I walked out the door. The door clicked quietly behind me.

  I shook my head as I walked home. Maybe living here will not be bad after all. I may not have any cases to work, except for my computer background searches accounts, but this possible new job that will help until I can get my own cases. Maybe once I get my business license and can start advertising, maybe that will bring in cases too.

  On the way home, I picked up my mail. One of the envelopes got my attention, so I opened it. Great. I now have my business license. I will have to think about advertising and get a sign to put in the front window of my office.

  But, before I do anything else, I have to look at those tickets in the manila envelopes again. Hopefully, somewhere in there is a clue what Benton Williams was doing.


  The next morning, I have two things I need to do. First, I have to put the gemstones in a safer place. I found a local bank that also has safe deposit boxes. I need to get an account at a local bank anyway, so I will take care of both things at the same time.

  And, second, I have to make another trip to Indianapolis. I checked the tickets in the manila envelopes yesterday and, while I still have no idea what the numbers mean, the dates told me this has been going on for five years. I know that the store opened seven years ago, but how Benton got involved with smuggling in rough gemstones, I have no idea.

  When I was in the rug import store, the manager, Roger Blake, told me that Benton used the computer in his office. I had almost forgot that he also told me that while the program Benton used is on the computer, the file he updates is on a flash drive. The problem is where is the flash drive? One way or the other, I need to find it. What I have to do at this point is bordering on illegal, but only if I get caught, which I am not planning on doing.

  I doubted Benton kept any records from his import rug store at his house here in town and they sure are not in his rented apartment in Indianapolis. Why he kept the tickets, I am not sure. But the five bags of gemstones I am now sure he kept for himself. How times over the last five years he has kept back gemstones from whoever he was giving the rest of the rough gemstones to, I have no idea. No question, he made a lot of money if he sold the other gemstones he’d kept for himself. Maybe that explains how he paid off the house he owns in Indianapolis.

  So, if Benton kept the business records on a flash drive, where would he keep the flash drive? Only two places. At Mercedes Import Rug store stuck somewhere in the back area where no one would find it or at the house he shared with Holly. It makes sense that the flash drive is at the store. However, if Benton is hiding it for a specific reason, then the last place it will be, is at the store.

  I blew out my breath, as I glanced at the time on my cell phone. It is time to leave. I grabbed my messenger bag, my cell phone and my keys. The jewelry bags are in my messenger bag. Except for one bag and one pink diamond. I am keeping those in the event I find I need to notify someone and need proof of what I found. However, I need more information before that happens.

  I headed for the garage. A few moments later, I pulled out onto the street. First, I headed for the bank here in town that I’d found last night. I pulled into the small parking lot and got out. I flipped the strap around my neck, so I can hold on tighter to my bag. The value of the rough gemstones is making me very nervous and I cannot wait to get them into a safe deposit box.

  A woman is just unlocking the door of the bank as I approached the front door. Once inside, I headed for the first person I saw. Half an hour later, I walked out of the bank. I now have a new personal checking account, a new business checking account, a savings account and a safe deposit box, where the four bags of rough gemstones are now safe. At least until I can figure out to do with them. Hopefully, after today, I will know who I need to talk to.

  Now, it is time for a little breaking and entering.

  Half an hour later, I parked half a block from Holly Weaver’s house. It is now fifteen minutes after nine o’clock and I am wondering if she is home or if she is even going into work today. She had taken a personal day the other day when I was here, so I hope she is going to work today. Or, at least going out for a while. Regardless, I am going to wait. I brought a can of my favorite soft drink and a couple of mini Snicker bars, in case I have to sit for a while.

  Turned out, I did not have long to wait. A few minutes later, a dark blue Honda Civic backed out of the driveway. I knew the garage is located at the back of the prop
erty because I saw it when I drove by the other day when I was here. I scrunched down in my seat as Holly Weaver drove past me. My quick glance at her told me she is probably on her way to work, based on the clothes she is wearing. At least I hope so.

  Then I waited a few minutes, just to make sure she did not come back again. But she didn’t. It is now or never. I will have to work fast because I do not want to be in the house when she comes back, in the event she just dressed up to go shopping. Hopefully, she is going to work and will be there several hours. Although, I don’t plan on this taking very long. While I might have to search, it will be a fast search because I know exactly what I am looking for.

  Finally, I took deep breath. It is time to put my plan in action. I put my cell phone, a pair of latex gloves and my lock pick kit in my jeans pocket, took my keys out of the ignition, and then I got out. I clicked the door locks closed. Then I headed towards the house.

  While I walked on the sidewalk, I glanced around at the neighboring houses. I could not see anyone looking out their windows. The last thing I wanted is for someone to see what I am about to do. I took a deep breath as I got closer to the house. I am getting nervous because this is something I have never done before. However, I have to find the flash drive and this is the only way I have to get it.

  First, I walked to the front door and knocked. Three times, before I knew no one else is at home. Then I looked around at the neighborhood again. Still, no one is looking out their windows, no one is walking on the sidewalks and no cars have passed by. So far, so good.

  Then I went back to the sidewalk and walked the few feet before I came to driveway that led to the garage and the back yard. I turned into the driveway headed to the back of the house, trying to appear to belong here, in the event someone looked out their window. The garage door is closed, but I doubt I will find anything in there anyway.

  The backyard is small and devoid of any lawn furniture. But, the grass is short, so someone has mowed it. Then I turned and headed for the back door. I looked at the next door neighbors houses, but saw no one peeking out. Hopefully, they won’t or I will have a problem. Having a private investigator’s license does not allow me to legally break into a house. The police will definitely not believe any explanation I give them. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed no one looks out their windows and sees what I am going to do.

  To be sure no one else is inside the house, I knocked on the back door and then put my ear to the door to see if there is any noise coming from inside. I heard nothing. At least I know they don’t have a dog. Now, all I have to worry about is an alarm system. Even then, I will have a few minutes before the police arrive. I will just have to search quickly.

  I put on my latex gloves and then pulled out my lock picks. Then I got to work on the door lock. Two minutes later, the door was unlocked. I opened the door and stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind me.

  I am now in the kitchen. I quickly looked for an alarm box, but saw none. This surprised me. For a few moments, I stood looking around the kitchen. It is not a big kitchen, but it is clean. Not even any dirty dishes in the sink. I blew out my breath. No time to analyze Holly’s cleaning habits. I have to see if Benton left a flash drive here.

  I walked into the living room, but I did not see anything personal of Benton’s. There is a small closet off the front door, but there is nothing inside, except for four empty hangars. I closed the door and then headed up the stairs. Three bedrooms are on the second floor. One is ready company and another they are using as a store room.

  The master bedroom is the last bedroom and the biggest. I walked inside and looked around the room. I headed for the walk-in closet first. There are racks on both sides of the twelve-foot long, eight-foot wide closet. Most of the clothes are Holly’s, but a short rack held Benton’s clothing. I checked the pockets of his shirts, but found nothing. Next, I checked the pockets of his dress slacks and jeans. In one of his dress slacks pocket, I felt something inside. I pulled it out and blew out my breath. It is a flash drive. Is this where the business records are? I sure hope so.

  Benton is not going to need the flash drive any more, so I stuck it in my jean’s pocket. All I have left is Benton’s suit coats. Might as well check them too. Maybe I will hit it lucky and find something else. I began checking the pockets of his suit coats. Nothing. Then I remembered that men’s suit coats often have an inside pocket. I reached inside each of the four suit coats and checked the inside pockets.

  In last inside pocket, I found a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and found two men’s names and phones numbers listed on the paper. I looked again at the names. Why do these names sound familiar? Then a chill went down my spine as I realized who they are. The two jewelers I talked to yesterday. This situation just got worse.

  I found nothing else of interest in the bedroom, so I headed for what looked like a store room. Inside the room were odds and ends pieces of furniture. A wooden bench seat, two cloth club chairs, a mattress and foundation propped up against one wall, a metal bed frame laying on the floor and several sealed boxes. I knew Benton bought the house, but was this some of Holly’s furniture from a former residence. Could be. I found nothing of interest, so I walked out of the room.

  I did not see any type of computer in the house, which seemed strange. But, then again, maybe it isn’t strange. The computer at the import rug store probably has a bookkeeping program on it that Benton works with. There is probably a computer at the hardware store that has one too. Even if he does have his own computer, it will not make any difference. What is on the flash drive is all that is important. I have a couple of bookkeeping programs on my computer, so I should be able to see what is on the flash drive. It is time to get out of here.

  I went down the stairs and to the back door. I flipped the switch on the door and then I walked out. Then I looked at the garage. Oh, well, why not. I have checked everything in the house, why not check the garage too. Although I am not hopeful I will find anything.

  First, I made sure none of the neighbors are looking out their windows. Couldn’t see any moving curtains, so I am safe. Then I headed for the garage. It is a one-car garage. The garage door is closed, but there is a door on the side. With my latex gloves still on, I opened the side door and looked inside.

  There is no car inside, but there is a workbench at the back of the garage. A few tools are hanging on a pegboard behind the workbench. Sitting in the corner, next to the workbench, are three cardboard boxes, stacked on top of each other. The boxes are the same size as the box I found in Benton’s rental apartment. Eighteen inches square and ten inches tall. Could this be just a coincidence? Somehow, I doubt it.

  I stepped inside the garage and closed the door behind me. Then I headed for the boxes. One by one, I lifted the boxes, sitting them on top of the workbench. The boxes are not empty, but I doubt they contain the tools that are marked on the boxes. Then I opened the first box.

  On top, I found shredded paper, but I knew the weight of the box was more than just the shredded paper. So, I pulled out the shredded paper, piling it behind the box. Then I looked inside at what was hiding underneath. I sucked in my breath. This is not good.

  I took out the shredded paper out of the other two boxes and found the same things inside. My shoulders slumped at the realization of what I have found. And to think I wasn’t going to come into the garage. I shook my head as I looked in each of the boxes again.

  Inside each box are five bulging large jewelry bags. Fifteen bags.

  By the shape, I know the bags contain rough gemstones. More gemstones are in these bags than what I found in the other five bags. What is going on here? Had Benton not delivered the last shipment? With the amount of jewelry bags, maybe it was two or three shipments of the gemstones. Or had Benton held these rough gemstones back for himself too? I have no way of knowing for sure, but there is one thing I do know. I cannot leave them here.

  I pulled out each of the fifteen jewelry bags and sat them on the workbe
nch. Then I put the shredded paper back inside the boxes, folded down the flaps as they were before and then stacked the boxes back on the floor.

  I picked up the fifteen bags by their strings and headed for the door. I peeked outside, made sure no one was watching and then I stepped out, closing the door behind me. I tucked the bags close to me, hiding them with my arms as best as I could and quickly walked down the driveway, then onto the sidewalk, and towards my Cherokee.

  Once I got inside, I sat all of the bags on the passenger seat and then closed the door. I am curious to see what is inside the jewelry bags, so I opened one of the bags and dumped what is inside on the passenger seat. I sucked in my breath. If my memory is serving me correctly, what I am looking are all rough tanzanite gemstones. I put the gemstones back inside the jewelry bag.

  Then, one at a time, I checked each of the other bags. I found two more bags of tanzanite, three bags of rough alexandrite gemstones, and two bags each of rough sapphires, Burmese rubies and orange garnets. And three bags of pink diamonds, the most expensive gemstone of all of them.

  I leaned back against my seat. What is going on here? Why did Benton leave this many rough gemstones in one place? Are these gemstones from the last shipment of rugs? Too many gemstones for one shipment of rugs. Maybe it is more like two or three shipments of rugs. I thought about what I’d seen written on the tickets. A letter and a number. Do the numbers represent gemstones that came in? I hadn’t added up the numbers, but I might have to now.

  Then I had another thought. Why did Benton have Mike Peters and Nick Hanover’s names and phone numbers in his pocket? What do they have to do with the gemstones?

  I shook my head. I have too many questions with no answers. It is time to head home. Before I go home, I have to make another stop at the bank again. No way am I keeping these gemstones in the house. Then I have a lot of research to do. I have to find out more about the two jewelers and see what their connection is to Benton Williams.


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