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Lost Colossus - Joseph A McCullough

Page 5

by Frostgrave



  During their hunt for the pieces of the Lost Colossus, the Heritors and their crews will be visiting a specific set of islands in the Ghost Archipelago. Because of this, they are much more likely to encounter certain creatures, especially snake-men. To represent this, when rolling for random encounters during the campaign, players should roll on the new table below instead of the one from the main rulebook.

  Also included in this bestiary are several new creatures, some of which are only encountered in specific scenarios.

  Lost Colossus Random Encounter Table

  First Die Roll 1–12 13–18 19–20

  Second Die Roll Level 1 Encounter Level 2 Encounter Level 3 Encounter

  1 Glider Snake Thornspitters (2) Large Snakes (2)

  2 Firejacket Giant Wasps (2) Drichean Warriors (3)

  3 Thornspitter Anaconda Goliath Scorpions (2)

  4 Large Snake Firejackets (2) Hemata (2)

  5 Mantrap Snake-man Rattlers (2) Eritherean

  6 Tree Spider Ape Snake-man Rippers (2)

  7 Drichean Warrior Goliath Scorpion Snake-man Strikers (3)

  8 Snake-man Warrior Tiger Apes (2)

  9 Tribal Warrior Spirit Warrior Sharks (2)

  10 Snake-man Hunter Stalker Razorbeak

  11 Swamp Zombie Island Troll Sailback

  12 Mantrap Eritherean Spirit Warrior

  13 Needlefish Anaconda Snake-man Warriors (4)

  14 Soldier Crab Glider Snakes (2) Island Shade

  15 Octopike Snake-man Rippers (2) Razorbeak

  16 Ghoul Shark Sea Serpent

  17 Ground Sloth Sailback Monarch

  18 Snake-man Rattler Snake-man Strikers (2) Souldweller

  19 Tiger Razorbeak Snake-man Hunters (4)

  20 Stalker Dragon-bull Dragon-Bull



  A member of the giant wasp family, firejackets have one very unique trait. Every few minutes, they expel a volatile gas, which ignites on contact with the air, producing a flash of flame. This flash is bright enough to blind foes.

  Whenever a figure activates while in combat with a firejacket, it must immediately make a Will Roll with a Target Number of 10. If the figure fails this roll, it suffers -3 Fight (to a minimum of +0) for the rest of the turn.

  Whenever a firejacket is killed, it immediately releases all of the gas it was storing. All figures in the combat must make an immediate Move Roll with a Target Number of 10 or else suffer 5 points of elemental damage.


  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +1 +0 10 +8 6 Animal, Flying (ignore terrain for movement), Blinding Flash, Explosive Death

  Glider Snake

  A bit of a misnomer, as glider snakes are actually lizards. What with their long, slender bodies and small limbs, however it is easy to see how the mistake was made. These lizards, which usually grow about the length of a man’s arm, generally live high up on the sides of cliffs. Using thin, membranous ‘wings’ that stretch between their forelimbs and bodies, these creatures are able to glide all around their rocky homes, using the winds off the rocks to gain lift. Although poisonous, these creatures are not particularly aggressive, and generally confine themselves to hunting birds and large insects. Only if adventurers are foolish enough to invade their dwellings are glider snakes likely to attack.

  Glider Snake

  M F S A W H Notes

  5 +0 +0 8 +0 4 Animal, Flying (ignore terrain for movement), Poison

  Goliath Scorpion

  Thought to be the largest arachnid species in the Ghost Archipelago, and possibly the entire world, a goliath scorpion is indeed a creature to be feared. On average, these scorpions are about the size of a horse, although larger individuals have been encountered. Goliath scorpions are hunters and generally pursue smaller mammals… which unfortunately includes humans. In combat, these scorpions rely on their heavy claws, to grasp and rend their opponents, and will generally only use their venomous tail stinger against larger foes, or if they feel particularly threatened.

  A goliath scorpion’s attacks only count as poisoned if it is in combat with a Large figure or if it is below its starting Health.

  When a goliath scorpion is killed, leave its corpse on the table. A figure in contact with the corpse may harvest its venom sac. The figure must spend two actions in the same activation harvesting (this can replace the compulsory move action). If it does so, it may add one dose of poison (Rulebook, page 71) to its items, but only if it has space. This harvesting may only be carried out during the game; it may not be done post-game.

  Goliath Scorpion

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +4 +0 12 +5 16 Animal, Large, Powerful (treat as using Two-Handed Weapon), Poison (only against Large opponents or if below starting Health), Venom Sac


  Ancient Guardian

  The Ancient Guardian is a unique demon that guards the temple of the eye. No-one knows who bound the demon to this place, or why they decided the broken eye needed such protection. The Ancient Guardian is humanoid, stands about 8’ tall and is broad and powerful. A pair of curving horns grow out of the top of its head, and it has long, shaggy hair that hangs down past its shoulders. Its face is hideous, with tusks, small eyes, and large ears. When moving, the Ancient Guardian transforms into a wisp of blue smoke, moves quickly, then reforms.

  The Ancient Guardian follows the standard rules for creatures with one exception. If it is ever called upon to make a random move, it will instead move directly towards the eye. Because it is semi-ethereal, it can pass through any terrain feature as though it were not there, and it never suffers movement penalties for terrain, including climbing.

  At the beginning of each turn, before either player has activated a figure, the player which had the lowest natural result on their initiative die may immediately move the Ancient Guardian up to 10” in any direction, provided that this move does not cause the Ancient Guardian direct harm (e.g. it can’t be moved off an edge so as to cause it falling damage). This move ignores all terrain modifiers, line of sight, and intervening figures. The Ancient Guardian can be moved into (or out of) combat in this manner.

  The Ancient Guardian is immune to critical hits.

  Ancient Guardian

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +3 +0 14 +8 16 Demon, Large, Magic Two-Handed Weapon (Indestructible), Semi-Ethereal (No movement penalties), Immune to Critical Hits, Special Movement



  Mantraps are a particularly nasty form of quick-moving plant that use sweet-smelling scents to attract large insects into their gaping, corrosive maws. That said, they are not above taking a snap at a human arm or leg.

  Mantraps secrete a sticky corrosive from their leaves that is strong enough to eat through, or flow between the gaps in, armour. Any time a crewmember loses a fight with a mantrap, he suffers -2 Armour (down to a minimum of 10) for the purposes of determining damage from that attack only.

  Mantraps are susceptible to the Plant Walk spell, and can be forced to move in this manner just as if they were a piece of terrain.


  M F S A W H Notes

  1 +0 +0 8 +0 6 Plant, Immune to Poison and Critical Hits, Corrosive Secretion, Maximum Missile Weapon Damage

  T hornspitter

  Despite their delicate purple flowers, thornspitters are a deadly weed that thrive in dimly lit jungles.

  Whenever a crewmember moves within 3” and line of sight of a thornspitter, interrupt the crewmember’s action and make a +0 poisoned shooting attack against it. After the attack, the crewmember can finish his action if he is able. Thornspitters will only make one shooting attack each turn, no matter how many crewmembers move within 3” of it. If a thornspitter activates within 3” of a crewmember, and has not yet made a shooting attack that turn, it will do so immediately. This does not count as one of its actions. Thornspitters will never make shooting attacks if they are in combat.r />

  M F S A W H Notes

  1 +0 +0 8 +0 3 Plant, Poison, Automatic Shooting Attack, Immune to Poison and Critical Hits, Maximum Missile Weapon Damage


  Plants are incredibly difficult to destroy using missile weapons. The maximum damage a bow, crossbow, or throwing knife attack can do to a plant is 2 points of damage. Plants are immune to poison and critical hits, and will never force combat with undead.


  Dragon- Bull

  One of the more bad-tempered saurians, dragon-bulls are extremely territorial and will generally attack anything human or larger on sight. Walking on four clawed legs, and standing about 9’ tall, dragon-bulls are most recognizable by the horns growing out of their head, and the bony plate that protects their necks.

  The favourite tactic of these creatures is the head-down charge. When charging, dragon-bulls cannot see that well, and it is sometimes possible to dodge out of their path. Whenever a dragon-bull attempts to move into combat with a crewmember, that crewmember may attempt to dodge – the figure immediately makes a Move Roll with a Target Number of 14. If successful, the dragon-bull continues in a straight line to the end of its move (possibly moving into combat with another figure by accident – this figure may also attempt to dodge). A figure that successfully dodges can immediately move up to 2” in any direction provided it is at least 1” away from any enemy figure, including the dragon-bull. If a figure fails to dodge, it immediately takes 5 points of damage, and remains in combat. A figure that chooses not to dodge takes no damage and remains in combat as normal.


  M F S A W H Notes

  5 +4 +0 14 +2 18 Saurian, Large, Powerful (treat as using Two-Handed Weapon), Horns (+2 Fight if it moves into combat and fights on the same turn), Head-Down Charge.



  The hemata are a rarely encountered relative of the snake-men. In fact, there is some debate whether they are a species unto themselves, of if they are a common snake-man deformity. Standing about the same height as other snake-men, or even a bit taller, hemata all have long, powerful snake tails and two pairs of arms. Hemata are generally stronger than the average snake-man and, since they are capable of wielding multiple weapons, are fearsome opponents. Hemata are usually used as bodyguards or guardians of important places. It is safe to say that any adventurer who encounters hemata is deep in snake-man territory…


  M F S A W H Notes

  5 +3 +0 13 +5 14 Snake-Man, Two-Handed Weapon, Hand Weapon, Shield, Poison

  Skarak, Protector of the Golden Heart, Snake-Man Priest

  A gifted blood-mage, Skarak has been appointed the guardian of the Golden Heart of the Colossus. He will defend his charge to the death.

  In Scenario Ten, Skarak is assumed to successfully cast ‘Call Sea Serpent’ as his action for the first turn. On each subsequent turn, Skarak will follow this priority list to determine his actions.

  •If Skarak has killed a crewmember either this turn, or the turn before, he will attempt to cast Blood Fury. He will only cast this once per game.

  •If there is a crewmember in line of sight and on land, he will attempt to cast Call Snake and place the snake as close to the nearest crewmember as possible.

  •If the closest crewmember in line of sight is not on land, Skarak will attempt to cast Constrict against the closest crewmember.

  •If in combat, Skarak will fight. If he wins he will push back his opponent and take no other action.

  •If he is not in combat, and there are no crewmembers within line of sight, Skarak will move directly towards the Golden Heart, wherever it currently is on the table.


  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +4 +0 11 +7 14 Snake-Man, Staff, Poison, Robes of Protection (+1 Armour)

  Spells: Blood Fury (7), Call Sea Serpent (7), Call Snake (5), Constrict (7)

  Snake- Men

  When armed for battle, snake-men employ a range of different arms and armour, with easily the same variety as any human crew. The labels for to these different troops are those given by the fortunate humans to have survived a snake-man ambush or raid.

  Snake-Man Hunter

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +2 +2 10 +5 12 Snake-Man, Bow, Quiver, Dagger, Poison

  Snake-Man Priest

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +2 +0 10 +5 12 Snake-Man, Staff, Poison

  Snake-Man Rattler

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +3 +0 11 +5 12 Snake-Man, Hand Weapon, Shield, Poison

  Snake-Man Ripper

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +4 +0 12 +5 14 Snake-Man, Hand Weapon, Shield, Light Armour, Poison

  Snake-Man Striker

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +4 +0 11 +5 14 Snake-Man, Two-Handed Weapon, Light Armour, Poison

  Snake-Man Warrior

  M F S A W H Notes

  6 +3 +0 10 +5 12 Snake-Man, Hand Weapon, Poison


  The debate about whether or not snake-men possess a venomous bite continues to rage amongst Wardens and Heritors. Whenever a snake-man with ‘Poison’ listed in the Notes section of their statline is placed on the table, either while setting up or playing a scenario, roll a die. On 11+, all snake-men in that scenario will have a poisonous bite in addition to their poisoned weapons (i.e. their unarmed attacks will be poisonous as well). On any other roll, they only have poisoned weapons and, should their weapons ever be lost (e.g. as a result of a Warp Weapon spell), their attacks will no longer count as poisonous.

  Players wishing to use snake-men as the theme for a Heritor and his crew must always use the same stats as for regular crew, rather than anything from the Bestiary, so any snake-men used in this way will ignore the rules for poison, unless acquired in a conventional manner (e.g. through use of a Poison potion).


  Artwork: Dmitry Burmak and Kate Burmak

  Official Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Figure Design: Giorgio Bassani, Mike Owen, and Nick Collier

  Other Figures: North Star Military Figures, Copplestone Castings, Crusader Miniatures, Artizan Designs, Mantic Games, Wargames Factory, and The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company

  Figure Painting: Dave Woodward, Kevin Dallimore, Mark Wheatley, and Nick Eyre

  Photography: Kevin Dallimore and Wargames Illustrated


  Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  PO Box 883, Oxford, OX1 9PL, UK

  1385 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10018, USA


  This electronic edition published in 2018 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  OSPREY GAMES is a trademark of Osprey Publishing Ltd

  First published in Great Britain in 2018

  © Joseph A. McCullough 2018

  Joseph A. McCullough has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work.

  All rights reserved

  You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages .

  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-2412-7 (PB)

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-2413-4 (eBook)

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-2414-1 (ePDF)

  ISBN: 978-1-4728-2415-8 (XML)

  Osprey Games supports the Woodland Trust, the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity. Between 2014 and 2018 our donations are being spent on their Centenary Woods project in the UK.

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