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Blood Song: Refrain (Blood Song Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Charli B. Rose

  By the time we’d cleaned up the food and dishes, I was looking forward to a dip in the pool almost as much as Celesta was.

  “Did you pack a swimsuit?” I asked. If she hadn’t, we’d just have to skinny dip.

  Please don’t have a suit.

  “I’m sure Jacque packed one for me. But I have to double-check.” She sprinted to the bedroom.

  I followed closely behind. While she dug through her suitcase, I opened mine and grabbed out my black swim trunks.

  “Be right back,” she said as she held up a handful of fabric. The bathroom door shut behind her.

  I changed into my trunks and sat on the bed, waiting for her to emerge. A muffled groan filtered through the closed door.

  “Wardrobe malfunction?” I called out teasingly.

  “May as well be. I have no idea why Jacque even bothered to put any of these suits in my bag.”

  “They can’t be that bad. He’s a fashion genius from what I’ve seen.”

  She mumbled something under her breath before the door opened. Holy hell. This was better than skinny dipping. Thank you, Jacque.

  Celesta walked back to her open suitcase and stuffed the rejected swimsuits back inside. She was completely oblivious to my hanging jaw. Her one-piece suit was made of black mesh. The only solid patches—which were smaller than my palm—covered the essentials.

  “What?” she asked, finally noticing my gaping mouth.

  “I think you look delectable.” My fingers itched to reach for her, so I linked my hands behind my back.

  She looked down at herself. “What was Jacque thinking? I can’t wear this or the other suits to the beach.”

  I growled low in my throat. “You’re absolutely right. But this is perfect for here. There’s plenty of privacy out back. And I’ll buy you a new suit if you want to go to the beach. I take it the other suits were . . . um . . . skimpier?” No way I’d let her traipse around the beach in what she had on now.

  “One of them I couldn’t even figure out how to put on. It’s just a bunch of strings.” Her hand waved around in frustration.

  Damn. A bunch of strings to untie. “I’m sure it can’t be that difficult. If you want to try it out, maybe I can help you.”

  She nodded and started toward me before spinning back to the bathroom. “Forgot the towels,” she called over her shoulder.

  Again, I was dumbstruck by the back of her bathing suit. Or rather, the lack of much back.

  When she emerged, she clutched two towels in front of her torso, blocking my view of all her exposed flesh. Deciding to grant her a moment of modesty, I turned and headed to the pool. When I didn’t hear movement behind me, I peered over my shoulder and found her staring at me.

  I raised a brow and said, “You coming?”

  “Oh. Um. Yeah,” she stammered and started moving in my direction.

  The evening air was a little cooler than back home, but not uncomfortable. Celesta dropped the towels on the lounge chair, then dipped her toe in the water.

  “Is it cold?” I asked. Not that it mattered to me.

  “No. It must be heated. It feels great.” With that, she neatly dove beneath the shimmering surface.

  Mesmerized, I watched her body glide underwater to the other side of the pool. When she broke the surface, a huge smile stretched her lips. “I didn’t realize how much I missed swimming. At the college I attended before I moved, I swam almost every day.”

  She moved back across the pool to where I still stood on the edge. “You getting in?” she asked, staring up at me.

  I gave a sharp nod and vaulted into the water, barely causing a splash.

  “I score that one a nine,” she said when my head popped up.

  “Only a nine. You’re a tough judge,” I teased as I swam back to her.

  She was stunning in the pink glow of the setting sun with water droplets clinging to her lashes. The sight of her stole my breath and stopped my heart. And then she smiled at me, resuscitating my stalled organs like a jolt from a defibrillator. I needed a distraction. I didn’t bring her all the way to California to steal her virtue.

  “Any new vampire myths I can debunk for you?” I asked.

  She rested her hand on the tiled edge of the pool next to me as she bobbed in the water. “Hmmm. I was wondering about the Vampire Registry. Does the government really require all vampires to register?”

  The Vampire Registry was created many years ago as an attempt by the human government to keep tabs on all vampires living within the United States. “They want us all to register. I know many who haven’t and live under the radar. But to take advantage of any of the government perks, vampires must register. For instance, vampires wishing to obtain business licenses for companies that cater to vampires must be on the registry. Registered vampires have an official seal on their driver’s licenses and passports which grants them special considerations while traveling—darkened areas and unlimited free blood. Any undocumented vampire who’s caught committing a crime faces harsher punishment than a human would.”

  She frowned. “That doesn’t sound fair. Why should vampires be held to a different set of consequences and standards just because they carry a virus that’s altered them? We don’t treat cancer patients differently.”

  “Because vampires are much more dangerous than humans. And honestly, if vampires wanted to, they could revolt and overthrow the human government. Our numbers are much greater than the registry suggests. But most of us who’ve been around long enough just want an opportunity to live and create a life without secrets and stigma.”

  I reached out and traced her frown, longing to rub it from her face. “Enough serious talk. How about I race you the length of the pool and back?”

  “What do I get if I win?”

  “Hmmm.” I tapped my finger against my chin in fake contemplation. There was no way she’d win, but I’d play along. “How about pleasure? Lots and lots of pleasure?”

  “And if you win?” she asked.

  I shifted closer to her. Close enough that my chest brushed against hers. “If I win, I get to give you lots and lots of pleasure.”

  Her flesh pinkened up. “Sounds like I win either way.”

  “No, my star, I win either way.” Then I claimed her mouth in a scorching kiss that stole my breath and hers. Before I could get too lost in the moment, I ripped my mouth from hers and kicked off the wall, swimming in the direction of the far wall.

  From behind me, she laughed and shouted, “No fair.”

  I called back, “All’s fair in love and orgasms.” Love? Where the hell did that come from?

  Before she could respond, I dove to the bottom of the pool and used my arms to pull me through the water. The water rippled with her movements, but not enough to indicate she was chasing after me. My senses stayed tuned in to her, waiting for her to slice through the clear liquid. I reached the far wall and turned.

  With my keen eyesight, I was easily able to make out Celesta’s form planted in the middle of the pool, directly in my path. The skimpy black material that had been covering her moments ago had disappeared.

  I popped up to the surface and dragged my palm over my face, clearing the water from my eyes. “What are you up to?” I asked, hypnotized by the water lapping against her bare breasts.

  “All’s fair in love and orgasms, right?” With a wink, she ducked beneath the surface and swam toward me.

  I remained frozen in place in nearly four feet of water, watching her lithe form move through the liquid like she was born to swim. When she reached me, she gripped my ankles, then slowly dragged her hands up my legs as she rose from the bottom. My cock grew harder as her fingers inched higher.

  Her mouth was so close to my body I could almost imagine the brush of her lips against my skin. I yearned for it. Needed it. Every cell on the surface of my body strained toward her.

  Soft fingertips skated up my torso. Her face emerged, and she stood slowly, her breasts brushing my chest as she shifted her body upright. She
wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “How about we skip the race and go straight to the reward?” she suggested against my lips.

  My arms wound around her waist, clutching her to me. “Why were we even racing to begin with?” I’d lost the whole point of the exercise with her breathing the same molecules of air as me.

  A seductive chuckle spilled from her lips. Pressing her palms flat on my shoulders, Celesta bounced in the water and leveraged herself up. She wrapped her legs around my waist, pressing her hot center against my stomach.

  She wasn’t heavy on a normal day, but in the water, she was weightless. I didn’t need to support her weight, but I clutched her to me anyway. When her mouth met mine, I became weightless too. It was time for me to deliver on my promise of lots and lots of pleasure. Her bliss would be mine.



  After breakfast, Kent was waiting outside to drive us around for the day. Apparently, he knew where to take us because he didn’t ask for an address. Toven tugged me over against him and pointed out various landmarks as we drove down Sunset Blvd.

  Almost an hour later, Kent pulled up to the entrance of the LA Zoo.

  A grin split my face. “You’re taking me to the zoo?”

  He returned my smile. “I thought you might like that.” The door opened, and Toven stepped out.

  I nodded excitedly, scrambling out behind him. I’d always been an animal lover. “I haven’t been to a zoo since I was a little girl.”

  “Well, I’ve never been,” Toven confessed sheepishly.

  My eyes widened as I stared at him. “Then let’s go pop your zoo cherry.” I tugged him toward the decorative archway leading into the zoological park. “I hope they have penguins.”

  Laughing at my enthusiasm, he shook his head and let me lead him to the ticket counter. Once he paid the fee, he intertwined his fingers with mine and guided me to the first habitat. As we approached the rocky, marine enclosure, the seals dipped and dove into the water. Then we moved to where the alligators sunned themselves on the shore of another exhibit. When we leaned against the wall to get a better look, the gators hissed and disappeared beneath the water.

  “Guess they’re feeling shy this morning,” I said, dragging Toven past a crowd at the swan pond.

  I peered up at the signs when we reached the fork in the path, then at the map in my hand. “They don’t have penguins, so let’s go to the right. We’ll get to the tigers and bears faster that way.”

  “What about the lions, oh my?” he teased.

  I bumped him with my shoulder. “They’re the other way. But the jaguars and leopards are this way too.”

  “You have a thing for predators or something?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows at me.

  I blushed. “I must admit I find them fascinating.”

  As we moved along the trail, we stopped at each enclosure, only catching glimpses of the animals here and there. At first, I didn’t think much of it. It was early. But when we reached the tiger enclosure and the majestic felines didn’t even come out for feeding time, I knew something was going on.

  “What’s wrong with the animals?” I asked.

  Toven leaned down and put his mouth next to my ear. “I think the problem is me. The animals see me as an apex predator. Their survival instincts have kicked in. I don’t think you’re going to catch more than a passing glimpse of the animals if I continue to walk with you. Why don’t you walk ahead?”

  “No. I don’t need to see the animals. I just want to spend time with you. We can go do something else.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. How about the beach? I haven’t ever been to the ocean before.”

  He chuckled. “Not until we buy you a suitable bathing suit. I have something else in mind. We’ll shop for a suit, too, that way we can go to the beach tomorrow.”

  With his phone, Toven summoned Kent, and the car was waiting outside the gate when we walked out. Toven murmured some instructions to him, then we were on our way.

  “So, why were you hoping to see penguins?” Toven asked, tracing circles on the back of my hand with his index finger.

  “They’re my favorite bird,” I said simply.

  He laughed. “Really? They can’t even fly.”

  My face lit up as I considered my response. “But they’re so cute when they waddle. And oh my gosh, have you ever seen a baby penguin? They are adorable. All fuzzy and sweet. Plus, a boy penguin searches through piles of pebbles looking for the perfect one to give to the girl of his dreams. It’s so sweet that another species of animal proposes besides humans.”

  “I did not know that. I guess even after a couple of centuries on this planet, it’s still possible for me to learn something new.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead, then pointed to a beautiful fountain we were passing.

  I stared out the window as the car weaved in and out of traffic. Eventually, it pulled up in front Ula Swimwear. I looked up at Toven and raised an eyebrow.

  “What? You thought I was kidding?” he asked with a smirk.

  I shook my head and allowed him to help me from the car. When we entered the high-end store, an attendant immediately stepped forward to assist us.

  “We need a swimsuit for my girlfriend.” His head turned from left to right, taking in all the suits on display. “Sexy is fine but not slutty.”

  I wrapped my arm around his bicep and leaned in close. “I don’t think they’re going to have a grandma suit in here.” I grabbed the nearest suit and held it up for his inspection. At least eighty percent of the suits I saw were bikinis. But this was LA.

  “Humph,” he muttered as he moved deeper into the store, leaving the sales attendant to follow.

  “Any colors in particular?” she asked in a professional if breathless tone.

  “No red or black. Maybe something patterned,” Toven suggested

  She stopped me in my tracks. Looking me up and down, she seemed to take stock of my figure. “Go wait over there,” she said, pointing to a set of chairs by the dressing room.

  I was more than happy to let her try to work her magic. Flitting around, looking at clothes wasn’t something I’d been able to indulge in ever since my mom died. Dad was always in a hurry when he took me shopping for clothes, so I’d learned to get the process over with quickly. Besides, being on Toven’s arm meant I needed to look the part. And I had no idea how to choose something stylish.

  Silently, the perky woman moved through the racks, plucking suits until her arms were full. Then with the jingle of keys, she unlocked the dressing room. I stepped to the threshold to see what she’d selected for me.

  “I’m pretty sure I got your sizes right. There are a few different style tops in here for you to see what you like best. Several of these prints are reversible, so you get two suits for the price of one. Once you select what you like, we can choose a pair of catch pants, which are made of this thin, breathable fabric. They’ll provide cover-up on the beach without being too hot, plus you’ll still look sexy. Pair it with a silk cover-up top and you’ll be good to go.” She finally turned and took a breath. “Let me know if you need any help. You can leave the suits you don’t like in the dressing room.”

  And with that, she flounced away. Toven quirked a brow at me when he met my gaze. Spinning, I shut the door and began to undress. I tried on and discarded several of the suits.

  “You going to model your favorites for me?” Toven’s voice came from the other side of the door.

  “I think I’d rather surprise you,” I said with a smirk as I twisted to examine the back of the shimmery suit I’d just put on. This was the one. The blue and green peacock feather pattern was stunning. And the flipside of the suit was the same pattern in pink and purple. The fabric covered me sufficiently, but the strings holding the swatches of color in place gave it a definite sensual feel.

  I quickly redressed and emerged moments later with the suit in hand. The salesperson took one peek at my choice and smiled. “That’s on
e of my favorites too. Let me grab you some black catch pants and the Jaipur-patterned cover-up.”

  In no time, we were back in the car with my bags stowed in the trunk. Traffic seemed to have subsided while we were inside. I was a mix of giddiness and anxiousness when we turned into Universal Studios. I loved movies, so the appeal for this kind of experience made my blood hum. But I’d never been on any sort of roller coaster or thrill ride, so I was equally nervous about potentially puking in front of Toven.

  Toven’s phone buzzed in his pocket between us as Kent waited in line to pull up to the entrance. His fingers wiggled into the space where our thighs pressed together. When he’d retrieved his phone, he smiled as he showed me the advance tickets Kent had just forwarded to him.

  “Now we don’t have to wait in line,” he said triumphantly. “What do you want to do first? Watch the WaterWorld show or maybe ride Flight of the Hippogriff?”

  I zoned out as soon as he said the word ride, my nerves kicking up. “WaterWorld,” I rushed out. It seemed safer.

  Fifteen minutes later, we were perched under a canopy, waiting for the show to start. Once it did, I scooted to the edge of my seat and watched, enthralled by the stunts and explosions.

  When it was over, Toven tugged me to my feet. “Food or ride?”

  “Um . . . I have a confession,” I said, peering up at him.

  “Uh-oh. Do you remember the last confession you shared with me?” he teased with a fake stern look on his lips.

  Mortified heat flooded my face as I recalled disclosing my virgin status to Toven and his reaction. “I . . . uh . . . I don’t think this one will make you run away.” I shrugged sheepishly.

  A smirk tipped his lips. “I reacted poorly then. I promise no matter the confession, I won’t bolt.”

  I chewed on my lower lip for a second, considering how pathetic my admission would make me seem to someone who’d experienced so much of the world. “I’ve never ridden a roller coaster before. And I’m terrified I’ll barf on you.”


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