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Blood Song: Refrain (Blood Song Series Book 2)

Page 22

by Charli B. Rose

  Sighing, I resigned myself to my solo shower and began washing my hair. Methodically, I lathered, rinsed and repeated for my long hair. Then I moved about washing the beach from my skin. I forced my mind to empty so the task would go faster. However, I couldn’t help but imagine how tonight would go—the excitement of the actual premiere, being on display in front of people who really deserved to be in the limelight, rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, having to pretend like I belonged. All my thoughts were combining to make me a tangled mess of anticipation and anxiety. Finally, I flipped all the levers and knobs to the off position.

  Though I was only in there mere minutes, the glass had fogged up. Still lost in my thoughts, I opened the glass. I jumped, startled by Toven’s presence just beyond the shower.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He held out a towel for me to step into.

  “It’s OK. I wasn’t paying much attention. Too busy thinking about tonight and how much I’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”

  He began to drag the soft fabric across my body, eliminating the droplets clinging to me. With his ability to move quickly whenever the notion struck him, I was soon dry. Stepping back with a satisfied look on his face, he draped the robe on my frame.

  “You’re going to look as if you belong there. The only reason you’ll stick out is because you’ll be the most stunning person in attendance. People are going to notice you. How could they not?” He rubbed his finger along my lips until he finally coaxed a smile out of them. “I ordered you some food. Make sure you eat. It’s already in the kitchen. And the people are here. I had them set up in the living room. You going to be OK?”

  I nodded.

  Strong hands cradled my face gently as he leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on my upturned mouth. Then he gripped the belt on my robe and secured it around my waist, ensuring I was sufficiently covered.

  ♪ Notice by Thomas Rhett

  “I’ll see you in a little while, my shining star.”

  Toven moved into the bedroom with me trailing behind. There he paused by the bed to grab the zippered suit bag and a toiletries pouch.

  He ushered me into the living room where two women waited. “Have fun, ladies,” Toven said as he bid me goodbye.

  I stepped up to the one of the women. She was tall and dressed super chic in a linen pantsuit. Her curly hair hung loose around her shoulders. “Hi. My name’s Tansie, and this is Mireille. We’re friends of Sandra’s.”

  I took her outstretched hand and gave it a shake. “Hi, I’m Celesta.” I offered my hand to Mireille. She was also beautiful. Shorter than Tansie, she appeared more down to earth. Her hair was up in a messy topknot that looked effortless yet gorgeous. Her outfit was a mixture of styles that seemed to work well together.

  “So, we’re helping you get ready for the premiere of that new dance movie?” Mireille asked.

  “Yes.” I shifted my weight from foot to foot.

  “First premiere?” Tansie asked, her eyes meeting mine as she glanced up from where she’d spread out all sorts of makeup and brushes.

  “Is it that obvious?” I gave a nervous giggle.

  “Kinda. But don’t worry about it. There will be other newbies there too. From what I hear, Ace always gives tickets to a dozen or so people outside the industry. You know, to remind himself of where he came from,” Tansie said dreamily.

  “He does have a hint of humbleness,” I joked, holding up my fingers an inch apart.

  “You’ve met him?” Mireille asked, wide-eyed.

  “Yeah. A couple of times. He invited us actually. He’s nice.”

  “And hot. Though not as sexy as that fine hunk of meat who walked out of here a couple of minutes ago,” Tansie exclaimed, fanning herself.

  I tucked my chin against my chest as a flush stole over my flesh at the mention of Toven. “Toven is very sexy,” I admitted quietly.

  Recognition dawned on her face. “I thought he looked familiar,” Tansie said while looking at me with new eyes. “You two have been in the gossip pages lately.”

  “Yeah,” I answered quietly, not really wanting to get into what our relationship was or remind myself of what it wasn’t.

  Sensing my reluctance to talk, Mireille shot Tansie a look.

  “When Sandra called, she wasn’t sure what you’d be wearing yet, so we came prepared for anything. Show us your dress,” Mireille said, clapping her hands in excitement.

  Spinning on my heel, I went to retrieve my dress. As soon as I returned, Tansie took the dark garment bag from me and hooked the hanger over top of the door. A gasp escaped her lips when she unzipped it, revealing the short, flirty dress Jacque had chosen for me. It had a sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps to hold it up. The top was adorned with crystals that captured the light and threw it back across the room while the fabric was splashed with colors. It had a very beachy vibe to it.

  “I love this,” Tansie gushed, fluffing the layered skirt.

  “Me too.” I couldn’t wait to wear it.

  Mireille stepped to me and ran her fingers through my damp hair. She studied me from every angle. “I’m thinking we’ll leave your hair mostly down with big waves in it.” She gathered a bit of hair from each side and lifted it away from my face. “Maybe pin up the sides just to make it a little more elegant.”

  Tansie nodded in agreement. “Sandra was right. With your complexion, we won’t use much makeup tonight. Doing your hair and makeup is going to be a breeze.”

  With her hands on my shoulders, she steered me over to one of the cushioned barstools from the kitchen island.

  Mireille plugged up a box of hot rollers. Then she returned to where I sat and began brushing my hair. Tansie smoothed moisturizer on my face.

  “Is this what you guys normally do?” I asked, making small talk to eliminate the silence.

  “I normally travel with a rock band as their stylist. Mireille used to do that too. But once she became a mom, she started her own business doing gigs like this. And since the band’s on a break right now, I’m helping out,” Tansie offered.

  “Cool. I bet touring with a band is fun.” I closed my eyes so she could rub lotion around my eyes.

  “It is. But it’s exhausting too,” Mireille said from behind me as she began to section my hair for the hot rollers.

  “Never more than a couple nights in the same city. Sleeping on a bus for days on end. Moody rock stars,” Tansie explained.

  “We loved it,” Mireille said with a laugh.

  I laughed along with them. Until a few weeks ago, I’d never been more than an hour from home except for a couple of family vacations. I couldn’t imagine living on the road.

  “Do you miss it?” I turned to Mireille.

  “Some of it, yes. Seeing the world, all the fashion everywhere else. But I wouldn’t trade my life now for anything,” she said wistfully.

  My afternoon passed relatively quickly. Tansie and Mireille had the same gift that Sandra did for making me feel at ease. By the time they were done, they’d managed to not only make me feel beautiful, they’d also filled me with self-confidence. I was ready to tackle the red carpet.

  Minutes after they’d left, there was a knock on the door. I opened it. There waiting was Toven, looking dashing in his suit. The shade of blue in my dress matched his shirt perfectly. “You look amazing,” he said as his gaze roved over me.

  I stepped back so he could enter our bungalow. He held up a gift bag. “I got you something.”

  I took the silver bag over to the couch then perched on the edge. He sat next to me, his knees bumping mine. Eagerly, I plucked out the tissue paper, unearthing a stuffed penguin. His fur was so soft.

  He shrugged sheepishly. “Since you didn’t get to see your favorite bird on our trip to the zoo.”

  I hugged the adorable critter, then hugged the handsome man who looked embarrassed to have done something so cute. “I love him.”

  He reached into his pocket. “And one more thing.” He withdrew a velvet bag a
nd presented it to me.

  My heart stuttered as I untied the cord cinching the sack closed. I upended the contents into my palm. A painted pebble fell into my hand. The one with the dolphin I’d admired earlier.

  “A perfect pebble,” he said, his voice husky.

  His thoughtfulness didn’t feel like part of the role he was supposed to play with me. My heart was hopeful, foolishly so.

  He stood, then tugged me to my feet. “Let’s go get some dinner before the movie.”



  As I sat across a linen-draped table, I marveled at the play of candlelight across her features. Celesta was a representation of every good thing I’d ever encountered in the world, wrapped up in a shimmering rainbow of color. And though I knew my presence in her life would only dull her brilliance, I couldn’t bring myself to leave her alone.

  The waitress had just delivered our beverages and soup, when a voice sounded out in my head, “Toven.”

  She hadn’t been inside my head other than during my nightmares in decades. Just another reminder of the ticking clock.

  “What’s wrong?” Celesta asked.

  I forced the frown from my face with a shake of my head. “Nothing. I’m fine.” I slid my untouched glass of blood away from me, choosing to drain my glass of wine instead. I couldn’t stomach another reminder of what I was.

  Celesta’s effervescence erased the lingering dark tendrils that reached for my happiness. As we worked our way through dinner, everything about being with her was effortless. Conversation flowed. As did the wine and laughter. Though people had been staring at us all night, I’d almost forgotten we were even out in public.

  Until there was a subtle shift in the air. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Suddenly, a blur materialized next to our table. Elegant and beautiful as ever, Cassandra loomed over us like the predator she was.

  “Hello, Toven. How nice to see you again,” she purred as she leaned down to embrace me.

  I stiffened but tried not to make a scene. An altercation with another vampire was not the type of headline I wanted to make.

  As if just noticing Celesta, Cassandra turned to her. “Well aren’t you just a pretty little thing? You look so sweet, like one of those rainbow lollipops.” Cassandra licked her lips. “And don’t you two make a cute couple?” She looked from Celesta back to me.

  I ground my teeth together and clenched my fist beneath the table.

  A triumphant smile spread across Cassandra’s face. She knew she was getting to me.

  “You remember what people used to say about us, Toven?” She brushed her hand along my shoulder.

  “I’ve tried to forget what people said about us and pretty much every facet of my life that contained you,” I ground out.

  She chuckled and slapped my chest playfully. “Nonsense. You always were so serious. At least out in public. However, you were a whole different person behind closed doors . . . a beast, but so much fun. Anyway, aren’t you going to introduce me to your little friend?”

  “Cassandra, this is Celesta, my girlfriend,” I gritted out.

  Celesta’s face registered shock for only a moment before she schooled her features.

  I wasn’t fooled though. Her erratic heartbeat thundered in my ears. In Cassandra’s as well.

  Celesta swallowed hard. Then her manners kicked in. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cassandra.” She held out her hand to shake the one of the creature who’d made me.

  Pride filled me over her ability to rise above her fear and self-doubt. She truly was remarkable.

  Cassandra softly took Celesta’s hand in hers. Instead of shaking it, she lifted it to her lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it. I growled low in my throat.

  “You smell divine,” Cassandra said, ignoring me.

  “Uh . . . thanks . . . I think,” Celesta stammered, pulling her hand free. She clasped her hands in her lap beneath the table.

  I made a show of checking my watch. “Would you look at the time? Celesta and I really must be going.” I slid from the booth.

  Withdrawing my wallet, I tossed more than enough cash on the table to cover our meal. I scooted around where Cassandra stood, rooted in place. Celesta placed her hand in my open palm. I tugged her close.

  “Don’t let me keep you. It was really wonderful to see you again, Toven. I know you’ll enjoy your night. This one will definitely show you a good time, Celesta. Hope to see you later. Maybe we can compare notes.” Cassandra blew us a kiss before she sauntered off.

  A shudder rolled down my spine. Leaning down, I pressed my face to the top of Celesta’s head and inhaled her sweet scent. “Ready to go hobnob with the celebrities?” I forced a lightness to my tone as I asked.


  Kent was parked along the curb when we stepped outside the door. A camera flashed as we strode toward the waiting car, but no one tried to speak to us.

  As we pulled into traffic, I could feel the weight of Celesta’s gaze on me. Her heart thundered in my ears.

  “Are you OK?” she asked, running her fingers down my arm.

  “I am now that it’s just us.” I squeezed her knee, allowing the heat of her skin to seep into my palm.

  Silence filled the air for the span of a few breaths.

  “So . . . uh . . . that was Cassandra?” she asked cautiously.

  “Yes. I don’t know why she’s here in LA while we’re here. I’m sorry she ruined our dinner.”

  “Pfft.” She waved off my concern. “It was fine. She’s very beautiful. I can understand why you were drawn to her all those years ago.”

  I laced my fingers through hers, a desperate attempt to anchor myself to my current reality, not my future nightmare. “She’s like an exotic flower—stunning yet deadly. Over the years, I gained the wisdom to no longer be fooled by superficial beauty. Now I can appreciate exquisiteness that shines from within.” My thumb brushed soothing circles between her thumb and forefinger.

  “How about we forget about her and enjoy the movie? I’ve never seen a movie before its official release before.”

  I appreciated her attempt to change the subject.

  The car slowed to a crawl as Kent pulled into the drop-off line outside the iconic Chinese Theater. Celesta stared through the window, wide-eyed. Though I’d seen it several times over the years, it really was an amazing site with its oriental façade. It appeared golden under the spotlights.

  When we reached the velvet ropes, Kent stopped. An usher opened the rear door, allowing me to step out. As soon as I stood up straight, the air filled with flashing lights. Shouts surrounded us. I held my hand out to Celesta.

  She plastered a smile on her face and stood tall, though I could feel her trembling in my hold. We posed for a few photos. The arrival of bigger celebrities prevented any reporters from asking us any questions.

  We slipped inside the opulent lobby. Awestruck, Celesta gazed around, taking in the red and gold décor, the ornate ceilings, the movie posters. It was a lot to take in. Add in all the famous people milling around and it was bound to be overwhelming.

  With my hand pressed to the small of her back, I steered her to the room where we’d sit and watch a movie, just like a real date.

  “Let’s sit over there,” she said, pointing to a couple of empty seats midway up the theater.

  “Does polite convention demand that we watch the movie instead of make out like a bunch of teenagers?” I whispered in her ear as we sank down in the soft cushions.

  “Hmm.” She tapped her finger against her lips. Her leg crossed over her other knee, hitching the hem of her dress higher. A sexily clad foot dragged up my shin. “Sadly, I think that’s not allowed at a Hollywood premiere, especially when the lead actor is your friend.”

  Chuckling, I nodded. “You’re probably right. Pity, though.”

  The lights dimmed, and images started rolling across the screen. The murmur of voices ceased as everyone settled in to enjoy the first showing of Ace’s new mov

  An upbeat tune filled the air. Celesta’s body began to subtly move in time with the reggae beat. The opening scene showed the female lead dancing with a group of girls. And though the scene was incredibly sensual and the women on screen were pretty, they couldn’t pull my attention from the enigma next to me.

  ♪ Boombastic by Shaggy

  Thunderous applause erupted when the credits began to roll.

  “That was so good,” Celesta raved next to me.

  “I agree. I knew Ace was talented, but I had no idea he was that good. The way he slipped into that role so easily takes real talent.”

  We stood up. People flocked to where Ace and his leading lady stood, accepting congratulations. “We’ll talk to him at his party,” I offered as we eased down the aisle.

  I pulled out my phone and shot off a message to Kent, so he’d meet us at the rear entrance. With the stars mingling inside, we wouldn’t be able to avoid the reporters camped outside the front door.

  Silently, we moved through the maze of back hallways until we reached the emergency exit. As I reached for the door, Celesta pulled my hand back.

  “Won’t that set off an alarm?”

  I squinted at the switch slightly. Then I pressed the lever to open the door. “Seems to be on the fritz.” I winked at her.



  ♪ I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber

  The chaos outside of Ace’s palatial home was only slightly less than that at the premiere. Cars were everywhere. Some were in a line to drop people off while others were being parked by men in suits carrying walkie-talkies.

  When we entered, the pandemonium was much more controlled. Servers flowed among the guests with synchronized movements, offering flutes of champagne and tiny, fancy appetizers. Toven snagged a couple of glasses, handing one to me.


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