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Page 31

by Erika Kelly

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been up here before. Can you turn on the light? I don’t want to trip in this dress. Why does it smell so good? You’d think an attic would smell musty or stuffy or something. What is that—vanilla? Wait, cookies. It’s like a cookie factory up here.”

  He let her steady stream of conversation wash over him, calming his nerves. At the top of the stairs, he stopped her. “You know what I love about you?”

  “You mean there’s only one thing? I’d better up my game.”

  He chuckled. “I love everything about you, but you know what I love about you right now, in this moment?”

  “If I answer, do I get a cookie?”

  His laughter shattered all his worries. “I love that, not once, did it occur to you to ask me where I was taking you. You just came with me.”

  He’d covered the skylight and windows, waiting for the big reveal, so he literally couldn’t see her at all. He could smell her perfume and the shampoo scent in her hair. He could feel her heat, and the strong clasp of her hand. And he felt so much love it bubbled over.

  “That’s because I trust you. I’d follow you anywhere.”

  He flipped on the light switch. The A-frame space lit up with countless strings of lights. Some draped the walls, and others hung straight down from the ceiling. The walls were covered in photographs he’d collected from friends and family, chronicling both their lives. The bed in the center had a tall footboard, so they could brace their feet, when they lay on their backs and talked.

  “It’s our treehouse.” Her voice was filled with awe. She turned towards him. “You recreated our treehouse.”

  “Only higher tech.” He pressed a button and the visors covering the sunlight and windows retracted. The moon shone directly overhead.

  She sucked in a breath. “This is magnificent. It’s…Oh, my God.” She found the framed photos and headed to the wall. She gasped when she saw the original plank of wood. Tracing her finger over the quote, she said, “You saved this?”

  He nodded, warmed at her reaction.

  And then she read it. “When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” Tears spilling onto her cheeks, she caressed the words. “I can’t believe you did this. It’s the most amazing gift I’ve ever gotten. I love you so much.” She turned to him to find him down on one knee, a ring in his hand. “Are you kidding me? You’re proposing? Yes, of course yes. A thousand times yes.” She rushed over to him, flinging herself into his arms.

  She knocked him back on his ass and the ring went flying. Only this time, with her cupping his face and pressing kisses everywhere, he didn’t worry about it. He just basked in all the love and joy pouring out of her.

  “I love you so much, Cassian. Yes, I’ll marry you. Yes, yes, yes.”

  He’d never felt fuller, more complete.

  He belonged with this woman. And she belonged with him.

  And he’d finally gotten it right.

  Thank you for reading IT WAS ALWAYS YOU! If you love surprise baby romances, you’re going to love CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE, the story of Coco Cavanaugh, Beckett O'Neill, and a little blue-eyed project they made together that he didn't know anything about.

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  Up next is WHOLE LOTTA LOVE, where a grumpy quarterback, who wants nothing more than to drink tequila and eat Hot Pockets, gets stuck with a sexy chef in a one-room cabin during a blizzard.

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  There’s plenty more Calamity Falls, the western capital of whoop-ass, where the people are wild at heart:

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  IT WAS ALWAYS YOU (standalone)


  COME AWAY WITH ME (Christmas novella)


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  Have you read the Rock Star Romance series? Come meet the sexy rockers of Blue Fire:

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  And Erika Kelly’s super passionate Wild Love series:

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  Look for WHOLE LOTTA LOVE in January 2021! Sign up for my newsletter to get a FREE copy of PLANES, TRAINS, AND HEAD OVER HEELS. And come hang out with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and Pinterest or in my private reader group.

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  Here’s a sneak peek at CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE!

  Can’t Help Falling in Love

  Six Years Ago, Las Vegas

  * * *

  Coco Cavanaugh had never minded being unexceptional.

  It came in handy during times like this, when she was surrounded by her sister’s friends in a loud, frenzied club in Las Vegas. She could pretend to be having the time of her life, and none of these bright, shiny people would notice.

  If she thought it wouldn’t ruin her sister’s night, she’d be back in their suite, heels kicked off, stripped of her too-tight dress, and butt-naked. She could almost feel the hot water saturating her scalp, as it washed away the make-up, perspiration, and bad choices.

  Except, she was pretty sure she wouldn’t make it to the shower. She’d walk in the door, collapse on the bed, heels dangling off her blistered feet, and bawl her eyes out. Wake up in the morning with mascara streaks on the white pillowcase.

  Nope, we’re not doing that. It’s Gigi’s night. It had taken her older sister a long time to come back from a devastating high school heartbreak, but two years ago she’d grabbed hold of an opportunity that turned her into an international pop star. She was finally healed and kicking ass. Coco wouldn’t do anything to bring her down.

  At that exact moment, her sister, fresh from her sold-out concert, hiked herself up on a chair and lifted her lemon drop martini. “To Colette,”—Gigi used her real name as if to emphasize how mature Coco had become—“happy graduation and, more importantly, happy birthday. Finally, you’re old enough to drink, old enough to—"

  “Gamble,” one of the women shouted over the insanely loud club music.

  “Become a pilot,” someone else shouted.

  “Play with the big boys,” a deep voice called.

  All of them whipped around to find a group of men sauntering over. Where everyone else in the club dressed in suits and cocktail dresses, these guys wore T-shirts and jeans. With their overgrown hair, tan skin, and laidback attitudes, they could easily have been surfers.

  Her sister’s entourage broke out laughing, an invitation for the guys to join them.

  Gigi, still on the chair, shouted, “She’s already got a boyfriend, so there’ll be none of that.”

  The words splashed cold water on her heart, giving her a shock, but her sister didn’t need to know that. She’d catch Gigi up tomorrow. For now, Coco held her drink high and said a cheery, “Thanks, guys!” She sipped her martini, fighting back the roar of anxiety that threatened to pull her under.

  I don’t have a boyfriend.

  I don’t have a job.

  She didn’t have anything.

  A moment later, Pitbull’s “Timber” came on, and the whole group jumped up and dashed onto the dance floor, waving their arms and shaking their booties, leaving Coco blissfully alone. Thank God. She could finally relax her straining facial muscles.

  When her sister motioned her over, Coco pulled off her stiletto and winced, using her aching feet as an excuse to stay put. Gigi blew her a kiss and lost herself in the wild crowd.

  Coco could probably go now. No one would notice if she slipped out. She’d just text her sister, let her know.

  A prick of awareness had her looking over to find one of the guys still sitting at the table. Watching her, he cocked his head. You all right?

  She nodd
ed. Sure. With his honey-blond chin-length hair and muscular build, he was undeniably hot, but Coco hadn’t even been single twenty-four hours. Too soon. It really was time to leave. The flashing lights and pounding bass held her brain in a vise.

  She finished off her drink, just for the snap of lemon and rush of sugar in her mouth, and then punched in the code to open her phone. She couldn’t stop the leap of hope that she’d find something from her boyfriend—


  Face it. He ghosted you.

  She could stop waiting for him. He wasn’t going to magically appear, apologize for blowing off their appointment with the realtor, and tell her he was ready to build the future they’d planned.

  Nope, she was on her own.

  Fear knocked the air out of her lungs.

  What am I going to do now? She’d banked everything on him.

  A heavy body dropped onto the couch. Long, athletic legs spread out, as the surfer dude slouched beside her. “House music sucks.”

  Not expecting him to say that, she actually smiled. “Then, what’re you doing here?”

  “Jimmy…” He leaned in so their shoulders touched and pointed to a red-haired guy on the dance floor. “He’s never been to Vegas. We promised him a survey tour.”

  “Gotcha. So…” She ticked off one finger. “Casinos.”

  “He already lost two grand.”

  “Yikes. That’s not good.” She touched the tip of the second finger. “David Copperfield or Celine Dion?”

  “Worse. Everything was sold out. The only tickets we could get were for the fuckin’ Lollipops, which is proof just how much I love that guy, since I’m willing to lose a piece of my soul for him.”

  Her grin grew wider. Her sister was the lead singer of that band, but she didn’t see a reason to tell him. She didn’t want to embarrass him as much as she didn’t want to draw out the conversation.

  “Now, that’s a smile.” He leaned forward, drawing his legs in. Elbows on his knees, he cut her a look. “And I’ll bet that one doesn’t hurt.”

  Heat rushed up her neck and fanned across her cheeks. “Please tell me it’s not that obvious?”

  He watched her for a moment—studying her expression, as if he actually cared.

  And it just cracked the dam she’d worked so hard to build. All of it—the fear, the hurt, the humiliation—started slowly trickling in.

  Oh, hell, no. I’m not breaking down in front of this guy.

  She needed to go to her room and have a good, long cry. She needed to wallow. Just for a few hours, and then she’d be good as new. She’d make new plans.

  A muscle in his jaw ticked. “Anyone gonna miss you if we take off?”

  She glanced to the dance floor, so crowded she couldn’t even see her sister. “I don’t think so. I was about to head back to my room anyhow.” With a jolt, she realized how that sounded. “By myself. That wasn’t an invitation.”

  “Yeah, no worries. I’m not looking to get laid.” He stood up and reached for her hand. “Come on.”

  * * *

  As they chugged to the top of the incline, gravity nailed Coco to her seat and the cool night air washed over her skin. She thrilled in anticipation of the imminent fall.

  She’d never been on a roller coaster at night, and certainly not in a city lit up in flashing neon lights. The wheels clacked, and she clutched the padded bar. “Oh, my God. I hate roller coasters. You have no idea.”

  Becks—that’s what his friends had called him when he’d let them know they were taking off—covered her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I got you.”

  At the pinnacle, they paused, giving her a moment to take in the brilliant lights of Las Vegas, and then…it was on. The car plummeted, the dramatic descent whooshing the hair off her face.

  Her stomach lurched, and her body smashed against the restraining bar. She laughed so hard tears streamed down her cheeks.

  The moment the ride evened out, it twisted, flinging her sideways and speeding along the track. The passengers behind them shrieked. Between the G-forces and her crazy laughter, Coco had to look like something in a fun house mirror.

  When they rotated upside down, the blood rushed to her face.

  Finally, the ride slowed, and they passed through a dark tunnel. Easing her grip, she released a breath she hadn’t even known she’d been holding. The car jerked to a stop, the safety bar released, and Becks stepped out onto the platform, reaching back for her hand.

  She clasped it and got out. “That was insane.” She took a step, but her knee buckled.

  He tugged her up against his hot, hard body, holding her gaze for a long, intense moment. One arm around her waist, the other lifted so he could smooth a lock of hair behind her ear. “Look at you, all wild and sexy.”

  “I feel wild.” Did she feel sexy? Normally, no. But under his hot gaze, looking at her like he wanted to know what she tasted like…everywhere? Hell, yeah. “Thank you. That got me out of my head.”

  He nodded, releasing her slowly, as if he didn’t want to let go. Reaching for her hand, he led her off the platform, his scent lingering—clean cotton and spicy shaving cream. Desire hummed, making her feel more alive than she had in ages.

  Once out on the sidewalk, he said, “You want to go back to your hotel or do something else?”

  She chanced a look into his icy blue eyes. It wasn’t just his startling good looks that affected her; it was his kindness and concern. But what was the point in pursuing this attraction to a stranger? She had a future to figure out.

  Then, again, she hadn’t thought about her ex in a whole hour. “What else have you got in mind?”

  * * *

  As the spacious pod of the High Roller Observation Wheel ascended, Coco gaped at the view. Beyond the cluster of massive hotels and the glitter and sparkle of the Strip sat the vast blackness of the valley floor. “It’s crazy to think they built all of this in the middle of a desert.”

  Though they were alone, Becks stood right beside her. Each time their arms brushed, it sent a flurry of sensation through her. She hadn’t felt this butterflies-in-the-stomach, oh-my-God-he’s-talking-to-me crush stuff since high school.

  And she loved it.

  “That’s the club.” He tipped his chin.


  He came around behind her, boxing her in against the window. Extending his arm, he pointed. “That hotel right there.” His warm breath at her ear sent a shiver down her spine. “The one with the weirdly shaped O spanning across the windows.”

  The moment felt dangerous. She could imagine turning in his arms, looping her hands around his neck, and pressing her body up against his. She could picture his hands grabbing her ass and lifting her against the window.

  And she really, really wanted to feel his fingers push aside her panties and—

  “You okay?” He perched his chin on her shoulder.

  “Yes. Fine.” But she didn’t move—not a single twitch of a muscle or shuffle of a foot—because she wanted him to stay right where he was. She didn’t want to lose these delicious sensations flowing through her. “You think they’re still there?”

  “Oh, yeah. My friends’ll close it down.”

  “So will mine.” Licking her bottom lip, she turned to look into his eyes. The connection sent a blast of excitement through her. “Why don’t you want to be with them?” Was that her voice? All low and raspy, with the promise of a great blow job?

  She should probably knock it off. She didn’t want to give him the wrong impression. She wouldn’t be going back to his room.

  But…he hadn’t shaved in several days, so he had a good amount of scruff. It accentuated the sexiest mouth she’d ever seen.

  He’s gorgeous.

  And that hard, muscular body.

  “I’m more of an outdoors guy. Clubs, loud music, shouting to have a conversation…it’s not my thing.” As the ride continued its descent, he stepped away. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a small plastic bag. “Here.�

  Happiness danced on her heart. “You bought something for me?”

  “Happy birthday and congratulations on graduating college.” The contrast between his laidback attitude and gruff tone ignited something in her.

  Sparked a hunger she’d never felt before. “I can’t believe you got me a gift.” Opening the bag, she pulled out a plastic Las Vegas sign jutting out of a black base. When she flicked the red switch, it lit up. She laughed. “I love this so much.” In an impulsive move, she leaned in and kissed his cheek. His scruff tickled her lips, and she filled her lungs with his clean, masculine scent, as if she could bottle it and keep it forever. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Something about the intensity of his gaze had her staying right where she was, a whisper away from him. “This whole night…it’s been perfect.”

  The pod landed. In a moment, the doors would open, and they’d get off.

  But neither of them budged.

  His big hand grasped the back of her neck, and the thrill of his possessive hold rocketed through her. “Know why I got it for you?”

  She barely shook her head.

  “Next time you have to fake a smile, I want you to look at this and remember to get out there and do something different. Shake things up.”

  “You got any other ideas for shaking things up?”

  He gave her a devastating grin. “You know I do.”

  * * *

  The waiter set a huge stack of buttermilk pancakes in front of her. A melting ball of butter sat on top. “What else can I get you?” he asked.

  The table was loaded with syrup, a plate of bacon, a bowl of mixed fruit, two mugs of hot coffee, and two icy water glasses. “This is perfect.” Coco smiled. “Thank you.”


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