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Bad Panther (Alien Guardians of Earth Book 1)

Page 13

by Donna McDonald

  “Remember that discussion we had when I was staying with Axel. I control my sex life. Not you… me. I’ve been fine without a male.”

  Tension unhealthy. Release recommended.

  “Listen up, Artifact. Sugar can take care of her own damn needs and I do not currently need a male. And just because you nagged me about sex, I’m wearing the blue dress tonight. It goes well with my eyes,” Sugar declared, pushing open the door to her quarters.


  Queen Nyomi’s arranged dinners were always formal. They reminded Sugar of how royals were always depicted in movies. All pomp and fluff and presentations and pretenses. No wonder Axel stayed away from here. She didn’t blame him.

  She thought of Rodu, a former Egyptian slave, having to get used to these things because he loved the female who ruled here. It must have been daunting for Axel’s father to face down all these royals. She wondered if he envied his son for not having to participate.

  The line of dinner attendees finally thinned enough to let her see the people across the room. Sugar finger-waved to Rodu from behind the huge Lyran whose job it was to announce her to the rest of the crowd. Rodu bowed his head and then smirked at her when he raised his gaze again. Sugar winked at him and then lifted her chin just as her name was being called.

  “Dr. Sugar Jennings, Archeologist and teacher of Ancient Earth History. Guest Human Historian. Queen Nyomi welcomes you.”

  Sugar reached out and patted the man’s jaw when he stepped aside to let her pass. She was careful not to tweak the short whiskers under his nose because she’d learned they were like antennae for Lyrans who were ascended felines.

  “Thank you for announcing me, Yarrell. You make me sound so important.”

  He bowed his head and hid his smile. “It is always a pleasure to announce you, Sugar.”

  “Well, aren’t you the sweetest thing ever,” Sugar said, nearly cooing. Returning his politeness, she swept into a curtsey any debutante would have envied. “I thank you, sir.”

  These little moments of remembering her upbringing were all she had left of her loving parents. But today she could be good to Axel’s. It was her pleasure to do so. His parents were being very, very good to her.

  Sugar walked forward to where Queen Nyomi sat regally posing in her silver gown, tiara, and sparkling blue eye-shadow. Rodu stood at her side in a dress uniform any US Marine would have envied. She curtseyed again because it seemed like the thing to do with everyone looking as they did.

  “Greetings, Queen Nyomi. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Greetings, Sugar. Thank you for accepting.”

  Sugar bowed her head. “Greetings, Rodu.”

  “Greetings, Sugar.”

  Sugar looked back at the Queen. “I’m sorry I was late in arriving. I spent too long on my studies this afternoon.”

  “You are no later than my own children,” Queen Nyomi said, looking around. “Caesar?”

  Sugar all but rolled her eyes. She pasted a smile on her face to confront Axel’s annoying, younger brother who kept hitting on her.

  “Yes, Mother?” Caesar said as he appeared.

  “You can escort our favorite human guest this evening,” she ordered.

  Sugar held in her sigh of frustration. It took more will to do that than it had taken to run the obstacle course Rodu and she had trained on that morning.

  “Stay away from that female, brother. She is mine,” a voice boomed from the back.

  Sugar heard a choking sound coming from the Queen that had her fisting her hands on her hips. She looked at Rodu who fought a grin while he shrugged. His eyes were already on the back of the room.

  “Prince Axel of Rodu, Future Leader of the Lyran Guardians on Earth, Acclaimed…”

  “Never mind the rest, Yarrell. I don’t have time to wait for you to say the whole thing. They all know who I am anyway.”

  Sugar let her sigh escape as the cat-faced alien male stalked toward her. Her insides leaped in recognition even though he currently looked nothing like the man she’d met all those months ago.

  She’d sometimes wondered what Axel would look like in his alien state. She turned to Queen Nyomi now with the answer. “You’re right. He looks just like you.”

  “And yet always acts like his father regardless of his appearance,” Queen Nyomi said dryly.

  “I think not,” Rodu denied.

  “Well, I don’t know what to think,” Sugar said flatly as she crossed her arms and waited.

  Axel stopped in front of Sugar. He bowed his head and was human once more when his gaze lifted to find hers. “Greetings, Dr. Sugar Jennings.”

  “Greetings, Firstborn Son of Rodu—someone I’ve nearly forgotten,” Sugar replied stiffly.

  “I doubt that,” Axel said with a snort. “Will you not say my name in greeting?”

  Sugar snorted. “No. It’s been over six months. You’re a stranger to me now.”

  “Six months? Has it really been that long?” Axel looked at his mother. “It feels like I left her here yesterday.”

  The queen laughed. “Yes, being fond of someone does feel like that, doesn’t it? I sent word when she awoke, Axel. Didn’t that wolf you tortured tell you? I warned you to be nicer to him.”

  “Yes, he told me, but I’ve been… busy.” Axel turned away and sighed in frustration. By his side a Lyran female now stood. She was determined to interrupt, and he knew from experience that she would never rest until she’d said what she wanted to say.

  “Greetings, Prince Axel. I continue to await your answer to my offer,” she said.

  Axel glared at his mother. “And this is why I rarely come home.” He sighed heavily and turned to one of the many females he’d had to chase away over the years. “The answer is still no, Rian. In fact, it’s more no now than ever. I have aligned with another… or at least, I intend to.”

  “Another? Am I not worthy of a prince?” Rian asked.

  “Of course, you are worthy of a prince. That’s not what this is about, but perhaps I can resolve your quest in another way. Caesar! Come here, brother,” Axel yelled.

  “Must you always bellow my name, Axel? Can’t you speak it normally when you need something? Have I ever ignored your summons when you decide to torture me?”

  “Perhaps I will owe you an apology later. I called you here because it’s time to declare yourself to this female. Rian deserves a prince and she should have one,” Axel said as he dragged his brother forward.

  Caesar sighed and looked panicked. “But tonight is not a good time.”

  “Make it one,” Axel ordered.

  He held his brother in a tight grip while he looked at Rian. Finally, Axel couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “My brother, Caesar of Rodu, desires you. He’s been afraid you’re going to refuse him, so he’s said nothing. But it is I who feel nothing for you, Rian. I feel nothing for most females. Dr. Sugar Jennings is the first female other than my mother who has touched my heart. In fact, I have discovered that I can only be faithful to her.”

  “Well, I…” Rian looked at the younger prince. She looked at her Queen who shrugged. She looked at Axel. “So we are never….”

  “No,” Axel said firmly. He reached out blindly and made a grab. Finding what he sought, which was the female he wanted above all, Axel pulled a protesting Sugar forward by her wrist. “If I must declare myself pledged to a mate, Dr. Sugar Jennings is my choice. She’s reluctant. I acknowledge this. Perhaps I have even given her cause to be, but I will never cease trying to get her to change her mind.”


  “Your mate?” Sugar said in shock, trying to yank her hand from Axel’s grip without harming him. “But I haven’t talked to you in months. You did your whole Bad-Panther-kick-her-to-the-curb thing and dumped me off here. Who the hell do you think you are showing up and declaring us to be something we’re not?”

  “I’m the man who bought you underwear that never covered any other female’s ass. That’s how much I care for you. I restored y
our female honor by making sure you have your own things.”

  “Honor?” Sugar began. She lifted a finger, pointed it his direction, and then let it drop. “Okay. You’re right. I suppose I should say thank you for all the clothes. Everything fit really well. Too bad you’ve missed seeing me in it.”

  “I’m here now to rectify my oversight.” Axel put a finger over her lips. “I am yours and you are mine, Sugar.” He bent to whisper. “Don’t embarrass me in front of my parents and my people by arguing. Just nod. We’ll talk about this later. I look forward to convincing you.”

  Sugar looked around. She looked back at him and snorted. “Seems to me you’re the one embarrassing yourself. I know your mother taught you better. And everybody here knows who I am. They’ve been seeing me for six months now.”

  There was a full round of tittering and in-drawn breaths over her public chastisement of their irreverent prince.

  Axel dropped her wrist and stepped back. “Fine. If I must grovel in public, so be it.” He knelt at her feet. “I’m sorry for leaving you and breaking off all contact. I feared if I heard your voice I would come running to your side. I had many things to do in preparation for my return to the palace. Please do not be angry about your location because this is the only place I know where you will always be completely safe. There are no better warriors on any planet than those assembled in this room.”

  As the other males in the room cheered for his words, Sugar stared down at the top of Axel’s bent head. Swift recall of that head resting between her breasts jolted through her. Axel had never minded the artifact. He’d accepted them both when he’d had no reason to care about either of them outside of keeping them alive. How could she hang on to her anger?

  “I missed you, Axel. You could have at least called… or something. What was I supposed to think after all the time that passed? I thought you were done with me.”

  Axel lifted his gaze. “I don’t think I’ll ever be done. But I don’t know what promises I can make since I’m still perplexed about my feelings for you.”

  “Oh, like that’s a surprise. You’re always confused about your feelings,” Sugar said sternly. She reached down and yanked him to his feet. Surprise over her strength rippled through the audience, but she heard Axel laughing. She removed her fingers from his jacket and fisted her hands on her hips again as she stared up at him. “Okay. So, is this an actual proposal or what?”

  “A proposal? I do not recall proposing anything yet. What were you expecting?” Axel asked as he rubbed his chin.

  Sugar dropped her hands, threw back her head, and groaned at his words. “Rodu? Will you please explain my anger to your dense son before I have to resort to knocking his hard head on the queen’s floor?”

  Rodu walked to stand next to his mirror image. He cleared his throat to get Sugar’s full attention. She looked at them and laughed when Rodu crossed his eyes and pointed between him and Axel. They looked like twins, but oh how different they were.

  “I can offer only this one hope to you, Protector. I swear on my very long life that my son will learn to make you happy,” Rodu promised.

  Sugar snorted. “I don’t know if I can believe that, but okay.” She glanced at Axel. “Fine. I guess you’re forgiven.”

  Axel looked at his father. “I don’t understand what just happened, Father. Why did your words ease her wrath when mine had virtually no effect?”

  Rodu patted his son’s shoulder. “The woman was asking about your intentions toward her. You never answered her question.”

  Axel pointed at Sugar. “I intend to take her to bed at first opportunity. Is this not normal behavior toward the female you wish to spend your life with?”

  Offer acknowledged. Proposal accepted.

  “The hell you say,” Sugar blurted aloud, appalled at the artifact’s instant capitulation. She glared at Axel because the sentient blade was ready to cave in to his high-handed tactics.

  “What did I say wrong now?” Axel asked.

  Sugar turned and bowed to the queen. “Forgive me. I know he’s your son and the future leader, but where I come from a woman can’t let herself be disrespected, especially in public.”

  “Do what you must,” Queen Nyomi said with a smile. “I am very entertained this evening.”

  “Thank you,” Sugar said.

  She turned then and punched Axel hard in the arm. He yelped at the force and went skidding backward into his brother and the woman he’d just turned down for her.

  Sugar glared. “Are you offering me marriage or some other namby-pamby sort of thing that leaves you with a giant exit sign you can use any time you feel the need to escape being with me? Because I have all the damn pillows I need here at your mother’s palace and they’re just as fluffy as yours.”

  Axel laughed. He couldn’t help doing so. Gods, he’d missed her. “Marriage? You wish us to unite as humans do? I had not gotten that far in my thinking,” he said honestly, rubbing his arm as he carefully approached her again.

  He’d been hard and aching to be inside her since he first saw her again. Her aggression made his arousal worse. It was a strange reaction but one he always had to her strength.

  “There have been no other females for me since you. I want no one else. Perhaps this is even love I feel. I am unsure.”

  Sugar huffed. “Perhaps you’re crazy. Perhaps the moon is full. Perhaps Bad Panther will regret this tomorrow. Who knows what this even is? Oh, woe is me. I’m just a dumb geeky panther alien who isn’t comfortable talking about my feelings.”

  “Sarcasm, right?” Axel asked.

  “Do you think?” Sugar demanded.

  Axel laughed. He felt good again for the first time since he’d left her here. “If this is love, it is very uncomfortable and frustrating.”

  “I can’t believe I missed you. I need my head examined,” Sugar said.

  Axel reached out, reached down, and lifted one of her hands until her knuckles were against his lips. “I have abandoned my lair for you. I am here to stay where I know I can keep you safe. Will you have me as your partner? You can call me any title you wish.”

  “You… you…” Speechlessness had never been a problem for her, but it struck her now.

  Logic accepted. Love in progress. Answer affirmative.

  Sugar rolled her eyes. Axel caught the motion and grinned. He pulled her into him for a hug.

  “What did the artifact say about me?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Never mind what it said. I’m the boss of me,” Sugar whispered back.

  Axel pushed away to lift her chin. He smiled—or smirked. What was the difference?

  “I can’t live without you, Dr. Sugar Jennings of Earth. Bad Panther has retired. Max took over my land. He’s already moved his pack into my house. Gina is taking care of the rest of what had to be done. Please accept me. My home is where you are.”

  “How can I do that? I think on the inside you’re always going to be a bad, bad kitty to deal with,” Sugar said.

  “This feline wants to be your guardian,” Axel said. He bent and lifted her into his arms. “I want you enough to come home to…”

  “She is not yet to know where she is,” Queen Nyomi said interrupting.

  Still holding Sugar in his arms, Axel bowed his head to his mother. He knew precisely why she was keeping the location secret. “As you wish, my queen.”

  “My wishes are no longer the ones that matter… outside of your duties to our people, of course,” Queen Nyomi said with a smile. “You have my blessing for whatever you wish to do with your human. Welcome home, Axel.”

  Axel bowed his head again—this time to hide his smile. “Thank you, Mother.”

  “Doesn’t his human have anything to say in the matter?” Sugar asked.

  Queen Nyomi and Rodu both laughed.

  Axel cleared his throat and spoke loudly. “Forgive me, my queen, but I must regretfully decline dinner for the both of us so that I might convince Sugar to let me stay,” he said, walking off with a
giggling Sugar in his arms.

  “Request to leave granted. I am proud of you, son,” Queen Nyomi called after them.

  Request to facilitate accepted. Guardian Axel approved. Physical release recommended.

  “Grrrr…” Sugar growled and muttered oaths under her breath. Axel chuckled and hugged her tighter. It was like he knew what the artifact was saying to her. “Thought you didn’t want to be embarrassed?”

  Axel grinned as he walked off with his prize. “I’m the heir to the throne. I’m expected to be arrogant. If I end up staying, they will need to get used to me.”

  “Well, if I stay…”

  “You’re staying. I’m staying. It’s safe here. When you’re better trained, we’ll find things to do so you don’t get bored.”

  The simple statement about their future made it impossible to stay mad.

  “Well… actually…”

  Sugar drew in a breath when Axel stopped walking. She searched his face and saw he was waiting and anxious to hear what she said.

  “I want to go looking for the other two blades. The four of them want to be together.”

  Axel shrugged and then nodded which moved her up and down in his arms and made her laugh.

  “I’m guessing you have a good reason to want to do this,” he said.

  “I have a reason. I don’t know if it’s good or not,” Sugar replied.

  “I trust your intelligence. We will discuss your plans tomorrow and decide how I can help.”

  Which is what she knew Axel would say once she’d told him. Despite his reservations and his irritable arrogance, she had to admit the man had been caring for her and going along with her crazy since they’d met. There was no getting over him.

  Sugar played with the collar of his jacket as he carried her into the quarters where she’d been staying and sat on the bed with her in his lap. “You drive me crazy, but I love you, Axel.”

  “Good. I would like you to teach me how to do it,” Axel said.

  “Teach you what?” Sugar asked.

  “I want to love you back. I always want to be the one with you,” he answered.


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