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Waking in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 2)

Page 14

by D Patrick Wagner

  The majestic image of King Kaporine appeared, hovering over the assemblage, even as a hologram, projecting the carriage of royalty and power.



  “I see you have brought your entourage. And the good captain. Captain Kakkarna. It is good to see you again. Has our young princess been behaving herself?” the twinkle in the father’s eye bespoke of his love for his second born.

  “Oh, father.”

  “Yes, My King. She has been the personification of decorum and manners.” The entire table subtly flicked laughing ears and tails at his answer. Even Sir Mahajani, the giant of a bodyguard was hard pressed to not snicker or twitch.

  “I’m sure. So, Little Fire. You found a strange ship. What has your day of discovery brought us?”

  “A new race. A race that I’ve never heard of or read about. This race calls itself ‘Humans. And there are four of them! We’ve been conversing!”

  “Calm, calm, Analyn. You’ve never come across them in your studies?”

  “No, Father,” the young princess responded as she tried to quell her excitement.

  “I will have our historians search the more obscure texts on our past. What level is their technology?”

  “I think Vidhee would be more appropriate to answer that, Father.”

  “Greetings, honorable Vidhee.”

  Without rising, the synthetic being placed the back of her paw to her forehead and bowed at the neck. “May your reign be long and prosperous, My King.”

  “What have you found?”

  “After inspecting and evaluating the technology on the human ship, I believe that they are about three hundred years behind us in evolution. What is your opinion, Doctor Ganakin?”

  “I concur with Vidhee, Your Majesty.”

  “Their artificial intelligence algorithms haven’t reached sentience or self-awareness. But they are very close. We were able to elevate one of their computers to a self-evolving level. What its intellectual and emotional ceiling will be, we are not sure.”

  “What does this new species look like?”

  “Surprisingly like us, Father. Doctor Roshnak, would you lead the discussion?”

  “Certainly, Princess.”

  Dame Srilin, would you be so kind as to bring up Captain Marston and Mz. Suzume?

  Images of the two humans projected into a section of the hologram. Both were naked, having been recorded during their time of changing out of their mag-liners.

  “Humans are bipedal, with two arms. Instead of four digits on their paws, they have five. And, like us, one is opposed. They also have two sexes, child bearers and seed givers. The large one is the seed giver. The smaller one is the child bearer.”

  “They have no claws. No fighting teeth.”

  “No Your Majesty. Their visage does not present a capability for self-protection or combat. But, apparently, they are a war-like race, as we were in our past.”

  “Are they a threat?”

  “I don’t believe so. Not these four. It appears that their penchant is for diplomacy and openness. Although their ship is armed. The weapons on their ship are rudimentary. Of much less power than any we could construct. But, since we have banned weapons and war machines in space, they could cause us harm if we didn’t use our repulser cannons. As individuals, they aren’t a threat. Their ship is in our bay, under a gravity cloak. Therefore, their ship isn’t a threat, either.”

  “What about where they came from? What about their civilization?”

  “That is a different matter, Your Majesty. Apparently they come from a civilization that covers many stars. There are billions of these humans. If they chose, they could become a very great threat.”

  “A threat. Can we just make these humans and their ship disappear?”

  “That would go against everything we have struggled to achieve over the last thousand years, Your Majesty,” Vidhee interrupted. “These are sentient beings. As such, they fall under the protection of our constitution. They may not be citizens of Elonia, but they are individual beings. That is a moral prerogative that I and the other synthetics on the Monarchal Legal Court could not sanction.”

  “My deepest apologies, Honorable Vidhee. I spoke without thinking.”

  Doctor Roshnak returned to the conversation. “There is another point of interest. Apparently, this child bearer, Mz. Suzume is the daughter of an interplanetary ambassador. As such, she is the daughter of a very powerful being who has the ears of many planets. Harming her could lead to a most undesirable outcome. The seed bringer is a retired high-ranking military being. He could very possibly still have connections to the military might of these multiple planets and billions of people. Their technology may be inferior to ours, but by sheer force of numbers, we would not survive a military conflict.”

  “Daughter, Princess. What are your thoughts?”

  “I strive to be a scholar. As such, the path of diplomacy and learning is the path I walk. Honorable Vidhee and Doctor Roshnak make valid points. I believe these aliens, these humans, are to be welcomed and learned about. If we can succeed in winning their trust, their friendship, we can establish agreements and treaties with their civilization. My thoughts are that they are to be received and honored.”

  “I bend to the wisdom of you who are most knowledgeable. However, the senate may not be so accepting. They may perceive this new race as a threat. The military may use this first contact as a means to promote the expansion of their forces. Elonians still have not come far from their violent ancestry. Old instincts are hard to suppress.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  “How far is this multi-planet civilization from us?”

  “We’re not sure, Father. And that is what is so amazing!” Princess Analyn’s excitement once again leaped to the fore. “They jumped through space! They cross many millions of locts in a blink of an eye!”

  “I thought their technology was three hundred years behind ours.”

  “It is, Your Majesty. We have no answer. Princess Analyn is planning another excursion on to the human ship,” Doctor Roshnak interjected.

  “Another excursion? You’ve been on the alien vessel?” The father’s concern for his daughter displayed in the King’s immediate change of demeanor.

  “It was completely safe, Father! The science team entered first. They tested and explored for three full sedeca before I entered. Sir Mahajani preceded me. Captain Kakkarna verified my safety.”


  “She is your daughter, Sire. She has your blood, your passion.”

  “I am not pleased. But what is done, is done. Find out how they jump space. And keep this a secret! If anyone finds out, nothing will stop the horde of Elonians that will ascend on that ship and tear it apart, along with its occupants. Secret! I decree this a royal command.”

  “Your law, Your Highness. So it shall be.”

  “Where are you now, Captain?”

  “At the outer rim, Your Majesty. We had found an asteroid, about half the size of our moon. We were heading there to investigate when the human ship materialized.”

  The Elonian King extended a single claw and scratched his muzzle as he thought. “Stay there. No, continue with your research on the asteroid. I can use that as an excuse for leaving you out there.”

  “It will be so, Your Majesty.”


  “Yes, Father?”

  “No risks. We need these humans on our side. Reveal as much as you need. Get everything you can concerning this jump drive and their civilization.”

  “Yes, Father.”

  “No communications home.”

  “I already ordered that. I knew that the gossip network would be at full throttle once we began retrieving the human ship.”

  “Wise, Captain.”

  “Anything else, Father?”

  “Nothing I can think of. Keep me updated. Daily. Every evening. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Father.”

es, Your Majesty.”

  “Royal Seal of Secrecy. Put the fear of the throne in everyone on board.”

  With those parting words, King Kaporine, Supreme Ruler of Elonia signed off.

  “Well, Princess?”

  “You heard. You continue towards the asteroid, although that sounds really boring now. I continue working with the humans.”

  “I think we need an announcement. We need to announce that the Royal Seal of Secrecy has been invoked. And we need to emphasize the punishment.”

  “Execution by decapitation should be a fairly good deterrent. I’ll take care of the announcement. This evening. After evening meal. Now, I need to get back with my people, get back to our guests.”

  “And I need to get back on course.”

  Aboard Griffin

  In her hurry to return to the human ship, the Princess never changed from her formal attire. Her sole preparation consisted of donning and activating her cooling screen then mounting and activating the shoulder camera. In her royal garb and in an unroyal-like manner, she hurried to the bay holding Griffin to find the entire previous day’s group already assembled and eager to go. At the pre-determined time the entire entourage, including Princess Analyn, singly entered. Sir Mahajani led the procession, followed by the Princess. Doctors Ganakin and Roshnak came next. Mr. Shukilar kept very small and eagerly followed. Dame Srilin and Vidhee held back, arriving last.

  Captain Marston and Ambassador (temporary) Suzume stood at attention, him in his formal military uniform and she in her professional business suit. As the Princess entered, both Krag and Keiko raised the backs of their right hands to their foreheads and bowed. Princess Analyn regally nodded and both returned to their stiff poses.

  “Please, not so formal. We are not on Elonia. I left the court to get away from all of that nonsense. I’m dressed like this because I just finished a meeting with my father, The King. But now, I am on your ship, in your world, on your soil. Mack would like that.” The Princess gave everyone a tooth-hidden smile, and an ear-flick at Vidhee. “I and my people must live and learn by your customs.”

  “You are still a princess, Your Majesty.” By prior agreement, Keiko took the lead. “And it is our custom to respect royalty and leaders.”

  “Then that is the way it must be. But it is only custom and ritual. I want us to be friends.”

  By this time everyone had boarded and stood around, waiting to be led. Keiko, acting as Ambassador Suzume, led the procession back to the galley/ward room.

  The tables, more formally arranged now held eleven chairs. Seven had slits cut down the backs to accommodate the Elonian tails. Buster stood to one side, observing all. Mack and Sue had already assumed their spots, both dressed in spotless work coveralls. As the Elonians entered, Buster placed the back of his mechanical hand against his metal forehead and bowed deeply. The two engineers stood and also performed the respectful bow. Once the Princess nodded, the three dropped their arms and stood back up.

  “We weren’t sure if Sir Mahajani would be joining us, so we modified a chair for his comfort.”

  “Thank you, Mz. Suzume. Unfortunately he takes his responsibilities very seriously. I could order him to sit,” Princess Analyn flicked her ear in jest. ”But it would only make him uncomfortable. And an uncomfortable Mahajani is not what we want.” Her care and respect towards her bodyguard was obvious to all.

  “Please be seated.” Everyone shuffled around, found places and sat. The results had Keiko and the Princess at opposite ends of the table and the two different species sitting across from each other. All still sat formally, rigidly, still in the state of discovery and mindfulness.

  “So to start, we have sampled the foods that you delivered. Thank you, Vidhee. Very flavorful.” Picking up on the jesting that Princess Analyn offered, Keiko continued. “Unfortunately Buster’s assessment of the results hit the target. Mack was your most ardent admirer of Elonian food. And his ability to resist temptation is, at best, minimal.”

  “Aw Wee One. Don’t go embarrassing me in front of all these fine folk.”

  The banter of the two professional communicators kept the mood light and open. The two women knew what they were doing.

  “Please, Mack. I’m just laying the groundwork for when you rudely dash from our meeting.”

  “Just saying,” Mack feigned glum and resignation.

  “As I was saying,” Keiko winked at Mack. “After trying your dishes and you explaining about extracting drink from your local plant life, we thought you would enjoy one of our drinks. It’s called ‘tea’. Served hot. We extract the essence from various plants, giving us various varieties of flavors and tastes. I’m not sure what temperature you prefer your drinks, so let me prepare my favorite tea and you can test it. Is that alright?”

  “Of course. Vidhee, would you be so kind?”

  Keiko, as Ambassador, knew she was being watched. As professionally as possible, she rose, and directed the food replicator to prepare her favorite morning tea. Taking the cup, she returned to the table and set it in the center.

  “We call drinks that are derived from the leaves, flowers or bark of plants ‘tea’. This tea is called, ‘oolong’. It is derived from a flowering plant.”

  “Vidhee, would you be so kind as to analyse this tea?”

  “Of course, My Princess.” Vidhee stood and again extended her sensor paw.

  “Vidhee, may I monitor?” Buster asked.

  “Certainly, Buster. I will open a link.”

  Buster connected to the narrow band and recorded the Elonian Synthetic’s process.

  “This tea is compatible with our physiology. We will have no problem consuming it. However, the temperature is too high.”

  “Syn-Gal, I mean Vidhee, no offense,” Mack interjected.

  “I am not offended, Mack. I understand your use of Syn-Gal.”

  “What units do you use to measure temperature?”

  “We use the faz.”

  “How many faz are required to boil water?”


  “Ah. Base eight. That makes sense. You have four digits on each paw. Two paws equal eight. Then your number system is based on eight? The number of digits on your manipulating paws?

  “That is correct.”

  “Ours is base ten. Five fingers, each hand. Using centigrade, boiling point is one hundred.”

  “Based upon your scale of temperature, what temperature should I set this tea?”

  “Sixty Faz, Ambassador Suzume.

  Keiko decided that she had better get used to the title. “Thank you, Vidhee. One moment, Your Highness. I will brew another cup.”

  As she performed her task, Doctor Roshnak stated, “Captain Marston, I noticed that Mz. Suzume is leading today’s discussion.”

  “Yes. I am the captain of the Griffin and a retired space fleet officer. My expertise is military and operational in nature. Mz. Suzume, Ambassador Suzume, is a civilian skilled in the art of communication and negotiation. Since we are in a diplomatic setting, her skill set is required. Mine would be a hindrance. Therefore, she has the lead in our relations with you, the Elonians.”

  “I see. Thank you for the clarification.”

  Keiko returned and, this time, placed the cup of tea in front of the princess. Sir Mahajani immediately stepped forward and seized the cup. “Sorry, My Princess. The King would lop off my head if I let you taste this first.”

  “You are right, Sir. I don’t think it is needed, but you are right.” Turning to Keiko, she bent her head and flicked both ears in a way that Keiko understood.

  After the first tentative sip, the large bodyguard took a guzzle. ”Very good. Not as strong as our bark drink. But tasty. I think we should wait for a sedeca to determine if it effects my system.”

  Slightly disappointed, the princess responded, “You are right. We shall wait.”

  Sir Mahajani downed the rest of the human tea. Four participants, one Elonian scientist, his apprentice and two human engineers sat and watched,
pretending to not be bored. Sue Barton rolled her eyes at Dame Srilin. The Elonian software engineer shrugged and flicked her ears, one forward, one sideways.

  Linking telepathically to Doctor Roshnak, Princess Analyn mind-asked, “Should I bring up their jump capabilities?”

  “Now would be a good time, My Princess. Everyone seems more relaxed, more receptive.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  “Ambassador Suzume. While in discussion with my father, the King, he asked how you jumped into our system. What technology you used.”

  Mack and sue sat up straighter, ready to display their stuff.

  Keiko gave a quick glance at Krag. He returned a barely perceptible head shake.

  “That’s a new question, Princess Analyn. Let us save that for our next meeting. That way we can prepare an in-depth presentation for you.”


  “The Humans are being careful. They don’t know us or our intentions. We need to gain more trust.

  “I understand.”

  “That would be fine, Ambassador. I have another proposal. You have been so kind as to show us your ship. Let us show you ours. I will meet with our captain and set up a tour. Would that be acceptable?”

  Mack and Sue almost exploded out of their seats. They stared at Krag and Keiko like two children begging to go on the wild carnival ride.

  Keiko smiled at the two. “Of course, Your Highness. We would be honored.”

  “If I may, My Princess?”

  “Certainly, Sir Mahajani.”

  “Ambassador Suzume indicated that humans are a warring race. And Captain Marston indicated that he grapples. Wrestles, I think he called it. Since we have a Royal Guard contingent on board, a small tournament might be something of value. If Captain Marston is amiable, perhaps he could watch, possibly compete. This would help to introduce the human race to Elonia.”

  “An interesting thought. And our new friends can be introduced to some of our Elonians and we can get away from all this stuffiness and formality. Ambassador?”

  “That would be up to the captain, Princess.”

  “I see no problem with that. If they don’t use any claws. I scratch easily,” He joked. “If all of your guardsmen are as large as you, I probably won’t give a very good showing.”


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